em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Introduction Phospholipase Cb1 (PLC-β1) is a key player in the regulation of nuclear inositol lipid signaling and of a wide range of cellular functions, such as proliferation and differentiation (1,2,3). PLCb1 signaling depends on the cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and the formation of the second messengers diacylglycerol and Inositol tris-phosphate which activate canonical protein kinase C (cPKC) isoforms. Here we describe a proteomic approach to find out a potential effector of nuclear PLC-b1 dependent signaling during insulin stimulated myogenic differentiation. Methods Nuclear lysates obtained from insulin induced C2C12 myoblasts were immunoprecipitated with anti-phospho-substrate cPKC antibody. Proteins, stained with Comassie blue, were excised, digested and subsequently analysed in LC-MS/MS. For peptide sequence searching, the mass spectra were processed and analyzed using the Mascot MS/MS ion search program with the NCBI database. Western blotting, GST-pull down and co-immunoprecipitation were performed to study the interaction between eEF1A2 and cPKCs. Site direct mutagenesis was performed to confirm the phosphorylated motif recognized by the antibody. Immunofluorescence analysis, GFP-tagged eEF1A2 vector and subcellular fractionation were performed to study nuclear localization and relative distribution of eEF1A2. Results We have previously shown that PLC-β1 is greatly increased at the nuclear level during insulin-induced myoblasts differentiation and that this nuclear localization is essential for induction of differentiation. Thus, nuclear proteins of insulin stimulated C2C12 myoblasts, were immunoprecipitated with an anti-phospho-substrate cPKC antibody. After Electrophoretic gel separation of proteins immunoprecipitated, several molecules were identified by LC-MS/MS. Among these most relevant and unexpected was eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 2 (eEF1A2). We found that eEF1A2 is phosphorylated by PKCb1 and that these two molecules coimmunolocalized at the nucleolar level. eEF1A2 could be phosphorylated in many sites among which both threonine and serine residues. By site direct mutagenesis we demonstrated that it is the serine residue of the motif recognized by the antibody that is specifically phosphorylated by PKCb1. The silencing of PLCb1 gives rise to a reduction of expression and phosphorylation levels of eEF1A2 indicating this molecule as a target of nuclear PLCb1 regulatory network during myoblasts differentiation.


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Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) plays a critical role in survival and is associated with poor prognosis in solid tumors. The role of HIF-1α in multiple myeloma is not completely known. In the present study, we explored the effect of EZN2968, an locked nucleic acid antisense oligonucleotide against HIF-1α, as a molecular target in MM. A panel of MM cell lines and primary samples from MM patients were cultured in vitro in the presence of EZN2968 . Under normoxia culture condition, HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression was detectable in all MM cell lines and in CD138+ cells from newly diagnosed MM patients samples. Significant up-regulation of HIF-1α protein expression was observed after incubation with IL6 or IGF-I, confirming that HIF-1α can be further induced by biological stimuli. EZN2968 efficiently induces a selective and stable down-modulation of HIF-1α and decreased the secretion of VEGF released by MM cell. Treatment with EZN2968 gave rise to a progressive accumulation of cells in the S and subG0 phase. The analysis of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors controlling cell cycle check point, shows upregulation of protein levels. These results suggest that HIF-1α inhibition is sufficient for cell cycle arrest in normoxia, and for inducing an apoptotic pathways.. In the presence of bone marrow microenvironment, HIF-1α inhibition blocks MAPK kinase pathway and secretion of pro-surviaval cytokines ( IL6,VEGF,IL8) In this study we provide evidence that HIF-1α, even in the absence of hypoxia signal, is expressed in MM plasma cells and further inducible by bone marrow milieu stimuli; moreover its inhibition is sufficient to induce a permanent cell cycle arrest. Our data support the hypothesis that HIF-1α inhibition may suppress tumor growth by preventing proliferation of plasma cells through p21 activation and blocking pro-survival stimuli from bone marrow microenvironment.


