10 resultados para EBT2 Gafchromic film

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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A wall film model has been implemented in a customized version of KIVA code developed at University of Bologna. Under the hypothesis of `thin laminar ow' the model simulates the dynamics of a liquid wall film generated by impinging sprays. Particular care has been taken in numerical implementation of the model. The major phenomena taken into account in the present model are: wall film formation by impinging spray; body forces, such as gravity or acceleration of the wall; shear stress at the interface with the gas and no slip condition on the wall; momentum contribution and dynamic pressure generated by the tangential and normal component of the impinging drops; film evaporation by heat exchange with wall and surrounding gas. The model doesn't consider the effect of the wavy film motion and suppose that all the impinging droplets adhere to the film. The governing equations have been integrated in space by using a finite volume approach with a first order upwind differencing scheme and they have been integrated in time with a fully explicit method. The model is validated using two different test cases reproducing PFI gasoline and DI Diesel engine wall film conditions.


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The research project presented in this dissertation is about text and memory. The title of the work is "Text and memory between Semiotics and Cognitive Science: an experimental setting about remembering a movie". The object of the research is the relationship between texts or "textuality" - using a more general semiotic term - and memory. The goal is to analyze the link between those semiotic artifacts that a culture defines as autonomous meaningful objects - namely texts - and the cognitive performance of memory that allows to remember them. An active dialogue between Semiotics and Cognitive Science is the theoretical paradigm in which this research is set, the major intend is to establish a productive alignment between the "theory of text" developed in Semiotics and the "theory of memory" outlined in Cognitive Science. In particular the research is an attempt to study how human subjects remember and/or misremember a film, as a specific case study; in semiotics, films are “cinematographic texts”. The research is based on the production of a corpus of data gained through the qualitative method of interviewing. After an initial screening of a fulllength feature film each participant of the experiment has been interviewed twice, according to a pre-established set of questions. The first interview immediately after the screening: the subsequent, follow-up interview three months from screening. The purpose of this design is to elicit two types of recall from the participants. In order to conduce a comparative inquiry, three films have been used in the experimental setting. Each film has been watched by thirteen subjects, that have been interviewed twice. The corpus of data is then made by seventy-eight interviews. The present dissertation displays the results of the investigation of these interviews. It is divided into six main parts. Chapter one presents a theoretical framework about the two main issues: memory and text. The issue of the memory is introduced through many recherches drown up in the field of Cognitive Science and Neuroscience. It is developed, at the same time, a possible relationship with a semiotic approach. The theoretical debate about textuality, characterizing the field of Semiotics, is examined in the same chapter. Chapter two deals with methodology, showing the process of definition of the whole method used for production of the corpus of data. The interview is explored in detail: how it is born, what are the expected results, what are the main underlying hypothesis. In Chapter three the investigation of the answers given by the spectators starts. It is examined the phenomenon of the outstanding details of the process of remembering, trying to define them in a semiotic way. Moreover there is an investigation of the most remembered scenes in the movie. Chapter four considers how the spectators deal with the whole narrative. At the same time it is examined what they think about the global meaning of the film. Chapter five is about affects. It tries to define the role of emotions in the process of comprehension and remembering. Chapter six presents a study of how the spectators account for a single scene of the movie. The complete work offers a broad perspective about the semiotic issue of textuality, using both a semiotic competence and a cognitive one. At the same time it presents a new outlook on the issue of memory, opening several direction of research.


