5 resultados para Glutathione S-transferase M1

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Recent knowledge supports the hypothesis that, beyond meeting nutrition needs, diet may modulate various functions in the body and play beneficial roles in some diseases. Research on functional foods is addressing the physiologic effects and health benefits of foods and food components, with the aim of authorizing specific health claims. The recognition that oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathophysiology of cardiac disorders has led to extensive investigations of the protective effects of exogenous antioxidants, but results are controversial. A promising strategy for protecting cardiac cells against oxidative damage may be through the induction of endogenous phase 2 enzymes with the enhancement of cellular antioxidant capacity. Sulforaphane (SF), a naturally occurring isothiocyanate abundant in Cruciferous vegetables, has gained attention as a potential chemopreventive compound thanks to its ability to induce several classes of genes implicated in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and electrophiles detoxification. Antioxidant responsive element (ARE)-mediated gene induction is a pivotal mechanism of cellular defence against the toxicity of electrophiles and ROS. The transcription factor NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2), is essential for the up-regulation of these genes. We investigated whether SF could exert cardioprotective effects against oxidative stress and elucidated the mechanisms underpinning these effects. Accordingly, using cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes as a model system, we evaluated the time-dependent induction of gene transcription, the corresponding protein expression and activity of various antioxidant and phase 2 enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione and related enzymes glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase, NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1 and thioredoxine reductase) elicited by SF. The results were correlated to intracellular ROS production and cell viability after oxidative stress generated by H2O2, and confirmed the ability of SF to exert cytoprotective effects acting as an indirect antioxidant. Furthermore, to get better insight into SF mechanism of action, we investigated the effect of SF treatment on Nrf2 and the upstream signalling pathways MAPK ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt, known to mediate a pro survival signal in the heart. The use of specific inhibitors of ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation demonstrated their involvement in phase 2 enzymes induction. The concentration of SF tested in this study is comparable to peak plasma concentration achieved after dietary exposure giving clear relevance to our data to support dietary intake of Cruciferous vegetables in cytoprotection against oxidative stress, a common determinant of many cardiovascular diseases.


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A reduced cancer risk associated with fruit and vegetable phytochemicals initially dictated chemopreventive approaches focused on specific green variety consumption or even single nutrient supplementations. However, these strategies not only failed to provide any health benefits but gave rise to detrimental effects. In parallel, public-health chemoprevention programmes were developed in the USA and Europe to increase whole vegetable consumption. Among these, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sponsored plan “5 to 9 a day for a better health” was one of the most popular. This campaign promoted wide food choice through the consumption of at least 5 to 9 servings a day of colourful fruits and vegetables. In this study the effects of the diet suggested by NCI on transcription, translation and catalytic activity of both xenobiotic metabolizing (XME) and antioxidant enzymes were studied in the animal model. In fact, the boost of both antioxidant defences and “good” phase-II together with down-regulation of “bad” phase-I XMEs is still considered one of the most widely-used strategies of cancer control. Six male Sprague Dawley rats for each treatment group were used. According to the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, a serving of fruit, vegetables and leafy greens corresponds to 150, 250 and 50 g, respectively, in a 70 kg man. Proportionally, rats received one or five servings of lyophilized onion, tomato, peach, black grape or lettuce – for white, red, yellow, violet or green diet, respectively - or five servings of each green (“5 a day” diet) by oral gavage daily for 10 consecutive days. Liver subcellular fractions were tested for various cytochrome P450 (CYP) linked-monooxygenases, phase-II supported XMEs such as glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) as well as for some antioxidant enzymes. Hepatic transcriptional and translational effects were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis, respectively. dROMs test was used to measure plasmatic oxidative stress. Routine haematochemical parameters were also monitored. While the five servings administration didn’t significantly vary XME catalytic activity, the lower dose caused a complex pattern of CYP inactivation with lettuce exerting particularly strong effects (a loss of up to 43% and 45% for CYP content and CYP2B1/2-linked XME, respectively; P<0.01). “5 a day” supplementation produced the most pronounced modulations (a loss of up to 60% for CYP2E1-linked XME and a reduction of CYP content of 54%; P<0.01). Testosterone hydroxylase activity confirmed these results. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that the “5 a day” diet XMEs inactivations were a result of both a transcriptional and a translational effect while lettuce didn’t exert such effects. All administrations brought out none or fewer modulation of phase-II supported XMEs. Apart from “5 a day” supplementation and the single serving of lettuce, which strongly induced DT- diaphorase (an increase of up to 141 and 171%, respectively; P<0.01), antioxidant enzymes were not significantly changed. RT-PCR analysis confirmed DT-diaphorase induction brought about by the administration of both “5 a day” diet and a single serving of lettuce. Furthermore, it unmasked a similar result for heme-oxygenase. dROMs test provided insight into a condition of high systemic oxidative stress as a consequence of animal diet supplementation with “5 a day” diet and a single serving of lettuce (an increase of up to 600% and 900%, respectively; P<0.01). Haematochemical parameters were mildly affected by such dietary manipulations. According to the classical chemopreventive theory, these results could be of particular relevance. In fact, even if antioxidant enzymes were only mildly affected, the phase-I inactivating ability of these vegetables would be a worthy strategy to cancer control. However, the recorded systemic considerable amount of reactive oxygen species and the complexity of these enzymes and their functions suggest caution in the widespread use of vegan/vegetarian diets as human chemopreventive strategies. In fact, recent literature rather suggests that only diets rich in fruits and vegetables and poor in certain types of fat, together with moderate caloric intake, could be associated with reduced cancer risk.