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Recent knowledge supports the hypothesis that, beyond meeting nutrition needs, diet may modulate various functions in the body and play beneficial roles in some diseases. Research on functional foods is addressing the physiologic effects and health benefits of foods and food components, with the aim of authorizing specific health claims. The recognition that oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathophysiology of cardiac disorders has led to extensive investigations of the protective effects of exogenous antioxidants, but results are controversial. A promising strategy for protecting cardiac cells against oxidative damage may be through the induction of endogenous phase 2 enzymes with the enhancement of cellular antioxidant capacity. Sulforaphane (SF), a naturally occurring isothiocyanate abundant in Cruciferous vegetables, has gained attention as a potential chemopreventive compound thanks to its ability to induce several classes of genes implicated in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and electrophiles detoxification. Antioxidant responsive element (ARE)-mediated gene induction is a pivotal mechanism of cellular defence against the toxicity of electrophiles and ROS. The transcription factor NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2), is essential for the up-regulation of these genes. We investigated whether SF could exert cardioprotective effects against oxidative stress and elucidated the mechanisms underpinning these effects. Accordingly, using cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes as a model system, we evaluated the time-dependent induction of gene transcription, the corresponding protein expression and activity of various antioxidant and phase 2 enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione and related enzymes glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase, NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1 and thioredoxine reductase) elicited by SF. The results were correlated to intracellular ROS production and cell viability after oxidative stress generated by H2O2, and confirmed the ability of SF to exert cytoprotective effects acting as an indirect antioxidant. Furthermore, to get better insight into SF mechanism of action, we investigated the effect of SF treatment on Nrf2 and the upstream signalling pathways MAPK ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt, known to mediate a pro survival signal in the heart. The use of specific inhibitors of ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation demonstrated their involvement in phase 2 enzymes induction. The concentration of SF tested in this study is comparable to peak plasma concentration achieved after dietary exposure giving clear relevance to our data to support dietary intake of Cruciferous vegetables in cytoprotection against oxidative stress, a common determinant of many cardiovascular diseases.


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The cathepsin enzymes represent an important family of lysosomal proteinases with a broad spectrum of functions in many, if not in all, tissues and cell types. In addition to their primary role during the normal protein turnover, they possess highly specific proteolytic activities, including antigen processing in the immune response and a direct role in the development of obesity and tumours. In pigs, the involvement of cathepsin enzymes in proteolytic processes have important effects during the conversion of muscle to meat, due to their influence on meat texture and sensory characteristics, mainly in seasoned products. Their contribution is fundamental in flavour development of dry-curing hams. However, several authors have demonstrated that high cathepsin activity, in particular of cathepsin B, is correlated to defects of these products, such as an excessive meat softness together with abnormal free tyrosine content, astringent or metallic aftertastes and formation of a white film on the cut surface. Thus, investigation of their genetic variability could be useful to identify DNA markers associated with these dry cured hams parameters, but also with meat quality, production and carcass traits in Italian heavy pigs. Unfortunately, no association has been found between cathepsin markers and meat quality traits so far, in particular with cathepsin B activity, suggesting that other genes, besides these, affect meat quality parameters. Nevertheless, significant associations were observed with several carcass and production traits in pigs. A recent study has demonstrated that different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) localized in cathepsin D (CTSD), F (CTSF), H and Z genes were highly associated with growth, fat deposition and production traits in an Italian Large White pig population. The aim of this thesis was to confirm some of these results in other pig populations and identify new cathepsin markers in order to evaluate their effects on cathepsin activity and other production traits. Furthermore, starting from the data obtained in previous studies on CTSD gene, we also analyzed the known polymorphism located in the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene (IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A). This marker is considered the causative mutation for the quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting muscle mass and fat deposition in pigs. Since IGF2 maps very close to CTSD on porcine chromosome (SSC) 2, we wanted to clarify if the effects of the CTSD marker were due to linkage disequilibrium with the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation or not. In the first chapter, we reported the results from these two SSC2 gene markers. First of all, we evaluated the effects of the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A polymorphism