12 resultados para Fight against poverty

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The thesis focuses on the link between education and poverty. The first part of the work investigates these concepts through a multidisciplinary study (History, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy) to show the complexity of the phenomena, and analyzes poverty considering it as an educational challenge. The second part presents the outcomes of a qualitative research about the role and the power that education has in the fight against poverty. The interviews and the focus groups with teachers and educators who work with the poor in several Italian cities and abroad (Denver and Los Angeles, Israel and Palestine), and the observations of the educational work done in some schools and services considered the "best practices" highlight the importance to re-educate our society, that is impoverished by the crisis of welfare state and the weakness of social networks. The final chapter is dedicated to a reflection on social justice, solidarity and sobriety, as pillars for Social Pedagogy in a society that cannot close its eyes to the inequalities that it generates.


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The femicide in Ciudad Juárez is a story made of extreme violence against women for different reasons, by different actors, under different circumstances, and following different behavioural patterns. All within a gender discrimination frame based on the idea that women are inferior, interchangeable and disposable according to the patriarchal hierarchy still present in Mexico, but strongly reinforced by a sort of conspiracy of silence provoked either by the high impunity rate, the governmental incompetence to solve the crimes, or the general indifference of the population. It is the story of hundreds of kidnapped, raped, in many cases tortured, and murdered young women in the border between Mexico and the United States. The murders first came into light in 1993 and up to now young women continue to “disappear” without any hope of bringing the perpetrators to justice, stopping impunity, convicting the assassins, and bringing justice to the families of the deceased girls and women. The main questions about femicide in Ciudad Juárez seem to be: why were they brutally assassinated?, why most of the crimes have not been solved yet?, why and how is Ciudad Juárez different from other border cities with the same characteristics?, which powers are behind those crimes in a city that implies mainly women as its labor force, and which has the lowest unemployment rate in the whole country? But there are also many other questions dealing more with the context, the Juarences’ lifestyles, the eventual hidden powers behind the crimes, the possible murderers’ reasons, the response of the local civil society, or the international community actions to fight against femicide there, among many other things, that are still waiting for an answer and that this paper will ‘narrate’ in order to provide a holistic panorama for the readers. But above all there is the need to remember that every single woman or girl assassinated there had a name, an identity, a family, a story to be told time after time and as many times as necessary, in order to avoid accepting these crimes just as statistics, as cold numbers that might make us forget the human tragedy that has been flagellating the city since 1993. We must remember as well that their deaths express gender oppression, the inequality of the relations between what is male and what is female, a manifestation of domination, terror, social extermination, patriarchal hegemony, social class and impunity. The city is the perfect mirror where all the contradictions of globalization get reflected. It is there where all the globalization evils are present and survive by sucking their women’s blood. It is a city where some concepts such as gender, migration and power are closely related with a negative connotation.


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After having covered the international regulation in the labour market and in the control mechanisms fighting the irregular and the concealed labour, the Author concentrates on the Italian system’s answers to the requests coming from the European Union. Starting from the White Book on the labour market in Italy, the problems originated by the Legislative Decree 124/2004 and, moreover, those which have affected the fight against the concealed labour are dealt with. The aim study is to verify that the juridical regulation adopted by the national lawmaker has contributed to solve the problems connected to the labour flexibility and the consequent temporary employment. The analysis of the problems has led to the conclusion that, regardless the lawmaker’s good intentions, the basic principles of the national juridical system do not allow the achievement of a full realization of the objectives. This is mainly because the lack of effective systems to protect the flexible employees often treated as temporary employees, and because of the difficulties to introduce the legal culture on which the whole system should stand.


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The dissertation regards The memory on the Italian Risorgimento in “Justice and Freedom”(1929-1940) a theoretical core point in the history of the Movement, which so far has not been granted due attention. The work herewith presented is therefore aimed at filling a storiographical gap, analysing the historical events which continue to operate as traditions, raising feelings and passions and hence operating in politics, although as secondary factors. The point made is that the Justice and Freedom Movement, an antifascist political movement born in Paris in October 1929, bases its strength on the heroic choice of the antifascism movement to fight a Second Risorgimento, connecting the fight against the regime to the battles previously fought for the justice and the freedom, an entirely isolated event in the political opposition’s panorama. The dissertation, thus, attempts to explain how and why Justice and Freedom is so tightly interconnected in its political action to the Risorgimento tradition. The first chapter sets the cultural background of the foundation of the Justice and Freedom Movement. The centre of such foundation was Florence, where Gaetano Salvemini, along with a group of young people, would later on carry out some cultural experiences that ideally prepare the ground for the movement’s birth. In the second chapter are found the sites of the memory where the passage of the Risorgimento tradition between the generations takes place. The work therefore shifts from a public to a private level, concentrating on biographical paths. The choice made was for Nello Rosselli, a man very close to the Justice and Freedom Movement but who, as opposed to his comrades-in-arms, did not chose the political way to express his ethical choice, but rather the theoretical one, becoming a Risorgimento historian. The third chapter concentrates on the birth of the Justice and Freedom Movement in France, trying to reconstruct the cultural ties and the confrontation places and sites where the members of the Movement could interact with the French intellectual milieu, bringing back to light the propagandistic usage of the Risorgimento myth carried out by the Movement. Lastly, the fourth chapter focuses on the cultural debate on the Risorgimento, which took place on the press organs of the Movement, pointing out and periodizing the theoretical passages and the propagandistic uses of the myth as related to the stages of the Movement and the political needs.


