14 resultados para High-efficiency Transformation

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In such territories where food production is mostly scattered in several small / medium size or even domestic farms, a lot of heterogeneous residues are produced yearly, since farmers usually carry out different activities in their properties. The amount and composition of farm residues, therefore, widely change during year, according to the single production process periodically achieved. Coupling high efficiency micro-cogeneration energy units with easy handling biomass conversion equipments, suitable to treat different materials, would provide many important advantages to the farmers and to the community as well, so that the increase in feedstock flexibility of gasification units is nowadays seen as a further paramount step towards their wide spreading in rural areas and as a real necessity for their utilization at small scale. Two main research topics were thought to be of main concern at this purpose, and they were therefore discussed in this work: the investigation of fuels properties impact on gasification process development and the technical feasibility of small scale gasification units integration with cogeneration systems. According to these two main aspects, the present work was thus divided in two main parts. The first one is focused on the biomass gasification process, that was investigated in its theoretical aspects and then analytically modelled in order to simulate thermo-chemical conversion of different biomass fuels, such as wood (park waste wood and softwood), wheat straw, sewage sludge and refuse derived fuels. The main idea is to correlate the results of reactor design procedures with the physical properties of biomasses and the corresponding working conditions of gasifiers (temperature profile, above all), in order to point out the main differences which prevent the use of the same conversion unit for different materials. At this scope, a gasification kinetic free model was initially developed in Excel sheets, considering different values of air to biomass ratio and the downdraft gasification technology as particular examined application. The differences in syngas production and working conditions (process temperatures, above all) among the considered fuels were tried to be connected to some biomass properties, such elementary composition, ash and water contents. The novelty of this analytical approach was the use of kinetic constants ratio in order to determine oxygen distribution among the different oxidation reactions (regarding volatile matter only) while equilibrium of water gas shift reaction was considered in gasification zone, by which the energy and mass balances involved in the process algorithm were linked together, as well. Moreover, the main advantage of this analytical tool is the easiness by which the input data corresponding to the particular biomass materials can be inserted into the model, so that a rapid evaluation on their own thermo-chemical conversion properties is possible to be obtained, mainly based on their chemical composition A good conformity of the model results with the other literature and experimental data was detected for almost all the considered materials (except for refuse derived fuels, because of their unfitting chemical composition with the model assumptions). Successively, a dimensioning procedure for open core downdraft gasifiers was set up, by the analysis on the fundamental thermo-physical and thermo-chemical mechanisms which are supposed to regulate the main solid conversion steps involved in the gasification process. Gasification units were schematically subdivided in four reaction zones, respectively corresponding to biomass heating, solids drying, pyrolysis and char gasification processes, and the time required for the full development of each of these steps was correlated to the kinetics rates (for pyrolysis and char gasification processes only) and to the heat and mass transfer phenomena from gas to solid phase. On the basis of this analysis and according to the kinetic free model results and biomass physical properties (particles size, above all) it was achieved that for all the considered materials char gasification step is kinetically limited and therefore temperature is the main working parameter controlling this step. Solids drying is mainly regulated by heat transfer from bulk gas to the inner layers of particles and the corresponding time especially depends on particle size. Biomass heating is almost totally achieved by the radiative heat transfer from the hot walls of reactor to the bed of material. For pyrolysis, instead, working temperature, particles size and the same nature of biomass (through its own pyrolysis heat) have all comparable weights on the process development, so that the corresponding time can be differently depending on one of these factors according to the particular fuel is gasified and the particular conditions are established inside the gasifier. The same analysis also led to the estimation of reaction zone volumes for each biomass fuel, so as a comparison among the dimensions of the differently fed gasification units was finally accomplished. Each biomass material showed a different volumes distribution, so that any dimensioned gasification unit does not seem to be suitable for more than one biomass species. Nevertheless, since reactors diameters were found out quite similar for all the examined materials, it could be envisaged to design a single units for all of them by adopting the largest diameter and by combining together the maximum heights of each reaction zone, as they were calculated for the different biomasses. A total height of gasifier as around 2400mm would be obtained in this case. Besides, by arranging air injecting nozzles at different levels along the reactor, gasification zone could be properly set up according to the particular material is in turn gasified. Finally, since gasification and pyrolysis times were found to considerably change according to even short temperature variations, it could be also envisaged to regulate air feeding rate for each gasified material (which process temperatures depend on), so as the available reactor volumes would be suitable for the complete development of solid conversion in each case, without even changing fluid dynamics behaviour of the unit as well as air/biomass