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Organic electronics has grown enormously during the last decades driven by the encouraging results and the potentiality of these materials for allowing innovative applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low-cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. Moreover, their possible field of applications reaches from medicine, biotechnology, process control and environmental monitoring to defense and security requirements. However, a large number of questions regarding the mechanism of device operation remain unanswered. Along the most significant is the charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors, which is not yet well understood. Other example is the correlation between the morphology and the electrical response. Even if it is recognized that growth mode plays a crucial role into the performance of devices, it has not been exhaustively investigated. The main goal of this thesis was the finding of a correlation between growth modes, electrical properties and morphology in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). In order to study the thickness dependence of electrical performance in organic ultra-thin-film transistors, we have designed and developed a home-built experimental setup for performing real-time electrical monitoring and post-growth in situ electrical characterization techniques. We have grown pentacene TFTs under high vacuum conditions, varying systematically the deposition rate at a fixed room temperature. The drain source current IDS and the gate source current IGS were monitored in real-time; while a complete post-growth in situ electrical characterization was carried out. At the end, an ex situ morphological investigation was performed by using the atomic force microscope (AFM). In this work, we present the correlation for pentacene TFTs between growth conditions, Debye length and morphology (through the correlation length parameter). We have demonstrated that there is a layered charge carriers distribution, which is strongly dependent of the growth mode (i.e. rate deposition for a fixed temperature), leading to a variation of the conduction channel from 2 to 7 monolayers (MLs). We conciliate earlier reported results that were apparently contradictory. Our results made evident the necessity of reconsidering the concept of Debye length in a layered low-dimensional device. Additionally, we introduce by the first time a breakthrough technique. This technique makes evident the percolation of the first MLs on pentacene TFTs by monitoring the IGS in real-time, correlating morphological phenomena with the device electrical response. The present thesis is organized in the following five chapters. Chapter 1 makes an introduction to the organic electronics, illustrating the operation principle of TFTs. Chapter 2 presents the organic growth from theoretical and experimental points of view. The second part of this chapter presents the electrical characterization of OTFTs and the typical performance of pentacene devices is shown. In addition, we introduce a correcting technique for the reconstruction of measurements hampered by leakage current. In chapter 3, we describe in details the design and operation of our innovative home-built experimental setup for performing real-time and in situ electrical measurements. Some preliminary results and the breakthrough technique for correlating morphological and electrical changes are presented. Chapter 4 meets the most important results obtained in real-time and in situ conditions, which correlate growth conditions, electrical properties and morphology of pentacene TFTs. In chapter 5 we describe applicative experiments where the electrical performance of pentacene TFTs has been investigated in ambient conditions, in contact to water or aqueous solutions and, finally, in the detection of DNA concentration as label-free sensor, within the biosensing framework.


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Through this research I have tried to demonstrate how the evolution of the newest marketing strategies - that work towards engaging relationships with consumers, thus building an emotional connection between the brand and the user- can be considered as a response to the evolution of young audiences and consumers. More specifically, I have analized product placement as a cultural and social phenomena above all, and not only as an economical one, thus demonstrating all the social and cultural practices that this tool implies. The approach I have chosen to do so, is historical-analytical, particularly focusing on the evolution of the society and of the consumer, especially for what teenagers (both as audiences and as consumers) are concerned.


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La ricerca si propone come studio teorico e analitico basato sulla traduzione letteraria e audiovisiva del genere diasporico, esemplificato nel romanzo The Namesake – L’omonimo di J. Lahiri e nel film The Namesake – Il destino nel nome di M. Nair. Si sviluppa, quindi, un doppio percorso di analisi, concentrandosi sulla traduzione interlinguistica di due modalità testuali differenti, quella letteraria (il testo narrativo) e quella audiovisiva (in particolare, il doppiaggio). L’approccio teorico è di stampo interdisciplinare, come risulta sempre più imprescindibile nel campo dei Translation Studies: infatti, si cerca di coniugare prospettive di natura più linguistica, quali i Descriptive Translation Studies (in particolare, Toury 1995) e lo sviluppo degli studi sui cosiddetti ‘universali traduttivi’, con approcci di stampo più culturalista, in particolare gli studi sulla traduzione post-coloniali, con le loro riflessioni sui concetti di ‘alterità’ e ‘ibridismo’. Completa il quadro teorico di riferimento una necessaria definizione e descrizione del genere diasporico relativo alla cultura indiana, in rapporto sia al contesto di partenza (statunitense) sia al contesto di arrivo (italiano) per entrambi i testi presi in considerazione. La metodologia scelta per l’indagine è principalmente di natura linguistica, con l’adozione del modello elaborato dallo studioso J. Malone (1988). L’analisi empirica, accompagnata da una serie di riflessioni teoriche e linguistiche specifiche, si concentra su tre aspetti cruciali per entrambe le tipologie testuali, quali: la resa della naturalezza dei dialoghi nel discorso letterario e in quello filmico, la rappresentazione del multiculturalismo e delle varietà linguistiche caratterizzanti i due testi di partenza e i numerosi riferimenti culturo-specifici delle due opere e la loro traduzione in italiano. Si propongono, infine, alcune considerazioni in ottica intersemiotica in relazione alle tre aree individuate, a integrazione dell’indagine in chiave interlinguistica.


