10 resultados para Host-Pathogen Interactions

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Adhesion, immune evasion and invasion are key determinants during bacterial pathogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria possess a wide variety of surface exposed and secreted proteins which allow them to adhere to tissues, escape the immune system and spread throughout the human body. Therefore, extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place at the host-pathogen interface at the protein level. Recent researches emphasized the importance of a global and deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie bacterial immune evasion and pathogenesis. Through the use of a large-scale, unbiased, protein microarray-based approach and of wide libraries of human and bacterial purified proteins, novel host-pathogen interactions were identified. This approach was first applied to Staphylococcus aureus, cause of a wide variety of diseases ranging from skin infections to endocarditis and sepsis. The screening led to the identification of several novel interactions between the human and the S. aureus extracellular proteomes. The interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting, was characterized using label-free techniques and functional assays. The same approach was also applied to Neisseria meningitidis, major cause of bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. The screening led to the identification of several potential human receptors for the neisserial adhesin A (NadA), an important adhesion protein and key determinant of meningococcal interactions with the human host at various stages. The interaction between NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor) was confirmed using label-free technologies and cell binding experiments in vitro. Taken together, these two examples provided concrete insights into S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis, and identified protein microarray coupled with appropriate validation methodologies as a powerful large scale tool for host-pathogen interactions studies.


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Host-Pathogen Interaction is a very vast field of biological sciences, indeed every year many un- known pathogens are uncovered leading to an exponential growth of this field. The present work lyes between its boundaries, touching different aspects of host-pathogen interaction: We have evaluate the permissiveness of Mesenchimal Stem cell (FM-MSC from now on) to all known human affecting herpesvirus. Our study demonstrate that FM-MSC are full permissive to HSV1, HSV2, HCMV and VZV. On the other hand HHV6, HHV7, EBV and HHV8 are susceptible, but failed to activate a lytic infection program. FM-MSC are pluripotent stem cell and have been studied intensely in last decade. FM-MSC are employed in some clinical applications. For this reason it is important to known the degree of susceptibility to transmittable pathogens. Our atten- tion has then moved to bacterial pathogens: we have performed a proteome-wide in silico analy- sis of Chlamydiaceae family, searching for putative Nuclear localization Signal (NLS). Chlamy- diaceae are a family of obligate intracellular parasites. It’s reasonably to think that its members could delivered to nucleus effector proteins via NLS sequences: if that were the case the identifi- cation of NLS carrying proteins could open the way to therapeutic approaches. Our results strengthen this hypothesis: we have identified 72 protein bearing NLS, and verified their func- tionality with in vivo assays. Finally we have conceived a molecular scissor, creating a fusion protein between HIV-1 IN protein and FokI catalytic domain (a deoxyexonuclease domain). Our aim is to obtain chimeric enzyme (trojIN) which selectively identify IN naturally occurring target (HIV LTR sites) and cleaves subsequently LTR carrying DNA (for example integrated HIV1 DNA). Our preliminary results are promising since we have identified trojIN mutated version capable to selectively recognize LTR carrying DNA in an in vitro experiments.


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Traditional cell culture models have limitations in extrapolating functional mechanisms that underlie strategies of microbial virulence. Indeed during the infection the pathogens adapt to different tissue-specific environmental factors. The development of in vitro models resembling human tissue physiology might allow the replacement of inaccurate or aberrant animal models. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems are more reliable and more predictive models that can be used for the meaningful dissection of host–pathogen interactions. The lung and gut mucosae often represent the first site of exposure to pathogens and provide a physical barrier against their entry. Within this context, the tracheobronchial and small intestine tract were modelled by tissue engineering approach. The main work was focused on the development and the extensive characterization of a human organotypic airway model, based on a mechanically supported co-culture of normal primary cells. The regained morphological features, the retrieved environmental factors and the presence of specific epithelial subsets resembled the native tissue organization. In addition, the respiratory model enabled the modular insertion of interesting cell types, such as innate immune cells or multipotent stromal cells, showing a functional ability to release pertinent cytokines differentially. Furthermore this model responded imitating known events occurring during the infection by Non-typeable H. influenzae. Epithelial organoid models, mimicking the small intestine tract, were used for a different explorative analysis of tissue-toxicity. Further experiments led to detection of a cell population targeted by C. difficile Toxin A and suggested a role in the impairment of the epithelial homeostasis by the bacterial virulence machinery. The described cell-centered strategy can afford critical insights in the evaluation of the host defence and pathogenic mechanisms. The application of these two models may provide an informing step that more coherently defines relevant molecular interactions happening during the infection.