ratio in noticeable measure. The second part of this work dealt with the gas cleaning systems to be adopted downstream the gasifiers in order to run high efficiency CHP units (i.e. internal engines and micro-turbines). Especially in the case multi–fuel gasifiers are assumed to be used, weightier gas cleaning lines need to be envisaged in order to reach the standard gas quality degree required to fuel cogeneration units. Indeed, as the more heterogeneous feed to the gasification unit, several contaminant species can simultaneously be present in the exit gas stream and, as a consequence, suitable gas cleaning systems have to be designed. In this work, an overall study on gas cleaning lines assessment is carried out. Differently from the other research efforts carried out in the same field, the main scope is to define general arrangements for gas cleaning lines suitable to remove several contaminants from the gas stream, independently on the feedstock material and the energy plant size The gas contaminant species taken into account in this analysis were: particulate, tars, sulphur (in H2S form), alkali metals, nitrogen (in NH3 form) and acid gases (in HCl form). For each of these species, alternative cleaning devices were designed according to three different plant sizes, respectively corresponding with 8Nm3/h, 125Nm3/h and 350Nm3/h gas flows. Their performances were examined on the basis of their optimal working conditions (efficiency, temperature and pressure drops, above all) and their own consumption of energy and materials. Successively, the designed units were combined together in different overall gas cleaning line arrangements, paths, by following some technical constraints which were mainly determined from the same performance analysis on the cleaning units and from the presumable synergic effects by contaminants on the right working of some of them (filters clogging, catalysts deactivation, etc.). One of the main issues to be stated in paths design accomplishment was the tars removal from the gas stream, preventing filters plugging and/or line pipes clogging At this scope, a catalytic tars cracking unit was envisaged as the only solution to be adopted, and, therefore, a catalytic material which is able to work at relatively low temperatures was chosen. Nevertheless, a rapid drop in tars cracking efficiency was also estimated for this same material, so that an high frequency of catalysts regeneration and a consequent relevant air consumption for this operation were calculated in all of the cases. Other difficulties had to be overcome in the abatement of alkali metals, which condense at temperatures lower than tars, but they also need to be removed in the first sections of gas cleaning line in order to avoid corrosion of materials. In this case a dry scrubber technology was envisaged, by using the same fine particles filter units and by choosing for them corrosion resistant materials, like ceramic ones. Besides these two solutions which seem to be unavoidable in gas cleaning line design, high temperature gas cleaning lines were not possible to be achieved for the two larger plant sizes, as well. Indeed, as the use of temperature control devices was precluded in the adopted design procedure, ammonia partial oxidation units (as the only considered methods for the abatement of ammonia at high temperature) were not suitable for the large scale units, because of the high increase of reactors temperature by the exothermic reactions involved in the process. In spite of these limitations, yet, overall arrangements for each considered plant size were finally designed, so that the possibility to clean the gas up to the required standard degree was technically demonstrated, even in the case several contaminants are simultaneously present in the gas stream. Moreover, all the possible paths defined for the different plant sizes were compared each others on the basis of some defined operational parameters, among which total pressure drops, total energy losses, number of units and secondary materials consumption. On the basis of this analysis, dry gas cleaning methods proved preferable to the ones including water scrubber technology in al of the cases, especially because of the high water consumption provided by water scrubber units in ammonia adsorption process. This result is yet connected to the possibility to use activated carbon units for ammonia removal and Nahcolite adsorber for chloride acid. The very high efficiency of this latter material is also remarkable. Finally, as an estimation of the overall energy loss pertaining the gas cleaning process, the total enthalpy losses estimated for the three plant sizes were compared with the respective gas streams energy contents, these latter obtained on the basis of low heating value of gas only. This overall study on gas cleaning systems is thus proposed as an analytical tool by which different gas cleaning line configurations can be evaluated, according to the particular practical application they are adopted for and the size of cogeneration unit they are connected to.


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The ALICE experiment at the LHC has been designed to cope with the experimental conditions and observables of a Quark Gluon Plasma reaction. One of the main assets of the ALICE experiment with respect to the other LHC experiments is the particle identification. The large Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detector is the main particle identification detector of the ALICE experiment. The overall time resolution, better that 80 ps, allows the particle identification over a large momentum range (up to 2.5 GeV/c for pi/K and 4 GeV/c for K/p). The TOF makes use of the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC), a detector with high efficiency, fast response and intrinsic time resoltion better than 40 ps. The TOF detector embeds a highly-segmented trigger system that exploits the fast rise time and the relatively low noise of the MRPC strips, in order to identify several event topologies. This work aims to provide detailed description of the TOF trigger system. The results achieved in the 2009 cosmic-ray run at CERN are presented to show the performances and readiness of TOF trigger system. The proposed trigger configuration for the proton-proton and Pb-Pb beams are detailed as well with estimates of the efficiencies and purity samples.


