3 resultados para Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Purpose The presence of hypoxic cells in high-grade glioma (HGG) is one of the main reasons of local failure after radiotherapy (RT). The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) could help to overcome the problem of hypoxia in poorly oxygenated regions of the tumor. We performed a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of hypofractionated image-guided helical TomoTherapy (HT) after HBO in the treatment of recurrent HGG (rHGG). Methods We enrolled 15 patients (aged >18 years) with diagnosis of rHGG. A total dose of 15-25 Gy was administered in daily 5-Gy fractions for 3-5 consecutive days after daily HBO. Each fraction was delivered up to maximum of 60 minutes after HBO. Results Median follow-up from HBO-RT was 28.6 (range: 5.3-56.8). No patient was lost to follow-up. Median progression-free survival (mPFS) for all patients was 3.2 months (95% CI: 1.34- 6.4 ), while 3-month, 6-month and 12 month PFS was 60% (95%CI: 31.8.4-79.7), 40% (95%CI: 16.5- 62.8) and10.0 (0.8-33.5) , respectively. Median overall survival (mOS) of HBO-RT was 11.7 months (95% CI: 7.3-29.3), while 3-month, 6-month and 12 month OS was 100% , 93.3% (61.3-99.0) and 46.7 % (21.2-68.8). No acute or late neurologic toxicity >grade 2 (CTCAE version 4.3) was observed in 86.66% of patients. Two patients developed G3 Radionecrosis. Conclusion HSRT combined to HBO seems effective and safe in the treatment of rHGG. One of advantages of HBO-RT is the reduced overall treatment time (3-5 consecutive days).
Il principale motivo di ospedalizzazione del lattante è la bronchiolite acuta, causata in primis dal Virus Respiratorio Sinciziale (VRS). In questo ambito appaiono controversi i risultati in letteratura riguardo: carica del VRS, risposta immunitaria ed infiammatoria dell’ospite, microbiota del paziente (durante l’infezione e per successivo sviluppo di wheezing e asma). In questo studio di coorte prospettico monocentrico vengono arruolati lattanti peraltro sani ricoverati per primo episodio di bronchiolite acuta, da VRS o da altro agente, per valutare primariamente la relazione tra decorso clinico e carica del VRS, secondariamente l’associazione con specifiche composizioni e modifiche nel tempo del microbiota nasofaringeo ed intestinale durante la fase acuta e nel lungo termine in relazione a sviluppo di wheezing ricorrente. Nello studio sono stati arruolati finora 89 pazienti, di cui 68 con bronchiolite da VRS (76.4%), con analisi della carica virale su 41 lattanti (60.3%) e del microbiota su 20 (29.4%). L’analisi della carica del VRS non ha riscontrato associazione tra outcome di severità clinica quali necessità e durata di ossigenoterapia, nonché durata di ricovero. La presenza di trend di associazione tra carica virale all’ingresso e picco del VRS-RNA con necessità di ossigenoterapia ad alto flusso (HFNC) e l’associazione significativa di clearance di VRS con HFNC (p = 0.03) suggeriscono che la carica virale potrebbe influenzare la severità della bronchiolite da VRS. Le analisi del microbiota evidenziano numerosi genera mai descritti finora in letteratura a nostra conoscenza (es. Alloiococcus e Leptotrichia su aspirato, nonché tutti i dati emersi dallo studio della saliva, prima volta in letteratura) ed un generale aumento della diversity a 6 mesi dalla dimissione. Occorrerà completare l’analisi della carica del VRS con quella del sistema infiammatorio dell’ospite, nonché studiare il microbiota sui campioni del follow-up a lungo termine per la verifica di eventuali associazioni con sviluppo di wheezing e asma.
Amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSC) are emerging as a potential therapeutic approach for various disorders. The low number of available hAFSC requires their ex vivo expansion prior to clinical use, however, during their in vitro culture, hAFSC quickly reach replicative senescence. The principal aim of this study was to investigate the aging process occurring during in vitro expansion of hAFSC, focusing on the redox control that has been reported to be affected in premature and physiological aging. My results show that a strong heterogeneity is present among samples that reflects their different behaviour in culture. I identified three proteins, namely Nox4, prelamin A and PML, which expression increases during hAFSC aging process and could be used as new biomarkers to screen the samples. Furthermore, I found that Nox4 degradation is regulated by sumoylation via proteasome and involves interactions with PML bodies and prelamin A. Since various studies revealed that donor-dependent differences could be explained by cell-to-cell variation within each patient, I studied in deep this phenomenon. I showed that the heterogeneity among samples is also accompanied by a strong intra-population heterogeneity. Separation of hAFSC subpopulations from the same donor, using Celector® technology, showed that an enrichment in the last eluted fraction could improve hAFSC application in regenerative medicine. One of the other problems is that nowadays hAFSC are expanded under atmospheric O2 concentration, which is higher than the O2 tension in their natural niches. This higher O2 concentration might cause environmental stress to the in vitro cultured hAFSCs and accelerate their aging process. Here, I showed that prolonged low oxygen tension exposure preserves different hAFSC stemness properties. In conclusion, my study pointed different approaches to improve in vitro hAFSC expansion and manipulation with the purpose to land at stem cell therapy.