4 resultados para Delamination

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The research for this PhD project consisted in the application of the RFs analysis technique to different data-sets of teleseismic events recorded at temporary and permanent stations located in three distinct study regions: Colli Albani area, Northern Apennines and Southern Apennines. We found some velocity models to interpret the structures in these regions, which possess very different geologic and tectonics characteristics and therefore offer interesting case study to face. In the Colli Albani some of the features evidenced in the RFs are shared by all the analyzed stations: the Moho is almost flat and is located at about 23 km depth, and the presence of a relatively shallow limestone layer is a stable feature; contrariwise there are features which vary from station to station, indicating local complexities. Three seismic stations, close to the central part of the former volcanic edifice, display relevant anisotropic signatures­­­ with symmetry axes consistent with the emplacement of the magmatic chamber. Two further anisotropic layers are present at greater depth, in the lower crust and the upper mantle, respectively, with symmetry axes directions related to the evolution of the volcano complex. In Northern Apennines we defined the isotropic structure of the area, finding the depth of the Tyrrhenian (almost 25 km and flat) and Adriatic (40 km and dipping underneath the Apennines crests) Mohos. We determined a zone in which the two Mohos overlap, and identified an anisotropic body in between, involved in the subduction and going down with the Adiratic Moho. We interpreted the downgoing anisotropic layer as generated by post-subduction delamination of the top-slab layer, probably made of metamorphosed crustal rocks caught in the subduction channel and buoyantly rising toward the surface. In the Southern Apennines, we found the Moho depth for 16 seismic stations, and highlighted the presence of an anisotropic layer underneath each station, at about 15-20 km below the whole study area. The moho displays a dome-like geometry, as it is shallow (29 km) in the central part of the study area, whereas it deepens peripherally (down to 45 km); the symmetry axes of anisotropic layer, interpreted as a layer separating the upper and the lower crust, show a moho-related pattern, indicated by the foliation of the layer which is parallel to the Moho trend. Moreover, due to the exceptional seismic event occurred on April 6th next to L’Aquila town, we determined the Vs model for two station located next to the epicenter. An extremely high velocity body is found underneath AQU station at 4-10 km depth, reaching Vs of about 4 km/s, while this body is lacking underneath FAGN station. We compared the presence of this body with other recent works and found an anti-correlation between the high Vs body, the max slip patches and earthquakes distribution. The nature of this body is speculative since such high velocities are consistent with deep crust or upper mantle, but can be interpreted as a as high strength barrier of which the high Vs is a typical connotation.


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The aim of this Thesis is to investigate the effect of heterogeneities within the subducting plate on the dynamics of subduction. In particular, I study the motion of the trench for oceanic and continental subduction, first, separately, and, then, together in the same system to understand how they interact. The understanding of these features is fundamental to reconstruct the evolution of complex subduction zones, such as the Central Mediterranean. For this purpose, I developed 2D and 3D numerical models of oceanic and continental subduction where the rheological, geometrical and compositional properties of the plates are varied. In these models, the trench and the overriding plate move self-consistently as a function of the dynamics of the system. The effect of continental subduction on trench migration is largely investigated. Results from a parametric study showed that despite different rheological properties of the plates, all models with a uniform continental crust share the same kinematic behaviour: the trench starts to advance once the continent arrives at the subduction zone. Hence, the advancing mode in continental collision scenarios is at least partly driven by an intrinsic feature of the system. Moreover, the presence of a weak lower crust within the continental plate can lead to the occurrence of delamination. Indeed, by changing the viscosity of the lower crust, both delamination and slab detachment can occur. Delamination is favoured by a low viscosity value of the lower crust, because this makes the mechanical decoupling easier between crust and lithospheric mantle. These features are observed both in 2D and 3D models, but the numerical results of the 3D models also showed that the rheology of the continental crust has a very strong effect on the dynamics of the whole system, since it influences not only the continental part of plate but also the oceanic sides.


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The present work aims for investigate the influence of electrospun Nylon 6,6 nanofibrous mat on the behavior of composite laminates. The main idea is that nanofibrous interleaved into particular ply-to-ply interfaces of a laminate can lead to significant improvements of mechanical properties and delamination/damage resistance. Experimental campaigns were performed to investigate how nanofibers affect both the static and dynamic behavior of the laminate in which they are interleaved. Fracture mechanics tests were initially performed on virgin and 8 different configuration of nanomodified specimens. The purposes of this first step of the work are to understand which geometrical parameters of the nanointerleave influence the behavior of the laminate and, to find the optimal architecture of the nanofibrous mat in order to obtain the best reinforcement. In particular, 3 morphological parameters are investigated: nanofibers diameter, nanofibers orientation and thickness of the reinforce. Two different values for each parameter have been used, and it leads to 8 different configurations of nanoreinforce. Acoustic Emission technique is also used to monitor the tests. Once the optimum configuration has been found, attention is focused on the mechanism of reinforce played by the nanofibers during static and dynamic tests. Low velocity impacts and free decay tests are performed to attest the effect of nanointerlayers and the reinforce mechanism during the dynamic loads. Bump tests are performed before and after the impact on virgin and two different nanomodified laminates configurations. The authors focused their attention on: vibrational behavior, low velocity impact response and post-impact vibration behavior of the nano-interleaved laminates with respect to the response of non-nanomodified ones. Experiments attest that nanofibers significantly strength the delamination resistance of the laminates and increase some mechanical properties. It is demonstrated that the nanofibers are capable to continue to carry on the loads even when the matrix around them is broken.


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Several CFCC (Continuous Fiber Composite Ceramics) production processes were tested, concluding that PIP (Polymer Impregnation, or Infiltration, Pyrolysis) and CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) based procedures have interesting potential applications in the construction and transportation fields, thanks to low costs to get potentially useful thermomechanical performances. Among the different processes considered during the Doctorate (from the synthesis of new preceramic polymers, to the PIP production of SiC / SiC composites) the more promising results came from the PIP process with poly-siloxanes on basalt fabrics preforms. Low processing time and costs, together with fairly good thermomechanical properties were demonstrated, even after only one or two PIP steps in nitrogen flow. In alternative, pyrolysis in vacuum was also tested, a procedure still not discussed in literature, but which could originate an interesting reduction of production costs, with only a moderate detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. The resulting CFCC is a basalt / SiCO composite that can be applied for continuous operation up to 600°C, also in oxidant environment, as TG and XRD demonstrated. The failure upon loading is generally pseudo-plastic, being interlaminar delamination the most probable rupture mechanism. . The strength depends on several different factors (microstructure, polymer curing and subsequent ceramic phase evolution, fiber pull-out, fiber strength, fiber percentage) and can only be optimized empirically. In order to be open minded in selecting the best technology, also CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) matrixes were considered during this Doctorate, making some preliminary investigations on fire-resistant phosphate cements. Our results on a commercial product evidenced some interesting thermomechanical capabilities, even after thermal treatments. However the experiments showed also phase change and possible cracking and deformations even on slow drying (at 130°C) and easy rehydration upon exposure to environmental humidity.