11 resultados para Elucidation
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
L’ermeneutica filosofica di Hans-Georg Gadamer – indubbiamente uno dei capisaldi del pensiero novecentesco – rappresenta una filosofia molto composita, sfaccettata e articolata, per così dire formata da una molteplicità di dimensioni diverse che si intrecciano l’una con l’altra. Ciò risulta evidente già da un semplice sguardo alla composizione interna della sua opera principale, Wahrheit und Methode (1960), nella quale si presenta una teoria del comprendere che prende in esame tre differenti dimensioni dell’esperienza umana – arte, storia e linguaggio – ovviamente concepite come fondamentalmente correlate tra loro. Ma questo quadro d’insieme si complica notevolmente non appena si prendano in esame perlomeno alcuni dei numerosi contributi che Gadamer ha scritto e pubblicato prima e dopo il suo opus magnum: contributi che testimoniano l’importante presenza nel suo pensiero di altre tematiche. Di tale complessità, però, non sempre gli interpreti di Gadamer hanno tenuto pienamente conto, visto che una gran parte dei contributi esegetici sul suo pensiero risultano essenzialmente incentrati sul capolavoro del 1960 (ed in particolare sui problemi della legittimazione delle Geisteswissenschaften), dedicando invece minore attenzione agli altri percorsi che egli ha seguito e, in particolare, alla dimensione propriamente etica e politica della sua filosofia ermeneutica. Inoltre, mi sembra che non sempre si sia prestata la giusta attenzione alla fondamentale unitarietà – da non confondere con una presunta “sistematicità”, da Gadamer esplicitamente respinta – che a dispetto dell’indubbia molteplicità ed eterogeneità del pensiero gadameriano comunque vige al suo interno. La mia tesi, dunque, è che estetica e scienze umane, filosofia del linguaggio e filosofia morale, dialogo con i Greci e confronto critico col pensiero moderno, considerazioni su problematiche antropologiche e riflessioni sulla nostra attualità sociopolitica e tecnoscientifica, rappresentino le diverse dimensioni di un solo pensiero, le quali in qualche modo vengono a convergere verso un unico centro. Un centro “unificante” che, a mio avviso, va individuato in quello che potremmo chiamare il disagio della modernità. In altre parole, mi sembra cioè che tutta la riflessione filosofica di Gadamer, in fondo, scaturisca dalla presa d’atto di una situazione di crisi o disagio nella quale si troverebbero oggi il nostro mondo e la nostra civiltà. Una crisi che, data la sua profondità e complessità, si è per così dire “ramificata” in molteplici direzioni, andando ad investire svariati ambiti dell’esistenza umana. Ambiti che pertanto vengono analizzati e indagati da Gadamer con occhio critico, cercando di far emergere i principali nodi problematici e, alla luce di ciò, di avanzare proposte alternative, rimedi, “correttivi” e possibili soluzioni. A partire da una tale comprensione di fondo, la mia ricerca si articola allora in tre grandi sezioni dedicate rispettivamente alla pars destruens dell’ermeneutica gadameriana (prima e seconda sezione) ed alla sua pars costruens (terza sezione). Nella prima sezione – intitolata Una fenomenologia della modernità: i molteplici sintomi della crisi – dopo aver evidenziato come buona parte della filosofia del Novecento sia stata dominata dall’idea di una crisi in cui verserebbe attualmente la civiltà occidentale, e come anche l’ermeneutica di Gadamer possa essere fatta rientrare in questo discorso filosofico di fondo, cerco di illustrare uno per volta quelli che, agli occhi del filosofo di Verità e metodo, rappresentano i principali sintomi della crisi attuale. Tali sintomi includono: le patologie socioeconomiche del nostro mondo “amministrato” e burocratizzato; l’indiscriminata espansione planetaria dello stile di vita occidentale a danno di altre culture; la crisi dei valori e delle certezze, con la concomitante diffusione di relativismo, scetticismo e nichilismo; la crescente incapacità a