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The main objective of this research is to demonstrate that the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), an instrument created under a global international treaty, can achieve multiple objectives beyond those for which it has been established. As such, while being already a powerful tool to contribute to the global fight against climate change, the CDM can also be successful if applied to different sectors not contemplated before. In particular, this research aimed at demonstrating that a wider utilization of the CDM in the tourism sector can represent an innovative way to foster sustainable tourism and generate additional benefits. The CDM was created by Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and represents an innovative tool to reduce greenhouse gases emissions through the implementation of mitigation activities in developing countries which generate certified emission reductions (CERs), each of them equivalent to one ton of CO2 not emitted in the atmosphere. These credits can be used for compliance reasons by industrialized countries in achieving their reduction targets. The logic path of this research begins with an analysis of the scientific evidences of climate change and its impacts on different economic sectors including tourism and it continues with a focus on the linkages between climate and the tourism sector. Then, it analyses the international responses to the issue of climate change and the peculiar activities in the international arena addressing climate change and the tourism sector. The concluding part of the work presents the objectives and achievements of the CDM and its links to the tourism sector by considering case studies of existing projects which demonstrate that the underlying question can be positively answered. New opportunities for the tourism sector are available.


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La ricerca è dedicata a verificare se e come, a livello dell’Unione europea, la lotta alla criminalità (ed in particolare quella organizzata) venga condotta nel rispetto di diritti e libertà fondamentali, e se la cooperazione tra Stati membri su questo fronte possa giungere a promuovere standard omogenei ed elevati di tutela degli stessi. Gli ambiti di cooperazione interessati sono principalmente quello giudiziario in materia penale e quello di polizia, e la ritrosia degli Stati a cedere all’Unione competenze in materia si è accompagnata ad un ritardo ancora maggiore dell’emersione, nell’ambito degli stessi, della dimensione dei diritti. Ciò ha reso molto difficile lo sviluppo completo ed equilibrato di uno “spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia” (art. 67 TFUE). L’assetto istituzionale introdotto dal Trattato di Lisbona e l’attribuzione di valore giuridico vincolante alla Carta hanno però posto le basi per il superamento della condizione precedente, anche grazie al fatto che, negli ambiti richiamati, la salvaguardia dei diritti è divenuta competenza ed obiettivo esplicito dell’Unione. Centrale è per la ricerca la cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale, che ha visto la ricca produzione normativa di stampo repressivo recentemente bilanciata da interventi del legislatore europeo a finalità garantista e promozionale. L’analisi degli strumenti nella prospettiva indicata all’inizio dell’esposizione è quindi oggetto della prima parte dell’elaborato. La seconda parte affronta invece la cooperazione di polizia e quello degli interventi volti alla confisca dei beni e ad impedire il riciclaggio, misure – queste ultime - di particolare rilievo soprattutto per il contrasto al crimine organizzato. Sottesi all’azione dell’Unione in queste materie sono, in modo preponderante, due diritti: quello alla salvaguardia dei dati personali e quello al rispetto della proprietà privata. Questi, anche in ragione delle peculiarità che li caratterizzano e della loro natura di diritti non assoluti, sono analizzati con particolare attenzione.


