10 resultados para Gegenbauer’s Polynomial
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The main object of this thesis is the analysis and the quantization of spinning particle models which employ extended ”one dimensional supergravity” on the worldline, and their relation to the theory of higher spin fields (HS). In the first part of this work we have described the classical theory of massless spinning particles with an SO(N) extended supergravity multiplet on the worldline, in flat and more generally in maximally symmetric backgrounds. These (non)linear sigma models describe, upon quantization, the dynamics of particles with spin N/2. Then we have analyzed carefully the quantization of spinning particles with SO(N) extended supergravity on the worldline, for every N and in every dimension D. The physical sector of the Hilbert space reveals an interesting geometrical structure: the generalized higher spin curvature (HSC). We have shown, in particular, that these models of spinning particles describe a subclass of HS fields whose equations of motions are conformally invariant at the free level; in D = 4 this subclass describes all massless representations of the Poincar´e group. In the third part of this work we have considered the one-loop quantization of SO(N) spinning particle models by studying the corresponding partition function on the circle. After the gauge fixing of the supergravity multiplet, the partition function reduces to an integral over the corresponding moduli space which have been computed by using orthogonal polynomial techniques. Finally we have extend our canonical analysis, described previously for flat space, to maximally symmetric target spaces (i.e. (A)dS background). The quantization of these models produce (A)dS HSC as the physical states of the Hilbert space; we have used an iterative procedure and Pochhammer functions to solve the differential Bianchi identity in maximally symmetric spaces. Motivated by the correspondence between SO(N) spinning particle models and HS gauge theory, and by the notorious difficulty one finds in constructing an interacting theory for fields with spin greater than two, we have used these one dimensional supergravity models to study and extract informations on HS. In the last part of this work we have constructed spinning particle models with sp(2) R symmetry, coupled to Hyper K¨ahler and Quaternionic-K¨ahler (QK) backgrounds.
Providing support for multimedia applications on low-power mobile devices remains a significant research challenge. This is primarily due to two reasons: • Portable mobile devices have modest sizes and weights, and therefore inadequate resources, low CPU processing power, reduced display capabilities, limited memory and battery lifetimes as compared to desktop and laptop systems. • On the other hand, multimedia applications tend to have distinctive QoS and processing requirementswhichmake themextremely resource-demanding. This innate conflict introduces key research challenges in the design of multimedia applications and device-level power optimization. Energy efficiency in this kind of platforms can be achieved only via a synergistic hardware and software approach. In fact, while System-on-Chips are more and more programmable thus providing functional flexibility, hardwareonly power reduction techniques cannot maintain consumption under acceptable bounds. It is well understood both in research and industry that system configuration andmanagement cannot be controlled efficiently only relying on low-level firmware and hardware drivers. In fact, at this level there is lack of information about user application activity and consequently about the impact of power management decision on QoS. Even though operating system support and integration is a requirement for effective performance and energy management, more effective and QoSsensitive power management is possible if power awareness and hardware configuration control strategies are tightly integratedwith domain-specificmiddleware services. The main objective of this PhD research has been the exploration and the integration of amiddleware-centric energymanagement with applications and operating-system. We choose to focus on the CPU-memory and the video subsystems, since they are the most power-hungry components of an embedded system. A second main objective has been the definition and implementation of software facilities (like toolkits, API, and run-time engines) in order to improve programmability and performance efficiency of such platforms. Enhancing energy efficiency and programmability ofmodernMulti-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) Consumer applications are characterized by tight time-to-market constraints and extreme cost sensitivity. The software that runs on modern embedded systems must be high performance, real time, and even more important low power. Although much progress has been made on these problems, much remains to be done. Multi-processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) are increasingly popular platforms for high performance embedded applications. This leads to interesting challenges in software development since efficient software development is a major issue for MPSoc designers. An important step in deploying applications on multiprocessors is to allocate and schedule concurrent tasks to the processing and communication resources of the platform. The problem of allocating and scheduling precedenceconstrained tasks on processors in a distributed real-time system is NP-hard. There is a clear need for deployment technology that addresses thesemulti processing issues. This problem can be