5 resultados para Cytogenetic abnormalities

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The principle aim of this study was to investigate biological predictors of response and resistance to multiple myeloma treatment. Two hypothesis had been proposed as responsible of responsiveness: SNPs in DNA repair and Folate pathway, and P-gp dependent efflux. As a first objective, panel of SNPs in DNA repair and Folate pathway genes, were analyzed. It was a retrospective study in a group of 454, previously untreated, MM patients enrolled in a randomized phase III open-label study. Results show that some SNPs in Folate pathway are correlated with response to MM treatment. MTR genotype was associated with favorable response in the overall population of MM patients. However, this relation, disappear after adjustment for treatment response. When poor responder includes very good partial response, partial response and stable/progressive disease MTFHR rs1801131 genotype was associated with poor response to therapy. This relation - unlike in MTR – was still significant after adjustment for treatment response. Identification of this genetic variant in MM patients could be used as an independent prognostic factor for therapeutic outcome in the clinical practice. In the second objective, basic disposition characteristics of bortezomib was investigated. We demonstrated that bortezomib is a P-gp substrate in a bi-directional transport study. We obtain apparent permeability rate values that together with solubility values can have a crucial implication in better understanding of bortezomib pharmacokinetics with respect to the importance of membrane transporters. Subsequently, in view of the importance of P-gp for bortezomib responsiveness a panel of SNPs in ABCB1 gene - coding for P-gp - were analyzed. In particular we analyzed five SNPs, none of them however correlated with treatment responsiveness. However, we found a significant association between ABCB1 variants and cytogenetic abnormalities. In particular, deletion of chromosome 17 and t(4;14) translocation were present in patients harboring rs60023214 and rs2038502 variants respectively.


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L’overespressione dei geni EVI1(3q26) e PRDM16(1p36), è descritta sia in presenza che in assenza di riarrangiamenti 3q26 e 1p36 in specifici sottogruppi citogenetici di LAM, ed è associata ad una prognosi sfavorevole. Lo scopo principale del nostro studio è stato identificare e caratterizzare tramite FISH e RQ-PCR, alterazioni di EVI1 e PRDM16 in pazienti con alterazioni cromosomiche 3q e 1p.Riarrangiamenti di EVI1 si associavano ad alterazioni cromosomiche 3q26, ma, in 6 casi (6/35;17,1%) erano presenti in assenza di coinvolgimenti, in citogenetica convenzionale, della regione 3q26, a causa di meccanismi complessi e/o alterazioni ‘criptiche’. Inoltre, abbiamo identificato quattro nuovi riarrangiamenti di EVI1, tra cui due nuove traslocazioni simili presenti in due fratelli. Riarrangiamenti e/o amplificazioni di PRDM16 erano spesso associate ad alterazioni 1p36 (7/14;50%). L’analisi di EVI1 e PRDM16 è stata estesa ad altri casi con alterazioni -7/7q-, con cariotipo normale, con alterazioni 3q per PRDM16 e con alterazioni 1p per EVI1. L’overespressione di EVI1 era presente solo nel gruppo -7/7q- (10/58;17.2%) ed in un caso si associava ad amplificazione genica, mentre PRDM16 era overespresso in casi di tutti i gruppi analizzati,sia con cariotipi complessi, dove si associava in alcuni casi ad amplificazione genica, sia con cariotipi normali o con singole alterazioni. Il nostro studio dimostra come la FISH permetta di identificare alterazioni dei geni EVI1 e PRDM16, anche in assenza di coinvolgimenti delle regioni 3q26 e 1p36. Riarrangiamenti complessi e/o una scarsa qualità dei preparati citogenetici sono le cause principali per la mancata identificazione di queste alterazioni. La RQ-PCR permette di identificare l’overespressione anche nei casi in cui non sia dovuta ad alterazioni citogenetiche. È importante confermare con FISH e/o RQ-PCR il coinvolgimento di questi due geni, per individuare alla diagnosi pazienti con prognosi sfavorevole e che potranno beneficiare di terapie maggiormente aggressive e/o di trapianto allogenico di cellule staminali.