relazionarsi in maniera adeguata e significativa all’arte, alla poesia e alla cultura, sempre più degradate a mero entertainment; infine, le problematiche legate alla diffusione di armi di distruzione di massa, alla concreta possibilità di una catastrofe ecologica ed alle inquietanti prospettive dischiuse da alcune recenti scoperte scientifiche (soprattutto nell’ambito della genetica). Una volta delineato il profilo generale che Gadamer fornisce della nostra epoca, nella seconda sezione – intitolata Una diagnosi del disagio della modernità: il dilagare della razionalità strumentale tecnico-scientifica – cerco di mostrare come alla base di tutti questi fenomeni egli scorga fondamentalmente un’unica radice, coincidente peraltro a suo giudizio con l’origine stessa della modernità. Ossia, la nascita della scienza moderna ed il suo intrinseco legame con la tecnica e con una specifica forma di razionalità che Gadamer – facendo evidentemente riferimento a categorie interpretative elaborate da Max Weber, Martin Heidegger e dalla Scuola di Francoforte – definisce anche «razionalità strumentale» o «pensiero calcolante». A partire da una tale visione di fondo, cerco quindi di fornire un’analisi della concezione gadameriana della tecnoscienza, evidenziando al contempo alcuni aspetti, e cioè: primo, come l’ermeneutica filosofica di Gadamer non vada interpretata come una filosofia unilateralmente antiscientifica, bensì piuttosto come una filosofia antiscientista (il che naturalmente è qualcosa di ben diverso); secondo, come la sua ricostruzione della crisi della modernità non sfoci mai in una critica “totalizzante” della ragione, né in una filosofia della storia pessimistico-negativa incentrata sull’idea di un corso ineluttabile degli eventi guidato da una razionalità “irrazionale” e contaminata dalla brama di potere e di dominio; terzo, infine, come la filosofia di Gadamer – a dispetto delle inveterate interpretazioni che sono solite scorgervi un pensiero tradizionalista, autoritario e radicalmente anti-illuminista – non intenda affatto respingere l’illuminismo scientifico moderno tout court, né rinnegarne le più importanti conquiste, ma più semplicemente “correggerne” alcune tendenze e recuperare una nozione più ampia e comprensiva di ragione, in grado di render conto anche di quegli aspetti dell’esperienza umana che, agli occhi di una razionalità “limitata” come quella scientista, non possono che apparire come meri residui di irrazionalità. Dopo aver così esaminato nelle prime due sezioni quella che possiamo definire la pars destruens della filosofia di Gadamer, nella terza ed ultima sezione – intitolata Una terapia per la crisi della modernità: la riscoperta dell’esperienza e del sapere pratico – passo quindi ad esaminare la sua pars costruens, consistente a mio giudizio in un recupero critico di quello che egli chiama «un altro tipo di sapere». Ossia, in un tentativo di riabilitazione di tutte quelle forme pre- ed extra-scientifiche di sapere e di esperienza che Gadamer considera costitutive della «dimensione ermeneutica» dell’esistenza umana. La mia analisi della concezione gadameriana del Verstehen e dell’Erfahrung – in quanto forme di un «sapere pratico (praktisches Wissen)» differente in linea di principio da quello teorico e tecnico – conduce quindi ad un’interpretazione complessiva dell’ermeneutica filosofica come vera e propria filosofia pratica. Cioè, come uno sforzo di chiarificazione filosofica di quel sapere prescientifico, intersoggettivo e “di senso comune” effettivamente vigente nella sfera della nostra Lebenswelt e della nostra esistenza pratica. Ciò, infine, conduce anche inevitabilmente ad un’accentuazione dei risvolti etico-politici dell’ermeneutica di Gadamer. In particolare, cerco di esaminare la concezione gadameriana dell’etica – tenendo conto dei suoi rapporti con le dottrine morali di Platone, Aristotele, Kant e Hegel – e di delineare alla fine un profilo della sua ermeneutica filosofica come filosofia del dialogo, della solidarietà e della libertà.