tackled by means of specific middleware which takes care of allocating and scheduling tasks on the different processing elements and which tries also to optimize the power consumption of the entire multiprocessor platform. This dissertation is an attempt to develop insight into efficient, flexible and optimalmethods for allocating and scheduling concurrent applications tomultiprocessor architectures. It is a well-known problem in literature: this kind of optimization problems are very complex even in much simplified variants, therefore most authors propose simplified models and heuristic approaches to solve it in reasonable time. Model simplification is often achieved by abstracting away platform implementation ”details”. As a result, optimization problems become more tractable, even reaching polynomial time complexity. Unfortunately, this approach creates an abstraction gap between the optimization model and the real HW-SW platform. The main issue with heuristic or, more in general, with incomplete search is that they introduce an optimality gap of unknown size. They provide very limited or no information on the distance between the best computed solution and the optimal one. The goal of this work is to address both abstraction and optimality gaps, formulating accurate models which accounts for a number of ”non-idealities” in real-life hardware platforms, developing novel mapping algorithms that deterministically find optimal solutions, and implementing software infrastructures required by developers to deploy applications for the targetMPSoC platforms. Energy Efficient LCDBacklightAutoregulation on Real-LifeMultimediaAp- plication Processor Despite the ever increasing advances in Liquid Crystal Display’s (LCD) technology, their power consumption is still one of the major limitations to the battery life of mobile appliances such as smart phones, portable media players, gaming and navigation devices. There is a clear trend towards the increase of LCD size to exploit the multimedia capabilities of portable devices that can receive and render high definition video and pictures. Multimedia applications running on these devices require LCD screen sizes of 2.2 to 3.5 inches andmore to display video sequences and pictures with the required quality. LCD power consumption is dependent on the backlight and pixel matrix driving circuits and is typically proportional to the panel area. As a result, the contribution is also likely to be considerable in future mobile appliances. To address this issue, companies are proposing low power technologies suitable for mobile applications supporting low power states and image control techniques. On the research side, several power saving schemes and algorithms can be found in literature. Some of them exploit software-only techniques to change the image content to reduce the power associated with the crystal polarization, some others are aimed at decreasing the backlight level while compensating the luminance reduction by compensating the user perceived quality degradation using pixel-by-pixel image processing algorithms. The major limitation of these techniques is that they rely on the CPU to perform pixel-based manipulations and their impact on CPU utilization and power consumption has not been assessed. This PhDdissertation shows an alternative approach that exploits in a smart and efficient way the hardware image processing unit almost integrated in every current multimedia application processors to implement a hardware assisted image compensation that allows dynamic scaling of the backlight with a negligible impact on QoS. The proposed approach overcomes CPU-intensive techniques by saving system power without requiring either a dedicated display technology or hardware modification. Thesis Overview The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. The first part is focused on enhancing energy efficiency and programmability of modern Multi-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs). Chapter 2 gives an overview about architectural trends in embedded systems, illustrating the principal features of new technologies and the key challenges still open. Chapter 3 presents a QoS-driven methodology for optimal allocation and frequency selection for MPSoCs. The methodology is based on functional simulation and full system power estimation. Chapter 4 targets allocation and scheduling of pipelined stream-oriented applications on top of distributed memory architectures with messaging support. We tackled the complexity of the problem by means of decomposition and no-good generation, and prove the increased computational efficiency of this approach with respect to traditional ones. Chapter 5 presents a cooperative framework to solve the allocation, scheduling and voltage/frequency selection problem to optimality for energyefficient MPSoCs, while in Chapter 6 applications with conditional task graph are taken into account. Finally Chapter 7 proposes a complete framework, called Cellflow, to help programmers in efficient software implementation on a real architecture, the Cell Broadband Engine processor. The second part is focused on energy efficient software techniques for LCD displays. Chapter 8 gives an overview about portable device display technologies, illustrating the principal features of LCD video systems and the key challenges still open. Chapter 9 shows several energy efficient software techniques present in literature, while Chapter 10 illustrates in details our method for saving significant power in an LCD panel. Finally, conclusions are drawn, reporting the main research contributions that have been discussed throughout this dissertation.
