em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The intensity of regional specialization in specific activities, and conversely, the level of industrial concentration in specific locations, has been used as a complementary evidence for the existence and significance of externalities. Additionally, economists have mainly focused the debate on disentangling the sources of specialization and concentration processes according to three vectors: natural advantages, internal, and external scale economies. The arbitrariness of partitions plays a key role in capturing these effects, while the selection of the partition would have to reflect the actual characteristics of the economy. Thus, the identification of spatial boundaries to measure specialization becomes critical, since most likely the model will be adapted to different scales of distance, and be influenced by different types of externalities or economies of agglomeration, which are based on the mechanisms of interaction with particular requirements of spatial proximity. This work is based on the analysis of the spatial aspect of economic specialization supported by the manufacturing industry case. The main objective is to propose, for discrete and continuous space: i) a measure of global specialization; ii) a local disaggregation of the global measure; and iii) a spatial clustering method for the identification of specialized agglomerations.
Sect. 606, par. 1, e), as modified by Law 46, enacted on Februray 20th, 2006 introduced the chance to appeal to the Court of cassation in case of inconsistent reasoning and extended control on its existence and on other flaws and lack of obvious logic over the text of the contested decision, namely “to other acts the process specified in the grounds of burden”. The renewed provision seems to properly reappoint the “distortion of the evidence”, i.e. the omitted or distorted evidence that could be relevant and conclusive one, in the peculiar context of the grounds' vice. After a general review of the obligation to state reasons for judicial decisions, we analyze the innovative status of the vice of “distortion of evidence” and the conditions and the limits - defined by the law - within we can contest a resolution for illegitimacy. Then, we outline the systematic spin-off brought by the new form of sect. 606, par. 1, e) on some institutions in the code of criminal procedure. Finally, we make the role of the Court of cassation clear in the modern criminal trial, since the 2006 reform gave no definite answer on this fundamental aspect of the question.
Future wireless communications systems are expected to be extremely dynamic, smart and capable to interact with the surrounding radio environment. To implement such advanced devices, cognitive radio (CR) is a promising paradigm, focusing on strategies for acquiring information and learning. The first task of a cognitive systems is spectrum sensing, that has been mainly studied in the context of opportunistic spectrum access, in which cognitive nodes must implement signal detection techniques to identify unused bands for transmission. In the present work, we study different spectrum sensing algorithms, focusing on their statistical description and evaluation of the detection performance. Moving from traditional sensing approaches we consider the presence of practical impairments, and analyze algorithm design. Far from the ambition of cover the broad spectrum of spectrum sensing, we aim at providing contributions to the main classes of sensing techniques. In particular, in the context of energy detection we studied the practical design of the test, considering the case in which the noise power is estimated at the receiver. This analysis allows to deepen the phenomenon of the SNR wall, providing the conditions for its existence and showing that presence of the SNR wall is determined by the accuracy of the noise power estimation process. In the context of the eigenvalue based detectors, that can be adopted by multiple sensors systems, we studied the practical situation in presence of unbalances in the noise power at the receivers. Then, we shift the focus from single band detectors to wideband sensing, proposing a new approach based on information theoretic criteria. This technique is blind and, requiring no threshold setting, can be adopted even if the statistical distribution of the observed data in not known exactly. In the last part of the thesis we analyze some simple cooperative localization techniques based on weighted centroid strategies.
La presente tesi ha come scopo quello di individuare alcune problematiche relative all’esercizio e alla limitazione del diritto alla libertà di espressione nel contesto delle attività globali di sorveglianza e controllo delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione. Tali attività, poste in essere da parte degli Stati e da parte degli operatori privati, sono favorite dal nebuloso rapporto tra norme di fonte pubblica, privata e informatica, e sono invece osteggiate dal ricorso, collettivo e individuale, alle possibilità offerte dalle tecnologie stesse per la conduzione di attività in anonimato e segretezza. La sorveglianza globale nel contesto delle privatizzazioni si serve del codice e dell’autonomia privata, così come la resistenza digitale ricorre alle competenze informatiche e agli spazi di autonomia d’azione dell’individuo. In questo contesto, la garanzia dell’esistenza e dell’esercizio dei diritti fondamentali dell’individuo, tra tutti il diritto alla libertà di espressione e il diritto alla tutela della riservatezza, passa per l’adozione di tecniche e pratiche di autotutela attraverso l’utilizzo di sistemi di cifratura e comunicazioni anonime. L’individuo, in questo conflitto tecnico e sociale, si trova a dover difendere l’esercizio dei propri diritti e finanche l’adempimento ai propri doveri, quando attinenti a particolari figure professionali o sociali, quali avvocati, operatori di giustizia, giornalisti, o anche semplicemente genitori. In conclusione dell’elaborato si propongono alcune riflessioni sulla formazione della cittadinanza e del mondo professionale, da parte dei giuristi delle nuove tecnologie, all’uso cosciente, consapevole e responsabile delle nuove tecnologie dell’informazione, con lo stimolo ad orientare altresì le proprie attività alla tutela e alla promozione dei diritti umani fondamentali, democratici, costituzionali, civili e sociali.