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I vegetali appartenenti alla famiglia delle Brassicaceae, sono ricchi di molecole biologicamente attive note per le numerose proprietà salutari. L’effetto di un estratto di germogli di cavolo nero toscano (TBCSE) è stato investigato, in termini chemiopreventivi, sugli enzimi epatici del metabolismo degli xenobiotici e antiossidanti, in ratti trattati con TBCSE. I risultati hanno mostrato un complesso pattern di modulazione, con una prevalente inibizione, del sistema citocromo P450-dipendente, e induzioni significative degli enzimi di fase II (glutatione transferasi e glucuronosiltransferasi) e antiossidanti (catalasi, NAD(P)H:chinone reduttasi, glutatione reduttasi e perossidasi). Successivamente, l’effetto di TBCSE è stato studiato nei confronti delle alterazioni provocate da un’alimentazione iperlipidica nel ratto. Il trattamento si è dimostrato efficace nel contrastare gli effetti deleteri dei grassi presenti nella dieta, come l’iperlipidemia, l’aumento del peso corporeo e del fegato, l’indebolimento delle attività degli enzimi antiossidanti e del potenziale detossificante a livello epatico. Complessivamente, TBCSE emerge essere un promettente prodotto nutraceutico con potenziali effetti chemiopreventivi, e da impiegare come strategia alimentare per contrastare gli effetti correlati ad una dieta iperlipidica. Il consumo di dosi sovralimentari di molecole isolate dalle Brassicaceae, tramite per esempio integratori dietetici, come strategia alimentare preventiva, potrebbe tuttavia rappresentare un rischio per la salute. La potenziale tossicità del sulforafane, glucorafanina, indolo-3-carbinolo, e 3,3'-diindolimetano, è stata valutata in epatociti primari di ratto. La citotossicità e l’induzione di stress ossidativo, osservate a concentrazioni non lontane da quelle che potrebbero essere raggiunte in vivo, insieme ad una forte modulazione dell’espressione genica, riguardante principalmente il metabolismo degli xenobiotici, risposte ad alterazioni dello stato ossidoredutivo, eventi di riparazione del DNA e di proteine, induzione dell’apoptosi, e meccanismi (co)cancerogeni, sottolineano la potenzialità di queste molecole di determinare un rischio tossicologico, in seguito ad un’assunzione prolungata e ad alte dosi.


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Widespread occurrence of pharmaceuticals residues has been reported in aquatic ecosystems. However, their toxic effects on aquatic biota remain unclear. Generally, the acute toxicity has been assessed in laboratory experiments, while chronic toxicity studies have rarely been performed. Of importance appears also the assessment of mixture effects, since pharmaceuticals never occur in waters alone. The aim of the present work is to evaluate acute and chronic toxic response in the crustacean Daphnia magna exposed to single pharmaceuticals and mixtures. We tested fluoxetine, a SSRI widely prescribed as antidepressant, and propranolol, a non selective β-adrenergic receptor-blocking agent used to treat hypertension. Acute immobilization and chronic reproduction tests were performed according to OECD guidelines 202 and 211, respectively. Single chemicals were first tested separately. Toxicity of binary mixtures was then assessed using a fixed ratio experimental design with concentrations based on Toxic Units. The conceptual model of Concentration Addition was adopted in this study, as we assumed that the mixture effect mirrors the sum of the single substances for compounds having similar mode of action. The MixTox statistical method was applied to analyze the experimental results. Results showed a significant deviation from CA model that indicated antagonism between chemicals in both the acute and the chronic mixture tests. The study was integrated assessing the effects of fluoxetine on a battery of biomarkers. We wanted to evaluate the organism biological vulnerability caused by low concentrations of pharmaceutical occurring in the aquatic environment. We assessed the acetylcholinesterase and glutathione s-transferase enzymatic activities and the malondialdehyde production. No treatment induced significant alteration of biomarkers with respect to the control. Biological assays and the MixTox model application proved to be useful tools for pharmaceutical risk assessment. Although promising, the application of biomarkers in Daphnia magna needs further elucidation.


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Primary CoQ10 deficiency diseases encompass a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical phenotypes. Among these, defect or mutation on COQ2 gene, encoding a para-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyl transferase, have been associated with different diseases. Understanding the functional and metabolic impact of COQ2 mutation and the consequent CoQ10 deficiency is still a matter of debate. To date the aetiology of the neurological phenotypes correlated to CoQ10 deficiency does not present a clear genotype-phenotype association. In addition to the metabolic alterations due to Coenzyme Q depletion, the impairment of mitochondrial function, associated with the reduced CoQ level, could play a significant role in the metabolic flexibility of cancer. This study aimed to characterize the effect of varying degrees of CoQ10 deficiency and investigate the multifaceted aspect of CoQ10 depletion and its impact on cell metabolism. To induced CoQ10 depletion, different cell models were used, employing a chemical and genome editing approach. In T67 and MCF-7 CoQ10 depletion was achieved by a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme, 4-nitrobenzoate (4-NB), whereas in SH-SY5Y the COQ2 gene was edited via CRISPR-Cas9 cutting edge technology.