9 resultados para Geometric Function Theory

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This thesis focuses on studying molecular structure and internal dynamics by using pulsed jet Fourier transform microwave (PJ-FTMW) spectroscopy combined with theoretical calculations. Several kinds of interesting chemical problems are investigated by analyzing the MW spectra of the corresponding molecular systems. First, the general aspects of rotational spectroscopy are summarized, and then the basic theory on molecular rotation and experimental method are described briefly. ab initio and density function theory (DFT) calculations that used in this thesis to assist the assignment of rotational spectrum are also included. From chapter 3 to chapter 8, several molecular systems concerning different kind of general chemical problems are presented. In chapter 3, the conformation and internal motions of dimethyl sulfate are reported. The internal rotations of the two methyl groups split each rotational transition into several components line, allowing for the determination of accurate values of the V3 barrier height to internal rotation and of the orientation of the methyl groups with respect to the principal axis system. In chapter 4 and 5, the results concerning two kinds of carboxylic acid bi-molecules, formed via two strong hydrogen bonds, are presented. This kind of adduct is interesting also because a double proton transfer can easily take place, connecting either two equivalent or two non-equivalent molecular conformations. Chapter 6 concerns a medium strong hydrogen bonded molecular complex of alcohol with ether. The dimer of ethanol-dimethylether was chosen as the model system for this purpose. Chapter 7 focuses on weak halogen…H hydrogen bond interaction. The nature of O-H…F and C-H…Cl interaction has been discussed through analyzing the rotational spectra of CH3CHClF/H2O. In chapter 8, two molecular complexes concerning the halogen bond interaction are presented.


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Ion channels are protein molecules, embedded in the lipid bilayer of the cell membranes. They act as powerful sensing elements switching chemicalphysical stimuli into ion-fluxes. At a glance, ion channels are water-filled pores, which can open and close in response to different stimuli (gating), and one once open select the permeating ion species (selectivity). They play a crucial role in several physiological functions, like nerve transmission, muscular contraction, and secretion. Besides, ion channels can be used in technological applications for different purpose (sensing of organic molecules, DNA sequencing). As a result, there is remarkable interest in understanding the molecular determinants of the channel functioning. Nowadays, both the functional and the structural characteristics of ion channels can be experimentally solved. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the structure-function relation in ion channels, by computational techniques. Most of the analyses focused on the mechanisms of ion conduction, and the numerical methodologies to compute the channel conductance. The standard techniques for atomistic simulation of complex molecular systems (Molecular Dynamics) cannot be routinely used to calculate ion fluxes in membrane channels, because of the high computational resources needed. The main step forward of the PhD research activity was the development of a computational algorithm for the calculation of ion fluxes in protein channels. The algorithm - based on the electrodiffusion theory - is computational inexpensive, and was used for an extensive analysis on the molecular determinants of the channel conductance. The first record of ion-fluxes through a single protein channel dates back to 1976, and since then measuring the single channel conductance has become a standard experimental procedure. Chapter 1 introduces ion channels, and the experimental techniques used to measure the channel currents. The abundance of functional data (channel currents) does not match with an equal abundance of structural data. The bacterial potassium channel KcsA was the first selective ion channels to be experimentally solved (1998), and after KcsA the structures of four different potassium channels were revealed. These experimental data inspired a new era in ion channel modeling. Once the atomic structures of channels are known, it is possible to define mathematical models based on physical descriptions of the molecular systems. These physically based models can provide an atomic description of ion channel functioning, and predict the effect of structural changes. Chapter 2 introduces the computation methods used throughout the thesis to model ion channels functioning at the atomic level. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 the ion conduction through potassium channels is analyzed, by an approach based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck electrodiffusion theory. In the electrodiffusion theory ion conduction is modeled by the drift-diffusion equations, thus describing the ion distributions by continuum functions. The numerical solver of the Poisson- Nernst-Planck equations was tested in the KcsA potassium channel (Chapter 3), and then used to analyze how the atomic structure of the intracellular vestibule of potassium channels affects the conductance (Chapter 4). As a major result, a correlation between the channel conductance and the potassium concentration in the intracellular vestibule emerged. The atomic structure of the channel modulates the potassium concentration in the vestibule, thus its conductance. This mechanism explains the phenotype of the BK potassium channels, a sub-family of potassium channels with high single channel conductance. The functional role of the intracellular vestibule is also the subject of Chapter 5, where the affinity of the potassium channels hEag1 (involved in tumour-cell proliferation) and hErg (important in the cardiac cycle) for several pharmaceutical drugs was compared. Both experimental measurements and molecular modeling were used in order to identify differences in the blocking mechanism of the two channels, which could be exploited in the synthesis of selective blockers. The experimental data pointed out the different role of residue mutations in the blockage of hEag1 and hErg, and the molecular modeling provided a possible explanation based on different binding sites in the intracellular vestibule. Modeling ion channels at the molecular levels relates the functioning of a channel to its atomic structure (Chapters 3-5), and can also be useful to predict the structure of ion channels (Chapter 6-7). In Chapter 6 the structure of the KcsA potassium channel depleted from potassium ions is analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations. Recently, a surprisingly high osmotic permeability of the KcsA channel was experimentally measured. All the available crystallographic structure of KcsA refers to a channel occupied by potassium ions. To conduct water molecules potassium ions must be expelled from KcsA. The structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel and the mechanism of water permeation are still unknown, and have been investigated by numerical simulations. Molecular dynamics of KcsA identified a possible atomic structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel, and a mechanism for water permeation. The depletion from potassium ions is an extreme situation for potassium channels, unlikely in physiological conditions. However, the simulation of such an extreme condition could help to identify the structural conformations, so the functional states, accessible to potassium ion channels. The last chapter of the thesis deals with the atomic structure of the !- Hemolysin channel. !-Hemolysin is the major determinant of the Staphylococcus Aureus toxicity, and is also the prototype channel for a possible usage in technological applications. The atomic structure of !- Hemolysin was revealed by X-Ray crystallography, but several experimental evidences suggest the presence of an alternative atomic structure. This alternative structure was predicted, combining experimental measurements of single channel currents and numerical simulations. This thesis is organized in two parts, in the first part an overview on ion channels and on the numerical methods adopted throughout the thesis is provided, while the second part describes the research projects tackled in the course of the PhD programme. The aim of the research activity was to relate the functional characteristics of ion channels to their atomic structure. In presenting the different research projects, the role of numerical simulations to analyze the structure-function relation in ion channels is highlighted.