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Gli ultimi anni hanno visto importanti cambiamenti positivi nella cooperazione interstatale in Asia centrale. Crescenti minacce come il terrorismo internazionale, l'estremismo religioso e politico, il traffico di droga, ecc, causati dagli interessi geopolitici e geo-economici delle potenze mondiali, hanno contribuito alla formazione di una politica estera più coordinata e coerente degli Stati della regione. Questo processo si manifesta nella partecipazione attiva dell’istituzionalizzazione della Shanghai Organizzazione del Commonwealth (SOC), Conferenza sulle misure di costruzione d’interazione e fiducia in Asia (CICA) e Organizzazione del Trattato di Sicurezza Collettiva (CSTO). Problemi moderni di sicurezza in Asia centrale dovrebbero essere risolti in dei nuovi modi, non convenzionali. Le nuove minacce alla sicurezza richiedono modi non standard per risolvere il problema. Considerate le differenze fondamentali dell'Unione europea e degli Stati dell'Asia centrale nei valori e dal punto di vista in materia di sicurezza. I paesi dell'Asia centrale non sono pronti per l'integrazione politica. Nonostante questo, nell’Asia centrale sono state adottate misure per contrastare le minacce non convenzionali. L’esperienza europea di unire gli sforzi della regione per garantire la sicurezza interna, può essere utilizzata dai paesi dell'Asia centrale, soprattutto, in primo luogo sulla formazione del quadro istituzionale e giuridico per la cooperazione operativa delle forze dell'ordine per le seguenti aree: • prevenzione del traffico di droga attraverso gli Stati dell'Asia centrale; • lotta contro nuove forme di terrorismo ed estremismo; • limitare la dimensione della migrazione clandestina; • migliorare la protezione giuridica dei cittadini. Fino a poco tempo fa, questi temi hanno ricevuto poca attenzione, sia nella teoria sia nella pratica, poiché i problemi di sicurezza della società erano principalmente ridotti per evitare il pericolo di guerra.


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La definizione dell’ordinamento dell’Unione come ordinamento costituzionale è centrale, ma resta frammentata. Per restituirle sistematicità è importante individuare un principio sul quale poggiarne il consolidamento. Per questo si è scelto di esaminare il principio di non discriminazione attraverso l’analisi della giurisprudenza, con l’obiettivo di verificare se questo principio è parte fondamentale dell’identità costituzionale dell’Unione Europea. Nella prima parte della tesi si analizza la struttura del giudizio sulla discriminazione davanti alla CGUE e davanti alla CEDU, mettendo in evidenza come la struttura ricordi sempre di più quella del giudizio di costituzionalità. Nella seconda parte ci si concentra sul contributo dato dal principio di non discriminazione all’identità costituzionale dell’Unione Europea attraverso la lotta contro specifiche tipologie di discriminazione. Poiché i motivi di discriminazione sono molto numerosi, si è stabilito di esaminare quei motivi che sono regolati dal diritto derivato. Per questo la seconda parte dell’analisi si è concentrata sulle discriminazioni a motivo della nazionalità (dir. 2004/38/CE), della razza (dir. 2000/43/CE), del genere (dir. 2006/54/CE, dir. 2004/113/CE) dell’età, disabilità, religione ed orientamento sessuale (dir. 2000/78/CE). Dall’analisi della giurisprudenza e del diritto derivato che ne dà attuazione è possibile comprendere che questo principio, oltre ad essere sostenuto da un vero e proprio giudizio di legittimità costituzionale (il rinvio pregiudiziale), ha gli strumenti necessari a permetterne lo sviluppo tenendo conto delle identità costituzionali degli stati membri e può aiutare ad offrire delle risposte rispetto a uno dei problemi fondamentali inerenti all’efficacia del diritto dell’Unione Europea: la tensione fra il principio di attribuzione e la dottrina degli effetti diretti. Le conclusioni di questo lavoro portano a sostenere che è possibile individuare una giurisprudenza della Corte che, attraverso alcuni passaggi fondamentali (le sentenze Mangold, Kucukdeveci, Hay, Deckmyn e Zambrano), definisce il principio di non discriminazione come principio fondamentale, e costituzionale, del diritto dell’Unione Europea.


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The data presented in this thesis was generated using molecular biology, protein chemistry and X-ray crystallography techniques. However, while the methodologies employed are essentially the same, the research work presented here refers to two different proteins, which are part of different research projects in the laboratory. For this reason, the content of this thesis is divided in two independent parts, each provided with an introduction and a general overview of the research topic and state-ofthe- art, a materials and methods section discussing the techniques used and the protocols followed, and a section where the results are presented and discussed in detail. The first half of the thesis deals with the structural characterization of the complex between human E-cadherin and three different small molecule potential inhibitors identified via a fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) screening campaign that was conducted using a library of commercially available small fluorinated chemical fragments. For this screening phase, we used 19F-NMR as readout. The NMR experiments were done by our collaborator Dr. Marina Veronesi at the D3 PharmaChemistry division of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genova (Italy). Functional cell adhesion assays to validate the inhibitory effects of the fragments thus identified were carried out in collaboration with Prof. Frédéric André at the University of Marseille (France). The second half of the thesis describes the structural characterization of Plasmodium falciparum Choline Kinase (PfChoK), an important pharmaceutical target in the fight against malaria, as well as the biochemical characterization of a library of potential inhibitors of PfChoK. These inhibitors were synthetized in the group of Prof. Luisa Carlota López-Cara at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Organic Chemistry of the University of Granada (Spain) in the framework of an ongoing collaboration between the two groups.


