7 resultados para Experience and know how
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
According to much evidence, observing objects activates two types of information: structural properties, i.e., the visual information about the structural features of objects, and function knowledge, i.e., the conceptual information about their skilful use. Many studies so far have focused on the role played by these two kinds of information during object recognition and on their neural underpinnings. However, to the best of our knowledge no study so far has focused on the different activation of this information (structural vs. function) during object manipulation and conceptualization, depending on the age of participants and on the level of object familiarity (familiar vs. non-familiar). Therefore, the main aim of this dissertation was to investigate how actions and concepts related to familiar and non-familiar objects may vary across development. To pursue this aim, four studies were carried out. A first study led to the creation of the Familiar and Non-Familiar Stimuli Database, a set of everyday objects classified by Italian pre-schoolers, schoolers, and adults, useful to verify how object knowledge is modulated by age and frequency of use. A parallel study demonstrated that factors such as sociocultural dynamics may affect the perception of objects. Specifically, data for familiarity, naming, function, using and frequency of use of the objects used to create the Familiar And Non-Familiar Stimuli Database were collected with Dutch and Croatian children and adults. The last two studies on object interaction and language provide further evidence in support of the literature on affordances and on the link between affordances and the cognitive process of language from a developmental point of view, supporting the perspective of a situated cognition and emphasizing the crucial role of human experience.
Obiettivo generale dello studio è rivolto alla definizione di linee d’indirizzo volte alla riqualificazione paesaggistica, per l’integrazione ed il recupero delle corti e degli edifici moderni dei centri aziendali agricoli a carattere multifunzionale in territorio rurale, attraverso soluzioni appropriate sia sul piano tecnologico-formale che su quello economico-funzionale. Con riferimento ad un’area studio sovracomunale della provincia di Bologna (Regione Emilia-Romagna), si è determinato, quale obiettivo specifico, l’individuazione delle possibili soluzioni di riqualificazione, da realizzarsi in economia, cioè primariamente attraverso i mezzi e le competenze normalmente disponibili in un’azienda agricola di questo tipo. A seguito del riconoscimento dei caratteri specifici e dei tipi edilizi degli edifici rurali tradizionali nella pianura emiliano romagnola, dell’identificazione delle metodologie d’indagine dei caratteri degli edifici rurali in letteratura, nonché dell’analisi della normativa di riferimento in materia di aziende multifunzionali, sono state definite le aziende studio, appartenenti ad aree geografiche differenti. La metodologia d’indagine individuata è stata condotta per la determinazione delle tipologie costruttive, dei materiali utilizzati e dei requisiti delle aziende, in relazione alle diverse specificità, alla definizione funzionale degli spazi costruiti, degli spazi aperti e delle differenti relazioni fra essi e l’identificazione ed analisi dei percorsi delle diverse tipologie di fruitori. L’identificazione delle criticità dei caratteri architettonici riscontrate, sia negli edifici agricoli sia nella corte, ha condotto al riconoscimento degli ambiti di intervento per la progettazione delle soluzioni di riqualificazione funzionale e paesaggistica, attraverso lo studio delle possibili soluzioni per la schermatura o rivalorizzazione sia degli edifici moderni di servizio all’agricoltura (analizzando le potenzialità progettuali offerte dalle pareti verdi, dai brise soleil, dalle facciate ventilate o da intonaci e tinteggiature), sia per la riqualificazione dei percorsi e degli aspetti paesaggistici (intervenendo sulla proposta di materiali da pavimentazione, e delle essenze da utilizzare), da realizzarsi in economia, ma comparati con alternative proposte di tipo commerciale.
The field of research of this dissertation concerns the bioengineering of exercise, in particular the relationship between biomechanical and metabolic knowledge. This relationship can allow to evaluate exercise in many different circumstances: optimizing athlete performance, understanding and helping compensation in prosthetic patients and prescribing exercise with high caloric consumption and minimal joint loading to obese subjects. Furthermore, it can have technical application in fitness and rehabilitation machine design, predicting energy consumption and joint loads for the subjects who will use the machine. The aim of this dissertation was to further understand how mechanical work and metabolic energy cost are related during movement using interpretative models. Musculoskeletal models, when including muscle energy expenditure description, can be useful to address this issue, allowing to evaluate human movement in terms of both mechanical and metabolic energy expenditure. A whole body muscle-skeletal model that could describe both biomechanical and metabolic aspects during movement was identified in literature and then was applied and validated using an EMG-driven approach. The advantage of using EMG driven approach was to avoid the use of arbitrary defined optimization functions to solve the indeterminate problem of muscle activations. A sensitivity analysis was conducted in order to know how much changes in model parameters could affect model outputs: the results showed that changing parameters in between physiological ranges did not influence model outputs largely. In order to evaluate its predicting capacity, the musculoskeletal model was applied to experimental data: first the model was applied in a simple exercise (unilateral leg press exercise) and then in a more complete exercise (elliptical exercise). In these studies, energy consumption predicted by the model resulted to be close to energy consumption estimated by indirect calorimetry for different intensity levels at low frequencies of movement. The use of muscle skeletal models for predicting energy consumption resulted to be promising and the use of EMG driven approach permitted to avoid the introduction of optimization functions. Even though many aspects of this approach have still to be investigated and these results are preliminary, the conclusions of this dissertation suggest that musculoskeletal modelling can be a useful tool for addressing issues about efficiency of movement in healthy and pathologic subjects.