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The Ph chromosome is the most frequent cytogenetic aberration associated with adult ALL and it represents the single most significant adverse prognostic marker. Despite imatinib has led to significant improvements in the treatment of patients with Ph+ ALL, in the majority of cases resistance developed quickly and disease progressed. Some mechanisms of resistance have been widely described but the full knowledge of contributing factors, driving both the disease and resistance, remains to be defined. The observation of rapid development of lymphoblastic leukemia in mice expressing altered Ikaros (Ik) isoforms represented the background of this study. Ikaros is a zinc finger transcription factor required for normal hemopoietic differentiation and proliferation, particularly in the lymphoid lineages. By means of alternative splicing, Ikaros encodes several proteins that differ in their abilities to bind to a consensus DNA-binding site. Shorter, DNA nonbinding isoforms exert a dominant negative effect, inhibiting the ability of longer heterodimer partners to bind DNA. The differential expression pattern of Ik isoforms in Ph+ ALL patients was analyzed in order to determine if molecular abnormalities involving the Ik gene could associate with resistance to imatinib and dasatinib. Bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from 46 adult patients (median age 55 yrs, 18-76) with Ph+ ALL at diagnosis and during treatment with imatinib (16 pts) or dasatinib (30 pts) were collected. We set up a fast, high-throughput method based on capillary electrophoresis technology to detect and quantify splice variants. 41% Ph+ ALL patients expressed high levels of the non DNA-binding dominant negative Ik6 isoform lacking critical N-terminal zinc-fingers which display abnormal subcellular compartmentalization pattern. Nuclear extracts from patients expressed Ik6 failed to bind DNA in mobility shift assay using a DNA probe containing an Ikaros-specific DNA binding sequence. In 59% Ph+ ALL patients there was the coexistence in the same PCR sample and at the same time of many splice variants corresponded to Ik1, Ik2, Ik4, Ik4A, Ik5A, Ik6, Ik6 and Ik8 isoforms. In these patients aberrant full-length Ikaros isoforms in Ph+ ALL characterized by a 60-bp insertion immediately downstream of exon 3 and a recurring 30-bp in-frame deletion at the end of exon 7 involving most frequently the Ik2, Ik4 isoforms were also identified. Both the insertion and deletion were due to the selection of alternative splice donor and acceptor sites. The molecular monitoring of minimal residual disease showed for the first time in vivo that the Ik6 expression strongly correlated with the BCR-ABL transcript levels suggesting that this alteration could depend on the Bcr-Abl activity. Patient-derived leukaemia cells expressed dominant-negative Ik6 at diagnosis and at the time of relapse, but never during remission. In order to mechanistically demonstrated whether in vitro the overexpression of Ik6 impairs the response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and contributes to resistance, an imatinib-sensitive Ik6-negative Ph+ ALL cell line (SUP-B15) was transfected with the complete Ik6 DNA coding sequence. The expression of Ik6 strongly increased proliferation and inhibited apoptosis in TKI sensitive cells establishing a previously unknown link between specific molecular defects that involve the Ikaros gene and the resistance to TKIs in Ph+ ALL patients. Amplification and genomic sequence analysis of the exon splice junction regions showed the presence of 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): rs10251980 [A/G] in the exon2/3 splice junction and of rs10262731 [A/G] in the exon 7/8 splice junction in 50% and 36% of patients, respectively. A variant of the rs11329346 [-/C], in 16% of patients was also found. Other two different single nucleotide substitutions not recognized as SNP were observed. Some mutations were predicted by computational analyses (RESCUE approach) to alter cis-splicing elements. In conclusion, these findings demonstrated that the post-transcriptional regulation of alternative splicing of Ikaros gene is defective in the majority of Ph+ ALL patients treated with TKIs. The overexpression of Ik6 blocking B-cell differentiation could contribute to resistance opening a time frame, during which leukaemia cells acquire secondary transforming events that confer definitive resistance to imatinib and dasatinib.