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Tanto en Italia como en España las personas han reivindicado que el ordenamiento jurídico reconozca un verdadero derecho de todos a acceder a la información pública de manera libre. En parte, esto ha sido así por la desafección de los ciudadanos con el sistema político que los ha llevado a reivindicar un rol más preponderante en los procesos de toma de decisiones públicas y a exigir una mayor eficiencia en la lucha contra la corrupción en el sector público. Con el libre acceso a la información pública se favorecen ambas cosas, ya que la información que posee el sector público resulta valiosísima para que los ciudadanos puedan enjuiciar de manera crítica «cómo se toman las decisiones que les afectan, cómo se manejan los fondos públicos o bajo qué criterios actúan nuestras instituciones» -apartado I del preámbulo de la LTAIBG-. Tradicionalmente, el derecho a acceder a los documentos públicos ha sido una cuestión vinculada al procedimiento administrativo y su ejercicio quedaba circunscrito a ser parte en el procedimiento. Este derecho ha sido el modelo seguido para la creación del derecho de acceso a la información público, aunque nace desvinculado del procedimiento administrativo en la medida en que tiene un fundamento democrático del que carece el derecho de acceso en el procedimiento administrativo. En esta tesis doctoral estudiamos las normas que han hecho posible que en Italia y España se cree este nuevo derecho político en el siglo XXI y su fundamento democrático. Concretamente, en Italia han sido el Decreto Legislativo 33/2013 y el Decreto Legislativo 97/2016 y en España la LTAIBG, las normas que han configurado este nuevo derecho.


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In the last decades noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) arose as one of the most powerful tools for applications in nanomedicine field and cancer treatment. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), in particular, is one of the most aggressive malignant brain tumors that nowadays still presents a dramatic scenario concerning median survival. Gold nanorods (GNRs) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) could find applications such as diagnostic imaging, hyperthermia and glioblastoma therapy. During these three years, both GNRs and AgNPs were synthesized with the “salt reduction” method and, through a novel double phase transfer process, using specifically designed thiol-based ligands, lipophilic GNRs and AgNPs were obtained and separately entrapped into biocompatible and biodegradable PEG-based polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs) suitable for drug delivery within the body. Moreover, a synergistic effect of AgNPs with the Alisertib drug, were investigated thanks to the simultaneous entrapment of these two moieties into PNPs. In addition, Chlorotoxin (Cltx), a peptide that specifically recognize brain cancer cells, was conjugated onto the external surface of PNPs. The so-obtained novel nanosystems were evaluated for in vitro and in vivo applications against glioblastoma multiforme. In particular, for GNRs-PNPs, their safety, their suitability as optoacoustic contrast agents, their selective laser-induced cells death and finally, a high tumor retention were all demonstrated. Concerning AgNPs-PNPs, promising tumor toxicity and a strong synergistic effect with Alisertib was observed (IC50 10 nM), as well as good in vivo biodistribution, high tumor uptake and significative tumor reduction in tumor bearing mice. Finally, the two nanostructures were linked together, through an organic framework, exploiting the click chemistry azido-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition, between two ligands previously attached to the NPs surface; this multifunctional complex nanosystem was successfully entrapped into PNPs with nanoparticles’ properties maintenance, obtaining in this way a powerful and promising tool for cancer fight and defeat.


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This thesis collects the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in Telecommunications Engineering and it is focused on the study and design of possible techniques able to counteract interference signal in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) systems. The subject is the jamming threat in navigation systems, that has become a very increasingly important topic in recent years, due to the wide diffusion of GNSS-based civil applications. Detection and mitigation techniques are developed in order to fight out jamming signals, tested in different scenarios and including sophisticated signals. The thesis is organized in two main parts, which deal with management of GNSS intentional counterfeit signals. The first part deals with the interference management, focusing on the intentional interfering signal. In particular, a technique for the detection and localization of the interfering signal level in the GNSS bands in frequency domain has been proposed. In addition, an effective mitigation technique which exploits the periodic characteristics of the common jamming signals reducing interfering effects at the receiver side has been introduced. Moreover, this technique has been also tested in a different and more complicated scenario resulting still effective in mitigation and cancellation of the interfering signal, without high complexity. The second part still deals with the problem of interference management, but regarding with more sophisticated signal. The attention is focused on the detection of spoofing signal, which is the most complex among the jamming signal types. Due to this highly difficulty in detect and mitigate this kind of signal, spoofing threat is considered the most dangerous. In this work, a possible techniques able to detect this sophisticated signal has been proposed, observing and exploiting jointly the outputs of several operational block measurements of the GNSS receiver operating chain.