6 resultados para Corrective shoeing
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The assessment of the RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) performances of system generally includes the evaluations of the “Importance” of its components and/or of the basic parameters of the model through the use of the Importance Measures. The analytical equations proposed in this study allow the estimation of the first order Differential Importance Measure on the basis of the Birnbaum measures of components, under the hypothesis of uniform percentage changes of parameters. The aging phenomena are introduced into the model by assuming exponential-linear or Weibull distributions for the failure probabilities. An algorithm based on a combination of MonteCarlo simulation and Cellular Automata is applied in order to evaluate the performance of a networked system, made up of source nodes, user nodes and directed edges subjected to failure and repair. Importance Sampling techniques are used for the estimation of the first and total order Differential Importance Measures through only one simulation of the system “operational life”. All the output variables are computed contemporaneously on the basis of the same sequence of the involved components, event types (failure or repair) and transition times. The failure/repair probabilities are forced to be the same for all components; the transition times are sampled from the unbiased probability distributions or it can be also forced, for instance, by assuring the occurrence of at least a failure within the system operational life. The algorithm allows considering different types of maintenance actions: corrective maintenance that can be performed either immediately upon the component failure or upon finding that the component has failed for hidden failures that are not detected until an inspection; and preventive maintenance, that can be performed upon a fixed interval. It is possible to use a restoration factor to determine the age of the component after a repair or any other maintenance action.
The objective of this study was to evaluate right ventricular function in patients with right ventricular volume overload in patients with (tetralogy of Fallot, and pulmonary atresia + VSD ) underwent corrective surgery; with echocardiography measure that can be easily applied; and to study the relationship between ProBNP and the contractile function of the right ventricle, dilated right atrium, and the consequences of pulmonary insufficiency . Methods: The study included 50 patients (50% males, mean age 30.64 ± 13.30 years) with prior cardiac surgical intervention of TDF (90%) or pulmonary atresia + VSD (10%). (49 pz) have performed a cardiac MRI and clinical evaluation, (47 pz) echocardiogram, (48 pz) ECG, (34 pz) a cardiopulmonary exercise testing, (29 pz) a dosage of ProBNP. Results: The S-wave velocity (p <0.0001), the TAPSE (p <0.0001) correlated significantly with RVEF estimated by cardiac MRI. The VO2 max was 27.93 ± 12.91 ml / kg / min, 15% of patients had VE/VCO2 The peak> 35. ProBNP correlated positively and significantly with the area of the right atrium (p = 0.0001), and negative and significant with VO2 max (p = 0.04). Those who have increased pulmonary insufficiency (PVR fraction> 30%) have a significantly increased RVED volume (p = 0.01), reduced VO2 max (p = 0.04), and lower ejection fraction of LV (p = 0.02) than the group of patients with PVR ≤ 30. Conclusion: The TAPSE and S-wave velocity are fundamental and may become the technique of choice for routine assessment of RV systolic function in adult patients with TOF. The monitoring of the Pro BNP is probably a choice, given the simplicity and their information that correlate with the test cardiopulmonary. In view of the ventricular-ventricular interaction, so measures to maintain or restore the functioning of the pulmonary valve could preserve biventricular function.
Over the last 60 years, computers and software have favoured incredible advancements in every field. Nowadays, however, these systems are so complicated that it is difficult – if not challenging – to understand whether they meet some requirement or are able to show some desired behaviour or property. This dissertation introduces a Just-In-Time (JIT) a posteriori approach to perform the conformance check to identify any deviation from the desired behaviour as soon as possible, and possibly apply some corrections. The declarative framework that implements our approach – entirely developed on the promising open source forward-chaining Production Rule System (PRS) named Drools – consists of three components: 1. a monitoring module based on a novel, efficient implementation of Event Calculus (EC), 2. a general purpose hybrid reasoning module (the first of its genre) merging temporal, semantic, fuzzy and rule-based reasoning, 3. a logic formalism based on the concept of expectations introducing Event-Condition-Expectation rules (ECE-rules) to assess the global conformance of a system. The framework is also accompanied by an optional module that provides Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (PILP). By shifting the conformance check from after execution to just in time, this approach combines the advantages of many a posteriori and a priori methods proposed in literature. Quite remarkably, if the corrective actions are explicitly given, the reactive nature of this methodology allows to reconcile any deviations from the desired behaviour as soon as it is detected. In conclusion, the proposed methodology brings some advancements to solve the problem of the conformance checking, helping to fill the gap between humans and the increasingly complex technology.