Self-incompatibility (SI) systems have evolved in many flowering plants to prevent self-fertilization and thus promote outbreeding. Pear and apple, as many of the species belonging to the Rosaceae, exhibit RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility, a widespread system carried also by the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae. Pear orchards must for this reason contain at least two different cultivars that pollenize each other; to guarantee an efficient cross-pollination, they should have overlapping flowering periods and must be genetically compatible. This compatibility is determined by the S-locus, containing at least two genes encoding for a female (pistil) and a male (pollen) determinant. The female determinant in the Rosaceae, Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae system is a stylar glycoprotein with ribonuclease activity (S-RNase), that acts as a specific cytotoxin in incompatible pollen tubes degrading cellular RNAs. Since its identification, the S-RNase gene has been intensively studied and the sequences of a large number of alleles are available in online databases. On the contrary, the male determinant has been only recently identified as a pollen-expressed protein containing a F-box motif, called S-Locus F-box (abbreviated SLF or SFB). Since F-box proteins are best known for their participation to the SCF (Skp1 - Cullin - F-box) E3 ubiquitine ligase enzymatic complex, that is involved in protein degradation through the 26S proteasome pathway, the male determinant is supposed to act mediating the ubiquitination of the S-RNases, targeting them for the degradation in compatible pollen tubes. Attempts to clone SLF/SFB genes in the Pyrinae produced no results until very recently; in apple, the use of genomic libraries allowed the detection of two F-box genes linked to each S haplotype, called SFBB (S-locus F-Box Brothers). In Japanese pear, three SFBB genes linked to each haplotype were cloned from pollen cDNA. The SFBB genes exhibit S haplotype-specific sequence divergence and pollen-specific expression; their multiplicity is a feature whose interpretation is unclear: it has been hypothesized that all of them participate in the S-specific interaction with the RNase, but it is also possible that only one of them is involved in this function. Moreover, even if the S locus male and female determinants are the only responsible for the specificity of the pollen-pistil recognition, many other factors are supposed to play a role in GSI; these are not linked to the S locus and act in a S-haplotype independent manner. They can have a function in regulating the expression of S determinants (group 1 factors), modulating their activity (group 2) or acting downstream, in the accomplishment of the reaction of acceptance or rejection of the pollen tube (group 3). This study was aimed to the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of GSI in European pear (Pyrus communis) as well as in the other Pyrinae; it was divided in two parts, the first focusing on the characterization of male determinants, and the second on factors external to the S locus. The research of S locus F-box genes was primarily aimed to the identification of such genes in European pear, for which sequence data are still not available; moreover, it allowed also to investigate about the S locus structure in the Pyrinae. The analysis was carried out on a pool of varieties of the three species Pyrus communis (European pear), Pyrus pyrifolia (Japanese pear), and Malus × domestica (apple); varieties carrying S haplotypes whose RNases are highly similar were chosen, in order to check whether or not the same level of similarity is maintained also between the male determinants. A total of 82 sequences was obtained, 47 of which represent the first S-locus F-box genes sequenced from European pear. The sequence data strongly support the hypothesis that the S locus structure is conserved among the three species, and presumably among all the Pyrinae; at least five genes have homologs in the analysed S haplotypes, but the number of F-box genes surrounding the S-RNase could be even greater. The high level of sequence divergence and the similarity between alleles linked to highly conserved RNases, suggest a shared ancestral polymorphism also for the F-box genes. The F-box genes identified in European pear were mapped on a segregating population of 91 individuals from the cross 'Abbé Fétel' × 'Max Red Bartlett'. All the genes were placed on the linkage group 17, where the S locus has been placed both in pear and apple maps, and resulted strongly associated to the S-RNase gene. The linkage with the RNase was perfect for some of the F-box genes, while for others very rare single recombination events were identified. The second part of this study was focused on the research of other genes involved in the SI response in pear; it was aimed on one side to the identification of genes differentially expressed in compatible and incompatible crosses, and on the other to the cloning and characterization of the transglutaminase (TGase) gene, whose role may be crucial in pollen rejection. For the identification of differentially expressed genes, controlled pollinations were carried out in four combinations (self pollination, incompatible, half-compatible and fully compatible cross-pollination); expression profiles were compared through cDNA-AFLP. 28 fragments displaying an expression pattern related to compatibility or incompatibility were identified, cloned and sequenced; the sequence analysis allowed to assign a putative annotation to a part of them. The identified genes are involved in very different cellular processes or in defense mechanisms, suggesting a very complex change in gene expression following the pollen/pistil recognition. The pool of genes identified with this technique offers a good basis for further study toward a better understanding of how the SI response is carried out. Among the factors involved in SI response, moreover, an important role may be played by transglutaminase (TGase), an enzyme involved both in post-translational protein modification and in protein cross-linking. The TGase activity detected in pear styles was significantly higher when pollinated in incompatible combinations than in compatible ones, suggesting a role of this enzyme in the abnormal cytoskeletal reorganization observed during pollen rejection reaction. The aim of this part of the work was thus to identify and clone the pear TGase gene; the PCR amplification of fragments of this gene was achieved using primers realized on the alignment between the Arabidopsis TGase gene sequence and several apple EST fragments; the full-length coding sequence of the pear TGase gene was then cloned from cDNA, and provided a precious tool for further study of the in vitro and in vivo action of this enzyme.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a branch of spectroscopy that is based on the fact that many atomic nuclei may be oriented by a strong magnetic field and will absorb radiofrequency radiation at characteristic frequencies. The parameters that can be measured on the resulting spectral lines (line positions, intensities, line widths, multiplicities and transients in time-dependent experi-ments) can be interpreted in terms of molecular structure, conformation, molecular motion and other rate processes. In this way, high resolution (HR) NMR allows performing qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples in solution, in order to determine the structure of molecules in solution and not only. In the past, high-field NMR spectroscopy has mainly concerned with the elucidation of chemical structure in solution, but today is emerging as a powerful exploratory tool for probing biochemical and physical processes. It represents a versatile tool for the analysis of foods. In literature many NMR studies have been reported on different type of food such as wine, olive oil, coffee, fruit juices, milk, meat, egg, starch granules, flour, etc using different NMR techniques. Traditionally, univariate analytical methods have been used to ex-plore spectroscopic data. This method is useful to measure or to se-lect a single descriptive variable from the whole spectrum and , at the end, only this variable is analyzed. This univariate methods ap-proach, applied to HR-NMR data, lead to different problems due especially to the complexity of an NMR spectrum. In fact, the lat-ter is composed of different signals belonging to different mole-cules, but it is also true that the same molecules can be represented by different signals, generally strongly correlated. The univariate methods, in this case, takes in account only one or a few variables, causing a loss of information. Thus, when dealing with complex samples like foodstuff, univariate analysis of spectra data results not enough powerful. Spectra need to be considered in their wholeness and, for analysing them, it must be taken in consideration the whole data matrix: chemometric methods are designed to treat such multivariate data. Multivariate data analysis is used for a number of distinct, differ-ent purposes and the aims can be divided into three main groups: • data description (explorative data structure modelling of any ge-neric n-dimensional data matrix, PCA for example); • regression and prediction (PLS); • classification and prediction of class belongings for new samples (LDA and PLS-DA and ECVA). The aim of this PhD thesis was to verify the possibility of identify-ing and classifying plants or foodstuffs, in different classes, based on the concerted variation in metabolite levels, detected by NMR spectra and using the multivariate data analysis as a tool to inter-pret NMR information. It is important to underline that the results obtained are useful to point out the metabolic consequences of a specific modification on foodstuffs, avoiding the use of a targeted analysis for the different metabolites. The data analysis is performed by applying chemomet-ric multivariate techniques to the NMR dataset of spectra acquired. The research work presented in this thesis is the result of a three years PhD study. This thesis reports the main results obtained from these two main activities: A1) Evaluation of a data pre-processing system in order to mini-mize unwanted sources of variations, due to different instrumental set up, manual spectra processing and to sample preparations arte-facts; A2) Application of multivariate chemiometric models in data analy-sis.