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Parasitic wasps attack a number of insect species on which they feed, either externally or internally. This requires very effective strategies for suppressing the immune response and a finely tuned interference with the host physiology that is co-opted for the developing parasitoid progeny. The wealth of physiological host alterations is mediated by virulence factors encoded by the wasp or, in some cases, by polydnaviruses (PDVs), unique viral symbionts injected into the host at oviposition along with the egg, venom and ovarian secretions. PDVs are among the most powerful immunosuppressors in nature, targeting insect defense barriers at different levels. During my PhD research program I have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model to expand the functional analysis of virulence factors encoded by PDV focusing on the molecular processes underlying the disruption of the host endocrine system. I focused my research on a member of the ankyrin (ank) gene family, an immunosuppressant found in bracovirus, which associates with the parasitic wasp Toxoneuron nigriceps. I found that ankyrin disrupts ecdysone biosynthesis by impairing the vesicular traffic of ecdysteroid precursors in the cells of the prothoracic gland and results in developmental arrest.


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Apple latent infection caused by Neofabraea alba: host-pathogen interaction and disease management Bull’s eye rot (BER) caused by Neofabraea alba is one of the most frequent and damaging latent infection occurring in stored pome fruits worldwide. Fruit infection occurs in the orchard, but disease symptoms appear only 3 months after harvest, during refrigerated storage. In Italy BER is particularly serious for late harvest apple cultivar as ‘Pink Lady™’. The purposes of this thesis were: i) Evaluate the influence of ‘Pink Lady™’ apple primary metabolites in N. alba quiescence ii) Evaluate the influence of pH in five different apple cultivars on BER susceptibility iii) To find out not chemical method to control N. alba infection iv) Identify some fungal volatile compounds in order to use them as N. alba infections markers. Results regarding the role of primary metabolites showed that chlorogenic, quinic and malic acid inhibit N. alba development. The study based on the evaluation of cultivar susceptibility, showed that Granny Smith was the most resistant apple cultivar among the varieties analyzed. Moreover, Granny Smith showed the lowest pH value from harvest until the end of storage, supporting the thesis that ambient pH could be involved in the interaction between N. alba and apple. In order to find out new technologies able to improve lenticel rot management, the application of a non-destructive device for the determination of chlorophyll content was applied. Results showed that fruit with higher chlorophyll content are less susceptible to BER, and molecular analyses comforted this result. Fruits with higher chlorophyll content showed up-regulation of PGIP and HCT, genes involved in plant defence. Through the application of PTR-MS and SPME GC-MS, 25 volatile organic compounds emitted by N. alba were identified. Among them, 16 molecules were identified as potential biomarkers.


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Although nickel is a toxic metal for living organisms in its soluble form, its importance in many biological processes recently emerged. In this view, the investigation of the nickel-dependent enzymes urease and [NiFe]-hydrogenase, especially the mechanism of nickel insertion into their active sites, represent two intriguing case studies to understand other analogous systems and therefore to lead to a comprehension of the nickel trafficking inside the cell. Moreover, these two enzymes have been demonstrated to ensure survival and colonization of the human pathogen H. pylori, the only known microorganism able to proliferate in the gastric niche. The right nickel delivering into the urease active site requires the presence of at least four accessory proteins, UreD, UreE, UreF and UreG. Similarly, analogous process is principally mediated by HypA and HypB proteins in the [NiFe]-hydrogenase system. Indeed, HpHypA and HpHypB also have been proposed to act in the activation of the urease enzyme from H. pylori, probably mobilizing nickel ions from HpHypA to the HpUreE-HpUreG complex. A complete comprehension of the interaction mechanism between the accessory proteins and the crosstalk between urease and hydrogenase accessory systems requires the determination of the role of each protein chaperone that strictly depends on their structural and biochemical properties. The availability of HpUreE, HpUreG and HpHypA proteins in a pure form is a pre-requisite to perform all the subsequent protein characterizations, thus their purification was the first aim of this work. Subsequently, the structural and biochemical properties of HpUreE were investigated using multi-angle and quasi-elastic light scattering, as well as NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters of Ni2+ and Zn2+ binding to HpUreE were principally established using isothermal titration calorimetry and the importance of key histidine residues in the process of binding metal ions was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The molecular details of the HpUreE-HpUreG and HpUreE-HpHypA protein-protein assemblies were also elucidated. The interaction between HpUreE and HpUreG was investigated using ITC and NMR spectroscopy, and the influence of Ni2+ and Zn2+ metal ions on the stabilization of this association was established using native gel electrophoresis, light scattering and thermal denaturation scanning followed by CD spectroscopy. Preliminary HpUreE-HpHypA interaction studies were conducted using ITC. Finally, the possible structural architectures of the two protein-protein assemblies were rationalized using homology modeling and docking computational approaches. All the obtained data were interpreted in order to achieve a more exhaustive picture of the urease activation process, and the correlation with the accessory system of the hydrogenase enzyme, considering the specific role and activity of the involved protein players. A possible function for Zn2+ in the chaperone network involved in Ni2+ trafficking and urease activation is also envisaged.


