3 resultados para Formal e informal
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Rural tourism is relatively new product in the process of diversification of the rural economy in Republic of Macedonia. This study used desk research and life story interviews of rural tourism entrepreneurs as qualitative research method to identify prevalent success influential factors. Further quantitative analysis was applied in order to measure the strength of influence of identified success factors. The primary data for the quantitative research was gathered using telephone questionnaire composed of 37 questions with 5-points Likert scale. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by SmartPLS 3.1.6. Results indicated that human capital, social capital, entrepreneurial personality and external business environment are predominant influential success factors. However, human capital has non-significant direct effect on success (p 0.493) nonetheless the effect was indirect with high level of partial mediation through entrepreneurial personality as mediator (VAF 73%). Personality of the entrepreneur, social capital and business environment have direct positive affect on entrepreneurial success (p 0.001, 0.003 and 0.045 respectably). Personality also mediates the positive effect of social capital on entrepreneurial success (VAF 28%). Opposite to the theory the data showed no interaction between social and human capital on the entrepreneurial success. This research suggests that rural tourism accommodation entrepreneurs could be more successful if there is increased support in development of social capital in form of conservation of cultural heritage and natural attractions. Priority should be finding the form to encourage and support the establishment of formal and informal associations of entrepreneurs in order to improve the conditions for management and marketing of the sector. Special support of family businesses in the early stages of the operation would have a particularly positive impact on the success of rural tourism. Local infrastructure, access to financial instruments, destination marketing and entrepreneurial personality have positive effect on success.
Le conseguenze del management algoritmico sui lavoratori sono note tra gli studiosi, ma poche ricerche indagano le possibilità di agency, soprattutto a livello individuale, nella gig-economy. A partire dalla quotidianità del lavoro, l’obiettivo è analizzare le forme di agency esercitate dai platform workers nel settore della logistica dell'ultimo miglio. La ricerca si basa su un'etnografia multi-situata condotta in due paesi molto distanti e riguardante due diversi servizi urbani di piattaforma: il food-delivery in Italia (Bologna, Torino) e il ride-hailing in Argentina (Buenos Aires). Nonostante le differenze, il lavoro di campo ha mostrato diverse continuità tra i contesti geografici. Innanzitutto, le tecnologie digitali giocano un ruolo ambivalente nell'ambiente di lavoro: se la tecnologia è usata dalle aziende per disciplinare il lavoro, costituisce però anche uno strumento che può essere impiegato a vantaggio dei lavoratori. Sia nel ride-hailing che nelle piattaforme di food-delivery, infatti, i lavoratori esprimono la loro agency condividendo pratiche di rimaneggiamento e tattiche per aggirare il despotismo algoritmico. In secondo luogo, la ricerca ha portato alla luce una gran varietà di attività economiche sviluppate ai margini dell'economia di piattaforma. In entrambi i casi le piattaforme intersecano vivacemente le economie informali urbane e alimentano circuiti informali di lavoro, come evidenziato dall'elevata presenza di scambi illeciti: ad esempio, vendita di account, hacking-bots, caporalato digitale. Tutt'altro che avviare un processo di formalizzazione, quindi, la piattaforma sussume e riproduce l’insieme di condizioni produttive e riproduttive dell'informalità (viração), offrendo impieghi intermittenti e insicuri a una massa di lavoratori-usa-e-getta disponibile al sottoimpiego. In conclusione, le piattaforme vengono definite come infrastrutture barocche, intendendo con il barocco tanto la natura ibrida dell'azione che mescola forme di neoliberismo-dal-basso con pratiche di solidarietà tra pari, quanto la progressiva ristrutturazione dei processi di accumulazione all’insegna di una rinnovata interdipendenza tra formale e informale nelle infrastrutture del «mondo a domicilio».
This dissertation has studied how legal and non-legal mechanisms affect the levels of trust and trustworthiness in an economy, and whether and when subtle psychological factors are crucial for establishing trust and even for recovering trust from a breach of contract. The first Chapter has addressed the question of whether formal legal enforcement crowds out or crowds in the amount of trust in a society. We find that formal legal mechanisms, especially formal contracts backed by a powerful authority, normally undermine trust except when they are perceived as legitimate, or when there are no strong social norms of fairness (i.e. the population in a society is considerably heterogeneous), or when the environment in which repeated commercial relationships take place becomes highly uncertain. The second Chapter has examined whether the endogenous adoption of a collective punishment institution can help a society coordinate on an efficient outcome, characterized by high levels of trust and trustworthiness. The experimental results show that the endogenous introduction of collective punishment by means of a majority-voting rule does not significantly improve coordination on the efficient equilibrium. Not all subjects seem to be able to anticipate the change in behavior induced by the introduction of the mechanism, and a majority of them vote against it. The third Chapter has explored whether high-trustors adapt their behavior in response to others’ trustworthiness or untrustworthiness more quickly, which in turn supports them to maintain higher default expectations of others’ trustworthiness relative to low-trustors. Our experimental results reveal that high-trustors are better than low-trustors at predicting others’ trustworthiness because they are less susceptible to the anticipated aversive emotions aroused by the potential betrayal and thereby have a higher willingness to acquire the valuable information about their partner’s actions.