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In un quadro internazionale di forte interesse verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e sfide energetiche per il futuro, il DIEM, in collaborazione con altri istituti di ricerca ed imprese private, sta progettando l’integrazione di componentistica avanzata su di una caldaia alimentata a biomasse. Lo scopo finale è quello di realizzare una caldaia a biomasse che produca energia in maniera più efficiente e con un impatto ambientale ridotto. L’applicazione è indirizzata inizialmente verso caldaie di piccola-media taglia (fino a 350 kW termici) vista la larga diffusione di questa tipologia di impianto. La componentistica in oggetto è: - filtro sperimentale ad alta efficienza per la rimozione del particolato; - celle a effetto Seebeck per la produzione di energia elettrica direttamente da energia termica senza parti meccaniche in movimento; - pompa Ogden per la produzione di energia meccanica direttamente da energia termica; La finalità dell’attività di ricerca è la progettazione dell’integrazione dei suddetti dispositivi con una caldaia a biomassa da 290 kW termici per la realizzazione di un prototipo di caldaia stand-alone ad impatto ambientale ridotto: in particolare, la caldaia è in grado, una volta raggiunte le condizioni di regime, di autoalimentare le proprie utenze elettriche, garantendo il funzionamento in sicurezza in caso di black-out o consentendo l’installazione della caldaia medesima in zone remote e prive di allaccio alla rete elettrica. Inoltre, la caldaia può fornire, tramite l'utilizzo di una pompa a vapore o pompa Ogden, energia meccanica per il pompaggio di fluidi: tale opportunità si ritiene particolarmente interessante per l'integrazione della caldaia nel caso di installazione in ambito agricolo. Infine, l'abbinamento di un filtro ad alta efficienza e basso costo consente l'abbattimento delle emissioni inquinanti, favorendo una maggiore diffusione della tecnologia senza ulteriori impatti sull'ambiente.


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Ultrasound imaging is widely used in medical diagnostics as it is the fastest, least invasive, and least expensive imaging modality. However, ultrasound images are intrinsically difficult to be interpreted. In this scenario, Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems can be used to support physicians during diagnosis providing them a second opinion. This thesis discusses efficient ultrasound processing techniques for computer aided medical diagnostics, focusing on two major topics: (i) Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC), aimed at characterizing and differentiating between healthy and diseased tissue; (ii) Ultrasound Image Segmentation (UIS), aimed at detecting the boundaries of anatomical structures to automatically measure organ dimensions and compute clinically relevant functional indices. Research on UTC produced a CAD tool for Prostate Cancer detection to improve the biopsy protocol. In particular, this thesis contributes with: (i) the development of a robust classification system; (ii) the exploitation of parallel computing on GPU for real-time performance; (iii) the introduction of both an innovative Semi-Supervised Learning algorithm and a novel supervised/semi-supervised learning scheme for CAD system training that improve system performance reducing data collection effort and avoiding collected data wasting. The tool provides physicians a risk map highlighting suspect tissue areas, allowing them to perform a lesion-directed biopsy. Clinical validation demonstrated the system validity as a diagnostic support tool and its effectiveness at reducing the number of biopsy cores requested for an accurate diagnosis. For UIS the research developed a heart disease diagnostic tool based on Real-Time 3D Echocardiography. Thesis contributions to this application are: (i) the development of an automated GPU based level-set segmentation framework for 3D images; (ii) the application of this framework to the myocardium segmentation. Experimental results showed the high efficiency and flexibility of the proposed framework. Its effectiveness as a tool for quantitative analysis of 3D cardiac morphology and function was demonstrated through clinical validation.


