6 resultados para Economic interest groupings

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Weaning is a crucial period in the management of piglets. In modern piggeries economic interest make weaning age decrease more and more and the detrimental consequences of weaning have as much importance as earlier the weaning occurs. The risk of development of post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) in piglets is high and PWD is the cause of serious economic losses in pig herds. In the past the supplementation of the feed given after weaning with growth promoters antibiotics, in order to keep PWD under control, used to be a common practice, but their usage has been banned in EU since 2006. This measure led to the investigation of alternative suitable feed supplements that would be reasonably efficient in protecting and sustaining animal health and performance. Aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of some different alternatives to growth-promoters antibiotics on weaning piglets and to assess if some of them could be considered as valuables options to replace auxinic in animal feeding. The study is composed by four experimental trials. The first one aims to identify mechanisms involved in the auxinic effects of antibiotics in the diets; the following three evaluate the addition butyric acid, tryptophan, and nitrate as alternative to in-feed antimicrobials. Although some results are controversial, it appears from the data presented that the alternatives to in-feed antibiotics considered may exert positive effects on some zootechnical and health parameters on piglet in the post-weaning period. Anyway, the mechanism of action and the interaction with microbiota of such additives should be investigated inside out because many effects remains poorly understood.


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The present work focuses on a specific aspect of the general issue concerning the possible consequences of the reform of business corporations (“società di capitali”) on the discipline of partnerships (“società di persone”). After the reform of business law enacted with legislative decree n. 6/2003, the majority of the literature, in the light of the provisions of art. 2361 co. 2 civil code and art. 111-duodecies of the regulatory provisions (“disposizioni di attuazione”) of the civil code itself, maintains the possibility for a business corporation to be executive of a partnership. As a matter of fact, whenever all the members of a partnership are actually business corporations, it shall be possible that either one of the latter becomes the executive, either such role is played by a third party, i. e. a non-partner. After displaying the possible advantages and disadvantages stemming from a business corporation managing a partnership, the analysis investigates the legal feasibility of the case in point. First of all, the reasons supporting the theory under which a legal person cannot be manager of a partnership are examined in depth; an overview of the principal EU Member States’ legal systems and of the discipline of the European Economic Interest Grouping and of European Corporate is then provider for. At the outset of such analysis, the author asserts the legal possibility for a legal person to act as manager of a corporation, including a partnership. Afterwards, the investigation covers the issue of the executive-member in the partnerships. Initially, an overview of the literature concerning the legal nature of the management is offered; then, the three different categories of partnership are analyzed, in order to understand whether such legal persons can be managed by a third party (i.e. a non-member). On the basis of the existing strict connection between executive powers and unlimited liability, the author concludes that only the members shall be manager of the partnerships. Another chapter of the thesis is centred, from the one hand, on the textual data that, after the reform of 2003, support the aforesaid conclusion; from the other hand, on the peculiar features of the corporate business that is executive of a partnership. In particular, the attention is focused on the necessity or on the mere opportunity of an article of association explicitly providing that a corporate business can be executive of the partnership; on the practical ways by which the former shall manage the latter (especially on the necessity of nominating a permanent representative of the legal person and on the possibility to designate the procurators to this end); on the disclosure obligations applicable to the case in point.


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Oggetto della ricerca è l’esame del ruolo attuale della partecipazione pubblica locale in società per l’erogazione di servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, nel nuovo contesto normativo caratterizzato dalla residualità dell’autoproduzione, dalla liberalizzazione, dall’organizzazione del servizio in ambiti territoriali, e dalle esigenze di contenimento della spesa locale, acuite dalla crisi economica-finanziaria. Si sono distinte quattro tipologie di società: nel caso di servizi gestiti in regime di esclusiva, le società a capitale pubblico-privato con socio privato operativo scelto mediante gara, le società in house affidatarie dirette, e le società affidatarie in quanto selezionate in procedure ad evidenza pubblica; nel caso di servizi sottratti al regime di esclusiva, le società che eroghino il servizio liberalizzato. L’indagine si è focalizzata sulle condizioni di costituzione e di mantenimento di tali società, e si è approfondito quel particolare aspetto del loro regime giuridico costituito dai limiti operativi. L’analisi è stata condotta esaminando le nuove disposizioni, le posizioni giurisprudenziali e le letture della dottrina relative alle società disciplinate come forme di gestione di servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, relative alla funzionalizzazione dell’attività degli enti territoriali e delle società da questi partecipate, e relative alla tutela della concorrenza.