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Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics is a broad subject. Grossly speaking, it deals with systems which have not yet relaxed to an equilibrium state, or else with systems which are in a steady non-equilibrium state, or with more general situations. They are characterized by external forcing and internal fluxes, resulting in a net production of entropy which quantifies dissipation and the extent by which, by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, time-reversal invariance is broken. In this thesis we discuss some of the mathematical structures involved with generic discrete-state-space non-equilibrium systems, that we depict with networks in all analogous to electrical networks. We define suitable observables and derive their linear regime relationships, we discuss a duality between external and internal observables that reverses the role of the system and of the environment, we show that network observables serve as constraints for a derivation of the minimum entropy production principle. We dwell on deep combinatorial aspects regarding linear response determinants, which are related to spanning tree polynomials in graph theory, and we give a geometrical interpretation of observables in terms of Wilson loops of a connection and gauge degrees of freedom. We specialize the formalism to continuous-time Markov chains, we give a physical interpretation for observables in terms of locally detailed balanced rates, we prove many variants of the fluctuation theorem, and show that a well-known expression for the entropy production due to Schnakenberg descends from considerations of gauge invariance, where the gauge symmetry is related to the freedom in the choice of a prior probability distribution. As an additional topic of geometrical flavor related to continuous-time Markov chains, we discuss the Fisher-Rao geometry of nonequilibrium decay modes, showing that the Fisher matrix contains information about many aspects of non-equilibrium behavior, including non-equilibrium phase transitions and superposition of modes. We establish a sort of statistical equivalence principle and discuss the behavior of the Fisher matrix under time-reversal. To conclude, we propose that geometry and combinatorics might greatly increase our understanding of nonequilibrium phenomena.


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Most electronic systems can be described in a very simplified way as an assemblage of analog and digital components put all together in order to perform a certain function. Nowadays, there is an increasing tendency to reduce the analog components, and to replace them by operations performed in the digital domain. This tendency has led to the emergence of new electronic systems that are more flexible, cheaper and robust. However, no matter the amount of digital process implemented, there will be always an analog part to be sorted out and thus, the step of converting digital signals into analog signals and vice versa cannot be avoided. This conversion can be more or less complex depending on the characteristics of the signals. Thus, even if it is desirable to replace functions carried out by analog components by digital processes, it is equally important to do so in a way that simplifies the conversion from digital to analog signals and vice versa. In the present thesis, we have study strategies based on increasing the amount of processing in the digital domain in such a way that the implementation of analog hardware stages can be simplified. To this aim, we have proposed the use of very low quantized signals, i.e. 1-bit, for the acquisition and for the generation of particular classes of signals.


