18 resultados para Existential analytics
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Analytics is the technology working with the manipulation of data to produce information able to change the world we live every day. Analytics have been largely used within the last decade to cluster people’s behaviour to predict their preferences of items to buy, music to listen, movies to watch and even electoral preference. The most advanced companies succeded in controlling people’s behaviour using analytics. Despite the evidence of the super-power of analytics, they are rarely applied to the big data collected within supply chain systems (i.e. distribution network, storage systems and production plants). This PhD thesis explores the fourth research paradigm (i.e. the generation of knowledge from data) applied to supply chain system design and operations management. An ontology defining the entities and the metrics of supply chain systems is used to design data structures for data collection in supply chain systems. The consistency of this data is provided by mathematical demonstrations inspired by the factory physics theory. The availability, quantity and quality of the data within these data structures define different decision patterns. Ten decision patterns are identified, and validated on-field, to address ten different class of design and control problems in the field of supply chain systems research.
The fast development of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) offers new opportunities to realize future smart cities. To understand, manage and forecast the city's behavior, it is necessary the analysis of different kinds of data from the most varied dataset acquisition systems. The aim of this research activity in the framework of Data Science and Complex Systems Physics is to provide stakeholders with new knowledge tools to improve the sustainability of mobility demand in future cities. Under this perspective, the governance of mobility demand generated by large tourist flows is becoming a vital issue for the quality of life in Italian cities' historical centers, which will worsen in the next future due to the continuous globalization process. Another critical theme is sustainable mobility, which aims to reduce private transportation means in the cities and improve multimodal mobility. We analyze the statistical properties of urban mobility of Venice, Rimini, and Bologna by using different datasets provided by companies and local authorities. We develop algorithms and tools for cartography extraction, trips reconstruction, multimodality classification, and mobility simulation. We show the existence of characteristic mobility paths and statistical properties depending on transport means and user's kinds. Finally, we use our results to model and simulate the overall behavior of the cars moving in the Emilia Romagna Region and the pedestrians moving in Venice with software able to replicate in silico the demand for mobility and its dynamic.
The idea behind the project is to develop a methodology for analyzing and developing techniques for the diagnosis and the prediction of the state of charge and health of lithium-ion batteries for automotive applications. For lithium-ion batteries, residual functionality is measured in terms of state of health; however, this value cannot be directly associated with a measurable value, so it must be estimated. The development of the algorithms is based on the identification of the causes of battery degradation, in order to model and predict the trend. Therefore, models have been developed that are able to predict the electrical, thermal and aging behavior. In addition to the model, it was necessary to develop algorithms capable of monitoring the state of the battery, online and offline. This was possible with the use of algorithms based on Kalman filters, which allow the estimation of the system status in real time. Through machine learning algorithms, which allow offline analysis of battery deterioration using a statistical approach, it is possible to analyze information from the entire fleet of vehicles. Both systems work in synergy in order to achieve the best performance. Validation was performed with laboratory tests on different batteries and under different conditions. The development of the model allowed to reduce the time of the experimental tests. Some specific phenomena were tested in the laboratory, and the other cases were artificially generated.
The importance of networks, in their broad sense, is rapidly and massively growing in modern-day society thanks to unprecedented communication capabilities offered by technology. In this context, the radio spectrum will be a primary resource to be preserved and not wasted. Therefore, the need for intelligent and automatic systems for in-depth spectrum analysis and monitoring will pave the way for a new set of opportunities and potential challenges. This thesis proposes a novel framework for automatic spectrum patrolling and the extraction of wireless network analytics. It aims to enhance the physical layer security of next generation wireless networks through the extraction and the analysis of dedicated analytical features. The framework consists of a spectrum sensing phase, carried out by a patrol composed of numerous radio-frequency (RF) sensing devices, followed by the extraction of a set of wireless network analytics. The methodology developed is blind, allowing spectrum sensing and analytics extraction of a network whose key features (i.e., number of nodes, physical layer signals, medium access protocol (MAC) and routing protocols) are unknown. Because of the wireless medium, over-the-air signals captured by the sensors are mixed; therefore, blind source separation (BSS) and measurement association are used to estimate the number of sources and separate the traffic patterns. After the separation, we put together a set of methodologies for extracting useful features of the wireless network, i.e., its logical topology, the application-level traffic patterns generated by the nodes, and their position. The whole framework is validated on an ad-hoc wireless network accounting for MAC protocol, packet collisions, nodes mobility, the spatial density of sensors, and channel impairments, such as path-loss, shadowing, and noise. The numerical results obtained by extensive and exhaustive simulations show that the proposed framework is consistent and can achieve the required performance.
