5 resultados para HBV viral load
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
As proviral human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) DNA can replenish and revive viral infection upon attivation, its analysis, in addition to RNA viral load, could be considered a useful marker during the follow-up of infected individuals, to evaluate reservoir status, especially in HAART-treated patients when RNA viral load is undetectable by current techniques and the antiretroviral efficacy of new, more potent therapeutic regimens. Standardized methods for the measurement of the two most significant forms of proviral DNA, total and non-integrated, are currently lacking, despite the widespread of molecular biology techniques. In this study, total and 2-LTR HIV-1 DNA proviral load, in addition to RNA viral load, CD4 cell count and serological parameters, were determined by quantitative analysis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in naïve or subsequently HAART-treated patients with acute HIV-1 infection in order to establish the role of these two DNA proviral forms in the course of HIV infection. The study demonstrated that HAART-treated individuals show a significant decrease in both total and 2-LTR circular HIV-1 DNA proviral load compared with naïve patients: these findings confirm that HIV-1 reservoir decay correlates with therapeutic effectiveness. The persistence of small amounts of 2-LTR HIV-1 DNA form, which is considered to be a molecular determinant of infectivity, in PBMC from some patients demonstrates that a small rate of replication is retained even when HAART is substantially effective: HAART could not eradicate completely the infection because HIV is able to replicate at low levels. Plasma-based viral RNA assays may fail to demonstrate the full extent of viral activity. In conclusion, the availability of a new standardized assay to determine DNA proviral load will be important in assessing the true extent of virological suppression suggesting that its quantification may be an important parameter in monitoring HIV infection.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancers (among these, adenocarcinoma, AdCa) and is associated to a subgroup of oropharyngeal carcinomas (OPSCCs). Even if the risk for cancer development is linked to the infection by some viral genotypes, mainly HPV16 and 18, viral DNA alone seems not to be sufficient for diagnosis. Moreover, the role of the virus in OPSCCs has not been totally clarified yet. In the first part of the thesis, the performances concerning viral genotyping in clinical cervical samples of a new pyrosequencing-based test and a well-known hybridization-based assay have been compared. Similar results between the methods have been obtained. However, the former showed advantages in detecting intratype variants, higher specificity and a broader spectrum of detectable HPV types. The second part deals with the evaluation of virological markers (genotyping, viral oncoproteins expression, viral load, physical state and CpG methylation of HPV16 genome) in the diagnosis/prognosis of cervical AdCa and HPV-associated OPSCCs. HPV16 has been confirmed the most prevalent genotype in both the populations. Interestingly, the mean methylation frequency of viral DNA at the early promoter showed the tendency to be associated to invasion for cervical AdCa and to a worse prognosis for OPSCCs, suggesting a promising role as diagnostic/prognostic biomarker. The experiments of the third part were performed at the DKFZ in Heidelberg (Germany) and dealt with the analysis of the response to IFN-k transfection in HPV16-positive cervical cancer and head&neck carcinoma cell lines to evaluate its potential role as new treatment. After 24h, we observed increased IFN-b expression which lead to the up-regulation of genes involved in the antigens presentation pathway (MHC class I and immunoproteasome) and antiviral response as well, in particular in cervical cancer cell lines. This fact suggested also the presence of different HPV-mediated carcinogenic pathways between the two anatomical districts.
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) causes congenital neurological lifelong disabilities. The study analyzed 10 HCMV-infected human fetuses at 21 weeks of gestation to evaluate the characteristics and pathogenesis of brain injury related to congenital human CMV (cCMV) infection. Specifically, tissues from cortical and white matter areas, subventricular zone, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, basal ganglia and cerebellum were analysed by: i) immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect HCMV-infected cell distribution, ii) hematoxylin-eosin staining to evaluate histological damage and iii) real-time PCR to quantify tissue viral load (HCMV-DNA). Viral tropism was assessed by double IHC to detect HCMV-antigens and neural/neuronal markers: nestin (expressed in early differentiation stage), doublecortin (DCX, identifying neuronal precursor cells) and neuronal nuclei (NeuN, identifying mature neurons). HCMV-positive cells and viral DNA were found in the brain of 8/10 (80%) fetuses. For these cases, brain damage was classified in mild (n=4, 50%), moderate (n=3, 37.5%) and severe (n=1, 12.5%) based on presence of i) diffuse astrocytosis, microglial activation and vascular changes; ii) occasional (in mild) or multiple (in moderate/severe) microglial nodules and iii) necrosis (in severe). The highest median HCMV-DNA level was found in the hippocampus (212 copies/5ng of humanDNA [hDNA], range: 10-7,505) as well as the highest mean HCMV-infected cell value (2.9 cells, range: 0-23), followed by that detected in subventricular zone (1.8 cells, range: 0-19). This suggests a preferential HCMV tropism for immature neuronal cells, residing in these regions, confirmed by the detection of DCX and nestin in 94% and 63.3% of HCMV-positive cells, respectively. NeuN was not found among HCMV-positive cells and was nearly absent in the brain with severe damage, suggesting HCMV does not infect mature neurons and immature HCMV-infected neuronal cells do not differentiate into neurons. HCMV preferential tropism in immature neural/neuronal cells delays/inhibits their differentiation interfering with brain development processes that lead to structural and functional brain defects.
