8 resultados para Evaluation of public manager
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The limb amputation is one of the oldest surgical procedures performed and it still represents an event that drastically changes the life of an individual. Despite the technological progress, the difficulties related to the realization and daily use of the socket remain very common. Among the different technologies adopted in the prosthetic field, this project focused on the osseointegration technique. This technique consists in implanting a stem within the medullary canal of the amputated skeletal segment that extends outside the amputation stump with a prosthesis, later connected to the metal extension. The objective of this PhD project is to treat and to evaluate selected patients with osseointegrated prosthetic implants for the treatment of lower limb amputations. Patients are recruited at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute and at the Prosthesis - INAIL center of Vigorso (Budrio) during outpatient visits, while the surgical procedure is performed by the same expert surgeon in the II Orthopaedic and Traumatology Clinic of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute. The project is still ongoing, to date three patients had completed both procedures, but due to various personal problems, just one of them is included in the analysis. This patient increased his percentage of prosthesis use and the level of mobility with an overall improvement of quality of live after the procedure. The osseointegration technique represents a promising alternative method of treatment for amputees who are not satisfied with their socket prosthesis. In the coming years it will continue the collection of clinical, radiographic and kinematic data of subjects undergoing this procedure in order to perform a long-term monitoring of both clinical outcomes and quality of life.
Introduction. The term New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) encompasses a broad category of drugs which have become available on the market in recent years and whose illicit use for recreational purposes has recently exploded. The analysis of NPS usually requires mass spectrometry based techniques. The aim of our study was to define the preva-lence of NPS consumption in patients with a history of drug addiction followed by Public Services for Pathological Addictions, with the purpose of highlighting the effective presence of NPS within the area of Bologna and evaluating their association with classical drugs of abuse (DOA). Materials and methods. Sustained by literature, a multi-analyte UHPLC-MS/MS method for the identification of 127 NPS (phenethylamines, arylcyclohexylamines, synthetic opioids, tryptamines, synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, designer benzodiazepines) and 15 classic drugs of abuse (DOA) in hair samples was developed and validated according to International Guidelines [112]. Samples pretreatment consisted of washing steps and overnight incubation at 45°C in an acid mixture of methanol and water. After cooling, supernatant were injected into the chromatographic system coupled with a tandem mass spectrometry detector. Results. Successful validation was achieved for almost all of the compounds. The method met all the required technical parameters. LOQ was set from 4 to 80 pg/mg The developed method was applied to 107 cases (85 males and 22 females) of clinical interest. Out of 85 hair samples resulting positive to classical drugs of abuse, NPS were found in twelve (8 male and 4 female). Conclusion. The present methodology represents an easy, low cost, wide-panel method for the de-tection of 127 NPS and 15 DOA in hair samples. Such multi-analyte methods facilitates the study of the prevalence of drugs abused that will enable the competent control authorities to obtain evi-dence-based reports regarding the critical spread of the threat represented by NPS.
The research activity carried out during the PhD course in Electrical Engineering belongs to the branch of electric and electronic measurements. The main subject of the present thesis is a distributed measurement system to be installed in Medium Voltage power networks, as well as the method developed to analyze data acquired by the measurement system itself and to monitor power quality. In chapter 2 the increasing interest towards power quality in electrical systems is illustrated, by reporting the international research activity inherent to the problem and the relevant standards and guidelines emitted. The aspect of the quality of voltage provided by utilities and influenced by customers in the various points of a network came out only in recent years, in particular as a consequence of the energy market liberalization. Usually, the concept of quality of the delivered energy has been associated mostly to its continuity. Hence the reliability was the main characteristic to be ensured for power systems. Nowadays, the number and duration of interruptions are the “quality indicators” commonly perceived by most customers; for this reason, a short section is dedicated also to network reliability and its regulation. In this contest it should be noted that although the measurement system developed during the research activity belongs to the field of power quality evaluation systems, the information registered in real time by its remote stations can be used to improve the system reliability too. Given the vast scenario of power quality degrading phenomena that usually can occur in distribution networks, the study has been focused on electromagnetic transients affecting line voltages. The outcome of such a study has been the design and realization of a distributed measurement system which continuously monitor the phase signals in different points of a network, detect the occurrence of transients superposed to the fundamental steady state component and register the time of occurrence of such events. The data set is finally used to locate the source of the transient disturbance propagating along the network lines. Most of the oscillatory transients affecting line voltages are due to faults occurring in any point of the distribution system and have to be seen before protection equipment intervention. An important conclusion is that the method can improve the monitored network reliability, since the knowledge of the location of a fault allows the energy manager to reduce as much as possible both the area of the network to be disconnected for protection purposes and the time spent by technical staff to recover the abnormal condition and/or the damage. The part of the thesis presenting the results of such a study and activity is structured as follows: chapter 3 deals with the propagation of electromagnetic transients in power systems by defining characteristics and causes of the phenomena and briefly reporting the theory and approaches used to study transients propagation. Then the state of the art concerning methods to detect and locate faults in distribution networks is presented. Finally the attention is paid on the particular technique adopted for the same purpose during the thesis, and the methods developed on the basis of such approach. Chapter 4 reports the configuration of the distribution networks on which the fault location method has been applied by means of simulations as well as the results obtained case by case. In this way the performance featured by the location procedure firstly in ideal then in realistic operating conditions are tested. In chapter 5 the measurement system designed to implement the transients detection and fault location method is presented. The hardware belonging to the measurement chain of every acquisition channel in remote stations is described. Then, the global measurement system is characterized by considering the non ideal aspects of each device that can concur to the final combined uncertainty on the estimated position of the fault in the network under test. Finally, such parameter is computed according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements, by means of a numeric procedure. In the last chapter a device is described that has been designed and realized during the PhD activity aiming at substituting the commercial capacitive voltage divider belonging to the conditioning block of the measurement chain. Such a study has been carried out aiming at providing an alternative to the used transducer that could feature equivalent performance and lower cost. In this way, the economical impact of the investment associated to the whole measurement system would be significantly reduced, making the method application much more feasible.
