9 resultados para DIALYSIS

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensori-motor neurological disorder characterzed by paraesthesia, dysaesthesia and irresistibile urge to move the legs especially at night. Its prevalence is much higher among dialysis patients at 12 to 62% compared to 3 to 9% in the general population. In our study we investigated the association between RLS and cardiovascular events risk and laboratory parameters in End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on dialysis. We studied 100 ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis that were enrolled in an 18-months prospective observational study. The main outcomes were the association of RLS with new cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. RLS affected 31% of the study population. It was associated with female gender, gradual reduction in residual dieresis, lower albumin (P=0.039) and inflammation, but not the dialysis parameters spKt/V and URR. During observation, 47% of patients experienced new cardiovascular events (64.5% with and 39.1% without RLS; P=0.019). Mortality was 20.0% in all patients, 32.3% in those with and 14.5% in patients without RLS (P=0.04). This study confirmed the high prevalence of RLS among dialysis patients and the associations between the severity of RLS and the risk of new cardiovascular events and higher short-term mortality. Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensori-motor neurological disorder characterzed by paraesthesia, dysaesthesia and irresistibile urge to move the legs especially at night. Its prevalence is much higher among dialysis patients at 12 to 62% compared to 3 to 9% in the general population. In our study we investigated the association between RLS and cardiovascular events risk and laboratory parameters in End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on dialysis. We studied 100 ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis that were enrolled in an 18-months prospective observational study. The main outcomes were the association of RLS with new cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. RLS affected 31% of the study population. It was associated with female gender, gradual reduction in residual dieresis, lower albumin (P=0.039) and inflammation, but not the dialysis parameters spKt/V and URR. During observation, 47% of patients experienced new cardiovascular events (64.5% with and 39.1% without RLS; P=0.019). Mortality was 20.0% in all patients, 32.3% in those with and 14.5% in patients without RLS (P=0.04). This study confirmed the high prevalence of RLS among dialysis patients and the associations between the severity of RLS and the risk of new cardiovascular events and higher short-term mortality.


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The primary aim of this dissertation to identify subgroups of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who have a differential risk of progression of illness and the secondary aim is compare 2 equations to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). To this purpose, the PIRP (Prevention of Progressive Kidney Disease) registry was linked with the dialysis and mortality registries. The outcome of interest is the mean annual variation of GFR, estimated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. A decision tree model was used to subtype CKD patients, based on the non-parametric procedure CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector). The independent variables of the model include gender, age, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac diseases, body mass index, baseline serum creatinine, haemoglobin, proteinuria, LDL cholesterol, tryglycerides, serum phoshates, glycemia, parathyroid hormone and uricemia. The decision tree model classified patients into 10 terminal nodes using 6 variables (gender, age, proteinuria, diabetes, serum phosphates and ischemic cardiac disease) that predict a differential progression of kidney disease. Specifically, age <=53 year, male gender, proteinuria, diabetes and serum phosphates >3.70 mg/dl predict a faster decrease of GFR, while ischemic cardiac disease predicts a slower decrease. The comparison between GFR estimates obtained using MDRD4 and CKD-EPI equations shows a high percentage agreement (>90%), with modest discrepancies for high and low age and serum creatinine levels. The study results underscore the need for a tight follow-up schedule in patients with age <53, and of patients aged 54 to 67 with diabetes, to try to slow down the progression of the disease. The result also emphasize the effective management of patients aged>67, in whom the estimated decrease in glomerular filtration rate corresponds with the physiological decrease observed in the absence of kidney disease, except for the subgroup of patients with proteinuria, in whom the GFR decline is more pronounced.