Supramolecular self-assembly represents a key technology for the spontaneous construction of nanoarchitectures and for the fabrication of materials with enhanced physical and chemical properties. In addition, a significant asset of supramolecular self-assemblies rests on their reversible formation, thanks to the kinetic lability of their non-covalent interactions. This dynamic nature can be exploited for the development of “self-healing” and “smart” materials towards the tuning of their functional properties upon various external factors. One particular intriguing objective in the field is to reach a high level of control over the shape and size of the supramolecular architectures, in order to produce well-defined functional nanostructures by rational design. In this direction, many investigations have been pursued toward the construction of self-assembled objects from numerous low-molecular weight scaffolds, for instance by exploiting multiple directional hydrogen-bonding interactions. In particular, nucleobases have been used as supramolecular synthons as a result of their efficiency to code for non-covalent interaction motifs. Among nucleobases, guanine represents the most versatile one, because of its different H-bond donor and acceptor sites which display self-complementary patterns of interactions. Interestingly, and depending on the environmental conditions, guanosine derivatives can form various types of structures. Most of the supramolecular architectures reported in this Thesis from guanosine derivatives require the presence of a cation which stabilizes, via dipole-ion interactions, the macrocyclic G-quartet that can, in turn, stack in columnar G-quadruplex arrangements. In addition, in absence of cations, guanosine can polymerize via hydrogen bonding to give a variety of supramolecular networks including linear ribbons. This complex supramolecular behavior confers to the guanine-guanine interactions their upper interest among all the homonucleobases studied. They have been subjected to intense investigations in various areas ranging from structural biology and medicinal chemistry – guanine-rich sequences are abundant in telomeric ends of chromosomes and promoter regions of DNA, and are capable of forming G-quartet based structures– to material science and nanotechnology. This Thesis, organized into five Chapters, describes mainly some recent advances in the form and function provided by self-assembly of guanine based systems. More generally, Chapter 4 will focus on the construction of supramolecular self-assemblies whose self-assembling process and self-assembled architectures can be controlled by light as external stimulus. Chapter 1 will describe some of the many recent studies of G-quartets in the general area of nanoscience. Natural G- quadruplexes can be useful motifs to build new structures and biomaterials such as self-assembled nanomachines, biosensors, therapeutic aptamer and catalysts. In Chapters 2-4 it is pointed out the core concept held in this PhD Thesis, i.e. the supramolecular organization of lipophilic guanosine derivatives with photo or chemical addressability. Chapter 2 will mainly focus on the use of cation-templated guanosine derivatives as a potential scaffold for designing functional materials with tailored physical properties, showing a new way to control the bottom-up realization of well-defined nanoarchitectures. In section 2.6.7, the self-assembly properties of compound 28a may be considered an example of open-shell moieties ordered by a supramolecular guanosine architecture showing a new (magnetic) property. Chapter 3 will report on ribbon-like structures, supramolecular architectures formed by guanosine derivatives that may be of interest for the fabrication of molecular nanowires within the framework of future molecular electronic applications. In section 3.4 we investigate the supramolecular polymerizations of derivatives dG 1 and G 30 by light scattering technique and TEM experiments. The obtained data reveal the presence of several levels of organization due to the hierarchical self-assembly of the guanosine units in ribbons that in turn aggregate in fibrillar or lamellar soft structures. The elucidation of these structures furnishes an explanation to the physical behaviour of guanosine units which display organogelator properties. Chapter 4 will describe photoresponsive self-assembling systems. Numerous research examples have demonstrated that the use of photochromic molecules in supramolecular self-assemblies is the most reasonable method to noninvasively manipulate their degree of aggregation and supramolecular architectures. In section 4.4 we report on the photocontrolled self-assembly of modified guanosine nucleobase E-42: by the introduction of a photoactive moiety at C8 it is possible to operate a photocontrol over the self-assembly of the molecule, where the existence of G-quartets can be alternately switched on and off. In section 4.5 we focus on the use of cyclodextrins as photoresponsive host-guest assemblies: αCD–azobenzene conjugates 47-48 (section 4.5.3) are synthesized in order to obtain a photoresponsive system exhibiting a fine photocontrollable degree of aggregation and self-assembled architecture. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the experimental protocols used for the research described in Chapters 2-4.