La regolazione dei sistemi di propulsione a razzo a propellente solido (Solid Rocket Motors) ha da sempre rappresentato una delle principali problematiche legate a questa tipologia di motori. L’assenza di un qualsiasi genere di controllo diretto del processo di combustione del grano solido, fa si che la previsione della balistica interna rappresenti da sempre il principale strumento utilizzato sia per definire in fase di progetto la configurazione ottimale del motore, sia per analizzare le eventuali anomalie riscontrate in ambito sperimentale. Variazioni locali nella struttura del propellente, difettosità interne o eterogeneità nelle condizioni di camera posso dare origine ad alterazioni del rateo locale di combustione del propellente e conseguentemente a profili di pressione e di spinta sperimentali differenti da quelli previsti per via teorica. Molti dei codici attualmente in uso offrono un approccio piuttosto semplificato al problema, facendo per lo più ricorso a fattori correttivi (fattori HUMP) semi-empirici, senza tuttavia andare a ricostruire in maniera più realistica le eterogeneità di prestazione del propellente. Questo lavoro di tesi vuole dunque proporre un nuovo approccio alla previsione numerica delle prestazioni dei sistemi a propellente solido, attraverso la realizzazione di un nuovo codice di simulazione, denominato ROBOOST (ROcket BOOst Simulation Tool). Richiamando concetti e techiche proprie della Computer Grafica, questo nuovo codice è in grado di ricostruire in processo di regressione superficiale del grano in maniera puntuale, attraverso l’utilizzo di una mesh triangolare mobile. Variazioni locali del rateo di combustione posso quindi essere facilmente riprodotte ed il calcolo della balistica interna avviene mediante l’accoppiamento di un modello 0D non-stazionario e di uno 1D quasi-stazionario. L’attività è stata svolta in collaborazione con l’azienda Avio Space Division e il nuovo codice è stato implementato con successo sul motore Zefiro 9.
La presente tesi intende compiere un’indagine, dal punto di vista storico-educativo, sulla storia delle case di correzione. Nello specifico si è tentato di analizzare il “caso” del Discolato bolognese, operando un confronto con altre analoghe istituzioni, sorte in due città campione, come Roma e Milano, per quanto riguarda il contesto italiano, e con la situazione inglese, per quanto riguarda il contesto internazionale. Il focus della ricerca si è incentrato sul rapporto tra devianza e internamento, considerato secondo una declinazione pedagogica. A tal proposito si è cercato di far emergere le modalità educative, nonché i principi e le finalità che sottostavano agli interventi istituzionali, non solo soffermandosi su quanto i regolamenti e gli statuti prescrivevano all’interno delle strutture correzionali, ma analizzando la reclusione nella sua effettiva organizzazione quotidiana. Per quanto riguarda la situazione bolognese è stata analizzata un’ampissima documentazione, conservata presso l’Archivio storico Provinciale di Bologna, che ha permesso di svolgere un’analisi di tipo quantitativo su un totale di 1105 individui al fine di delineare le principali caratteristiche demografiche e sociali delle persone internate nel Discolato bolognese. L’interpretazione delle fonti ha permesso anche un’indagine qualitativa, nel tentativo di ricostruire le storie di vita dei singoli reclusi. Da questa ricerca emerge un’immagine complessa delle case di correzione. Nel corso dei secoli, in modo particolare nelle diverse realtà prese in esame, esse hanno assunto caratteristiche e peculiarità differenti. La loro inefficacia fu la motivazione principale che condusse alla definitiva chiusura, quando si fece via via sempre più evidente la difficoltà a tradurre in pratica ciò che regolamenti e statuti - a livello teorico - prescrivevano.
Tractor rollover represent a primary cause of death or serious injury in agriculture and despite the mandatory Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS), that reduced the number of injuries, tractor accidents are still of great concern. Because of their versatility and wide use many studies on safety are concerned with the stability of tractors, but they often prefer controlled tests or laboratory tests. The evaluation of tractors working in field, instead, is a very complex issue because the rollover could be influenced by the interaction among operator, tractor and environment. Recent studies are oriented towards the evaluation of the actual working conditions developing prototypes for driver assistance and data acquisition. Currently these devices are produced and sold by manufacturers. A warning device was assessed in this study with the aim to evaluate its performance and to collect data on different variables influencing the dynamics of tractors in field by monitoring continuously the working conditions of tractors operating at the experimental farm of the Bologna University. The device consists of accelerometers, gyroscope, GSM/GPRS, GPS for geo-referencing and a transceiver for the automatic recognition of tractor-connected equipment. A microprocessor processes data and provides information, through a dedicated algorithm requiring data on the geometry of the tested tractor, on the level of risk for the operator in terms of probable loss of stability and suggests corrective measures to reduce the potential instability of the tractor.