9 resultados para Energy-aware computing

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This thesis deals with Context Aware Services, Smart Environments, Context Management and solutions for Devices and Service Interoperability. Multi-vendor devices offer an increasing number of services and end-user applications that base their value on the ability to exploit the information originating from the surrounding environment by means of an increasing number of embedded sensors, e.g. GPS, compass, RFID readers, cameras and so on. However, usually such devices are not able to exchange information because of the lack of a shared data storage and common information exchange methods. A large number of standards and domain specific building blocks are available and are heavily used in today's products. However, the use of these solutions based on ready-to-use modules is not without problems. The integration and cooperation of different kinds of modules can be daunting because of growing complexity and dependency. In this scenarios it might be interesting to have an infrastructure that makes the coexistence of multi-vendor devices easy, while enabling low cost development and smooth access to services. This sort of technologies glue should reduce both software and hardware integration costs by removing the trouble of interoperability. The result should also lead to faster and simplified design, development and, deployment of cross-domain applications. This thesis is mainly focused on SW architectures supporting context aware service providers especially on the following subjects: - user preferences service adaptation - context management - content management - information interoperability - multivendor device interoperability - communication and connectivity interoperability Experimental activities were carried out in several domains including Cultural Heritage, indoor and personal smart spaces – all of which are considered significant test-beds in Context Aware Computing. The work evolved within european and national projects: on the europen side, I carried out my research activity within EPOCH, the FP6 Network of Excellence on “Processing Open Cultural Heritage” and within SOFIA, a project of the ARTEMIS JU on embedded systems. I worked in cooperation with several international establishments, including the University of Kent, VTT (the Technical Reserarch Center of Finland) and Eurotech. On the national side I contributed to a one-to-one research contract between ARCES and Telecom Italia. The first part of the thesis is focused on problem statement and related work and addresses interoperability issues and related architecture components. The second part is focused on specific architectures and frameworks: - MobiComp: a context management framework that I used in cultural heritage applications - CAB: a context, preference and profile based application broker which I designed within EPOCH Network of Excellence - M3: "Semantic Web based" information sharing infrastructure for smart spaces designed by Nokia within the European project SOFIA - NoTa: a service and transport independent connectivity framework - OSGi: the well known Java based service support framework The final section is dedicated to the middleware, the tools and, the SW agents developed during my Doctorate time to support context-aware services in smart environments.


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Context-aware computing is currently considered the most promising approach to overcome information overload and to speed up access to relevant information and services. Context-awareness may be derived from many sources, including user profile and preferences, network information, sensor analysis; usually context-awareness relies on the ability of computing devices to interact with the physical world, i.e. with the natural and artificial objects hosted within the "environment”. Ideally, context-aware applications should not be intrusive and should be able to react according to user’s context, with minimum user effort. Context is an application dependent multidimensional space and the location is an important part of it since the very beginning. Location can be used to guide applications, in providing information or functions that are most appropriate for a specific position. Hence location systems play a crucial role. There are several technologies and systems for computing location to a vary degree of accuracy and tailored for specific space model, i.e. indoors or outdoors, structured spaces or unstructured spaces. The research challenge faced by this thesis is related to pedestrian positioning in heterogeneous environments. Particularly, the focus will be on pedestrian identification, localization, orientation and activity recognition. This research was mainly carried out within the “mobile and ambient systems” workgroup of EPOCH, a 6FP NoE on the application of ICT to Cultural Heritage. Therefore applications in Cultural Heritage sites were the main target of the context-aware services discussed. Cultural Heritage sites are considered significant test-beds in Context-aware computing for many reasons. For example building a smart environment in museums or in protected sites is a challenging task, because localization and tracking are usually based on technologies that are difficult to hide or harmonize within the environment. Therefore it is expected that the experience made with this research may be useful also in domains other than Cultural Heritage. This work presents three different approaches to the pedestrian identification, positioning and tracking: Pedestrian navigation by means of a wearable inertial sensing platform assisted by the vision based tracking system for initial settings an real-time calibration; Pedestrian navigation by means of a wearable inertial sensing platform augmented with GPS measurements; Pedestrian identification and tracking, combining the vision based tracking system with WiFi localization. The proposed localization systems have been mainly used to enhance Cultural Heritage applications in providing information and services depending on the user’s actual context, in particular depending on the user’s location.