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Background/Aims. Uremic Neuropathy (UN) highly limits the individual self-sufficiency causing near-continuous pain. An estimation of the actual UN prevalence among hemodialysis patients was the aim of the present work. Methods. We studied 225 prevalent dialysis patients from two Italian Centres. The Michigan Neuropathy Score Instrument (MNSI), already validated in diabetic neuropathy, was used for the diagnosis of UN. It consisted of a questionnaire (MNSI_Q) and a physical-clinical evaluation (MNSI_P). Patients without any disease possibly inducing secondary neuropathy and with MNSI score  3 have been diagnosed as affected by UN. Electroneurographic (ENG) lower limbs examination was performed in these patients to compare sensory conduction velocities (SCV) and sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP) with the MNSI results. Results. Thirtyseven patients (16.4%) were identified as being affected by UN, while 9 (4%) presented a score <3 in spite of neuropathic symptoms. In the 37 UN patients a significant correlation was found between MNSI_P and SCV (r2 = 0.1959; p<0.034) as well as SNAP (r2 = 0.3454; p=0.027) both measured by ENG. Conclusions. UN is an underestimated disease among the dialysis population even though it represents a huge problem in terms of pain and quality of life. MNSI could represent a valid and simple clinical-instrumental screening test for the early diagnosis of UN in view of an early therapeutic approach.


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Introduzione. Recenti studi hanno dimostrato che il Rituximab (RTX) è un’alternativa sicura ed efficace alla ciclofosfamide nell’indurre la remissione in pazienti con severa vasculite ANCA-associata (AAV) di nuova diagnosi o recidiva. Scopo dello studio era valutare l’efficacia e la sicurezza del RTX nei nostri pazienti con AAV. Metodi. Studio retrospettivo delle caratteristiche cliniche, dei risultati e della tolleranza al RTX dei pazienti con AAV trattati presso il nostro centro da Gennaio 2006 a Dicembre 2011. Inizialmente veniva utilizzato lo schema convenzionale delle 4 somministrazioni settimanali da 375 mg/m2. Dal 2011 sulla base dell’esperienza maturata e dei nuovi dati della letteratura si decideva di non adottare uno schema fisso per le recidive, ma di somministrare una o due dosi secondo la severità della recidiva ed il rischio infettivo. Risultati. Venivano trattati 51 pazienti con AAV, 15/51 (29%) di nuova diagnosi e 36/51 (71%) ad una recidiva. La maggior parte dei pazienti con nuova diagnosi presentavano una micropoliangioite con severo interessamento renale, 5/15 (33%) erano in dialisi dall’esordio. 32/36 (89%) pazienti trattati ad una recidiva presentavano una recidiva granulomatosa di Granulomatosi di Wegener (WG). Tutti ottenevano una remissione, più rapidamente per le manifestazioni vasculitiche. 2/5 pazienti in dialisi dall’esordio recuperavano la funzione renale. Si osservavano 11 recidive in 9 pazienti con GW mediamente dopo 23.1 mesi, tutti ottenevano nuovamente la remissione. Ad un follow-up medio di 20.1 mesi si registravano 4 decessi, 3 (3/15, 20%) nel gruppo di pazienti con nuova diagnosi, uno (1/36, 3%) nel gruppo trattato ad una recidiva. Quattro pazienti sospendevano il RTX per infezioni. Conclusioni. Nella nostra casistica il RTX si è dimostrato efficace e sicuro nell’indurre la remissione in pazienti con severa AAV, sia all’esordio che alla recidiva. I pazienti con WG presentano maggior rischio di recidiva e dovrebbero pertanto essere mantenuti in terapia immunosoppressiva dopo RTX.


