3 resultados para Fecal samples
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
L'epatite E è una malattia umana con caratteristiche di epatite acuta, causata da un ssRNA virus (HEV). Nel 1997, HEV è stato identificato per la prima volta nei suini (SwHEV). In seguito, diverse evidenze, tra cui la vicinanza genetica tra ceppi umani e suini, suggerirono la trasmissione zoonotica del virus. Nella presente tesi, l’identificazione di SwHEV è stata condotta mediante ricerca di porzioni di genoma virale attraverso RT-PCR. Dal 2011 al 2013, sono stati analizzati 343 campioni fecali (da 19 allevamenti) e 70 bili (da 2 macelli) prelevati da altrettanti suini, in diverse Regioni italiane. E’ stato inoltre condotto uno studio retrospettivo su 78 feci (da 3 allevamenti) raccolte nel 2000. Il virus è stato identificato nel 24,5% e 19,2% delle feci raccolte rispettivamente nel 2011-2013 e nel 2000. Nessuna bile è risultata positiva. Mediante sequenziamento del genoma intero di uno dei virus identificati, è stata condotta l’analisi filogenetica per valutarne il grado di correlazione con alti ceppi suini e umani. La presenza di HEV è stata valutata lungo la filiera di produzione suina, dal macello al punto vendita. Trentaquattro campioni di feci, fegato e muscolo sono stati raccolti in un macello da altrettanti suini sani (età:6-7 mesi). Quattordici feci e 2 fegati, sono risultati positivi per HEV. Sono state prelevate 129 salsicce sia allo stabilimento di trasformazione sia alla vendita, ma nessuna è risultata positiva. La presenza di HEV è stata valutata anche nelle salsicce di fegato, fresche e secche, acquistate presso una macelleria. Il genoma virale è stato rilevato nel 22,2% delle salsicce fresche e nel 4,3 % di quelle secche ma la vitalità del virus non è stata dimostrata. In conclusione, lo studio condotto ha confermato l’ampia circolazione di HEV nei suini e la possibile contaminazione dei prodotti carnei derivati, confermando la necessità di una continua sorveglianza.
Background and Aims: Intestinal dysbiosis has been described in children with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and in adults with short bowel syndrome (SBS), mostly with jejunocolic anastomosis (SBS-2) and jejuno-ileal anastomosis (SBS-3), linked to generic data with the pathogenesis of Intestinal Failure Associated Liver Disease (IFALD). Little is known about gut microbiome of adults with end-jejunostomy (SBS-1) and in CIF other than SBS and any specific associations with the onset of IFALD. We aimed to describe the fecal microbiome of adult patients with different mechanisms of CIF and any possible associations with the development of IFALD. Material and methods: Fecal samples from 61 patients with benign CIF. Phylogenetic characterization of the microbiome by amplification of the hypervariable regions V3 and V4 of the bacterial gene encoding 16S rRNA, and subsequent grouping of sequences in amplicon sequence variants (ASVs). Patient samples comparison to microbiome sequences from 61 healthy subjects, matched for sex and age, selected from the healthy subjects library of the Laboratory of the Microbial Ecology of Health Unit, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, of the University of Bologna. IFALD was assessed by the diagnostic criteria of IFALD-cholestasis, IFALD-steatosis, IFALD-fibrosis. Results: Decreased bacterial α-diversity in CIF patients (increase of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria and decrease in Bacteroidetes). Identification of microbial family-level signatures specific for CIF mechanisms (increase in Actinomycetaceae and Streptococcaceae in SBS-1, Bifidobacteriaceae and Lactobacillaceae in SBS-2, Bacteroidaceae and Porphyromonadaceae in dysmotility). Abundance of Lactobacillus and Lactobacillaceae strongly associated with IFALD-cholestasis and IFALD–fibrosis for SBS-1; Peptostreptococcus, Prevotellaceae (Prevotella) and Pasteurellaceae (Haemophilus) significantly increased in IFALD-fibrosis for other CIF mechanisms. Conclusions: CIF patients had a marked intestinal dysbiosis with microbial family-level signatures specific to the pathophysiological mechanism. Specific characteristics of microbiome may contribute to the pathogenesis of IFALD. Intestinal microbiome could become a therapeutic target in patients with CIF.
The COVID-19 pandemic, sparked by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, stirred global comparisons to historical pandemics. Initially presenting a high mortality rate, it later stabilized globally at around 0.5-3%. Patients manifest a spectrum of symptoms, necessitating efficient triaging for appropriate treatment strategies, ranging from symptomatic relief to antivirals or monoclonal antibodies. Beyond traditional approaches, emerging research suggests a potential link between COVID-19 severity and alterations in gut microbiota composition, impacting inflammatory responses. However, most studies focus on severe hospitalized cases without standardized criteria for severity. Addressing this gap, the first study in this thesis spans diverse COVID-19 severity levels, utilizing 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing on fecal samples from 315 subjects. The findings highlight significant microbiota differences correlated with severity. Machine learning classifiers, including a multi-layer convoluted neural network, demonstrated the potential of microbiota compositional data to predict patient severity, achieving an 84.2% mean balanced accuracy starting one week post-symptom onset. These preliminary results underscore the gut microbiota's potential as a biomarker in clinical decision-making for COVID-19. The second study delves into mild COVID-19 cases, exploring their implications for ‘long COVID’ or Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS). Employing longitudinal analysis, the study unveils dynamic shifts in microbial composition during the acute phase, akin to severe cases. Innovative techniques, including network approaches and spline-based longitudinal analysis, were deployed to assess microbiota dynamics and potential associations with PACS. The research suggests that even in mild cases, similar mechanisms to hospitalized patients are established regarding changes in intestinal microbiota during the acute phase of the infection. These findings lay the foundation for potential microbiota-targeted therapies to mitigate inflammation, potentially preventing long COVID symptoms in the broader population. In essence, these studies offer valuable insights into the intricate relationships between COVID-19 severity, gut microbiota, and the potential for innovative clinical applications.