5 resultados para Corporate law

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The dissertation contains five parts: An introduction, three major chapters, and a short conclusion. The First Chapter starts from a survey and discussion of the studies on corporate law and financial development literature. The commonly used methods in these cross-sectional analyses are biased as legal origins are no longer valid instruments. Hence, the model uncertainty becomes a salient problem. The Bayesian Model Averaging algorithm is applied to test the robustness of empirical results in Djankov et al. (2008). The analysis finds that their constructed legal index is not robustly correlated with most of the various stock market outcome variables. The second Chapter looks into the effects of minority shareholders protection in corporate governance regime on entrepreneurs' ex ante incentives to undertake IPO. Most of the current literature focuses on the beneficial part of minority shareholder protection on valuation, while overlooks its private costs on entrepreneur's control. As a result, the entrepreneur trade-offs the costs of monitoring with the benefits of cheap sources of finance when minority shareholder protection improves. The theoretical predictions are empirically tested using panel data and GMM-sys estimator. The third Chapter investigates the corporate law and corporate governance reform in China. The corporate law in China regards shareholder control as the means to the ends of pursuing the interests of stakeholders, which is inefficient. The Chapter combines the recent development of theories of the firm, i.e., the team production theory and the property rights theory, to solve such problem. The enlightened shareholder value, which emphasizes on the long term valuation of the firm, should be adopted as objectives of listed firms. In addition, a move from the mandatory division of power between shareholder meeting and board meeting to the default regime, is proposed.


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En el presente estudio se aborda un tema, el del régimen jurídico de la renuncia a la acción social de responsabilidad, que ha sido objeto de un escaso tratamiento por parte de la doctrina española. Estamos ante una institución controvertida, que regula la posibilidad de que una sociedad de capital abandone voluntariamente las pretensiones indemnizatorias que pudiera ostentar frente a alguno de sus administradores por los daños que éstos hubieran ocasionado en el patrimonio social como consecuencia del incumplimiento sus deberes de diligencia y lealtad. El hecho de que una sociedad de capital pueda acordar esta renuncia es un claro indicio del carácter dispositivo de las normas que regulan la responsabilidad de los administradores frente a la sociedad. Después de abordar de los antecedentes y evolución histórica de la renuncia a la acción social, la primera parte del estudio se centra en el análisis del ámbito material y temporal de su régimen jurídico, concluyendo que éste regula no sólo la renuncia o la transacción procesal, sino que se aplica cualquier acuerdo de la junta general que tenga como efecto una exoneración total o parcial de los administradores. La segunda parte del estudio profundiza en el régimen jurídico de la renuncia, haciendo hincapié en el derecho de veto que la Ley española y el Codice civile reconocen a la minoría y que se configura como una auténtica excepción al principio mayoritario que rige, con carácter general, la formación de la voluntad social. En el último capítulo se analizan los efectos de la renuncia acordada por la junta sobre la legitimación extraordinaria que ostentan los socios minoritarios y los acreedores sociales para el ejercicio de la acción social.


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La tesi si pone due obiettivi principali. Il primo é quello di proporre una rassegna ragionata della letteratura di carattere economico sulla Responsabilitá Sociale d’Impresa (RSI), analizzando i maggiori elementi di possibile critica e i nodi rimasti irrisolti. Il secondo é quello di introdurre alcuni contributi originali a questa letteratura. Riguardo al secondo obiettivo, l’analisi economica della RSI si puó dividere in due rami: uno che vede la RSI principamente come strategia di differenziazione, e l’altro che la vede come strategia per migliorare l’efficienza del processo produttivo. Fino ad ora la letteratura economica si é concentrata esclusivamente sul primo. Nella mia tesi vengono sviluppati alcuni modelli teorici delle RSI come strategia per migliorare l'efficienza del processo produttivo. Uno dei principali risultati della tesi é che le imprese che appaiono socialmente responsabili non sono quelle che hanno rinunciato alla massimizazione dei profitti, ma quelle che hanno come obiettivo la massimizzazione dei profitti nel lungo periodo, tenendo in considerazione come le proprie attivitá possono influenzare la disponibilitá e la qualitá dei fattori di produzione nel futuro. Un altro risultato della tesi é lo studio delle configurazioni di equilibrio in diversi mercati, con riferimento a quante imprese decideranno di intraprendere RSI e quante decideranno di non farlo.


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Depending on the regulatory regime they are subject to, governments may or may not be allowed to hand out state aid to private firms. The economic justification for state aid can address several issues present in the competition for capital and the competition for transfers from the state. First, there are principal-agent problems involved at several stages. Self-interested politicians might enter state aid deals that are the result of extensive rent-seeking activities of organized interest groups. Thus the institutional design of political systems will have an effect on the propensity of a jurisdiction to award state aid. Secondly, fierce competition for firm locations can lead to over-spending. This effect is stronger if the politicians do not take into account the entirety of the costs created by their participation in the firm location race. Thirdly, state aid deals can be incomplete and not in the interest of the citizens. This applies if there are no sanctions if firms do not meet their obligations from receiving aid, such as creating a certain number of jobs or not relocating again for a certain amount of time. The separation of ownership and control in modern corporations leads to principal-agent problems on the side of the aid recipient as well. Managers might receive personal benefits from subsidies, the use of which is sometimes less monitored than private finance. This can eventually be to the detriment of the shareholders. Overall, it can be concluded that state aid control should also serve the purpose of regulating the contracting between governments and firms. An extended mandate for supervision by the European Commission could include requirements to disincentive the misuse of state aid. The Commission should also focus on the corporate governance regime in place in the jurisdiction that awards the aid as well as in the recipient firm.


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This dissertation seeks to improve the usage of direct democracy in order to minimize agency cost. It first explains why insights from corporate governance can help to improve constitutional law and then identifies relevant insights from corporate governance that can make direct democracy more efficient. To accomplish this, the dissertation examines a number of questions. What are the key similarities in corporate and constitutional law? Do these similarities create agency problems that are similar enough for a comparative analysis to yield valuable insights? Once the utility of corporate governance insights is established, the dissertation answers two questions. Are initiatives necessary to minimize agency cost if referendums are already provided for? And, must the results of direct democracy be binding in order for agency cost to be minimized?