9 resultados para Helical magnets

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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More efficient water treatment technologies would decrease the water bodies’ pollution and the actual intake of water resource. The aim of this thesis is an in-depth analysis of the magnetic separation of pollutants from water by means of a continuous-flow magnetic filter subjected to a field gradient produced by permanent magnets. This technique has the potential to improve times and efficiencies of both urban wastewater treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants. It might also substitute industrial wastewater treatments. This technique combines a physico-chemical phase of adsorption and a magnetic phase of filtration, having the potential to bond magnetite with any conventional adsorbent powder. The removal of both Magnetic Activated Carbons (MACs) and zeolite-magnetite mix with the addition of a coagulant was investigated. Adsorption tests of different pollutants (surfactants, endocrine disruptors, Fe(III), Mn(II), Ca(II)) on these adsorbents were also performed achieving good results. The numerical results concerning the adsorbent removals well reproduced the experimental ones obtained from two different experimental setups. In real situations the treatable flow rates are up to 90 m3/h (2000 m3/d).


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In the last year [1], Angiolini and co-workers have synthesized and investigated methacrylic polymers bearing in the side chain the chiral cyclic (S)-3-hydroxypyrrolidine moiety interposed between the main chain and the trans-azoaromatic chromophore, substituted or not in the 4’ position by an electron-withdrawing group. In these materials, the presence of a rigid chiral moiety of one prevailing absolute configuration favours the establishment of a chiral conformation of one prevailing helical handedness, at least within chain segments of the macromolecules, which can be observed by circular dichroism (CD). The simultaneous presence of the azoaromatic and chiral functionalities allows the polymers to display both the properties typical of dissymmetric systems (optical activity, exciton splitting of dichroic absorptions), as well as the features typical of photochromic materials (photorefractivity, photoresponsiveness, NLO properties). The first part of this research was to synthesize analogue homopolymers and copolymers based on bisazoaromatic moiety and compare their properties to those of the above mentioned analogue derivatives bearing only one azoaromatic chromophore in the side chain. We focused also the attention on the effects induced on the thermal and chiroptical behaviours by the insertion of particulars achiral comonomers characterized by different side-chain mobility and grown hindrance (MMA, tert-BMA and TrMA). On the other hand carbazole containing polymers [2] have attracted much attention because of their unique features. The use of these materials in advanced micro- and nanotechnologies spreads in many different applications such as photoconductive and photorefractive polymers, electroluminescent devices, programmable optical interconnections, data storage, chemical photoreceptors, NLO, surface relief gratings, blue emitting materials and holographic memory. The second part of the work was focused on the synthesis and the characterization polymeric derivatives bearing in the side chain carbazole or phenylcarbazole moieties linked to the (S)- 2-hydroxy succinimide or the (S)-3-hydroxy pyrrolidinyl ring as chiral groups covalently linked to the main chain through ester bonds. The last objective of this research was to design, synthesize, and characterize multifunctional methacrylic homopolymers and copolymers bearing three distinct functional groups (i.e. azoaromatic, carbazole and chiral group of one single configuration) directly linked in the side chain. This polymeric derivatives could be of potential interest for several advanced application fields, such as optical storage, waveguides, chiroptical switches, chemical photoreceptors, NLO, surface relief gratings, photoconductive materials, etc.


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The impact of plasma technologies is growing both in the academic and in the industrial fields. Nowadays, a great interest is focused in plasma applications in aeronautics and astronautics domains. Plasma actuators based on the Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) and Electro- Hydro-Dynamic (EHD) interactions are potentially able to suitably modify the fluid-dynamics characteristics around a flying body without utilizing moving parts. This could lead to the control of an aircraft with negligible response time, more reliability and improvements of the performance. In order to study the aforementioned interactions, a series of experiments and a wide number of diagnostic techniques have been utilized. The EHD interaction, realized by means of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) actuator, and its impact on the boundary layer have been evaluated by means of two different experiments. In the first one a three phase multi-electrode flat panel actuator is used. Different external flow velocities (from 1 to 20m/s) and different values of the supplied voltage and frequency have been considered. Moreover a change of the phase sequence has been done to verify the influence of the electric field existing between successive phases. Measurements of the induced speed had shown the effect of the supply voltage and the frequency, and the phase order in the momentum transfer phenomenon. Gains in velocity, inside the boundary layer, of about 5m/s have been obtained. Spectroscopic measurements allowed to determine the rotational and the vibrational temperature of the plasma which lie in the range of 320 ÷ 440°K and of 3000 ÷ 3900°K respectively. A deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium had been found. The second EHD experiment is realized on a single electrode pair DBD actuator driven by nano-pulses superimposed to a DC or an AC bias. This new supply system separates the plasma formation mechanism from the acceleration action on the fluid, leading to an higher degree of the control of the process. Both the voltage and the frequency of the nano-pulses and the amplitude and the waveform of the bias have been varied during the experiment. Plasma jets and vortex behavior had been observed by means of fast Schlieren imaging. This allowed a deeper understanding of the EHD interaction process. A velocity increase in the boundary layer of about 2m/s had been measured. Thrust measurements have been performed by means of a scales and compared with experimental data reported in the literature. For similar voltage amplitudes thrust larger than those of the literature, had been observed. Surface charge measurements led to realize a modified DBD actuator able to obtain similar performances when compared with that of other experiments. However in this case a DC bias replacing the AC bias had been used. MHD interaction experiments had been carried out in a hypersonic wind tunnel in argon with a flow of Mach 6. Before the MHD experiments a thermal, fluid-dynamic and plasma characterization of the hypersonic argon plasma flow have been done. The electron temperature and the electron number density had been determined by means of emission spectroscopy and microwave absorption measurements. A deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium had been observed. The electron number density showed to be frozen at the stagnation region condition in the expansion through the nozzle. MHD experiments have been performed using two axial symmetric test bodies. Similar magnetic configurations were used. Permanent magnets inserted into the test body allowed to generate inside the plasma azimuthal currents around the conical shape of the body. These Faraday currents are responsible of the MHD body force which acts against the flow. The MHD interaction process has been observed by means of fast imaging, pressure and electrical measurements. Images showed bright rings due to the Faraday currents heating and exciting the plasma particles. Pressure measurements showed increases of the pressure in the regions where the MHD interaction is large. The pressure is 10 to 15% larger than when the MHD interaction process is silent. Finally by means of electrostatic probes mounted flush on the test body lateral surface Hall fields of about 500V/m had been measured. These results have been used for the validation of a numerical MHD code.