This thesis deals with the analysis and management of emergency healthcare processes through the use of advanced analytics and optimization approaches. Emergency processes are among the most complex within healthcare. This is due to their non-elective nature and their high variability. This thesis is divided into two topics. The first one concerns the core of emergency healthcare processes, the emergency department (ED). In the second chapter, we describe the ED that is the case study. This is a real case study with data derived from a large ED located in northern Italy. In the next two chapters, we introduce two tools for supporting ED activities. The first one is a new type of analytics model. Its aim is to overcome the traditional methods of analyzing the activities provided in the ED by means of an algorithm that analyses the ED pathway (organized as event log) as a whole. The second tool is a decision-support system, which integrates a deep neural network for the prediction of patient pathways, and an online simulator to evaluate the evolution of the ED over time. Its purpose is to provide a set of solutions to prevent and solve the problem of the ED overcrowding. The second part of the thesis focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. In the fifth chapter, we describe a tool that was used by the Bologna local health authority in the first part of the pandemic. Its purpose is to analyze the clinical pathway of a patient and from this automatically assign them a state. Physicians used the state for routing the patients to the correct clinical pathways. The last chapter is dedicated to the description of a MIP model, which was used for the organization of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the city of Bologna, Italy.
«Fiction of frontier». Phenomenology of an open form/voice. Francesco Giustini’s PhD dissertation fits into a genre of research usually neglected by the literary criticism which nevertheless is arousing much interest in recent years: the relationship between Literature and Space. In this context, the specific issue of his work consists in the category of the Frontier including its several implications for the XX century fiction. The preliminary step, at the beginning of the first section of the dissertation, is a semantic analysis: with precision, Giustini describes the meaning of the word “frontier” here declined in a multiplicity of cultural, political and geographical contexts, starting from the American frontier of the pioneers who headed for the West, to the exotic frontiers of the world, with whose the imperialistic colonization has come into contact; from the semi-uninhabited areas like deserts, highlands and virgin forests, to the ethnic frontiers between Indian and white people in South America, since the internal frontiers of the Countries like those ones between the District and the Capital City, the Centre and the Outskirts. In the next step, Giustini wants to focus on a real “ myth of the frontier”, able to nourish cultural and literary imagination. Indeed, the literature has told and chosen the frontier as the scenery for many stories; especially in the 20th Century it made the frontier a problematic space in the light of events and changes that have transformed the perception of space and our relationship with it. Therefore, the dissertation proposes a critical category, it traces the hallmarks of a specific literary phenomenon defined “ Fiction of the frontier” ,present in many literary traditions during the 20th Century. The term “Fiction” (not “Literature” or “Poetics”) does not define a genre but rather a “procedure”, focusing on a constant issue pointed out from the texts examined in this work : the strong call to the act of narration and to its oral traditions. The “Fiction of the Frontier” is perceived as an approach to the world, a way of watching and feeling the objects, an emotion that is lived and told through the story- a story where the narrator ,through his body and his voice, takes the rule of the witness. The following parts, that have an analytic style, are constructed on the basis of this theoretical and methodological reflection. The second section gives a wide range of examples into we can find the figure and the myth of the frontier through the textual analysis which range over several literary traditions. Starting from monographic chapters (Garcia Marquez, Callado, McCarthy), to the comparative reading of couples of texts (Calvino and Verga Llosa, Buzzati and Coetzee, Arguedas and Rulfo). The selection of texts is introduced so as to underline a particular aspect or a form of the frontier at every reading. This section is articulated into thematic voices which recall some actions that can be taken into the ambiguous and liminal space of the frontier (to communicate, to wait, to “trans-culturate”, to imagine, to live in, to not-live in). In this phenomenology, the frontier comes to the light as a physical and concrete element or as a cultural, imaginary, linguistic, ethnic and existential category. In the end, the third section is centered on a more defined and elaborated analysis of two authors, considered as fundamental for the comprehension of the “Fiction of the frontier”: Joseph Conrad and João Guimarães Rosa. Even if they are very different, being part of unlike literary traditions, these two authors show many connections which are pointed by the comparative analysis. Maybe Conrad is the first author that understand the feeling of the frontier , freeing himself from the adventure romance and from the exotic nineteenthcentury tradition. João Guimarães Rosa, in his turn, is the great narrator of Brazilian and South American frontier, he is the man of sertão and of endless spaces of the Centre of Brazil. His production is strongly linked to that one belonged to the author of Heart of Darkness.