We deal with five problems arising in the field of logistics: the Asymmetric TSP (ATSP), the TSP with Time Windows (TSPTW), the VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW), the Multi-Trip VRP (MTVRP), and the Two-Echelon Capacitated VRP (2E-CVRP). The ATSP requires finding a lest-cost Hamiltonian tour in a digraph. We survey models and classical relaxations, and describe the most effective exact algorithms from the literature. A survey and analysis of the polynomial formulations is provided. The considered algorithms and formulations are experimentally compared on benchmark instances. The TSPTW requires finding, in a weighted digraph, a least-cost Hamiltonian tour visiting each vertex within a given time window. We propose a new exact method, based on new tour relaxations and dynamic programming. Computational results on benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art exact methods. In the VRPTW, a fleet of identical capacitated vehicles located at a depot must be optimally routed to supply customers with known demands and time window constraints. Different column generation bounding procedures and an exact algorithm are developed. The new exact method closed four of the five open Solomon instances. The MTVRP is the problem of optimally routing capacitated vehicles located at a depot to supply customers without exceeding maximum driving time constraints. Two set-partitioning-like formulations of the problem are introduced. Lower bounds are derived and embedded into an exact solution method, that can solve benchmark instances with up to 120 customers. The 2E-CVRP requires designing the optimal routing plan to deliver goods from a depot to customers by using intermediate depots. The objective is to minimize the sum of routing and handling costs. A new mathematical formulation is introduced. Valid lower bounds and an exact method are derived. Computational results on benchmark instances show that the new exact algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art exact methods.
The thesis applies the ICC tecniques to the probabilistic polinomial complexity classes in order to get an implicit characterization of them. The main contribution lays on the implicit characterization of PP (which stands for Probabilistic Polynomial Time) class, showing a syntactical characterisation of PP and a static complexity analyser able to recognise if an imperative program computes in Probabilistic Polynomial Time. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first part focuses on solving the problem by creating a prototype of functional language (a probabilistic variation of lambda calculus with bounded recursion) that is sound and complete respect to Probabilistic Prolynomial Time. The second part, instead, reverses the problem and develops a feasible way to verify if a program, written with a prototype of imperative programming language, is running in Probabilistic polynomial time or not. This thesis would characterise itself as one of the first step for Implicit Computational Complexity over probabilistic classes. There are still open hard problem to investigate and try to solve. There are a lot of theoretical aspects strongly connected with these topics and I expect that in the future there will be wide attention to ICC and probabilistic classes.
A year of satellite-borne lidar CALIOP data is analyzed and statistics on occurrence and distribution of bulk properties of cirri are provided. The relationship between environmental and cloud physical parameters and the shape of the backscatter profile (BSP) is investigated. It is found that CALIOP BSP is mainly affected by cloud geometrical thickness while only minor impacts can be attributed to other quantities such as optical depth or temperature. To fit mean BSPs as functions of geometrical thickness and position within the cloud layer, polynomial functions are provided. It is demonstrated that, under realistic hypotheses, the mean BSP is linearly proportional to the IWC profile. The IWC parameterization is included into the RT-RET retrieval algorithm, that is exploited to analyze infrared radiance measurements in presence of cirrus clouds during the ECOWAR field campaign. Retrieved microphysical and optical properties of the observed cloud are used as input parameters in a forward RT simulation run over the 100-1100 cm-1 spectral interval and compared with interferometric data to test the ability of the current single scattering properties database of ice crystal to reproduce realistic optical features. Finally a global scale investigation of cirrus clouds is performed by developing a collocation algorithm that exploits satellite data from multiple sensors (AIRS, CALIOP, MODIS). The resulting data set is utilized to test a new infrared hyperspectral retrieval algorithm. Retrieval products are compared to data and in particular the cloud top height (CTH) product is considered for this purpose. A better agreement of the retrieval with the CALIOP CTH than MODIS is found, even if some cases of underestimation and overestimation are observed.