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Flow features inside centrifugal compressor stages are very complicated to simulate with numerical tools due to the highly complex geometry and varying gas conditions all across the machine. For this reason, a big effort is currently being made to increase the fidelity of the numerical models during the design and validation phases. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) plays an increasing role in the assessment of the performance prediction of centrifugal compressor stages. Historically, CFD was considered reliable for performance prediction on a qualitatively level, whereas tests were necessary to predict compressors performance on a quantitatively basis. In fact "standard" CFD with only the flow-path and blades included into the computational domain is known to be weak in capturing efficiency level and operating range accurately due to the under-estimation of losses and the lack of secondary flows modeling. This research project aims to fill the gap in accuracy between "standard" CFD and tests data by including a high fidelity reproduction of the gas domain and the use of advanced numerical models and tools introduced in the author's OEM in-house CFD code. In other words, this thesis describes a methodology by which virtual tests can be conducted on single stages and multistage centrifugal compressors in a similar fashion to a typical rig test that guarantee end users to operate machines with a confidence level not achievable before. Furthermore, the new "high fidelity" approach allowed understanding flow phenomena not fully captured before, increasing aerodynamicists capability and confidence in designing high efficiency and high reliable centrifugal compressor stages.


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This thesis work deals, principally, with the development of different chemical protocols ranging from environmental sustainability peptide synthesis to asymmetric synthesis of modified tryptophans to a series of straightforward procedures for constraining peptide backbones without the need for a pre-formed scaffold. Much efforts have been dedicated to the structural analysis in a biomimetic environment, fundamental for predicting the in vivo conformation of compounds, as well as for giving a rationale to the experimentally determined bioactivity. The conformational analyses in solution has been done mostly by NMR (2D gCosy, Roesy, VT, titration experiments, molecular dynamics, etc.), FT-IR and ECD spectroscopy. As a practical application, 3D rigid scaffolds have been employed for the synthesis of biological active compounds based on peptidomimetic and retro-mimetic structures. These mimics have been investigated for their potential as antiflammatory agents and actually the results obtained are very promising. Moreover, the synthesis of Amo ring permitted the development of an alternative high effective synthetic pathway for obtaining Linezolid antibiotic. The final section is, instead, dedicated to the construction of a new biosensor based on zeolite L SAMs functionalized with the integrin ligand c[RGDfK], that has showed high efficiency for the selective detection of tumor cells. Such kind of sensor could, in fact, enable the convenient, non-invasive detection and diagnosis of cancer in early stages, from a few drops of a patient's blood or other biological fluids. In conclusion, the researches described herein demonstrate that the peptidomimetic approach to 3D definite structures, allows unambiguous investigation of the structure-activity relationships, giving an access to a wide range bioactive compounds of pharmaceutical interest to use not only as potential drugs but also for diagnostic and theranostic applications.


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The purpose of the present PhD thesis is to investigate the properties of innovative nano- materials with respect to the conversion of renewable energies to electrical and chemical energy. The materials have been synthesized and characterized by means of a wide spectrum of morphological, compositional and photophysical techniques, in order to get an insight into the correlation between the properties of each material and the activity towards different energy conversion applications. Two main topics are addressed: in the first part of the thesis the light harvesting in pyrene functionalized silicon nanocrystals has been discussed, suggesting an original approach to suc- cessfully increase the absorption properties of these nanocrystals. The interaction of these nanocrystals was then studied, in order to give a deeper insight on the charge and energy extraction, preparing the way to implement SiNCs as active material in optoelectronic devices and photovoltaic cells. In addition to this, the luminescence of SiNCs has been exploited to increase the efficiency of conventional photovoltaic cells by means of two innovative architectures. Specifically, SiNCs has been used as luminescent downshifting layer in dye sensitized solar cells, and they were shown to be very promising light emitters in luminescent solar concentrators. The second part of the thesis was concerned on the production of hydrogen by platinum nanoparticles coupled to either electro-active or photo-active materials. Within this context, the electrocatalytic activity of platinum nanoparticles supported on exfoliated graphene has been studied, preparing an high-efficiency catalyst and disclosing the role of the exfoliation technique towards the catalytic activity. Furthermore, platinum nanoparticles have been synthesized within photoactive dendrimers, providing the first proof of concept of a dendrimer-based photocatalytic system for the hydrogen production where both sensitizer and catalyst are anchored to a single scaffold.


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This PhD thesis reports the main activities carried out during the 3 years long “Mechanics and advanced engineering sciences” course, at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna. The research project title is “Development and analysis of high efficiency combustion systems for internal combustion engines” and the main topic is knock, one of the main challenges for boosted gasoline engines. Through experimental campaigns, modelling activity and test bench validation, 4 different aspects have been addressed to tackle the issue. The main path goes towards the definition and calibration of a knock-induced damage model, to be implemented in the on-board control strategy, but also usable for the engine calibration and potentially during the engine design. Ionization current signal capabilities have been investigated to fully replace the pressure sensor, to develop a robust on-board close-loop combustion control strategy, both in knock-free and knock-limited conditions. Water injection is a powerful solution to mitigate knock intensity and exhaust temperature, improving fuel consumption; its capabilities have been modelled and validated at the test bench. Finally, an empiric model is proposed to predict the engine knock response, depending on several operating condition and control parameters, including injected water quantity.


