5 resultados para EXCESSIVE DRINKING

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Water is susceptible to be used for numerous purposes, including edible, both for humans and animals. In the food animal production, drinking water is frequently used as a way to carry out the most common pharmacological treatments. In these cases, there are many variables which could degrade drugs dissolved in this mean, even when properly arranged pharmaceutical formulations are used. In fact, although a product obtains a Marketing Authorization through appropriate laboratory studies both drug stability and solubility, on the other hand the solubility of the same drug in natural water used as a drinking water is not documented. In the present study has been evaluated the dissolution kinetics (at 0 hours and 24 hours) of products, having oxytetracycline and tylosin as active ingredient, used in drinking water samples in order to see how the different physical and chemical factors that characterize the drinking water may affect therapeutic efficacy. In fact, multiple factors, also of little relevance if individually considered, are able to adversely affect the pharmacological treatment carried out in drinking water.


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This doctoral thesis presents a project carried out in secondary schools located in the city of Ferrara with the primary objective of demonstrating the effectiveness of an intervention based on Well-Being Therapy (Fava, 2016) in reducing alcohol use and improving lifestyles. In the first part (chapters 1-3), an introduction on risky behaviors and unhealthy lifestyle in adolescence is presented, followed by an examination of the phenomenon of binge drinking and of the concept of psychological well-being. In the second part (chapters 4-6), the experimental study is presented. A three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial including three test periods was implemented. The study involved eleven classes that were randomly assigned to receive well-being intervention (WBI), lifestyle intervention (LI) or not receive intervention (NI). Results were analyzed by linear mixed model and mixed-effects logistic regression with the aim to test the efficacy of WBI in comparison with LI and NI. AUDIT-C total score increased more in NI in comparison with WBI (p=0.008) and LI (p=0.003) at 6-month. The odds to be classified as at-risk drinker was lower in WBI (OR 0.01; 95%CI 0.01–0.14) and LI (OR 0.01; 95%CI 0.01–0.03) than NI at 6-month. The odds to use e-cigarettes at 6-month (OR 0.01; 95%CI 0.01–0.35) and cannabis at post-test (OR 0.01; 95%CI 0.01–0.18) were less in WBI than NI. Sleep hours at night decreased more in NI than in WBI (p = 0.029) and LI (p = 0.006) at 6-month. Internet addiction scores decreased more in WBI (p = 0.003) and LI (p = 0.004) at post-test in comparison with NI. Conclusions about the obtained results, limitations of the study, and future implications are discussed. In the seventh chapter, the data of the project collected during the pandemic are presented and compared with those from recent literature.


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Modern world suffers from an intense water crisis. Emerging contaminants represent one of the most concerning elements of this issue. Substances, molecules, ions, and microorganisms take part in this vast and variegated class of pollutants, which main characteristic is to be highly resistant to traditional water purification technologies. An intense international research effort is being carried out in order to find new and innovative solutions to this problem, and graphene-based materials are one of the most promising options. Graphene oxide (GO) is a nanostructured material where domains populated by oxygenated groups alternate with interconnected areas of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms, on the surface of a one-atom thick nanosheets. GO can adsorb a great number of molecules and ions on its surface, thanks to the variety of different interactions that it can express, such as hydrogen bonding, p-p stacking, and electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction. These characteristics, added to the high superficial area, make it an optimal material for the development of innovative materials for drinking water remediation. The main concern in the use of GO in this field is to avoid secondary contaminations (i.e. GO itself must not become a pollutant). This issue can be faced through the immobilization of GO onto polymeric substrates, thus developing composite materials. The use of micro/ultrafiltration polymeric hollow fibers as substrates allows the design of adsorptive membranes, meaning devices that can perform filtration and adsorption simultaneously. In this thesis, two strategies for the development of adsorptive membranes were investigated: a core-shell strategy, where hollow fibers are coated with GO, and a coextrusion strategy, where GO is embedded in the polymeric matrix of the fibers. The so-obtained devices were exploited for both fundamental studies (i.e. molecular and ionic behaviour in between GO nanosheets) and real applications (the coextruded material is now at TRL 9).


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Contaminants of emerging concern are increasingly detected in the water cycle, with endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) receiving attention due to their potential to cause adverse health effects even at low concentrations. Although the EU has recently introduced some EDCs into drinking water legislation, most drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) are not designed to remove EDCs, making their detection and removal in DWTPs an important challenge. The aim of this doctoral project was to investigate hormones and phenolic compounds as suspected EDCs in drinking waters across the Romagna area (Italy). The main objectives were to assess the occurrence of considered contaminants in source and drinking water from three DWTPs, characterize the effectiveness of removal by different water treatment processes, and evaluate the potential biological impact on drinking water and human health. Specifically, a complementary approach of target chemical analysis and effect-based methods was adopted to explore drinking water quality, treatment efficacy, and biological potential. This study found that nonylphenol (NP) was prevalent in all samples, followed by BPA. Sporadic contamination of hormones was found only in source waters. Although the measured EDC concentrations in drinking water did not exceed threshold guideline values, the potential role of DWTPs as an additional source of EDC contamination should be considered. Significant increases in BPA and NP levels were observed during water treatment steps, which were also reflected in estrogenic and mutagenic responses in water samples after the ultrafiltration. This highlights the need to monitor water quality during various treatment processes to improve the efficiency of DWTPs. Biological assessments on finished water did not reveal any bioactivity, except for few treated water samples that exhibited estrogenic responses. Overall, the data emphasize the high quality of produced drinking water and the value of applying integrated chemical analysis and in vitro bioassays for water quality assessment.


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Massive proliferations of cyanobacteria in freshwaters have recently increased, causing ecological and economic losses. Their ever-increasing presence in water sources destined to potabilization has become a major threat for public health, since several species can produce harmful toxins (cyanotoxin). Therefore, additional specific measures to improve management and treatment of drinking water(s) are required. The PhD thesis investigates toxic cyanobacteria in drinking waters with a special focus on Emilia-Romagna (Italy), throughout three separated chapters, each with different specific objectives. The first chapter aims at improving the fast monitoring of cyanobacteria in drinking water, which was investigated by testing different models of multi-wavelength spectrofluorometers. Inter-laboratories calibrations were conducted using mono-specific cultures and field samples, and both the feasibility and the technical limitations of such tools were illustrated. The second chapter evaluates the effectiveness of drinking water treatments in removing cyanobacterial cells and toxins. Two chlorinated oxidants (sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide) already in use for pre-oxidation during water potabilization, were tested on cultures of the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa posing a specific focus on toxin removal and revealing that pre-oxidation can cause the release of toxins and unknown metabolites. Innovative treatments based on non-thermal plasma were also tested, observing an effective and rapid inactivation of cyanobacterial cells. The third chapter presents a study on a cyanobacterium isolated from a drinking water reservoir of Emilia-Romagna and investigated by combining biological, chemical, and genomic methods. Although the strain did not produce any known cyanotoxin, high toxicity of water-extract was observed in bioassays and potential implications for drinking water were discussed. Overall, the PhD thesis offers new insights into toxic cyanobacteria management in drinking water, highlighting best practices for drinking water managers regarding their detection and removal. Additionally, the thesis provides new contributions to the understanding of the freshwater cyanobacteria community in the Emilia-Romagna region.