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Thermal effects are rapidly gaining importance in nanometer heterogeneous integrated systems. Increased power density, coupled with spatio-temporal variability of chip workload, cause lateral and vertical temperature non-uniformities (variations) in the chip structure. The assumption of an uniform temperature for a large circuit leads to inaccurate determination of key design parameters. To improve design quality, we need precise estimation of temperature at detailed spatial resolution which is very computationally intensive. Consequently, thermal analysis of the designs needs to be done at multiple levels of granularity. To further investigate the flow of chip/package thermal analysis we exploit the Intel Single Chip Cloud Computer (SCC) and propose a methodology for calibration of SCC on-die temperature sensors. We also develop an infrastructure for online monitoring of SCC temperature sensor readings and SCC power consumption. Having the thermal simulation tool in hand, we propose MiMAPT, an approach for analyzing delay, power and temperature in digital integrated circuits. MiMAPT integrates seamlessly into industrial Front-end and Back-end chip design flows. It accounts for temperature non-uniformities and self-heating while performing analysis. Furthermore, we extend the temperature variation aware analysis of designs to 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM. We improve the DRAM refresh power by considering the lateral and vertical temperature variations in the 3D structure and adapting the per-DRAM-bank refresh period accordingly. We develop an advanced virtual platform which models the performance, power, and thermal behavior of a 3D-integrated MPSoC with Wide-I/O DRAMs in detail. Moving towards real-world multi-core heterogeneous SoC designs, a reconfigurable heterogeneous platform (ZYNQ) is exploited to further study the performance and energy efficiency of various CPU-accelerator data sharing methods in heterogeneous hardware architectures. A complete hardware accelerator featuring clusters of OpenRISC CPUs, with dynamic address remapping capability is built and verified on a real hardware.


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The dynamicity and heterogeneity that characterize pervasive environments raise new challenges in the design of mobile middleware. Pervasive environments are characterized by a significant degree of heterogeneity, variability, and dynamicity that conventional middleware solutions are not able to adequately manage. Originally designed for use in a relatively static context, such middleware systems tend to hide low-level details to provide applications with a transparent view on the underlying execution platform. In mobile environments, however, the context is extremely dynamic and cannot be managed by a priori assumptions. Novel middleware should therefore support mobile computing applications in the task of adapting their behavior to frequent changes in the execution context, that is, it should become context-aware. In particular, this thesis has identified the following key requirements for novel context-aware middleware that existing solutions do not fulfil yet. (i) Middleware solutions should support interoperability between possibly unknown entities by providing expressive representation models that allow to describe interacting entities, their operating conditions and the surrounding world, i.e., their context, according to an unambiguous semantics. (ii) Middleware solutions should support distributed applications in the task of reconfiguring and adapting their behavior/results to ongoing context changes. (iii) Context-aware middleware support should be deployed on heterogeneous devices under variable operating conditions, such as different user needs, application requirements, available connectivity and device computational capabilities, as well as changing environmental conditions. Our main claim is that the adoption of semantic metadata to represent context information and context-dependent adaptation strategies allows to build context-aware middleware suitable for all dynamically available portable devices. Semantic metadata provide powerful knowledge representation means to model even complex context information, and allow to perform automated reasoning to infer additional and/or more complex knowledge from available context data. In addition, we suggest that, by adopting proper configuration and deployment strategies, semantic support features can be provided to differentiated users and devices according to their specific needs and current context. This thesis has investigated novel design guidelines and implementation options for semantic-based context-aware middleware solutions targeted to pervasive environments. These guidelines have been applied to different application areas within pervasive computing that would particularly benefit from the exploitation of context. Common to all applications is the key role of context in enabling mobile users to personalize applications based on their needs and current situation. The main contributions of this thesis are (i) the definition of a metadata model to represent and reason about context, (ii) the definition of a model for the design and development of context-aware middleware based on semantic metadata, (iii) the design of three novel middleware architectures and the development of a prototypal implementation for each of these architectures, and (iv) the proposal of a viable approach to portability issues raised by the adoption of semantic support services in pervasive applications.


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Ambient Intelligence (AmI) envisions a world where smart, electronic environments are aware and responsive to their context. People moving into these settings engage many computational devices and systems simultaneously even if they are not aware of their presence. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. The dependence on a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded into the environment makes of Wireless Sensor Networks one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes, simple devices that typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. In order to handle the large amount of data generated by a WSN several multi sensor data fusion techniques have been developed. The aim of multisensor data fusion is to combine data to achieve better accuracy and inferences than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas: Multimodal Surveillance and Activity Recognition. Novel techniques to handle data from a network of low-cost, low-power Pyroelectric InfraRed (PIR) sensors are presented. Such techniques allow the detection of the number of people moving in the environment, their direction of movement and their position. We discuss how a mesh of PIR sensors can be integrated with a video surveillance system to increase its performance in people tracking. Furthermore we embed a PIR sensor within the design of a Wireless Video Sensor Node (WVSN) to extend its lifetime. Activity recognition is a fundamental block in natural interfaces. A challenging objective is to design an activity recognition system that is able to exploit a redundant but unreliable WSN. We present our activity in building a novel activity recognition architecture for such a dynamic system. The architecture has a hierarchical structure where simple nodes performs gesture classification and a high level meta classifiers fuses a changing number of classifier outputs. We demonstrate the benefit of such architecture in terms of increased recognition performance, and fault and noise robustness. Furthermore we show how we can extend network lifetime by performing a performance-power trade-off. Smart objects can enhance user experience within smart environments. We present our work in extending the capabilities of the Smart Micrel Cube (SMCube), a smart object used as tangible interface within a tangible computing framework, through the development of a gesture recognition algorithm suitable for this limited computational power device. Finally the development of activity recognition techniques can greatly benefit from the availability of shared dataset. We report our experience in building a dataset for activity recognition. Such dataset is freely available to the scientific community for research purposes and can be used as a testbench for developing, testing and comparing different activity recognition techniques.