This work presents a comprehensive methodology for the reduction of analytical or numerical stochastic models characterized by uncertain input parameters or boundary conditions. The technique, based on the Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) theory, represents a versatile solution to solve direct or inverse problems related to propagation of uncertainty. The potentiality of the methodology is assessed investigating different applicative contexts related to groundwater flow and transport scenarios, such as global sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and model calibration. This is achieved by implementing a numerical code, developed in the MATLAB environment, presented here in its main features and tested with literature examples. The procedure has been conceived under flexibility and efficiency criteria in order to ensure its adaptability to different fields of engineering; it has been applied to different case studies related to flow and transport in porous media. Each application is associated with innovative elements such as (i) new analytical formulations describing motion and displacement of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media, (ii) application of global sensitivity analysis to a high-complexity numerical model inspired by a real case of risk of radionuclide migration in the subsurface environment, and (iii) development of a novel sensitivity-based strategy for parameter calibration and experiment design in laboratory scale tracer transport.
In distributed systems like clouds or service oriented frameworks, applications are typically assembled by deploying and connecting a large number of heterogeneous software components, spanning from fine-grained packages to coarse-grained complex services. The complexity of such systems requires a rich set of techniques and tools to support the automation of their deployment process. By relying on a formal model of components, a technique is devised for computing the sequence of actions allowing the deployment of a desired configuration. An efficient algorithm, working in polynomial time, is described and proven to be sound and complete. Finally, a prototype tool implementing the proposed algorithm has been developed. Experimental results support the adoption of this novel approach in real life scenarios.
This dissertation studies the geometric static problem of under-constrained cable-driven parallel robots (CDPRs) supported by n cables, with n ≤ 6. The task consists of determining the overall robot configuration when a set of n variables is assigned. When variables relating to the platform posture are assigned, an inverse geometric static problem (IGP) must be solved; whereas, when cable lengths are given, a direct geometric static problem (DGP) must be considered. Both problems are challenging, as the robot continues to preserve some degrees of freedom even after n variables are assigned, with the final configuration determined by the applied forces. Hence, kinematics and statics are coupled and must be resolved simultaneously. In this dissertation, a general methodology is presented for modelling the aforementioned scenario with a set of algebraic equations. An elimination procedure is provided, aimed at solving the governing equations analytically and obtaining a least-degree univariate polynomial in the corresponding ideal for any value of n. Although an analytical procedure based on elimination is important from a mathematical point of view, providing an upper bound on the number of solutions in the complex field, it is not practical to compute these solutions as it would be very time-consuming. Thus, for the efficient computation of the solution set, a numerical procedure based on homotopy continuation is implemented. A continuation algorithm is also applied to find a set of robot parameters with the maximum number of real assembly modes for a given DGP. Finally, the end-effector pose depends on the applied load and may change due to external disturbances. An investigation into equilibrium stability is therefore performed.
In this thesis we provide a characterization of probabilistic computation in itself, from a recursion-theoretical perspective, without reducing it to deterministic computation. More specifically, we show that probabilistic computable functions, i.e., those functions which are computed by Probabilistic Turing Machines (PTM), can be characterized by a natural generalization of Kleene's partial recursive functions which includes, among initial functions, one that returns identity or successor with probability 1/2. We then prove the equi-expressivity of the obtained algebra and the class of functions computed by PTMs. In the the second part of the thesis we investigate the relations existing between our recursion-theoretical framework and sub-recursive classes, in the spirit of Implicit Computational Complexity. More precisely, endowing predicative recurrence with a random base function is proved to lead to a characterization of polynomial-time computable probabilistic functions.
This work is focused on the study of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers, and in particular on the realization of conceptual schemes to evaluate the risk associated with it. Saltwater intrusion depends on different natural and anthropic factors, both presenting a strong aleatory behaviour, that should be considered for an optimal management of the territory and water resources. Given the uncertainty of problem parameters, the risk associated with salinization needs to be cast in a probabilistic framework. On the basis of a widely adopted sharp interface formulation, key hydrogeological problem parameters are modeled as random variables, and global sensitivity analysis is used to determine their influence on the position of saltwater interface. The analyses presented in this work rely on an efficient model reduction technique, based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion, able to combine the best description of the model without great computational burden. When the assumptions of classical analytical models are not respected, and this occurs several times in the applications to real cases of study, as in the area analyzed in the present work, one can adopt data-driven techniques, based on the analysis of the data characterizing the system under study. It follows that a model can be defined on the basis of connections between the system state variables, with only a limited number of assumptions about the "physical" behaviour of the system.