La ricerca Il rapporto madre-figlia nelle letterature femminili maghrebine (1980-2010) comprende due sezioni: la prima analizza le principali caratteristiche del mondo maghrebino femminile e le peculiarità della scrittura dell’intellettuale nord-africana, la seconda è incentrata sull’analisi testuale dei romanzi maghrebini femminili più rappresentativi. Il lavoro di analisi verte sullo studio di varie autrici maghrebine che coprono un vasto ventaglio temporale: dal 1980 al 2010. Di ogni autrice vengono analizzati i romanzi in cui è possibile rinvenire la tematica oggetto della tesi: il rapporto madre-figlia. I romanzi studiati sono raggruppati secondo quattro macro direttrici tematiche: i romanzi in cui il rapporto filiale è caratterizzato dalla violenza; le opere in cui il rapporto madre-figlia è caratterizzato dall’assenza fisica della genitrice; i romanzi in cui il rapporto filiale è caratterizzato dall’incomprensione ed infine le produzioni in cui la relazionalità madre-figlia è caratterizzata da un rapporto di amore e sostegno reciproco.
Questo elaborato propone alcune riflessioni sulla necessità urgente di un nuovo paradigma educativo, mediante la re-organizzazione delle scienze della conoscenza, scienze in parole di Morin, “disgiunte e frazionate, inadeguate ad affrontare problemi che richiedono oggi approcci multidisciplinari”. La sfida: affrontare i nuovi problemi di una convivenza planetaria, attraverso le connessioni del pensiero ecologico, in questo studio asse centrale delle cosmovisioni e della Sapienza ancestrale dei Popoli di AbyaYala (America Latina). Popoli in cui la Vita come orizzonte di Armonia ed Equilibrio si concretizza in pratiche di Vita Quotidiana grazie ad una Pedagogia del BuenVivir, inclusiva e partecipativa, rispettosa della diversità biologica e delle differenze culturali, nonché della Sacralità della Terra e della Vita in tutte le sue manifestazioni. La cornice teorica considerata fa riferimento in modo particolare a: L’Ecologia della Mente (Bateson); Il problematicismo Pedagogico e l’Educazione alla Progettualità Esistenziale (G.M.Bertin, Contini); l’Ecologia dei Saperi e le Epistemologie del Sud (Boaventura di Sousa Santos, sociologo portoghese), in modo da tessere ponti di dialogo fra le diverse discipline, in particolare fra la pedagogia, la geografia, l’antropologia, la filosofia, la sociologia, la letteratura, il diritto e anche con le neuroscienze.
La ricerca prende in esame le produzioni narrative, in particolare quelle dedicate agli adolescenti e ai giovani adulti, nei cui linguaggi e nelle cui trame si insinuano modelli di vita, comportamenti, valori, stereotipie, ecc. Attraverso le fiction dell'ultimo decennio, sono offerte interpretazioni alle costanti e alle variabili che percorrono i diversi prodotti culturali e che sono metafore di caratteristiche e di dinamiche della società post-moderna. Nella ricerca si studiano le trame e i personaggi delle narrazioni e, in parallelo, si individuano le correlazioni con studi pedagogici interessati alle ultime generazioni giovanili. La comparazione ha portato ad un sistema di decifrazione per individuare il giovane dell'era post-moderna tra gli elementi di finzione. Si sono prese in esame le più importanti icone dell'immaginario che, pur attraverso innumerevoli riscritture, continuano ad imporsi come metafore per identificazione, abnegazione, catarsi. Rispetto al passato, molte icone presenti nelle ultime produzioni di fiction subiscono alterazioni leggibili come spie (i.e. Ginzburg). È in queste trasformazioni, spinte fino alla metamorfosi dell'icona, che è possibile rintracciare alcune caratteristiche proprie del mondo giovanile in rapporto con la società contemporanea. L'immaginario può dunque essere lo specchio in cui l'uomo e la società possono riconoscersi, e studiarlo apre possibilità per sviluppare prospettive di interpretazione verso nuovi orizzonti.