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Multi-phase electrical drives are potential candidates for the employment in innovative electric vehicle powertrains, in response to the request for high efficiency and reliability of this type of application. In addition to the multi-phase technology, in the last decades also, multilevel technology has been developed. These two technologies are somewhat complementary since both allow increasing the power rating of the system without increasing the current and voltage ratings of the single power switches of the inverter. In this thesis, some different topics concerning the inverter, the motor and the fault diagnosis of an electric vehicle powertrain are addressed. In particular, the attention is focused on multi-phase and multilevel technologies and their potential advantages with respect to traditional technologies. First of all, the mathematical models of two multi-phase machines, a five-phase induction machine and an asymmetrical six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines are developed using the Vector Space Decomposition approach. Then, a new modulation technique for multi-phase multilevel T-type inverters, which solves the voltage balancing problem of the DC-link capacitors, ensuring flexible management of the capacitor voltages, is developed. The technique is based on the proper selection of the zero-sequence component of the modulating signals. Subsequently, a diagnostic technique for detecting the state of health of the rotor magnets in a six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The technique is based on analysing the electromotive force induced in the stator windings by the rotor magnets. Furthermore, an innovative algorithm able to extend the linear modulation region for five-phase inverters, taking advantage of the multiple degrees of freedom available in multi-phase systems is presented. Finally, the mathematical model of an eighteen-phase squirrel cage induction motor is defined. This activity aims to develop a motor drive able to change the number of poles of the machine during the machine operation.


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This PhD dissertation envisages the design of innovative power converters exploiting WBG devices to get state-of-the-art performance in products intended for industrial applications of automotive field. The collaborations with different specialized companies, provided the opportunity to access commercially-available state-of-the-art SiC and GaN technologies and the possibility to realize innovative converter prototypes. Concerning SiC technology, the complete design of a $350kW$ Battery Emulator instrument in collaboration with a company leader in the automotive testing sector, was carried out from scratch exploiting state-of-the-art SiC power-modules, planar magnetics and top-notch MCU technologies. Discrete high-voltage GaN switches were exploited in the Power Supplies design for automotive charger application to target improved performances compared to the market state-of-the-art. Specifically, two high-efficiency prototypes, an AC/DC converter and a DC/DC converter of $7.5kW$, have been realized for this purpose. To further investigate the characteristics of state-of-the-art GaN power devices two measurement set-ups have been designed. In particular, the trapping phenomenon causing the collapse of drain current during ON-state with a consequent degradation of ON-resistance has been analyzed.


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The first part of the research project of the Co-Advisorship Ph.D Thesis was aimed to select the best Bifidobacterium longum strains suitable to set the basis of our study. We were looking for strains with the abilities to colonize the intestinal mucosa and with good adhesion capacities, so that we can test these strains to investigate their ability to induce apoptosis in “damaged” intestinal cells. Adhesion and apoptosis are the two process that we want to study to better understand the role of an adhesion protein that we have previously identified and that have top scores homologies with the recent serpin encoding gene identified in B. longum by Nestlè researchers. Bifidobacterium longum is a probiotic, known for its beneficial effects to the human gut and even for its immunomodulatory and antitumor activities. Recently, many studies have stressed out the intimate relation between probiotic bacteria and the GIT mucosa and their influence on human cellular homeostasis. We focused on the apoptotic deletion of cancer cells induced by B. longum. This has been valued in vitro, performing the incubation of three B.longum strains with enterocyte-like Caco- 2 cells, to evidence DNA fragmentation, a cornerstone of apoptosis. The three strains tested were defined for their adhesion properties using adhesion and autoaggregation assays. These features are considered necessary to select a probiotic strain. The three strains named B12, B18 and B2990 resulted respectively: “strong adherent”, “adherent” and “non adherent”. Then, bacteria were incubated with Caco-2 cells to investigate apoptotic deletion. Cocultures of Caco-2 cells with B. longum resulted positive in DNA fragmentation test, only when adherent strains were used (B12 and B18). These results indicate that the interaction with adherent B. longum can induce apoptotic deletion of Caco-2 cells, suggesting a role in cellular homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract and in restoring the ecology of damaged colon tissues. These results were used to keep on researching and the strains tested were used as recipient of recombinant techniques aimed to originate new B.longum strains with enhanced capacity of apoptotic induction in “damaged” intestinal cells. To achieve this new goal it was decided to clone the serpin