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Healthcare, Human Computer Interfaces (HCI), Security and Biometry are the most promising application scenario directly involved in the Body Area Networks (BANs) evolution. Both wearable devices and sensors directly integrated in garments envision a word in which each of us is supervised by an invisible assistant monitoring our health and daily-life activities. New opportunities are enabled because improvements in sensors miniaturization and transmission efficiency of the wireless protocols, that achieved the integration of high computational power aboard independent, energy-autonomous, small form factor devices. Application’s purposes are various: (I) data collection to achieve off-line knowledge discovery; (II) user notification of his/her activities or in case a danger occurs; (III) biofeedback rehabilitation; (IV) remote alarm activation in case the subject need assistance; (V) introduction of a more natural interaction with the surrounding computerized environment; (VI) users identification by physiological or behavioral characteristics. Telemedicine and mHealth [1] are two of the leading concepts directly related to healthcare. The capability to borne unobtrusiveness objects supports users’ autonomy. A new sense of freedom is shown to the user, not only supported by a psychological help but a real safety improvement. Furthermore, medical community aims the introduction of new devices to innovate patient treatments. In particular, the extension of the ambulatory analysis in the real life scenario by proving continuous acquisition. The wide diffusion of emerging wellness portable equipment extended the usability of wearable devices also for fitness and training by monitoring user performance on the working task. The learning of the right execution techniques related to work, sport, music can be supported by an electronic trainer furnishing the adequate aid. HCIs made real the concept of Ubiquitous, Pervasive Computing and Calm Technology introduced in the 1988 by Marc Weiser and John Seeley Brown. They promotes the creation of pervasive environments, enhancing the human experience. Context aware, adaptive and proactive environments serve and help people by becoming sensitive and reactive to their presence, since electronics is ubiquitous and deployed everywhere. In this thesis we pay attention to the integration of all the aspects involved in a BAN development. Starting from the choice of sensors we design the node, configure the radio network, implement real-time data analysis and provide a feedback to the user. We present algorithms to be implemented in wearable assistant for posture and gait analysis and to provide assistance on different walking conditions, preventing falls. Our aim, expressed by the idea to contribute at the development of a non proprietary solutions, driven us to integrate commercial and standard solutions in our devices. We use sensors available on the market and avoided to design specialized sensors in ASIC technologies. We employ standard radio protocol and open source projects when it was achieved. The specific contributions of the PhD research activities are presented and discussed in the following. • We have designed and build several wireless sensor node providing both sensing and actuator capability making the focus on the flexibility, small form factor and low power consumption. The key idea was to develop a simple and general purpose architecture for rapid analysis, prototyping and deployment of BAN solutions. Two different sensing units are integrated: kinematic (3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscopes) and kinetic (foot-floor contact pressure forces). Two kind of feedbacks were implemented: audio and vibrotactile. • Since the system built is a suitable platform for testing and measuring the features and the constraints of a sensor network (radio communication, network protocols, power consumption and autonomy), we made a comparison between Bluetooth and ZigBee performance in terms of throughput and energy efficiency. Test in the field evaluate the usability in the fall detection scenario. • To prove the flexibility of the architecture designed, we have implemented a wearable system for human posture rehabilitation. The application was developed in conjunction with biomedical engineers who provided the audio-algorithms to furnish a biofeedback to the user about his/her stability. • We explored off-line gait analysis of collected data, developing an algorithm to detect foot inclination in the sagittal plane, during walk. • In collaboration with the Wearable Lab – ETH, Zurich, we developed an algorithm to monitor the user during several walking condition where the user carry a load. The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. Chapter I gives an overview about Body Area Networks (BANs), illustrating the relevant features of this technology and the key challenges still open. It concludes with a short list of the real solutions and prototypes proposed by academic research and manufacturers. The domain of the posture and gait analysis, the methodologies, and the technologies used to provide real-time feedback on detected events, are illustrated in Chapter II. The Chapter III and IV, respectively, shown BANs developed with the purpose to detect fall and monitor the gait taking advantage by two inertial measurement unit and baropodometric insoles. Chapter V reports an audio-biofeedback system to improve balance on the information provided by the use centre of mass. A walking assistant based on the KNN classifier to detect walking alteration on load carriage, is described in Chapter VI.