Degli anni Settanta si parla, ormai quasi canonicamente, come gli anni della crisi, una crisi che compare quasi simultaneamente fuori e dentro i confini nazionali, e si configura come vera e propria crisi di sistema. Considerando il turning point rappresentato dai Seventies, è diffusa l'interpretazione nel contesto italiano del paradigma politologico secondo il quale è nella mancanza e nelle assenze del sistema politico-istituzionale alle domande di modernizzazione democratica provenienti dalle soggettività che emergono in quella che è stata definita la “stagione dei movimenti” che andrebbero individuate le radici prima della scelta della violenza come strumento di lotta politica e poi del cosiddetto “riflusso”. Questo studio cerca di analizzare le dinamiche e gli sviluppi nella relazione tra movimento femminista e violenza politica in Italia tra anni settanta e anni ottanta. Per comprendere ed analizzare le dinamiche di tale sviluppo è stato necessario prima ricostruire la genealogia del concetto di violenza politica elaborato dalla filosofia politica nel XX secolo e poi confrontarlo con il concetto di violenza proposto dal pensiero femminista nello stesso arco temporale. Allo stesso tempo si è considerato il fenomeno della violenza politicamente motivata agita nel decennio settanta, analizzando le specificità del femminismo stesso, ma anche, la possibilità di individuare lo scarto – politico, ideologico e esistenziale – tra le definizioni date dalla pratica femminista alla categoria di violenza e le peculiarità degli altri movimenti che si muovevano nella scena politica e sociale tra anni settanta e anni ottanta
Questa ricerca è un’indagine semasiologica del lessico agostiniano della provvidenza divina, costituito dalle parole-chiave prouidentia, prouideo, prouidens, prouidus, prouisio, prouisor, prouisus, e dai lessemi in relazione logico-sintattica diretta con esse. La prospettiva è sia sincronica (si considerano tutte le attestazioni delle parole-chiave presenti nel corpus agostiniano), sia diacronica: si soppesano di volta in volta analogie e differenze agostiniane rispetto agli antecedenti, nell’intento di arricchire il panorama dei possibili modelli lessicali latini (pagani, biblici, patristici) di Agostino. I dati lessicali sono stati raccolti in una banca dati appositamente costituita, selezionati secondo i criteri di frequenza e pregnanza semantica, e analizzati per nuclei tematici, coincidenti in parte con i capitoli della tesi. Si studiano dapprima i lessemi che esprimono il governo della provvidenza (le famiglie lessicali di administro, guberno e rego, e altri lessemi che designano l’azione della provvidenza); sono poi analizzati lessemi e iuncturae in cui prevale l’idea del mistero della provvidenza. Gli ultimi due capitoli sono dedicati al tema della cura divina, e a quello della cosiddetta “pedagogia divina”: attraverso i segni esteriori, la provvidenza ‘richiama’ l’uomo a rientrare in se stesso. Un’appendice approfondisce infine l’uso agostiniano di Sap 6,16 e Sap 8,1. L’apporto di Agostino al lessico filosofico latino va individuato a livello semantico più che nell’innovazione lessicale. Accanto a suffissazione, composizione, calco, la metafora svolge un ruolo essenziale nella formazione del lessico dell’Ipponate, e proviene spesso da altre lingue tecniche oppure è radicata nel patrimonio di immagini tradizionali della religione pagana. Il debito di Agostino è indubbiamente verso Cicerone, ma anche verso Seneca, per l’uso in ambito esistenziale-biografico di alcuni lessemi. Agostino li trasferisce però dal piano umano a quello divino, come nel caso del concetto di admonitio: parte integrante del programma filosofico senecano; ‘richiamo’ della provvidenza per Agostino, concetto che risente anche dell’apporto di retorica ed esegesi.
La presente ricerca di dottorato, attraverso un’indagine multidisciplinare, si pone l’obiettivo di elaborare in chiave pedagogica una riflessione sulla relazione esistente tra la letteratura per l’infanzia, la narrazione, l’esperienza e il limite. La ricerca mira ad analizzare le metafore del limite intese come metafore della caducità, della ferita, della marginalità, della liminalità, della divergenza e dell’alterità. La ricerca si concentra in particolare sulle rappresentazioni metaforiche della relazione educativa tra personaggi mentori e personaggi bambini, colti in attraversamenti e transizioni esistenziali, colti quindi nell’atto di cura della loro natura limitata. L’impianto teorico-interpretativo elaborato è utilizzato per sondare criticamente l’opera di Robert Louis Stevenson e di James Matthew Barrie, autori scelti come rappresentanti emblematici del periodo di soglia a cavallo di secolo, compreso tra il 1880 e il 1914. Attraverso l’applicazione del paradigma indiziario della ricerca storiografica e letteraria, l’indagine raccoglie correlazioni incongrue tra le opere, le biografie e la storia in cui esse si inseriscono, per formulare ipotesi che permettano un’interpretazione delle modificazioni che le rappresentazioni del limite subirono in quel periodo, sul limitare del primo conflitto mondiale.