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Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.


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Clostridium difficile is an obligate anaerobic, Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium. Although an opportunistic pathogen, it is one of the important causes of healthcare-associated infections. While toxins TcdA and TcdB are the main virulence factors of C. difficile, the factors or processes involved in gut colonization during infection remain unclear. The biofilm-forming ability of bacterial pathogens has been associated with increased antibiotic resistance and chronic recurrent infections. Little is known about biofilm formation by anaerobic gut species. Biofilm formation by C. difficile could play a role in virulence and persistence of C. difficile, as seen for other intestinal pathogens. We demonstrate that C. difficile clinical strains, 630, and the strain isolated in the outbreak, R20291, form structured biofilms in vitro. Biofilm matrix is made of proteins, DNA and polysaccharide. Strain R20291 accumulates substantially more biofilm. Employing isogenic mutants, we show that virulence-associated proteins, Cwp84, flagella and a putative quorum sensing regulator, LuxS, Spo0A, are required for maximal biofilm formation by C. difficile. Moreover we demonstrate that bacteria in C. difficile biofilms are more resistant to high concentrations of vancomycin, a drug commonly used for treatment of CDI, and that inhibitory and sub-inhibitory concentrations of the same antibiotic induce biofilm formation. Surprisingly, clinical C. difficile strains from the same out-break, but from different origin, show differences in biofilm formation. Genome sequence analysis of these strains showed presence of a single nucleoide polymorphism (SNP) in the anti-σ factor RsbW, which regulates the stress-induced alternative sigma factor B (σB). We further demonstrate that RsbW, a negative regulator of alternative sigma factor B, has a role in biofilm formation and sporulation of C. difficile. Our data suggest that biofilm formation by C. difficile is a complex multifactorial process and may be a crucial mechanism for clostridial persistence in the host.


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Abstract The aim of this work was the development of a murine model of septic arthrosynovitis and osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which could mimic the natural disease occurring in humans and which could be suitable for testing preventive and therapeutic interventions. This model could be particularly useful since S. aureus-mediated joints and bones infections are relevant in humans, both in terms of frequency and severity. Our attention focused in tracking bacterial infiltration in joints and bones over time using different microbiological and hystopathological tools, which allowed us to have a complete overview of the situation and to evaluate the immunological actions undertaken by the host to contain or eradicate the bacterial infection. Antibodies and cytokines profiles, as well as recruitment of host immune cells at joints of immunized and infected mice were therefore monitored for a time period that allowed us to study both the acute and the chronic phases of the disease in situ. Finally the Novartis vaccine formulation proposed against S. aureus infections was tested for its capacity to protect immunized mice from joints infections, and the preventive immunization was compared to a standard antibiotic prophylaxis. The availability of powerful tools to study specific bacterial-mediated diseases is nowadays an important requirement for the scientific community to shed light on the complex interactions between host and pathogens and to test treatments for preventing or contrasting infections. We believe that our work significantly contributes to the overall knowledge in the field of S. aureus-dependent pathologies, opening the possibility for further investigations in several fields of study.


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The gut microbiota (GM) is essential for human health and contributes to several diseases; indeed it can be considered an extension of the self and, together with the genetic makeup, determines the physiology of an organism. In this thesis has been studied the peripheral immune system reconstitution in pediatric patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) in the early phase; in parallel, have been also explored the gut microbiota variations as one of the of primary factors in governing the fate of the immunological recovery, predisposing or protecting from complications such as the onset of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Has been demonstrated, to our knowledge for the first time, that aHSCT in pediatric patients is associated to a profound modification of the GM ecosystem with a disruption of its mutualistic asset. aGvHD and non-aGvHD subjects showed differences in the process of GM recovery, in members abundance of the phylum Bacteroidetes, and in propionate fecal concentration; the latter are higher in the pre-HSCT composition of non-GvHD subjects than GvHD ones. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as acetate, butyrate and propionate, are end-products of microbial fermentation of macronutrients and distribute systemically from the gut to blood. For this reason, has been studied their effect in vitro on human DCs, the key regulators of our immune system and the main player of aGvHD onset. Has been observed that propionate and, particularly, butyrate show a strong and direct immunomodulatory activity on DCs reducing inflammatory markers such as chemokines and interleukins. This study, with the needed caution, suggests that the pre-existing GM structure can be protective against aGvHD onset, exerting its protective role through SCFAs. They, indeed, may regulate cell traffic within secondary lymphoid tissues, influence T cell development during antigen recognition, and, thus, directly shape the immune system.