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This Thesys reports the study of a HGMS (High GradientMagnetic Separation) process for the treatment of industrialwastewaters that considers an assisted chemical-physical pre-treatment for the removal of heavy metals through the bound by adsorption with added iron-oxide particulate matter (hematite). The considered filter, constituted by ferromagnetic stainless steel wool and permanent magnets, is studied with a new approach based on a statistical analysis that requires the study of the trajectories of the particles. Experimental activity on a laboratory device has been carried out in order to test the model.


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Ultrasonography (US) is an essential imaging tool for identifying abnormalities of the liver parenchyma, biliary tract and vascular system. US has replaced radiography as the initial imaging procedure in screening for liver disease in small animals. There are few reports of the use of conventional and helical computed tomography (CT) to assess canine or feline parenchymal and neoplastic liver disease and biliary disorders. In human medicine the development of multidetector- row helical computed tomography (MDCT), with its superior spatial and temporal resolution, has resulted in improved detection and characterization of diffuse and focal liver lesions. The increased availability of MDCT in veterinary practice provides incentive to develop MDCT protocols for liver imaging in small animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the rule of MDCT in the characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals; and to compare this method with conventional US. Candidates for this prospective study were 175 consecutive patients (dogs and cats) referred for evaluation of hepatobiliary disease. The patients underwent liver US and MDCT. Percutaneous needle biopsy was performed on all liver lesions or alterations encountered. As for gallbladder, histopatological evaluation was obtained from cholecystectomy specimens. Ultrasonographic findings in this study agreed well with those of previous reports. A protocol for dual-phase liver MDCT in small animals has been described. MDCT findings in parenchymal disorders of the liver, hepatic neoplasia and biliary disorders are here first described in dogs and cats and compared with the corresponding features in human medicine. The ability of MDCT in detection and characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals is overall superior to conventional US. Ultrasonography and MDCT scanning, however, play complementary rules in the evaluation of these diseases. Many conditions have distinctive imaging features that may permit diagnosis. In most instances biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.


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The Reverse Vaccinology (RV) approach allows using genomic information for the delineation of new protein-based vaccines starting from an in silico analysis. The first powerful example of the application of the RV approach is given by the development of a protein-based vaccine against serogroup B Meningococcus. A similar approach was also used to identify new Staphylococcus aureus vaccine candidates, including the ferric hydroxamate-binding lipoprotein FhuD2. S. aureus is a widespread human pathogen, which employs various different strategies for iron uptake, including: (i) siderophore-mediated iron acquisition using the endogenous siderophores staphyloferrin A and B, (ii) siderophore-mediated iron acquisition using xeno-siderophores (the pathway exploited by FhuD2) and (iii) heme-mediated iron acquisition. In this work the high resolution crystal structure of FhuD2 in the iron (III)-siderophore-bound form was determined. FhuD2 belongs to the Periplasmic Binding Protein family (PBP ) class III, and is principally formed by two globular domains, at the N- and C-termini of the protein, that make up a cleft where ferrichrome-iron (III) is bound. The N- and C-terminal domains, connected by a single long α-helix, present Rossmann-like folds, showing a β-stranded core and an α-helical periphery, which do not undergo extensive structural rearrangement when they interact with the ligand, typical of class III PBP members. The structure shows that ferrichrome-bound iron does not come directly into contact with the protein; rather, the metal ion is fully coordinated by six oxygen donors of the hydroxamate groups of three ornithine residues, which, with the three glycine residues, make up the peptide backbone of ferrichrome. Furthermore, it was found that iron-free ferrichrome is able to subtract iron from transferrin. This study shows for the first time the structure of FhuD2, which was found to bind to siderophores ,and that the protein plays an important role in S. aureus colonization and infection phases.