This thesis is concerned with the role played by software tools in the analysis and dissemination of linguistic corpora and their contribution to a more widespread adoption of corpora in different fields. Chapter 1 contains an overview of some of the most relevant corpus analysis tools available today, presenting their most interesting features and some of their drawbacks. Chapter 2 begins with an explanation of the reasons why none of the available tools appear to satisfy the requirements of the user community and then continues with technical overview of the current status of the new system developed as part of this work. This presentation is followed by highlights of features that make the system appealing to users and corpus builders (i.e. scholars willing to make their corpora available to the public). The chapter concludes with an indication of future directions for the projects and information on the current availability of the software. Chapter 3 describes the design of an experiment devised to evaluate the usability of the new system in comparison to another corpus tool. Usage of the tool was tested in the context of a documentation task performed on a real assignment during a translation class in a master's degree course. In chapter 4 the findings of the experiment are presented on two levels of analysis: firstly a discussion on how participants interacted with and evaluated the two corpus tools in terms of interface and interaction design, usability and perceived ease of use. Then an analysis follows of how users interacted with corpora to complete the task and what kind of queries they submitted. Finally, some general conclusions are drawn and areas for future work are outlined.
Regular physical activity (PA) during childhood is associated with physical, mental, emotional and social health benefits. The constant practice of PA is considered one of the best buys available in public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to perform at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous PA for children and adolescents in order to obtain health benefits. However, globally, this level of PA is hardly achieved. Children and adolescent who do not reach the recommended levels of PA are defined as physically inactive and nowadays physical inactivity constitutes a new type of pandemic. For this reason, the WHO launched a global action plan addressing physical activity with a goal of reducing physical inactivity in children and youth. The plan also included recommendation to improve individual and community health and contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of all nations. Worldwide, children and adolescents spend a significant amount of time in school and for this reason the school represents a fundamental educational setting that can play a pivotal role increasing students’ PA. Opportunities to be physically active should not be considered purely in relation to when children attend physical education classes but also making physical activity available during the school day, such as physically active lessons, and multicomponent PA interventions. Since school-based PA interventions are quite numerous, the present thesis focused on interventions delivered during school hours and that integrate small doses of PA as part of routine instruction. This type of intervention is called “Active Breaks.” Active Breaks consists of brief 5–15 minutes sessions of PA led by teachers who introduce short bursts of PA into the academic lesson. In light of this the present thesis aims to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and sustainability of an Active Breaks intervention targeting children to promote PA.
The topic of seismic loss assessment not only incorporates many aspects of the earthquake engineering, but also entails social factors, public policies and business interests. Because of its multidisciplinary character, this process may be complex to challenge, and sound discouraging to neophytes. In this context, there is an increasing need of deriving simplified methodologies to streamline the process and provide tools for decision-makers and practitioners. This dissertation investigates different possible applications both in the area of modelling of seismic losses, both in the analysis of observational seismic data. Regarding the first topic, the PRESSAFE-disp method is proposed for the fast evaluation of the fragility curves of precast reinforced-concrete (RC) structures. Hence, a direct application of the method to the productive area of San Felice is studied to assess the number of collapses under a specific seismic scenario. In particular, with reference to the 2012 events, two large-scale stochastic models are outlined. The outcomes of the framework are promising, in good agreement with the observed damage scenario. Furthermore, a simplified displacement-based methodology is outlined to estimate different loss performance metrics for the decision-making phase of the seismic retrofit of a single RC building. The aim is to evaluate the seismic performance of different retrofit options, for a comparative analysis of their effectiveness and the convenience. Finally, a contribution to the analysis of the observational data is presented in the last part of the dissertation. A specific database of losses of precast RC buildings damaged by the 2012 Earthquake is created. A statistical analysis is performed, allowing deriving several consequence functions. The outcomes presented may be implemented in probabilistic seismic risk assessments to forecast the losses at the large scale. Furthermore, these may be adopted to establish retrofit policies to prevent and reduce the consequences of future earthquakes in industrial areas.
Around 5 million women give birth each year in Europe and, while breastfeeding, the majority of them may need to take medications, either occasionally or continuously. Unfortunately, there is often scarce evidence of trustworthy information about how a specific molecule might affect the physiology of lactation. This is the reason that brought a European public-private partnership to fund the development of a reliable platform to provide women and health-care professionals a helpful instrument to reduce uncertainty about the effects of medication used during breastfeeding. On April 1st 2019, the ConcePTION project (Grant Agreement n°821520) started to develop such envisaged platform. The 3rd Work Package was in charge of the validation of in vitro, in vivo and in silico lactation models. Between the numerous species currently used in preclinical studies, pigs’ similarities with humans’ anatomy, physiology and genomics make them extremely useful as translational models, when proper veterinary expertise is applied. The ASA team from the University of Bologna, went first to characterize the translational lactation model using the swine species, chosen upon literature review. The aim of this work was to lay the foundations of a porcine lactation model that could be suitable for application within pharmaceutical tests, to study drug transfer through milk prior approval and commercialization. The obtained results highlighted both strengths and critical points of the study design, allowing a significant improvement in the knowledge of pharmacokinetic physiology in lactating mammals. Lastly, this project allowed the assessment of microbial changes in gut resident bacteria of newborns through an innovative in vitro colonic model. Indeed, even if there were no evident adverse effects determined by drug residues in milk, possible alterations in the delicate microbial ecology of newborns’ gastrointestinal tract was considered pivotal, giving its possible impact on the individual health and growth.