encoding gene of B. longum, so that we can understand its role in adhesion and apoptosis induction. Bifidobacterium longum has immunostimulant activity that in vitro can lead to apoptotic response of Caco-2 cell line. It secretes a hypothetical eukaryotic type serpin protein, which could be involved in this kind of deletion of damaged cells. We had previously characterised a protein that has homologies with the hypothetical serpin of B. longum (DD087853). In order to create Bifidobacterium serpin transformants, a B. longum cosmid library was screened with a PCR protocol using specific primers for serpin gene. After fragment extraction, the insert named S1 was sub-cloned into pRM2, an Escherichia coli - Bifidobacterium shuttle vector, to construct pRM3. Several protocols for B. longum transformation were performed and the best efficiency was obtained using MRS medium and raffinose. Finally bacterial cell supernatants were tested in a dotblot assay to detect antigens presence against anti-antitrypsin polyclonal antibody. The best signal was produced by one starin that has been renamed B. longum BLKS 7. Our research study was aimed to generate transformants able to over express serpin encoding gene, so that we can have the tools for a further study on bacterial apoptotic induction of Caco-2 cell line. After that we have originated new trasformants the next step to do was to test transformants abilities when exposed to an intestinal cell model. In fact, this part of the project was achieved in the Department of Biochemistry of the Medical Faculty of the University of Maribor, guest of the abroad supervisor of the Co-Advisorship Doctoral Thesis: Prof. Avrelija Cencic. In this study we examined the probiotic ability of some bacterial strains using intestinal cells from a 6 years old pig. The use of intestinal mammalian cells is essential to study this symbiosis and a functional cell model mimics a polarised epithelium in which enterocytes are separated by tight junctions. In this list of strains we have included the Bifidobacterium longum BKS7 transformant strain that we have previously originated; in order to compare its abilities. B. longum B12 wild type and B. longum BKS7 transformant and eight Lactobacillus strains of different sources were co-cultured with porcine small intestine epithelial cells (PSI C1) and porcine blood monocytes (PoM2) in Transwell filter inserts. The strains, including Lb. gasseri, Lb. fermentum, Lb. reuterii, Lb. plantarum and unidentified Lactobacillus from kenyan maasai milk and tanzanian coffee, were assayed for activation of cell lines, measuring nitric oxide by Griess reaction, H202 by tetramethylbenzidine reaction and O2 - by cytochrome C reduction. Cytotoxic effect by crystal violet staining and induction on metabolic activity by MTT cell proliferation assay were tested too. Transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) of polarised PSI C1 was measured during 48 hours co-culture. TER, used to observe epithelium permeability, decrease during pathogenesis and tissue becomes permeable to ion passive flow lowering epithelial barrier function. Probiotics can prevent or restore increased permeability. Lastly, dot-blot was achieved against Interleukin-6 of treated cells supernatants. The metabolic activity of PoM2 and PSI C1 increased slightly after co-culture not affecting mitochondrial functions. No strain was cytotoxic over PSI C1 and PoM2 and no cell activation was observed, as measured by the release of NO2, H202 and O2 - by PoM2 and PSI C1. During coculture TER of polarised PSI C1 was two-fold higher comparing with constant TER (~3000 ) of untreated cells. TER raise generated by bacteria maintains a low permeability of the epithelium. During treatment Interleukin-6 was detected in cell supernatants at several time points, confirming immunostimulant activity. All results were obtained using Lactobacillus paracasei Shirota e Carnobacterium divergens as controls. In conclusion we can state that both the list of putative probiotic bacteria and our new transformant strain of B. longum are not harmful when exposed to intestinal cells and could be selected as probiotics, because can strengthen epithelial barrier function and stimulate nonspecific immunity of intestinal cells on a pig cell model. Indeed, we have found out that none of the strains tested that have good adhesion abilities presents citotoxicity to the intestinal cells and that non of the strains tested can induce cell lines to produce high level of ROS, neither NO2. Moreover we have assayed even the capacity of producing certain citokynes that are correlated with immune response. The detection of Interleukin-6 was assayed in all our samples, including B.longum transformant BKS 7 strain, this result indicates that these bacteria can induce a non specific immune response in the intestinal cells. In fact, when we assayed the presence of Interferon-gamma in cells supernatant after bacterial exposure, we have no positive signals, that means that there is no activation of a specific immune response, thus confirming that these bacteria are not recognize as pathogen by the intestinal cells and are certainly not harmful for intestinal cells. The most important result is the measure of Trans Epithelial Electric Resistance that have shown how the intestinal barrier function get strengthen when cells are exposed to bacteria, due to a reduction of the epithelium permeability. We have now a new strain of B. longum that will be used for further studies above the mechanism of apoptotic induction to “damaged cells” and above the process of “restoring ecology”. This strain will be the basis to originate new transformant strains for Serpin encoding gene that must have better performance and shall be used one day even in clinical cases as in “gene therapy” for cancer treatment and prevention.