People are daily faced with intertemporal choice, i.e., choices differing in the timing of their consequences, frequently preferring smaller-sooner rewards over larger-delayed ones, reflecting temporal discounting of the value of future outcomes. This dissertation addresses two main goals. New evidence about the neural bases of intertemporal choice is provided. Following the disruption of either the medial orbitofrontal cortex or the insula, the willingness to wait for larger-delayed outcomes is affected in odd directions, suggesting the causal involvement of these areas in regulating the value computation of rewards available with different timings. These findings were also supported by a reported imaging study. Moreover, this dissertation provides new evidence about how temporal discounting can be modulated at a behavioral level through different manipulations, e.g., allowing individuals to think about the distant time, pairing rewards with aversive events, or changing their perceived spatial position. A relationship between intertemporal choice, moral judgements and aging is also discussed. All these findings link together to support a unitary neural model of temporal discounting according to which signals coming from several cortical (i.e., medial orbitofrontal cortex, insula) and subcortical regions (i.e., amygdala, ventral striatum) are integrated to represent the subjective value of both earlier and later rewards, under the top-down regulation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The present findings also support the idea that the process of outcome evaluation is strictly related to the ability to pre-experience and envision future events through self-projection, the anticipation of visceral feelings associated with receiving rewards, and the psychological distance from rewards. Furthermore, taking into account the emotions and the state of arousal at the time of decision seems necessary to understand impulsivity associated with preferring smaller-sooner goods in place of larger-later goods.
Design and Development of a Research Framework for Prototyping Control Tower Augmented Reality Tools
The purpose of the air traffic management system is to ensure the safe and efficient flow of air traffic. Therefore, while augmenting efficiency, throughput and capacity in airport operations, attention has rightly been placed on doing it in a safe manner. In the control tower, many advances in operational safety have come in the form of visualization tools for tower controllers. However, there is a paradox in developing such systems to increase controllers' situational awareness: by creating additional computer displays, the controller's vision is pulled away from the outside view and the time spent looking down at the monitors is increased. This reduces their situational awareness by forcing them to mentally and physically switch between the head-down equipment and the outside view. This research is based on the idea that augmented reality may be able to address this issue. The augmented reality concept has become increasingly popular over the past decade and is being proficiently used in many fields, such as entertainment, cultural heritage, aviation, military & defense. This know-how could be transferred to air traffic control with a relatively low effort and substantial benefits for controllers’ situation awareness. Research on this topic is consistent with SESAR objectives of increasing air traffic controllers’ situation awareness and enable up to 10 % of additional flights at congested airports while still increasing safety and efficiency. During the Ph.D., a research framework for prototyping augmented reality tools was set up. This framework consists of methodological tools for designing the augmented reality overlays, as well as of hardware and software equipment to test them. Several overlays have been designed and implemented in a simulated tower environment, which is a virtual reconstruction of Bologna airport control tower. The positive impact of such tools was preliminary assessed by means of the proposed methodology.
The industrial PhD project presented here is part of the R&D strategies of the Lipinutragen company. The innovation brought by the company concerns nutrilipidomics, i.e. the correlation between the lipid composition (in fatty acids) of the cell membrane and lipid-based nutraceuticals, especially starting from the well-known dependence of the lipid composition on the intake of essential fats, omega- 6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Among the results obtained from the membrane lipidomic profiles, the case of autistic subjects is here highlighted, showing the significant deficiency of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The activity during the PhD was devoted to the nutrilipidomic approach. Part of the activities were devoted to scientific research in lipidomics: a) the study of lipidomic profiles in the frame of two collaboration projects: one with the group of Dr. I. Tueros at AZTI, Bilbao, regading obese population, and the other one regarding seed germination with the changes of the fatty acid profiles with the group of prof. A. Balestrazzi of the University of Parma; b) the liposome preparation for protection and lifetime prolongation of the peptide somatostatin, which was an important premise to the formulation of the DHA-containing microemulsion. The activities was also focused on the development of DHA-containing nutraceutical formulations in the form of emulsion, overcoming the difficulty of the capsule ingestion, to be administered orally. The work pointed to study the combination of active ingredients, based on the previous know-how regarding the bioavailability for the cell membrane incorporation. The ingredients of the formulation were studied and tested in vitro for the bioavailability of DHA to be incorporated in the cell membranes of different types of cultured cells. Part of this study is covered by non-disclosure agreement since it belongs to the know-how of Lipinutragen.
As people spend a third of their lives at work and, in most cases, indoors, the work environment assumes crucial importance. The continuous and dynamic interaction between people and the working environment surrounding them produces physiological and psychological effects on operators. Recognizing the substantial impact of comfort and well-being on employee satisfaction and job performance, the literature underscores the need for industries to implement indoor environment control strategies to ensure long-term success and profitability. However, managing physical risks (i.e., ergonomic and microclimate) in industrial environments is often constrained by production and energy requirements. In the food processing industry, for example, the safety of perishable products dictates storage temperatures that do not allow for operator comfort. Conversely, warehouses dedicated to non-perishable products often lack cooling systems to limit energy expenditure, reaching high temperatures in the summer period. Moreover, exceptional events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, introduce new constraints, with recommendations impacting thermal stress and respiratory health. Furthermore, the thesis highlights how workers' variables, particularly the aging process, reduce tolerance to environmental stresses. Consequently, prolonged exposure to environmental stress conditions at work results in cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders. In response to the global trend of an aging workforce, the thesis bridges a literature gap by proposing methods and models that integrate the age factor into comfort assessment. It aims to present technical and technological solutions to mitigate microclimate risks in industrial environments, ultimately seeking innovative ways to enhance the aging workforce's comfort, performance, experience, and skills. The research outlines a logical-conceptual scheme with three main areas of focus: analyzing factors influencing the work environment, recognizing constraints to worker comfort, and designing solutions. The results significantly contribute to science by laying the foundation for new research in worker health and safety in an ageing working population's extremely current industrial context.