2 resultados para Delta(9)-thc

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In 2019, the Italian Supreme Court established that hemp, for non-medical use, cannot be commercialized for human use, when the “psychotropic effect” of the product or its “offensiveness” can be demonstrated. The first chapter of this work reports a review of the European and Italian legislation on hemp cultivation, as well as the hemp production chain and commercial activities. The second chapter reports the pharmacological aspects and the psychoactive effects of light cannabis, along with pharmacokinetics of the main Cannabis compounds: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabinol (CBN). The aim of the experimental study, reported in the third chapter, is to assess Δ9-THC and CBD blood concentrations after smoking “light cannabis”, and its effects on vigilance, cognitive and motor skills. Eighteen young adults consumed three light cannabis cigarettes with a percentage of 0.41% of Δ9-THC and of 12.41% of CBD. Blood samples were collected before the experiment (t0) and after pre-defined time-lapses. Five performance tasks and a subjective scale were employed for measuring cognitive and psychomotor performances the day before the experiment (TT0) and after the third cigarette (TT1). Mean (SD) concentrations (ng/ml) were between 1.0(0.8) in t1 and 0.3(0.3) in t5 for Δ9-THC; and 10.5(10.3) in t1 and 5.7(5.7) in t5 for CBD. No significant differences were observed between TT0 and TT1 for all performed psychomotor performance task. Δ9-THC and CBD concentrations showed a high inter-subject variability, and the average concentrations were lower than those previously reported. Toxicological results showed a decrease of Δ9-THC and CBD after the third light cannabis cigarette, and a Δ9-THC /CBD ratio always < 1 was observed. This value might be useful in discriminating light cannabis versus illegal/medical cannabis consumption. The lack of impairment observed in our participants can be interpreted as a consequence of the very low concentrations in the blood.


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A multidisciplinary study was carried out on the Late Quaternary-Holocene subsurface deposits of two Mediterranean coastal areas: Arno coastal plain (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) and Modern Po Delta (Northern Adriatic Sea). Detailed facies analyses, including sedimentological and micropalaeontological (benthic foraminifers and ostracods) investigations, were performed on nine continuously-cored boreholes of variable depth (ca. from 30 meters to100 meters). Six cores were located in the Arno coastal plain and three cores in the Modern Po Delta. To provide an accurate chronological framework, twenty-four organic-rich samples were collected along the fossil successions for radiocarbon dating (AMS 14C). In order to reconstruct the depositional and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the study areas, core data were combined with selected well logs, provided by local companies, along several stratigraphic sections. These sections revealed the presence of a transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequence, composing of continental, coastal and shallow-marine deposits dated to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene period, beneath the Arno coastal plain and the Modern Po Delta. Above the alluvial deposits attributed to the last glacial period, the post-glacial transgressive succession (TST) consists of back-barrier, transgressive barrier and inner shelf deposits. Peak of transgression (MFS) took place around the Late-Middle Holocene transition and was identified by subtle micropalaeontological indicators within undifferentiated fine-grained deposits. Upward a thick prograding succession (HST) records the turnaround to regressive conditions that led to a rapid delta progradation in both study areas. Particularly, the outbuilding of modern-age Po Delta coincides with mud-belt formation during the late HST (ca. 600 cal yr BP), as evidenced by a fossil microfauna similar to the foraminiferal assemblage observed in the present Northern Adriatic mud-belt. A complex interaction between allocyclic and autocyclic factors controlled facies evolution during the highstand period. The presence of local parameters and the absence of a predominant factor prevent from discerning or quantifying consequences of the complex relationships between climate and deltaic evolution. On the contrary transgressive sedimentation seems to be mainly controlled by two allocyclic key factors, sea-level rise and climate variability, that minimized the effects of local parameters on coastal palaeoenvironments. TST depositional architecture recorded in both study areas reflects a well-known millennial-scale variability of sea-level rising trend and climate during the Late glacial-Holocene period. Repeated phases of backswamp development and infilling by crevasse processes (parasequences) were recorded in the subsurface of Modern Po Delta during the early stages of transgression (ca. 11,000-9,500 cal yr BP). In the Arno coastal plain the presence of a deep-incised valley system, probably formed at OSI 3/2 transition, led to the development of a thick (ca. 35-40 m) transgressive succession composed of coastal plain, bay-head delta and estuarine deposits dated to the Last glacial-Early Holocene period. Within the transgressive valley fill sequence, high-resolution facies analyses allowed the identification and lateral tracing of three parasequences of millennial duration. The parasequences, ca. 8-12 meters thick, are bounded by flooding surfaces and show a typical internal shallowing-upward trend evidenced by subtle micropalaeontological investigations. The vertical stacking pattern of parasequences shows a close affinity with the step-like sea-level rising trend occurred between 14,000-8,000 cal years BP. Episodes of rapid sea-level rise and subsequent stillstand phases were paralleled by changes in climatic conditions, as suggested by pollen analyses performed on a core drilled in the proximal section of the Arno palaeovalley (pollen analyses performed by Dr. Marianna Ricci Lucchi). Rapid shifts to warmer climate conditions accompanied episodes of rapid sea-level rise, in contrast stillstand phases occurred during temporary colder climate conditions. For the first time the palaeoclimatic signature of high frequency depositional cycles is clearly documented. Moreover, two of the three "regressive" pulsations, recorded at the top of parasequences by episodes of partial estuary infilling in the proximal and central portions of Arno palaeovalley, may be correlated with the most important cold events of the post-glacial period: Younger Dryas and 8,200 cal yr BP event. The stratigraphic and palaeoclimatic data of Arno coastal plain and Po Delta were compared with those reported for the most important deltaic and coastal systems in the worldwide literature. The depositional architecture of transgressive successions reflects the strong influence of millennial-scale eustatic and climatic variability on worldwide coastal sedimentation during the Late glacial-Holocene period (ca. 14,000-7,000 cal yr BP). The most complete and accurate record of high-frequency eustatic and climatic events are usually found within the transgressive succession of very high accommodation settings, such as incised-valley systems where exceptionally thick packages of Late glacial-Early Holocene deposits are preserved.