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L’applicazione della citogenetica convenzionale e molecolare può identificare: Ph-negatività, traslocazioni t(9;22) varianti e alterazioni citogenetiche addizionali (ACA) al cromsoma Ph in pazienti con LMC alla diagnosi. Prima dell’introduzione della terapia con Imatinib, esse mostravano un impatto prognostico negativo o non chiaro. Nel nostro studio, 6 casi di LMC Ph- erano trattati con Imatinib. La FISH identificava 4 casi con riarrangiamento BCR/ABL sul der(9q), 1 sul der(22q) e 1 su entrambi i derivativi. Quattro pazienti (66,7%) raggiungevano la RCgC, 2 fallivano il trattamento e 1 sottoposto a TMO. A causa dello scarso numero di casi, non era possibile nessuna correlazione con la prognosi. Nell’ambito di studi prospettici multicentrici del GIMEMA-WP, abbiamo valutato: traslocazioni varianti e ACA. Dei 559 pazienti arruolati, 30(5%) mostravano traslocazioni varianti, 24 valutabili in FISH: 18(75%) mostravano meccanismo 1-step, 4(16,7%) meccanismo 2-step e 2(8,3%) meccanismo complesso. Abbiamo confermato che le varianti non influenzano la risposta e la sopravvivenza dei pazienti trattati con Imatinib. Dei 378 pazienti valutabili alla diagnosi con citogenetica convenzionale, 21(5,6%) mostravano ACA: 9(43%) avevano la perdita del cromosoma Y, 3(14%) trisomia 8, 2(10%) trisomia 19, 6(28%) altre singole anomalie e 1 cariotipo complesso. La presenza di ACA influenzava la risposta: le RCgC e RMolM erano significativamente più basse rispetto al gruppo senza ACA e le curve di sopravvivenza EFS e FFS non erano significativamente diverse. Le curve di PFS e OS erano sovrapponibili nei due gruppi, per il basso numero di eventi avversi oppure perché alcuni raggiungevano la risposta con TKI di seconda generazione. Le anomalie “major route” mostravano decorso clinico peggiore, ma non è stato possibile determinare l’impatto prognostico in relazione al tipo di alterazione. Pertanto, le ACAs alla diagnosi rivestono un ruolo negativo nella prognosi dei pazienti trattati con Imatinib, che quindi rappresentano una categoria più a rischio per la risposta.


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CDKL5 (cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5) deficiency disorder (CDD) is a rare and severe neurodevelopmental disease that mostly affects girls who are heterozygous for mutations in the X-linked CDKL5 gene. The lack of CDKL5 protein expression or function leads to the appearance of numerous clinical features, including early-onset seizures, marked hypotonia, autistic features, and severe neurodevelopmental impairment. Mouse models of CDD, Cdkl5 KO mice, exhibit several behavioral phenotypes that mimic CDD features, such as impaired learning and memory, social interaction, and motor coordination. CDD symptomatology, along with the high CDKL5 expression levels in the brain, underscores the critical role that CDKL5 plays in proper brain development and function. Nevertheless, the improvement of the clinical overview of CDD in the past few years has defined a more detailed phenotypic spectrum; this includes very common alterations in peripheral organ and tissue function, such as gastrointestinal problems, irregular breathing, hypotonia, and scoliosis, suggesting that CDKL5 deficiency compromises not only CNS function but also that of other organs/tissues. Here we report, for the first time, that a mouse model of CDD, the heterozygous Cdkl5 KO (Cdkl5 +/-) female mouse, exhibits cardiac functional and structural abnormalities. The mice also showed QTc prolongation and increased heart rate. These changes correlate with a marked decrease in parasympathetic activity to the heart and in the expression of the Scn5a and Hcn4 voltage-gated channels. Moreover, the Cdkl5 +/- heart shows typical signs of heart aging, including increased fibrosis, mitochondrial dysfunctions, and increased ROS production. Overall, our study not only contributes to the understanding of the role of CDKL5 in heart structure/function but also documents a novel preclinical phenotype for future therapeutic investigation.