4 resultados para Darius I, King of Persia, 548-485 B.C.

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Background: Neisseria meningitides represents a major cause of meningitis and sepsis. The meningococcal regulator NadR was previously shown to repress the expression of the Neisserial Adhesin A (NadA) and play a major role in its phase-variation. NadA is a surface exposed protein involved in epithelial cell adhesion and colonization and a major component of 4CMenB, a novel vaccine to prevent meningococcus serogroup B infection. The NadR mediated repression of NadA is attenuated by 4-HPA, a natural molecule released in human saliva. Results: In this thesis we investigated the global role of NadR during meningogoccal infection, identifying through microarray analysis the NadR regulon. Two distinct types of NadR targets were identified, differing in their promoter architectures and 4HPA responsive activities: type I are induced, while type II are co-repressed in response to the same 4HPA signal. We then investigate the mechanism of regulation of NadR by 4-HPA, generating NadR mutants and identifying classes or residues involved in either NadR DNA binding or 4HPA responsive activities. Finally, we studied the impact of NadR mediated repression of NadA on the vaccine coverage of 4CMenB. A selected MenB strains is not killed by sera from immunized infants when the strain is grown in vitro, however, in an in vivo passive protection model, the same sera protected infant rats from bacteremia. Finally, using bioluminescent reporters, nadA expression in the infant rat model was induced in vivo at 3 h post-infection. Conclusions: Our results suggest that NadR coordinates a broad transcriptional response to signals present in the human host, enabling the meningococcus to adapt to the relevant host niche. During infectious disease the effect of the same signal on NadR changes between different targets. In particular NadA expression is induced in vivo, leading to efficient killing of meningococcus by anti-NadA antibodies elicited by the 4CMenB vaccine.


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The DOMON domain is a domain widespread in nature, predicted to fold in a β-sandwich structure. In plants, AIR12 is constituted by a single DOMON domain located in the apoplastic space and is GPI-modified for anchoring to the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis thaliana AIR12 has been heterologously expressed as a recombinant protein (recAtAIR12) in Pichia pastoris. Spectrophotometrical analysis of the purified protein showed that recAtAir12 is a cytochrome b. RecAtAIR12 is highly glycosylated, it is reduced by ascorbate, superoxide and naftoquinones, oxidised by monodehydroascorbate and oxygen and insensitive to hydrogen peroxide. The addition of recAtAIR12 to permeabilized plasma membranes containing NADH, FeEDTA and menadione, caused a statistically significant increase in hydroxyl radicals as detected by electron paramagnetic resonance. In these conditions, recAtAIR12 has thus a pro-oxidant role. Interestingly, AIR12 is related to the cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase which is involved in lignin degradation, possibly via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In Arabidopsis the Air12 promoter is specifically activated at sites where cell separations occur and ROS, including •OH, are involved in cell wall modifications. air12 knock-out plants infected with Botrytis cinerea are more resistant than wild-type and air12 complemented plants. Also during B. cinerea infection, cell wall modifications and ROS are involved. Our results thus suggest that AIR12 could be involved in cell wall modifying reactions by interacting with ROS and ascorbate. CyDOMs are plasma membrane redox proteins of plants that are predicted to contain an apoplastic DOMON fused with a transmembrane cytochrome b561 domain. CyDOMs have never been purified nor characterised. The trans-membrane portion of a soybean CyDOM was expressed in E. coli but purification could not be achieved. The DOMON domain was expressed in P. pastoris and shown to be itself a cytochrome b that could be reduced by ascorbate.


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Il percorso sui Frammenti di Erodoto è cronologico. L'introduzione presenta criteri di lavoro, un esempio di studio sul Proemio delle Storie e la struttura generale. Per ogni momento è preso in considerazione un fenomeno particolare con un esempio. Il primo caso è contemporaneo ad Erodoto. Si tratta di un test che riguarda la criticità di alcuni concetti chiave tradizionali: intertestualità e riferimenti letterali. Il secondo capitolo è uno studio sulla storiografica di IV secolo a.C., periodo di fioritura e determinazione delle norme del genere. Qui si mettono in luce la criticità dei frammenti multipli aprendo in questo modo ampie possibilità di ricerca. Il capitolo successivo, sulla tradizione papiracea mostra il passaggio storico tra la tradizione indiretta a la tradizione manoscritta e permette uno sguardo all'epoca alessandrina. Include un catalogo ed alcuni aggiornamenti. Il capitolo quinto pone invece problemi tradizionali di trasmissione delle tradizioni storiche affrontando lo studio di FGrHist 104, testo che permette di osservare passaggi della storiografia di quinto e quarto secolo avanti Cristo. I due capitoli sulle immagini e sul Rinascimento, paralleli per quanto riguarda i riferimenti cronologici, offrono un ponte per passare dal discorso storiografico a quello in cui la consapevolezza di Erodoto è già maturata come parte della ”cultura”. Alto Medioevo, Umanesimo e Rinascimento offrono spazio a storie delle Storie che iniziano ad essere quasi di ricezione di Erodoto. Questo tema è l'oggetto dei due capitoli finali, studi legati alla presenza o assenza di Erodoto in discipline e pensieri moderni e contemporanei: il pensiero di genere e l’analisi conversazionale. Le appendici completano soprattutto il capitolo su Aristodemo con uno studio sul codice che lo trasmette, il papiro P.Oxy 2469 e il testo stesso, con traduzione e commento storico. Il lavoro si completa con una premessa, una bibliografia strutturata e indici di persone e passi citati.