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Introduction:Persistent Hyperparathyroidism after transplantation (HPT),bone disease and vertebral fractures are an important clinical problem in renal transplant patients. Several factors such as renal osteodystrophy, immunosuppressive therapy, deficit/insufficiency Vitamin D may contribute to that.In literature are described different percentages of HPT, vertebral fractures and Osteoporosis/Osteopenia that may be due to the different therapy and to the different employ of steroid. We analyzed 90 patients who received a renal graft between 2005 e 2010. Patients and Methods: 44 male and 46 female. Average age 52,2± 10,1 years, follow-up 31,3±16,6 months, time on dialysis 37±29,6 months. Patients who had creatinine level greater than 2,5 mg/dl were excluded. Immunosuppressive therapy was based on basiliximab, steroids (1.6 to 2 mg/kg/day progressively reduced to 5 mg/day after 45 days from the transplantation) in all patients + calcineurin inhibitor+ mycophenolate mophetil/mycophenolic acid in 88,8% of patients or Everolimus± calcineurin inhibitor in the others. Patients were studied with X-ray of the spine, dual-energy-X-ray, PTH, 25(OH)VitD. Results: 41,1% had HPT; 41,1% had osteopenia at femoral neck and 36,7% at vertebral column; 16,7% had osteoporosis at femoral neck and 15,6% at vertebral column. 10 patients (11%) had vertebral fractures. Patients with normal bone mineral density, compared to those with osteoporosis/osteopenia, are more younger (average age 46,4±11,7 years vs 54.3±8,6); they have spent less time on dialysis (26,5±14,8 months vs 40,7±32,6) and they have values of 25(OH)VitD higher (22,1±7,6 ng/ml vs 17,8±8,5). Patients with vertebral fractures have values of 25(OH)VitD lowest (14,1±6,4 ng/ml vs 19,7±8,5) and they had transplant since more time (29,1±16,2 vs 48,1±8,7 months). There is a significant correlation between HPT and PTH pre transplantation; HPT and levels of VitD (p<0,05) Conclusion: Prevention of Bone disease and vertebral fractures after renal transplant includes: a)treatment before transplantation b)supplementation of vitamin D with cholecalciferol or calcidiol c)shorten the dialysis time.


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Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood chronic kidney disease (CKD). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is known to be one of the earliest events in CVD development. Left ventricular diastolic function (DF) is thought to be also impaired in children with CKD. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) provide an accurate measure of DF and is less load dependent than conventional ECHO. Aim: To evaluate the LV mass and the DF in a population of children with CKD. Methods: 37 patients, median age: 10.4 (3.3-19.8); underlying renal disease: hypo/dysplasia (N=28), nephronophthisis (N=4), Alport (N=2), ARPKD (N=3), were analyzed. Thirty-eight percent of the patients were on stage 1-2 of CKD, 38% on stage 3, 16% on stage 4. Three patients were on dialysis. The most frequent factors related to CVD in CKD have been studied. LVH has been defined as a left ventricular mass index (LVMI) more than 35.7 g/h2,7. Results: Twenty-five patients (81%) had a LVH. LVMI and diastolic function index (E’/A’) were significantly related to the glomerular filtration rate (p<0.003 and p<0.004). Moreover the LVMI was correlated with the phosphorus and the hemoglobin level (p<0.0001 and p<0.004). LVH was present since the first stages of CKD (58% of patients were on stages 1-2). Early-diastolic myocardial velocity was reduced in 73% of our patients. We didn’t find any correlation between LVH and systemic hypertension. Conclusion: ECHO evaluation with TDI is suggested also in children prior to dialysis and with a normal blood pressure. If LVH is diagnosed, a periodic follow-up is necessary with the treatment of the modifiable risk factors (hypertension, disturbances of calcium, phosphorus and PTH, anemia ).


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Lo studio CAVE PTX ha lo scopo di valutare la reale prevalenza della paratiroidectomia nei pazienti dializzati in Italia, verificare l’aderenza ai targets ematochimici proposti dalle linee guida internazionali K/DOQI e ricercare la presenza di fratture vertebrali e calcificazioni vascolari. Al momento attuale riportiamo i dati preliminari sulla prevalenza e le caratteristiche cliniche generali dei pazienti finora arruolati. Il nostro studio ha ricevuto contributi da 149 centri dialisi italiani, su un totale di 670, pari al 22%. La popolazione dialitica dalla quale sono stati ottenuti i casi di paratiroidectomia è risultata pari a 12515 pazienti;l’87,7% dei pazienti effettuava l’emodialisi mentre il 12,3% la dialisi peritoneale. Cinquecentoventotto, pari al 4,22%, avevano effettuato un intervento di paratiroidectomia (4,5%emodializzati, 1,9% in dialisi peritoneale;p<0.001). Abbiamo considerato tre gruppi differenti di PTH: basso (<150 pg/ml), ottimale (150 -300 pg/ml) ed elevato (>300 pg/ml). I valori medi di PTH e calcemia sono risultati significativamente diversi (più alti) tra casi e controlli nei due gruppi con PTH basso (PTX = 40±39 vs controllo = 92±42 pg/ml; p<.0001) e PTH alto (PTX= 630 ± 417 vs controllo 577 ±331; p<.05). La percentuale di pazienti con PTH troppo basso è risultata più elevata nei pazienti chirurgici rispetto al resto della popolazione (64vs23%; p<0.0001), mentre la percentuale dei casi con PTH troppo alto è risultata significativamente più alta nel gruppo di controllo (38%vs19%; p<0.003). Il 61% dei casi assumeva vitamina D rispetto al 64 % dei controlli; l’88% vs 75% un chelante del fosforo ed il 13%vs 35% il calciomimentico. In conclusione, la paratiroidectomia ha una bassa prevalenza in Italia, i pazienti sono più spesso di sesso femminile, in emodialisi e con età relativamente giovane ma da più tempo in dialisi.


