3 resultados para Drug Users

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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L'indagine condotta, avvalendosi del paradigma della social network analysis, offre una descrizione delle reti di supporto personale e del capitale sociale di un campione di 80 italiani ex post un trattamento terapeutico residenziale di lungo termine per problemi di tossicodipendenza. Dopo aver identificato i profili delle reti di supporto sociale degli intervistati, si è proceduto, in primis, alla misurazione e comparazione delle ego-centered support networks tra soggetti drug free e ricaduti e, successivamente, all'investigazione delle caratteristiche delle reti e delle forme di capitale sociale â closure e brokerage â che contribuiscono al mantenimento dell'astinenza o al rischio di ricaduta nel post-trattamento. Fattori soggettivi, come la discriminazione pubblica percepita e l'attitudine al lavoro, sono stati inoltre esplorati al fine di investigare la loro correlazione con la condotta di reiterazione nell'uso di sostanze. Dai risultati dello studio emerge che un più basso rischio di ricaduta è positivamente associato ad una maggiore attitudine al lavoro, ad una minore percezione di discriminazione da parte della società, all'avere membri di supporto con un più alto status socio-economico e che mobilitano risorse reputazionali e, infine, all'avere reti più eterogenee nell'occupazione e caratterizzate da più elevati livelli di reciprocità. Inoltre, il capitale sociale di tipo brokerage contribuisce al mantenimento dell'astinenza in quanto garantisce l'accesso del soggetto ad informazioni meno omogenee e la sua esposizione a opportunità più numerose e differenziate. I risultati dello studio, pertanto, dimostrano l'importante ruolo delle personal support networks nel prevenire o ridurre il rischio di ricaduta nel post-trattamento, in linea con precedenti ricerche che suggeriscono la loro incorporazione nei programmi terapeutici per tossicodipendenti.


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This thesis work aims to develop original analytical methods for the determination of drugs with a potential for abuse, for the analysis of substances used in the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction in biological samples and for the monitoring of potentially toxic compounds added to street drugs. In fact reliable analytical techniques can play an important role in this setting. They can be employed to reveal drug intake, allowing the identification of drug users and to assess drug blood levels, assisting physicians in the management of the treatment. Pharmacological therapy needs to be carefully monitored indeed in order to optimize the dose scheduling according to the specific needs of the patient and to discourage improper use of the medication. In particular, different methods have been developed for the detection of gamma-hydroxybutiric acid (GHB), prescribed for the treatment of alcohol addiction, of glucocorticoids, one of the most abused pharmaceutical class to enhance sport performance and of adulterants, pharmacologically active compounds added to illicit drugs for recreational purposes. All the presented methods are based on capillary electrophoresis (CE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to various detectors (diode array detector, mass spectrometer). Biological samples pre-treatment was carried out using different extraction techniques, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE). Different matrices have been considered: human plasma, dried blood spots, human urine, simulated street drugs. These developed analytical methods are individually described and discussed in this thesis work.


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In recent years, 3D bioprinting has emerged as an innovative and versatile technology able to produce in vitro models that resemble the native spatial organization of organ tissues, by employing or more bioinks composed of various types of cells suspended in hydrogels. Natural and semi-synthetic hydrogels are extensively used for 3D bioprinting models since they can mimic the natural composition of the tissues, they are biocompatible and bioactive with customizable mechanical properties, allowing to support cell growth. The possibility to tailor hydrogels mechanical properties by modifying the chemical structures to obtain photo-crosslinkable materials, while maintaining their biocompatibility and biomimicry, make their use versatile and suitable to simulate a broad spectrum of physiological features. In this PhD Thesis, 3D bioprinted in vitro models with tailored mechanical properties and physiologically-like features were fabricated. AlgMa-based bioinks were employed to produce a living platform with gradient stiffness, with the aim to create an easy to handle and accessible biological tool to evaluate mechanobiology. In addition, GelMa, collagen and IPN of GelMa and collagen were used as bioinks to fabricate a proof-of-concept of 3D intestinal barrier, which include multiple cell components and multi-layered structure. A useful rheological guide to drive users to the selection of the suitable bioinks for 3D bioprinting and to correlate the modelâs mechanical stability after crosslinking is proposed. In conclusion, a platform capable to reproduce models with physiological gradient stiffness was developed and the fabrication of 3D bioprinted intestinal models displaying a good hierarchical structure and cells composition was fully reported and successfully achieved. The good biological results obtained demonstrated that 3D bioprinting can be used for the fabrications of 3D models and that the mechanical properties of the external environment plays a key role on the cell pathways, viability and morphology.