Members of the genera Campylobacter and Helicobacter have been in the spotlight in recent decades because of their status as animals and/or humans pathogens, both confirmed and emerging, and because of their association with food-borne and zoonotic diseases. First observations of spiral shaped bacteria or Campylobacter-like organisms (CLO) date back to the end of the 19th century, however the lack of adequate isolation methods hampered further research. With the introduction of methods such as selective media and a filtration procedure during the 1970s led to a renewed interest in Campylobacter, especially as this enabled elucidation of their role in human hosts. On the other hand the classification and identification of these bacteria was troublesome, mainly because of the biochemical inertness and fastidious growth requirements. In 1991, the taxonomy of Campylobacter and related organisms was thoroughly revised, since this revision several new Campylobacter and Helicobacter species have been described. Moreover, thanks to the introduction of a polyphasic taxonomic practice, the classification of these novel species is well-founded. Indeed, a polyphasic approach was here followed for characterizing eight isolates obtained from rabbits epidemiologically not correlated and as a result a new Campylobacter species was proposed: Campylobacter cuniculorum (Chapter 1). Furthermore, there is a paucity of data regarding the occurrence of spiral shaped enteric flora in leporids. In order to define the prevalence both of this new species and other CLO in leporids (chapter 2), a total of 85 whole intestinal tracts of rabbits reared in 32 farms and 29 capture hares, epidemiologically not correlated, were collected just after evisceration at the slaughterhouse or during necroscopy. Examination and isolation methods were varied in order to increase the sensibility level of detection, and 100% of rabbit farms resulted positive for C. cuniculorum in high concentrations. Moreover, in 3.53% of the total rabbits examined, a Helicobacter species was detected. Nevertheless, all hares resulted negative both for Campylobacter or Helicobacter species. High prevalence of C. cuniculorum were found in rabbits, and in order to understand if this new species could play a pathological role, a study on some virulence determinants of C. cuniculorum was conducted (Chapter 3). Although this new species were able to adhere and invade, exert cytolethal distending toxin-like effects although at a low titre, a cdtB was not detected. There was no clear relationship between source of isolation or disease manifestation and possession of statistically significantly levels of particular virulence-associated factors although, cell adhesion and invasion occurred. Furthermore, antibiotic susceptibility was studied (chapter 4) in Campylobacter and in Escherichia coli strains, isolated from rabbits. It was possible to find acquired resistance of C. cuniculorum to enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and erytromycin. C. coli isolate was susceptible to all antimicrobial tested and moreover it is considered as a wild-type strain. Moreover, E. coli was found at low caecal concentration in rabbits and 30 phenotypes of antibiotic resistance were founded as well as the high rate of resistances to at least one antibiotic (98.1%). The majority of resistances were found from strains belonging to intensive farming system. In conclusion, in the course of the present study a new species isolated from rabbits was described, C. cuniculorum, and its high prevalence was established. Nevertheless, in hare samples no Campylobacter and Helicobacter species were detected. Some virulence determinants were further analyzed, however further studied are needed to understand the potential pathogenicity of this new species. On the other hand, antimicrobial susceptibility was monitored both in C. cuniculorum and indicator bacteria and acquired resistance was observed towards some antibiotics, indicating a possible role of rabbitries in the diffusion of antibiotic resistance. Further studies are necessary to describe and evaluate the eventual zoonotic role of Campylobacter cuniculorum.