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L’accoppiamento di diverse operazioni unitarie può in certi casi portare ad una cosiddetta “intensificazione di processo”, cioè ad un aumento sostanziale delle rese, dell’efficienza e della sostenibilità. Nel presente lavoro sono state pertanto analizzate le potenzialità di accoppiamento della fotocatalisi, il più studiato tra i “processi di ossidazione avanzata”, sia con alcuni processi a membrana per la sintesi verde di aromi sia con l’ozonizzazione per la depurazione di acque. È stato dimostrato che in entrambi i casi l’ottenimento di una significativa intensificazione di processo dipende in gran parte dai parametri operativi, in particolare dal rapporto, delta, tra la velocità caratteristica di fotocatalisi e quella del processo accoppiato. Nel caso della sintesi di aromi, in cui la fotocatalisi viene accoppiata con la pervaporazione o con la dialisi ricircolando al reattore il retentato dalla cella con la membrana. Il parametro delta dipende dalla velocità di reazione, dalle proprietà di trasporto delle membrane e naturalmente dal volume del rettore e dall’area della membrana. La reazione fotocatalitica produce l’aroma, ad esempio vanillina da acido ferulico, per ossidazione parziale e grazie al recupero del prodotto se ne evita l’ulteriore ossidazione aumentandone pertanto la resa. L’operare in apparati separati offre diversi vantaggi come la possibilità di variare senza vincoli il rapporto tra area della membrana e volume del reattore, ma impone di considerare anche il grado effettivo di accoppiamento dei processi. In questo caso, come evidenziato dal modello matematico, un sufficientemente elevato rapporto di ricircolo consente comunque di integrare efficacemente i processi. Nell’ozonizzazione fotocatalitica si hanno due importanti vantaggi: l’aumento della velocità di degradazione grazie alla sinergia tra i processi e la capacità di controllare la formazione di prodotti pericolosi. La sinergia viene massimizzata ad un valore ottimale di delta, mentre la formazione dei prodotti indesiderati viene controllata operando secondo le procedure che sono state individuate.


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Simkania negevensis is a bacterium belonging to the order Chlamydiales but with certain biological characteristics different from those of chlamydia, according to which it was classified in the family Simkaniaceae. It is widespread in the environment, due to its ability to survive in amoebae also in phase cystic, for which it was hypothesized a possible transmission after contact with water in which they are present amoebae. So far it is known its role in diseases of the lower respiratory tract, such as childhood bronchiolitis and pneumonia in adults of the community, following its transmission through infected aerosols. A recent American study showed, by PCR, a high prevalence of S. negevensis in patients with lung transplant than other transplant recipients, assuming an association between the presence of the bacterium in these patients, and transplant rejection, were more frequent in lung transplant recipients infected compared to uninfected. There are no data so far analyzed in Italy relative to the population of dialysis and kidney transplant recipients relative to simkania negevensis why this study was undertaken in order to start a specific location and evaluate the scientific implications. Because its ability to assume persistent forms of infection, which may lead to a prolonged inflammatory response, Simkania negevensis, similar to other persistent bacteria or viruses, may be ivolved in pathologic complication. Sn may be a factor in graft rejection in mmunesuppressed lung transplant recipients, and further studies are planned to explore the posible association of Sn infections with various in vivo pathologies.