A High-Performance Computing job dispatcher is a critical software that assigns the finite computing resources to submitted jobs. This resource assignment over time is known as the on-line job dispatching problem in HPC systems. The fact the problem is on-line means that solutions must be computed in real-time, and their required time cannot exceed some threshold to do not affect the normal system functioning. In addition, a job dispatcher must deal with a lot of uncertainty: submission times, the number of requested resources, and duration of jobs. Heuristic-based techniques have been broadly used in HPC systems, at the cost of achieving (sub-)optimal solutions in a short time. However, the scheduling and resource allocation components are separated, thus generates a decoupled decision that may cause a performance loss. Optimization-based techniques are less used for this problem, although they can significantly improve the performance of HPC systems at the expense of higher computation time. Nowadays, HPC systems are being used for modern applications, such as big data analytics and predictive model building, that employ, in general, many short jobs. However, this information is unknown at dispatching time, and job dispatchers need to process large numbers of them quickly while ensuring high Quality-of-Service (QoS) levels. Constraint Programming (CP) has been shown to be an effective approach to tackle job dispatching problems. However, state-of-the-art CP-based job dispatchers are unable to satisfy the challenges of on-line dispatching, such as generate dispatching decisions in a brief period and integrate current and past information of the housing system. Given the previous reasons, we propose CP-based dispatchers that are more suitable for HPC systems running modern applications, generating on-line dispatching decisions in a proper time and are able to make effective use of job duration predictions to improve QoS levels, especially for workloads dominated by short jobs.
The convergence between the recent developments in sensing technologies, data science, signal processing and advanced modelling has fostered a new paradigm to the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of engineered structures, which is the one based on intelligent sensors, i.e., embedded devices capable of stream processing data and/or performing structural inference in a self-contained and near-sensor manner. To efficiently exploit these intelligent sensor units for full-scale structural assessment, a joint effort is required to deal with instrumental aspects related to signal acquisition, conditioning and digitalization, and those pertaining to data management, data analytics and information sharing. In this framework, the main goal of this Thesis is to tackle the multi-faceted nature of the monitoring process, via a full-scale optimization of the hardware and software resources involved by the {SHM} system. The pursuit of this objective has required the investigation of both: i) transversal aspects common to multiple application domains at different abstraction levels (such as knowledge distillation, networking solutions, microsystem {HW} architectures), and ii) the specificities of the monitoring methodologies (vibrations, guided waves, acoustic emission monitoring). The key tools adopted in the proposed monitoring frameworks belong to the embedded signal processing field: namely, graph signal processing, compressed sensing, ARMA System Identification, digital data communication and TinyML.
In Prior Analytics 1.1–22, Aristotle develops his proof system of non-modal and modal propositions. This system is given in the language of propositions, and Aristotle is concerned with establishing some properties and relations that the expressions of this language enjoy. However, modern scholarship has found some of his results inconsistent with positions defended elsewhere. The set of rules of inference of this system has also caused perplexity: there does not seem to be a single interpretation that validates all the rules which Aristotle is explicitly committed to using in his proofs. Some commentators have argued that these and other problems cannot be successfully addressed from the viewpoint of the traditional, ‘first-order’ interpretation of Aristotle’s syllogistic, whereby propositions are taken to involve quantification over individuals only. Accordingly, this interpretation not only is inadequate for formal analysis, but also stems from a misunderstanding of Aristotle’s ideas about quantification. On the contrary, in this study I purport to vindicate the adequacy and plausibility of the first-order interpretation. Together with some assumptions about the language of propositions and an appropriate regimentation, the first-order interpretation yields promising solutions to many of the problems raised by the modal syllogistic. Thus, I present a reconstruction of the language of propositions and a formal interpretation thereof which will prove respectful and responsive to most of the views endorsed by Aristotle in the ‘modal’ chapters of the Analytics.