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Lo studio delle Zone Franche Urbane all’interno del Diritto tributario europeo non ha potuto prescindere da una introduttiva delimitazione del lavoro, capace di distinguere le diverse tipologie di zone franche esistenti nei Paesi intra/extra Ue. Attraversando i casi-studio di Madeira, delle Azzorre, fino alla istituenda Zona Franca di Bruxelles, Zone d’Economie Urbaine stimulée (ZEUS), si è giunti alla constatazione dell’assenza di una definizione di Zona Franca Urbana: analizzando le esperienze normative vissute in Francia e in Italia, si è potuto tratteggiare il profilo territoriale, soggettivo e oggettivo del sistema agevolativo rivolto al recupero delle aree urbane degradate. La funzione strumentale della fiscalità, esplicitata per mezzo delle ZFU, ha condotto ad una verifica di diritto interno per controllare la legittimità delle scelte nazionali in ragione dei principi costituzionali nazionali, come anche una di diritto europeo per evitare che le scelte nazionali, anche se legittime sul piano interno, possano per gli stessi effetti incentivanti alle attività d'impresa presentarsi come una forma territoriale di aiuti di Stato fiscali. Evidenziando il rapporto tra le ZFU e il Mercato europeo si è voluto, da un lato, effettuare una ricostruzione sistemica necessaria per un’interpretazione delle ZFU che metta in luce le componenti di tale strumento orientate al perseguimento di un interesse socioeconomico, che in prima battuta generi una contraddizione, una deroga ai principi costituzionali e comunitari, per poi “sciogliersi” in una coerente applicazione degli stessi; dall’altro, tentare di elevare le ZFU a misura sistemica dell’Ordinamento europeo. Si è svolto, infine, un ragionamento in termini di federalismo fiscale con riferimento alle ZFU, trovando una adeguata collocazione nel percorso di devoluzione intrapreso dal legislatore nazionale, avendo quali interlocutori privilegiati le Regioni a Statuto Speciale.


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This thesis focuses on two aspects of European economic integration: exchange rate stabilization between non-euro Countries and the Euro Area, and real and nominal convergence of Central and Eastern European Countries. Each Chapter covers these aspects from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. Chapter 1 investigates whether the introduction of the euro was accompanied by a shift in the de facto exchange rate policy of European countries outside the euro area, using methods recently developed by the literature to detect "Fear of Floating" episodes. I find that European Inflation Targeters have tried to stabilize the euro exchange rate, after its introduction; fixed exchange rate arrangements, instead, apart from official policy changes, remained stable. Finally, the euro seems to have gained a relevant role as a reference currency even outside Europe. Chapter 2 proposes an approach to estimate Central Bank preferences starting from the Central Bank's optimization problem within a small open economy, using Sweden as a case study, to find whether stabilization of the exchange rate played a role in the Monetary Policy rule of the Riksbank. The results show that it did not influence interest rate setting; exchange rate stabilization probably occurred as a result of increased economic integration and business cycle convergence. Chapter 3 studies the interactions between wages in the public sector, the traded private sector and the closed sector in ten EU Transition Countries. The theoretical literature on wage spillovers suggests that the traded sector should be the leader in wage setting, with non-traded sectors wages adjusting. We show that large heterogeneity across countries is present, and sheltered and public sector wages are often leaders in wage determination. This result is relevant from a policy perspective since wage spillovers, leading to costs growing faster than productivity, may affect the international cost competitiveness of the traded sector.


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Over the last three decades, international agricultural trade has grown significantly. Technological advances in transportation logistics and storage have created opportunities to ship anything almost anywhere. Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements have also opened new pathways to an increasingly global market place. Yet, international agricultural trade is often constrained by differences in regulatory regimes. The impact of “regulatory asymmetry” is particularly acute for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that lack resources and expertise to successfully operate in markets that have substantially different regulatory structures. As governments seek to encourage the development of SMEs, policy makers often confront the critical question of what ultimately motivates SME export behavior. Specifically, there is considerable interest in understanding how SMEs confront the challenges of regulatory asymmetry. Neoclassical models of the firm generally emphasize expected profit maximization under uncertainty, however these approaches do not adequately explain the entrepreneurial decision under regulatory asymmetry. Behavioral theories of the firm offer a far richer understanding of decision making by taking into account aspirations and adaptive performance in risky environments. This paper develops an analytical framework for decision making of a single agent. Considering risk, uncertainty and opportunity cost, the analysis focuses on the export behavior response of an SME in a situation of regulatory asymmetry. Drawing on the experience of fruit processor in Muzaffarpur, India, who must consider different regulatory environments when shipping fruit treated with sulfur dioxide, the study dissects the firm-level decision using @Risk, a Monte Carlo computational tool.