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Obiettivo: Il nostro obiettivo è stato quello di confrontare la tomoterapia (HT) e la protonterapia ad intensità modulata (IMPT) nel trattamento del tumore prostatico, seguendo un protocollo di boost simultaneo (SIB) e moderatamente ipofrazionato. Materiali e metodi: Abbiamo selezionato 8 pazienti, trattati con HT e abbiamo rielaborato i piani con 2 campi IMPT. La dose prescritta è stata di 74 Gy sul PTV1 (prostata e vescicole seminali prossimali), 65.8 Gy sul PTV2 (vescicole seminali distali) e 54 Gy sul PTV3 (linfonodi pelvici). Risultati: Sia con IMPT che con HT abbiamo ottenuto una copertura e una omogeneità di dose del target sovrapponibile. Oltre i 65 Gy, HT e IMPT erano equivalenti per il retto, mentre con l’IMPT c’era maggior risparmio della vescica e del bulbo penieno da 0 a 70 Gy. Da 0 fino a 60 Gy, i valori dosimetrici dell’IMPT erano molto più bassi per tutti gli organi a rischio (OARs), eccetto che per le teste femorali, dove la HT aveva un vantaggio dosimetrico rispetto all’IMPT nel range di dose 25-35 Gy. La dose media agli OARs era ridotta del 30-50% con l’IMPT. Conclusioni: Con le due tecniche di trattamento (HT e IMPT) si ottiene una simile distribuzione di dose nel target. Un chiaro vantaggio dosimetrico dell’IMPT sul HT è ottenuto dalle medie e basse dosi. Le attuali conoscenze sulle relazioni dose-effetto e sul risparmio delle madie e basse dosi con l’IMPT non sono ancora state quantificate dal punto di vista clinico.


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Superconduttori bulk in MgB2, ottenuti con tecnologia Mg-RLI brevettata da Edison Spa, sono stati oggetto di un'approfondita analisi in termini di forze di levitazione. Questo studio è stato preliminare per la progettazione di un innovativo sistema di levitazione lineare. I risultati ottenuti sperimentalmente sono stati validati attraverso modelli numerici sviluppati ad hoc. I campioni oggetto dello studio sono tre bulk in MgB2 rappresentativi delle tipiche forme usate nelle applicazioni reali: un disco, un cilindro, una piastra. I bulk sono stati misurati con un sistema di misura per le forze di levitazione realizzato a tale scopo. Un protocollo sperimentale è stato seguito per la caratterizzazione di base, sia in condizioni Field Cooling sia Zero Field Cooling, al quale sono state affiancate prove specifiche come la possibilità di mantenere inalterate le proprietà superconduttive attraverso la giunzione di più campioni con la tecnologia Mg-RLI. Un modello numerico è stato sviluppato per convalidare i risultati sperimentali e per studiare l'elettrodinamica della levitazione. Diverse configurazioni di rotori magnetici sono state accoppiate con un cilindro in MgB2 con lo scopo di valutare la soluzione ottimale; questo tema è stato apporofondito attraverso lo sviluppo di un software di simulazione che può tenere conto sia del numero di magneti sia della presenza di anelli in materiale magneti intercalati fra di essi. Studi analoghi sono stati portati avanti su una piastra di MgB2 per simulare il comportamento di una geometria piana. Un sistema di raffreddamento innovativo basato sull'azoto solido è stato studiato per poterlo accoppiare con un sistema di levitazione. Il criostato progettato è costituito da due dewar, uno dentro l'altro; quello interno ha lo scopo di raffreddare l'MgB2 mentre quello esterno di limitare delle perdite verso l'esterno. Il criopattino così ottenuto è accoppiato in condizioni FC ad una rotaia formata da magneti permanenti in NdFeB.


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The quench characteristics of second generation (2 G) YBCO Coated Conductor (CC) tapes are of fundamental importance for the design and safe operation of superconducting cables and magnets based on this material. Their ability to transport high current densities at high temperature, up to 77 K, and at very high fields, over 20 T, together with the increasing knowledge in their manufacturing, which is reducing their cost, are pushing the use of this innovative material in numerous system applications, from high field magnets for research to motors and generators as well as for cables. The aim of this Ph. D. thesis is the experimental analysis and numerical simulations of quench in superconducting HTS tapes and coils. A measurements facility for the characterization of superconducting tapes and coils was designed, assembled and tested. The facility consist of a cryostat, a cryocooler, a vacuum system, resistive and superconducting current leads and signal feedthrough. Moreover, the data acquisition system and the software for critical current and quench measurements were developed. A 2D model was developed using the finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics R . The problem of modeling the high aspect ratio of the tape is tackled by multiplying the tape thickness by a constant factor, compensating the heat and electrical balance equations by introducing a material anisotropy. The model was then validated both with the results of a 1D quench model based on a non-linear electric circuit coupled to a thermal model of the tape, to literature measurements and to critical current and quench measurements made in the cryogenic facility. Finally the model was extended to the study of coils and windings with the definition of the tape and stack homogenized properties. The procedure allows the definition of a multi-scale hierarchical model, able to simulate the windings with different degrees of detail.