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A 2D Unconstrained Third Order Shear Deformation Theory (UTSDT) is presented for the evaluation of tangential and normal stresses in moderately thick functionally graded conical and cylindrical shells subjected to mechanical loadings. Several types of graded materials are investigated. The functionally graded material consists of ceramic and metallic constituents. A four parameter power law function is used. The UTSDT allows the presence of a finite transverse shear stress at the top and bottom surfaces of the graded shell. In addition, the initial curvature effect included in the formulation leads to the generalization of the present theory (GUTSDT). The Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) method is used to discretize the derivatives in the governing equations, the external boundary conditions and the compatibility conditions. Transverse and normal stresses are also calculated by integrating the three dimensional equations of equilibrium in the thickness direction. In this way, the six components of the stress tensor at a point of the conical or cylindrical shell or panel can be given. The initial curvature effect and the role of the power law functions are shown for a wide range of functionally conical and cylindrical shells under various loading and boundary conditions. Finally, numerical examples of the available literature are worked out.


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This dissertation mimics the Turkish college admission procedure. It started with the purpose to reduce the inefficiencies in Turkish market. For this purpose, we propose a mechanism under a new market structure; as we prefer to call, semi-centralization. In chapter 1, we give a brief summary of Matching Theory. We present the first examples in Matching history with the most general papers and mechanisms. In chapter 2, we propose our mechanism. In real life application, that is in Turkish university placements, the mechanism reduces the inefficiencies of the current system. The success of the mechanism depends on the preference profile. It is easy to show that under complete information the mechanism implements the full set of stable matchings for a given profile. In chapter 3, we refine our basic mechanism. The modification on the mechanism has a crucial effect on the results. The new mechanism is, as we call, a middle mechanism. In one of the subdomain, this mechanism coincides with the original basic mechanism. But, in the other partition, it gives the same results with Gale and Shapley's algorithm. In chapter 4, we apply our basic mechanism to well known Roommate Problem. Since the roommate problem is in one-sided game patern, firstly we propose an auxiliary function to convert the game semi centralized two-sided game, because our basic mechanism is designed for this framework. We show that this process is succesful in finding a stable matching in the existence of stability. We also show that our mechanism easily and simply tells us if a profile lacks of stability by using purified orderings. Finally, we show a method to find all the stable matching in the existence of multi stability. The method is simply to run the mechanism for all of the top agents in the social preference.


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In this thesis we provide a characterization of probabilistic computation in itself, from a recursion-theoretical perspective, without reducing it to deterministic computation. More specifically, we show that probabilistic computable functions, i.e., those functions which are computed by Probabilistic Turing Machines (PTM), can be characterized by a natural generalization of Kleene's partial recursive functions which includes, among initial functions, one that returns identity or successor with probability 1/2. We then prove the equi-expressivity of the obtained algebra and the class of functions computed by PTMs. In the the second part of the thesis we investigate the relations existing between our recursion-theoretical framework and sub-recursive classes, in the spirit of Implicit Computational Complexity. More precisely, endowing predicative recurrence with a random base function is proved to lead to a characterization of polynomial-time computable probabilistic functions.


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Questo lavoro si concentra su un particolare aspetto della sfaccettata ricerca scientifica di Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), ossia quello teorico-musicale. I pensieri dell’astronomo tedesco riguardanti tale campo sono concentrati – oltre che in alcuni capitoli del Mysterium cosmographicum (1596) ed in alcune sue lettere – nel Libro III dell’Harmonices mundi libri quinque (1619), che, per la sua posizione mediana all’interno dell’opera, tra i primi due libri geometrici e gli ultimi due astronomici, e per la sua funzione di raccordo tra la «speculazione astratta» della geometria e la concretizzazione degli archetipi geometrici nel mondo fisico, assume la struttura di un vero e proprio trattato musicale sul modello di quelli rinascimentali, nel quale la «musica speculativa», dedicata alla teoria delle consonanze e alla loro deduzione geometrica precede la «musica activa», dedicata alla pratica del canto dell’uomo nelle sue differenze, generi e modi. La tesi contiene la traduzione italiana, con testo latino a fronte, del Libro III dell’Harmonice, e un’ampia introduzione che percorre le tappe fondamentali del percorso biografico e scientifico che hanno portato alla concezione di quest’opera – soffermandosi in particolare sulla formazione musicale ricevuta da Keplero, sulle pagine di argomento musicale del Mysterium e delle lettere, e sulle riflessioni filosofico-armoniche sviluppate negli anni di ricerca – e offre gli elementi fondamentali per poter comprendere l’Harmonice mundi in generale e il Libro III in particolare. A ciò si aggiunge, in Appendice, la traduzione, anch’essa con testo latino a fronte, della Sectio V, dedicata alla musica, del Liber IX dell’Almagestum novum (1651) di Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671), interessante sia dal punto di vista della recezione delle teorie di Keplero che dal punto di vista della storia delle idee musicali.