in the Italian Large White breed, for which no previous studies have analysed this marker. Highly significant associations were identified with all estimated breeding values for production and carcass traits (P<0.00001), while no effects were observed for meat quality traits. Instead, the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation did not show any associations with the analyzed traits in the Italian Duroc pigs, probably due to the low level of variability at this polymorphic site for this breed. In the same Duroc pig population, significant associations were obtained for the CTSD marker for all production and carcass traits (P < 0.001), after excluding possible confounding effects of the IGF2 mutation. The effects of the CTSD g.70G>A polymorphism were also confirmed in a group of Italian Large White pigs homozygous for the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G allele G (IGF2 intron3-g.3072GG) and by haplotype analysis between the markers of the two considered genes. Taken together, all these data indicated that the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation is not the only polymorphism affecting fatness and muscle deposition in pigs. In the second chapter, we reported the analysis of two new SNPs identified in cathepsin L (CTSL) and cathepsin S (CTSS) genes and the association results with meat quality parameters (including cathepsin B activity) and several production traits in an Italian Large White pig population. Allele frequencies of these two markers were evaluated in 7 different pig breeds. Furthermore, we mapped using a radiation hybrid panel the CTSS gene on SSC4. Association studies with several production traits, carried out in 268 Italian Large White pigs, indicated positive effects of the CTSL polymorphism on average daily gain, weight of lean cuts and backfat thickness (P<0.05). The results for these latter traits were also confirmed using a selective genotype approach in other Italian Large White pigs (P<0.01). In the 268 pig group, the CTSS polymorphism was associated with feed:gain ratio and average daily gain (P<0.05). Instead, no association was observed between the analysed markers and meat quality parameters. Finally, we wanted to verify if the positive results obtained for the cathepsin L and S markers and for other previous identified SNPs (cathepsin F, cathepsin Z and their inhibitor cystatin B) were confirmed in the Italian Duroc pig breed (third chapter). We analysed them in two groups of Duroc pigs: the first group was made of 218 performance-tested pigs not selected by any phenotypic criteria, the second group was made of 100 Italian Duroc pigs extreme and divergent for visible intermuscular fat trait. In the first group, the CTSL polymorphism was associated with weight of lean cuts (P<0.05), while suggestive associations were obtained for average daily gain and backfat thickness (P<0.10). Allele frequencies of the CTSL gene marker also differed positively among the visible intermuscular extreme tails. Instead, no positive effects were observed for the other DNA markers on the analysed traits. In conclusion, in agreement with the present data and for the biological role of these enzymes, the porcine CTSD and CTSL markers: a) may have a direct effect in the biological mechanisms involved in determining fat and lean meat content in pigs, or b) these markers could be very close to the putative functional mutation(s) present in other genes. These findings have important practical applications, in particular the CTSD and CTSL mutations could be applied in a marker assisted selection (MAS) both in the Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Marker assisted selection could also increase in efficiency by adding information from the cathepsin S genotype, but only in the Italian Large White breed.


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Ischemic preconditioning is a complex cardioprotective phenomenon that involves adaptive changes in cells and molecules. This adaptation occurs in a biphasic pattern: an early phase which develops after 1-2 h, and a late phase that develops after 12-24 h. While it is widely accepted that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are strongly involved in triggering ischemic preconditiong, it is not clear if they play a major role in the early or late phase of preconditioning and which are the mechanisms involved. Methylglyoxal, a metabolic compound formed mainly from the glycolytic intermediate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate., is a precursor of advanced glycation end product (AGEs) .It is more reactive than glucose and shows a stronger ability to cross-link with protein amino groups to form AGEs. Methylglyoxal induced cytotoxicity may be at least partially responsible for cardiovascular and Alzheimer diseases. Methylglyoxal omeostasis is controlled by the glyoxalase system that consists of two enzyme, glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) and glyoxalase 2. In a recent study it was demonstrated that the transcriptional levels of GLO1 are controlled by NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). The isothiocyanate sulforaphane, derived from the hydrolysis of glucoraphanin abundantly present in broccoli, represents one of the most potent inducers of phase II enzymes through the Keap1–Nrf2 pathway. The aim of this thesis was evaluated molecular mechanisms in cardio- and neuroprotection and the possibility of modulation by nutraceutical phytocomponents This thesis show to one side that the protection induced by H2O2 is mediated by detoxifying and antioxidant phase II enzymes induction, regulated, not only by transcriptional factor Nrf2, but also by Nrf1; on the other side our data represent an innovative result because for the first time it was demonstrated the possibility of inducing GLO1 by SF supplementation.