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This thesis investigates context-aware wireless networks, capable to adapt their behavior to the context and the application, thanks to the ability of combining communication, sensing and localization. Problems of signals demodulation, parameters estimation and localization are addressed exploiting analytical methods, simulations and experimentation, for the derivation of the fundamental limits, the performance characterization of the proposed schemes and the experimental validation. Ultrawide-bandwidth (UWB) signals are in certain cases considered and non-coherent receivers, allowing the exploitation of the multipath channel diversity without adopting complex architectures, investigated. Closed-form expressions for the achievable bit error probability of novel proposed architectures are derived. The problem of time delay estimation (TDE), enabling network localization thanks to ranging measurement, is addressed from a theoretical point of view. New fundamental bounds on TDE are derived in the case the received signal is partially known or unknown at receiver side, as often occurs due to propagation or due to the adoption of low-complexity estimators. Practical estimators, such as energy-based estimators, are revised and their performance compared with the new bounds. The localization issue is addressed with experimentation for the characterization of cooperative networks. Practical algorithms able to improve the accuracy in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel conditions are evaluated on measured data. With the purpose of enhancing the localization coverage in NLOS conditions, non-regenerative relaying techniques for localization are introduced and ad hoc position estimators are devised. An example of context-aware network is given with the study of the UWB-RFID system for detecting and locating semi-passive tags. In particular a deep investigation involving low-complexity receivers capable to deal with problems of multi-tag interference, synchronization mismatches and clock drift is presented. Finally, theoretical bounds on the localization accuracy of this and others passive localization networks (e.g., radar) are derived, also accounting for different configurations such as in monostatic and multistatic networks.


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Pervasive Sensing is a recent research trend that aims at providing widespread computing and sensing capabilities to enable the creation of smart environments that can sense, process, and act by considering input coming from both people and devices. The capabilities necessary for Pervasive Sensing are nowadays available on a plethora of devices, from embedded devices to PCs and smartphones. The wide availability of new devices and the large amount of data they can access enable a wide range of novel services in different areas, spanning from simple data collection systems to socially-aware collaborative filtering. However, the strong heterogeneity and unreliability of devices and sensors poses significant challenges. So far, existing works on Pervasive Sensing have focused only on limited portions of the whole stack of available devices and data that they can use, to propose and develop mainly vertical solutions. The push from academia and industry for this kind of services shows that time is mature for a more general support framework for Pervasive Sensing solutions able to enhance frail architectures, promote a well balanced usage of resources on different devices, and enable the widest possible access to sensed data, while ensuring a minimal energy consumption on battery-operated devices. This thesis focuses on pervasive sensing systems to extract design guidelines as foundation of a comprehensive reference model for multi-tier Pervasive Sensing applications. The validity of the proposed model is tested in five different scenarios that present peculiar and different requirements, and different hardware and sensors. The ease of mapping from the proposed logical model to the real implementations and the positive performance result campaigns prove the quality of the proposed approach and offer a reliable reference model, together with a direction for the design and deployment of future Pervasive Sensing applications.


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This thesis deals with heterogeneous architectures in standard workstations. Heterogeneous architectures represent an appealing alternative to traditional supercomputers because they are based on commodity components fabricated in large quantities. Hence their price-performance ratio is unparalleled in the world of high performance computing (HPC). In particular, different aspects related to the performance and consumption of heterogeneous architectures have been explored. The thesis initially focuses on an efficient implementation of a parallel application, where the execution time is dominated by an high number of floating point instructions. Then the thesis touches the central problem of efficient management of power peaks in heterogeneous computing systems. Finally it discusses a memory-bounded problem, where the execution time is dominated by the memory latency. Specifically, the following main contributions have been carried out: A novel framework for the design and analysis of solar field for Central Receiver Systems (CRS) has been developed. The implementation based on desktop workstation equipped with multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is motivated by the need to have an accurate and fast simulation environment for studying mirror imperfection and non-planar geometries. Secondly, a power-aware scheduling algorithm on heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures, based on an efficient distribution of the computing workload to the resources, has been realized. The scheduler manages the resources of several computing nodes with a view to reducing the peak power. The two main contributions of this work follow: the approach reduces the supply cost due to high peak power whilst having negligible impact on the parallelism of computational nodes. from another point of view the developed model allows designer to increase the number of cores without increasing the capacity of the power supply unit. Finally, an implementation for efficient graph exploration on reconfigurable architectures is presented. The purpose is to accelerate graph exploration, reducing the number of random memory accesses.