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During the last decade advances in the field of sensor design and improved base materials have pushed the radiation hardness of the current silicon detector technology to impressive performance. It should allow operation of the tracking systems of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at nominal luminosity (1034 cm-2s-1) for about 10 years. The current silicon detectors are unable to cope with such an environment. Silicon carbide (SiC), which has recently been recognized as potentially radiation hard, is now studied. In this work it was analyzed the effect of high energy neutron irradiation on 4H-SiC particle detectors. Schottky and junction particle detectors were irradiated with 1 MeV neutrons up to fluence of 1016 cm-2. It is well known that the degradation of the detectors with irradiation, independently of the structure used for their realization, is caused by lattice defects, like creation of point-like defect, dopant deactivation and dead layer formation and that a crucial aspect for the understanding of the defect kinetics at a microscopic level is the correct identification of the crystal defects in terms of their electrical activity. In order to clarify the defect kinetic it were carried out a thermal transient spectroscopy (DLTS and PICTS) analysis of different samples irradiated at increasing fluences. The defect evolution was correlated with the transport properties of the irradiated detector, always comparing with the un-irradiated one. The charge collection efficiency degradation of Schottky detectors induced by neutron irradiation was related to the increasing concentration of defects as function of the neutron fluence.


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This thesis intends to investigate two aspects of Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). It proposes a compositional semantics and a technique for program transformation. CHR is a concurrent committed-choice constraint logic programming language consisting of guarded rules, which transform multi-sets of atomic formulas (constraints) into simpler ones until exhaustion [Frü06] and it belongs to the declarative languages family. It was initially designed for writing constraint solvers but it has recently also proven to be a general purpose language, being as it is Turing equivalent [SSD05a]. Compositionality is the first CHR aspect to be considered. A trace based compositional semantics for CHR was previously defined in [DGM05]. The reference operational semantics for such a compositional model was the original operational semantics for CHR which, due to the propagation rule, admits trivial non-termination. In this thesis we extend the work of [DGM05] by introducing a more refined trace based compositional semantics which also includes the history. The use of history is a well-known technique in CHR which permits us to trace the application of propagation rules and consequently it permits trivial non-termination avoidance [Abd97, DSGdlBH04]. Naturally, the reference operational semantics, of our new compositional one, uses history to avoid trivial non-termination too. Program transformation is the second CHR aspect to be considered, with particular regard to the unfolding technique. Said technique is an appealing approach which allows us to optimize a given program and in more detail to improve run-time efficiency or spaceconsumption. Essentially it consists of a sequence of syntactic program manipulations which preserve a kind of semantic equivalence called qualified answer [Frü98], between the original program and the transformed ones. The unfolding technique is one of the basic operations which is used by most program transformation systems. It consists in the replacement of a procedure-call by its definition. In CHR every conjunction of constraints can be considered as a procedure-call, every CHR rule can be considered as a procedure and the body of said rule represents the definition of the call. While there is a large body of literature on transformation and unfolding of sequential programs, very few papers have addressed this issue for concurrent languages. We define an unfolding rule, show its correctness and discuss some conditions in which it can be used to delete an unfolded rule while preserving the meaning of the original program. Finally, confluence and termination maintenance between the original and transformed programs are shown. This thesis is organized in the following manner. Chapter 1 gives some general notion about CHR. Section 1.1 outlines the history of programming languages with particular attention to CHR and related languages. Then, Section 1.2 introduces CHR using examples. Section 1.3 gives some preliminaries which will be used during the thesis. Subsequentely, Section 1.4 introduces the syntax and the operational and declarative semantics for the first CHR language proposed. Finally, the methodologies to solve the problem of trivial non-termination related to propagation rules are discussed in Section 1.5. Chapter 2 introduces a compositional semantics for CHR where the propagation rules are considered. In particular, Section 2.1 contains the definition of the semantics. Hence, Section 2.2 presents the compositionality results. Afterwards Section 2.3 expounds upon the correctness results. Chapter 3 presents a particular program transformation known as unfolding. This transformation needs a particular syntax called annotated which is introduced in Section 3.1 and its related modified operational semantics !0t is presented in Section 3.2. Subsequently, Section 3.3 defines the unfolding rule and prove its correctness. Then, in Section 3.4 the problems related to the replacement of a rule by its unfolded version are discussed and this in turn gives a correctness condition which holds for a specific class of rules. Section 3.5 proves that confluence and termination are preserved by the program modifications introduced. Finally, Chapter 4 concludes by discussing related works and directions for future work.