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La tesi affronta il ruolo problematico della documentazione nella Land art, sia per quanto riguarda l’immagine diffusa dai magazine e dalle riviste d’arte, sia affrontando nello specifico il rapporto con i media nella poetica degli artisti, dedicando particolare attenzione a De Maria, Heizer, Oppenheim, Smithson, Holt, Dibbets, Long, Fulton e Christo e Jeanne-Claude.


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CdTe and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells are fabricated, electrically characterized and modelled in this thesis. We start from the fabrication of CdTe thin film devices where the R.F. magnetron sputtering system is used to deposit the CdS/CdTe based solar cells. The chlorine post-growth treatment is modified in order to uniformly cover the cell surface and reduce the probability of pinholes and shunting pathways creation which, in turn, reduces the series resistance. The deionized water etching is proposed, for the first time, as the simplest solution to optimize the effect of shunt resistance, stability and metal-semiconductor inter-diffusion at the back contact. In continue, oxygen incorporation is proposed while CdTe layer deposition. This technique has been rarely examined through R.F sputtering deposition of such devices. The above experiments are characterized electrically and optically by current-voltage characterization, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy. Furthermore, for the first time, the degradation rate of CdTe devices over time is numerically simulated through AMPS and SCAPS simulators. It is proposed that the instability of electrical parameters is coupled with the material properties and external stresses (bias, temperature and illumination). Then, CIGS materials are simulated and characterized by several techniques such as surface photovoltage spectroscopy is used (as a novel idea) to extract the band gap of graded band gap CIGS layers, surface or bulk defect states. The surface roughness is scanned by atomic force microscopy on nanometre scale to obtain the surface topography of the film. The modified equivalent circuits are proposed and the band gap graded profiles are simulated by AMPS simulator and several graded profiles are examined in order to optimize their thickness, grading strength and electrical parameters. Furthermore, the transport mechanisms and Auger generation phenomenon are modelled in CIGS devices.


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Lo stretch film è una diffusa applicazione per imballaggio dei film in polietilene (PE), utilizzato per proteggere diversi prodotti di vari dimensioni e pesi. Una caratteristica fondamentale del film è la sua proprietà adesiva in virtù della quale il film può essere facilmente chiuso su se stesso. Tipicamente vengono scelti gradi lineari a bassa densità (LLDPE) con valori relativamente bassi di densità a causa delle loro buone prestazioni. Il mercato basa la scelta del materiale adesivo per tentativi piuttosto che in base alla conoscenza delle caratteristiche strutturali ottimali per l’applicazione. Come per i pressure sensitive adhesives, le proprietà adesive di film stretch in PE possono essere misurati mediante "peel testing". Esistono molti metodi standard internazionali ma i risultati di tali prove sono fortemente dipendenti dalla geometria di prova, sulla possibile deformazione plastica che si verificano nel peel arm(s), e la velocità e temperatura. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di misurare l'energia di adesione Gc di film stretch di PE, su se stessi e su substrati diversi, sfruttando l'interpretazione della meccanica della frattura per tener conto dell'elevata flessibilità e deformabilità di tali film. Quindi, la dipendenza velocità/temperatura di Gc sarà studiata con riferimento diretto al comportamento viscoelastico lineare dei materiali utilizzati negli strati adesivi, per esplorare le relazioni struttura-proprietà che possono mettere in luce i meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nei processi di adesione e distacco. Nella presente caso, l’adesivo non è direttamente disponibile come materiale separato che può essere messo tra due superfici di prova e misurato per la determinazione delle sue proprietà. Il presupposto principale è che una parte, o fase, della complessa struttura semi-cristallina del PE possa funzionare come adesivo, e un importante risultato di questo studio può essere una migliore identificazione e caratterizzazione di questo "fase adesiva".