Widespread occurrence of pharmaceuticals residues has been reported in aquatic ecosystems. However, their toxic effects on aquatic biota remain unclear. Generally, the acute toxicity has been assessed in laboratory experiments, while chronic toxicity studies have rarely been performed. Of importance appears also the assessment of mixture effects, since pharmaceuticals never occur in waters alone. The aim of the present work is to evaluate acute and chronic toxic response in the crustacean Daphnia magna exposed to single pharmaceuticals and mixtures. We tested fluoxetine, a SSRI widely prescribed as antidepressant, and propranolol, a non selective β-adrenergic receptor-blocking agent used to treat hypertension. Acute immobilization and chronic reproduction tests were performed according to OECD guidelines 202 and 211, respectively. Single chemicals were first tested separately. Toxicity of binary mixtures was then assessed using a fixed ratio experimental design with concentrations based on Toxic Units. The conceptual model of Concentration Addition was adopted in this study, as we assumed that the mixture effect mirrors the sum of the single substances for compounds having similar mode of action. The MixTox statistical method was applied to analyze the experimental results. Results showed a significant deviation from CA model that indicated antagonism between chemicals in both the acute and the chronic mixture tests. The study was integrated assessing the effects of fluoxetine on a battery of biomarkers. We wanted to evaluate the organism biological vulnerability caused by low concentrations of pharmaceutical occurring in the aquatic environment. We assessed the acetylcholinesterase and glutathione s-transferase enzymatic activities and the malondialdehyde production. No treatment induced significant alteration of biomarkers with respect to the control. Biological assays and the MixTox model application proved to be useful tools for pharmaceutical risk assessment. Although promising, the application of biomarkers in Daphnia magna needs further elucidation.
The aim of this thesis is the elucidation of structure-properties relationship of molecular semiconductors for electronic devices. This involves the use of a comprehensive set of simulation techniques, ranging from quantum-mechanical to numerical stochastic methods, and also the development of ad-hoc computational tools. In more detail, the research activity regarded two main topics: the study of electronic properties and structural behaviour of liquid crystalline (LC) materials based on functionalised oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene) (OPE), and the investigation on the electric field effect associated to OFET operation on pentacene thin film stability. In this dissertation, a novel family of substituted OPE liquid crystals with applications in stimuli-responsive materials is presented. In more detail, simulations can not only provide evidence for the characterization of the liquid crystalline phases of different OPEs, but elucidate the role of charge transfer states in donor-acceptor LCs containing an endohedral metallofullerene moiety. Such systems can be regarded as promising candidates for organic photovoltaics. Furthermore, exciton dynamics simulations are performed as a way to obtain additional information about the degree of order in OPE columnar phases. Finally, ab initio and molecular mechanics simulations are used to investigate the influence of an applied electric field on pentacene reactivity and stability. The reaction path of pentacene thermal dimerization in the presence of an external electric field is investigated; the results can be related to the fatigue effect observed in OFETs, that show significant performance degradation even in the absence of external agents. In addition to this, the effect of the gate voltage on a pentacene monolayer are simulated, and the results are then compared to X-ray diffraction measurements performed for the first time on operating OFETs.
The gold(I)-catalyzed chemoselective dearomatization of β-naphthols is reported through a straightforward approach via [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement /allene-cyclyzation cascade processes. Easily accessed naphthyl-propargyl ethers and derivatives in this work are employed as starting materials. Delightfully, an array of deoramatized dyhydrofuryl -naphthalen-2(1H)-ones featured densely functional groups are obtained in high yields (up to 98%) in 10 min reaction time under extremely mild reaction conditions like reagent grade solvent and exposure to air. The potential of accessing to high enantioselectivety on the dearomatized dyhydrofuryl- naphthalen-2(1H)-ones is also approved by the good ee (65%) relying on (R)-xylyl- BINAP(AuCl)2. In addition, complete theoretical elucidation of the reaction pathway is also proposed which addresses a rationale for essential motivation such as regio- and chemoselectivity. Moreover, an efficient gold catalyzed intermolecular dearomatization of substituted β-naphthols with allenamides is presented here. PPh3AuTFA (5 mol %) approves the efficient dearomatively allylation protocol under mild conditions and exhibits high tolerance on substrates scope (24 examples) in good to excellent yield accompanied with high regioselectivity and stereoselectivity. Moreover, the synergistic catalytic system also highlight the synergistic function between the [PPh3Au]+ (π-acid) and TFA− (Lewis base). At last, a new chiral BINOL phosphoric acid silver salt is successfully synthesized and used as the chiral counter anion, which strongly promotes the enantioselectivity (up to 92%). At last but not least, crucially, SmI2 induced enantioselective formal synthesis of strychnine, a complex alkaloid and a classical target used to benchmark new synthetic methods is developed. Enantioselective dearomatising radical cyclisation on to the indole unit and further ET will then give organosamarium that is quenched diastereoselectively by the ester to deliver Strychnine in 7 steps.