Il principale motivo di ospedalizzazione del lattante è la bronchiolite acuta, causata in primis dal Virus Respiratorio Sinciziale (VRS). In questo ambito appaiono controversi i risultati in letteratura riguardo: carica del VRS, risposta immunitaria ed infiammatoria dell’ospite, microbiota del paziente (durante l’infezione e per successivo sviluppo di wheezing e asma). In questo studio di coorte prospettico monocentrico vengono arruolati lattanti peraltro sani ricoverati per primo episodio di bronchiolite acuta, da VRS o da altro agente, per valutare primariamente la relazione tra decorso clinico e carica del VRS, secondariamente l’associazione con specifiche composizioni e modifiche nel tempo del microbiota nasofaringeo ed intestinale durante la fase acuta e nel lungo termine in relazione a sviluppo di wheezing ricorrente. Nello studio sono stati arruolati finora 89 pazienti, di cui 68 con bronchiolite da VRS (76.4%), con analisi della carica virale su 41 lattanti (60.3%) e del microbiota su 20 (29.4%). L’analisi della carica del VRS non ha riscontrato associazione tra outcome di severità clinica quali necessità e durata di ossigenoterapia, nonché durata di ricovero. La presenza di trend di associazione tra carica virale all’ingresso e picco del VRS-RNA con necessità di ossigenoterapia ad alto flusso (HFNC) e l’associazione significativa di clearance di VRS con HFNC (p = 0.03) suggeriscono che la carica virale potrebbe influenzare la severità della bronchiolite da VRS. Le analisi del microbiota evidenziano numerosi genera mai descritti finora in letteratura a nostra conoscenza (es. Alloiococcus e Leptotrichia su aspirato, nonché tutti i dati emersi dallo studio della saliva, prima volta in letteratura) ed un generale aumento della diversity a 6 mesi dalla dimissione. Occorrerà completare l’analisi della carica del VRS con quella del sistema infiammatorio dell’ospite, nonché studiare il microbiota sui campioni del follow-up a lungo termine per la verifica di eventuali associazioni con sviluppo di wheezing e asma.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is associated with poor graft and patient survival. Treatment with HBV-specific immunoglobulins (HBIG) in combination with nucleos(t)ide analogs is effective in preventing HBV reinfection of the graft and improving OLT outcome. However, the combined immunoprophylaxis has several limitations, mainly the high cost and the lack of standard schedules about duration. So far, the identification of markers able to predict the reinfection risk is needed. Although the HBV-specific immune response is believed to play an essential role in disease outcome, HBV-specific cellular immunity in viral containment in OLT recipients is unclear. To test whether or not OLT recipients maintain robust HBV-specific cellular immunity, the cellular immune response against viral nucleocapsid and envelope-protein of HBV was assessed in 15 OLT recipients and 27 individuals with chronic and 24 subjects with self-limited HBV infection, respectively. The data demonstrate that OLT recipients mounted fewer but stronger clusters of differentiation (CD)8 T cell responses than subjects with self-limited HBV infection and showed a preferential targeting of the nucleocapsid antigen. This focused response pattern was similar to responses seen in chronically infected subjects with undetectable viremia, but significantly different from patients who presented with elevated HBV viremia and who mounted mainly immune responses against the envelope protein. In conclusion, virus-specific CD4 T cell–mediated responses were only detected in subjects with self-limited HBV infection. Thus, the profile of the cellular immunity against HBV was in immune suppressed patients similar to subjects with chronic HBV infection with suppressed HBV-DNA.