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Several activities were conducted during my PhD activity. For the NEMO experiment a collaboration between the INFN/University groups of Catania and Bologna led to the development and production of a mixed signal acquisition board for the Nemo Km3 telescope. The research concerned the feasibility study for a different acquisition technique quite far from that adopted in the NEMO Phase 1 telescope. The DAQ board that we realized exploits the LIRA06 front-end chip for the analog acquisition of anodic an dynodic sources of a PMT (Photo-Multiplier Tube). The low-power analog acquisition allows to sample contemporaneously multiple channels of the PMT at different gain factors in order to increase the signal response linearity over a wider dynamic range. Also the auto triggering and self-event-classification features help to improve the acquisition performance and the knowledge on the neutrino event. A fully functional interface towards the first level data concentrator, the Floor Control Module, has been integrated as well on the board, and a specific firmware has been realized to comply with the present communication protocols. This stage of the project foresees the use of an FPGA, a high speed configurable device, to provide the board with a flexible digital logic control core. After the validation of the whole front-end architecture this feature would be probably integrated in a common mixed-signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The volatile nature of the configuration memory of the FPGA implied the integration of a flash ISP (In System Programming) memory and a smart architecture for a safe remote reconfiguration of it. All the integrated features of the board have been tested. At the Catania laboratory the behavior of the LIRA chip has been investigated in the digital environment of the DAQ board and we succeeded in driving the acquisition with the FPGA. The PMT pulses generated with an arbitrary waveform generator were correctly triggered and acquired by the analog chip, and successively they were digitized by the on board ADC under the supervision of the FPGA. For the communication towards the data concentrator a test bench has been realized in Bologna where, thanks to a lending of the Roma University and INFN, a full readout chain equivalent to that present in the NEMO phase-1 was installed. These tests showed a good behavior of the digital electronic that was able to receive and to execute command imparted by the PC console and to answer back with a reply. The remotely configurable logic behaved well too and demonstrated, at least in principle, the validity of this technique. A new prototype board is now under development at the Catania laboratory as an evolution of the one described above. This board is going to be deployed within the NEMO Phase-2 tower in one of its floors dedicated to new front-end proposals. This board will integrate a new analog acquisition chip called SAS (Smart Auto-triggering Sampler) introducing thus a new analog front-end but inheriting most of the digital logic present in the current DAQ board discussed in this thesis. For what concern the activity on high-resolution vertex detectors, I worked within the SLIM5 collaboration for the characterization of a MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor) device called APSEL-4D. The mentioned chip is a matrix of 4096 active pixel sensors with deep N-well implantations meant for charge collection and to shield the analog electronics from digital noise. The chip integrates the full-custom sensors matrix and the sparsifification/readout logic realized with standard-cells in STM CMOS technology 130 nm. For the chip characterization a test-beam has been set up on the 12 GeV PS (Proton Synchrotron) line facility at CERN of Geneva (CH). The collaboration prepared a silicon strip telescope and a DAQ system (hardware and software) for data acquisition and control of the telescope that allowed to store about 90 million events in 7 equivalent days of live-time of the beam. My activities concerned basically the realization of a firmware interface towards and from the MAPS chip in order to integrate it on the general DAQ system. Thereafter I worked on the DAQ software to implement on it a proper Slow Control interface of the APSEL4D. Several APSEL4D chips with different thinning have been tested during the test beam. Those with 100 and 300 um presented an overall efficiency of about 90% imparting a threshold of 450 electrons. The test-beam allowed to estimate also the resolution of the pixel sensor providing good results consistent with the pitch/sqrt(12) formula. The MAPS intrinsic resolution has been extracted from the width of the residual plot taking into account the multiple scattering effect.