The experimental projects discussed in this thesis are all related to the field of artificial molecular machines, specifically to systems composed of pseudorotaxane and rotaxane architectures. The characterization of the peculiar properties of these mechano-molecules is frequently associated with the analysis and elucidation of complex reaction networks; this latter aspect represents the main focus and central thread tying my thesis work. In each chapter, a specific project is described as summarized below: the focus of the first chapter is the realization and characterization of a prototype model of a photoactivated molecular transporter based on a pseudorotaxane architecture; in the second chapter is reported the design, synthesis, and characterization of a [2]rotaxane endowed with a dibenzylammonium station and a novel photochromic unit that acts as a recognition site for a DB24C8 crown ether macrocycle; in the last chapter is described the synthesis and characterization of a [3]rotaxane in which the relative number of rings and stations can be changed on command.
Allostery is a phenomenon of fundamental importance in biology, allowing regulation of function and dynamic adaptability of enzymes and proteins. Despite the allosteric effect was first observed more than a century ago allostery remains a biophysical enigma, defined as the “second secret of life”. The challenge is mainly associated to the rather complex nature of the allosteric mechanisms, which manifests itself as the alteration of the biological function of a protein/enzyme (e.g. ligand/substrate binding at the active site) by binding of “other object” (“allos stereos” in Greek) at a site distant (> 1 nanometer) from the active site, namely the effector site. Thus, at the heart of allostery there is signal propagation from the effector to the active site through a dense protein matrix, with a fundamental challenge being represented by the elucidation of the physico-chemical interactions between amino acid residues allowing communicatio n between the two binding sites, i.e. the “allosteric pathways”. Here, we propose a multidisciplinary approach based on a combination of computational chemistry, involving molecular dynamics simulations of protein motions, (bio)physical analysis of allosteric systems, including multiple sequence alignments of known allosteric systems, and mathematical tools based on graph theory and machine learning that can greatly help understanding the complexity of dynamical interactions involved in the different allosteric systems. The project aims at developing robust and fast tools to identify unknown allosteric pathways. The characterization and predictions of such allosteric spots could elucidate and fully exploit the power of allosteric modulation in enzymes and DNA-protein complexes, with great potential applications in enzyme engineering and drug discovery.
Proteins, the most essential biological macromolecules, are involved in nearly every aspect of life. The elucidation of their three-dimensional structures through X-ray analysis has significantly contributed to our understanding of fundamental mechanisms in life processes. However, the obstacle of obtaining high-resolution protein crystals remains significant. Thus, searching for materials that can effectively induce nucleation of crystals is a promising and active field. This thesis work characterizes and prepares albumin nanoparticles as heterogeneous nucleants for protein crystallization. These stable Bovine Serum Albumin nanoparticles were synthesized via the desolvation method, purified efficiently, and characterized in terms of dimension, morphology, and secondary structure. The ability of BSA-NPs to induce macromolecule nucleation was tested on three model proteins, exhibiting significant results, with larger NPs inducing more nucleation. The second part of this work focuses on the structural study, mainly through X-ray crystallography, of five chloroplast and cytosolic enzymes involved in the fundamental cellular processes of two photosynthetic organisms, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Arabidopsis thaliana. The structures of three enzymes involved in the Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle, phosphoribulokinase, troseposphatisomerase, and ribulosiophosphate epimerase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, were solved to investigate their catalytic and regulatory mechanisms. Additionally, the structure of nitrosylated-CrTPI made it possible to identify Cys14 as a target for nitrosylation, and the crystallographic structure of CrRPE was solved for the first time, providing insights into its catalytic and regulatory properties. Finally, the structure of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase, AtGSNOR, was compared with that of AtADH1, revealing differences in their catalytic sites. Overall, seven crystallographic structures, including partially oxidized CrPRK, CrPRK/ATP, CrPRK/ADP/Ru5P, CrTPI-nitrosylated, apo-CrRPE, apo-AtGSNOR, and AtADH1-NADH, were solved and are yet to be deposited in the PDB.