3 resultados para Congenital malformation
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The term Congenital Nystagmus (Early Onset Nystagmus or Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome) refers to a pathology characterised by an involuntary movement of the eyes, which often seriously reduces a subject’s vision. Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is a specific kind of nystagmus within the wider classification of infantile nystagmus, which can be best recognized and classified by means of a combination of clinical investigations and motility analysis; in some cases, eye movement recording and analysis are indispensable for diagnosis. However, interpretation of eye movement recordings still lacks of complete reliability; hence new analysis techniques and precise identification of concise parameters directly related to visual acuity are necessary to further support physicians’ decisions. To this aim, an index computed from eye movement recordings and related to the visual acuity of a subject is proposed in this thesis. This estimator is based on two parameters: the time spent by a subject effectively viewing a target (foveation time - Tf) and the standard deviation of eye position (SDp). Moreover, since previous studies have shown that visual acuity largely depends on SDp, a data collection pilot study was also conducted with the purpose of specifically identifying eventual slow rhythmic component in the eye position and to characterise in more detail the SDp. The results are presented in this thesis. In addition, some oculomotor system models are reviewed and a new approach to those models, i.e. the recovery of periodic orbits of the oculomotor system in patients with CN, is tested on real patients data. In conclusion, the results obtained within this research consent to completely and reliably characterise the slow rhythmic component sometimes present in eye position recordings of CN subjects and to better classify the different kinds of CN waveforms. Those findings can successfully support the clinicians in therapy planning and treatment outcome evaluation.
Obiettivo: Valutare l’accuratezza reciproca dell’ecografia “esperta” e della risonanza magnetica nelle diagnosi prenatale delle anomalie congenite. Materiali e metodi: Sono stati retrospettivamente valutati tutti i casi di malformazioni fetali sottoposte a ecografia “esperta” e risonanza magnetica nel nostro Policlinico da Ottobre 2001 a Ottobre 2012. L’età gestazionale media all’ecografia e alla risonanza magnetica sono state rispettivamente di 28 e 30 settimane. La diagnosi ecografica è stata confrontata con la risonanza e quindi con la diagnosi postnatale. Risultati: sono stati selezionati 383 casi, con diagnosi ecografica o sospetta malformazione fetale “complessa” o anamnesi ostetrica positiva infezioni prenatali, valutati con ecografia “esperta”, risonanza magnetica e completi di follow up. La popolazione di studio include: 196 anomalie del sistema nervoso centrale (51,2%), 73 difetti toracici (19,1%), 20 anomalie dell’area viso-collo (5,2%), 29 malformazioni del tratto gastrointestinale (7,6%), 37 difetti genito-urinari (9,7%) e 28 casi con altra indicazione (7,3%). Una concordanza tra ecografia, risonanza e diagnosi postnatale è stata osservata in 289 casi (75,5%) ed è stata maggiore per le anomalie del sistema nervoso centrale 156/196 casi (79,6%) rispetto ai difetti congeniti degli altri distretti anatomici 133/187 (71,1%). La risonanza ha aggiunto importanti informazioni diagnostiche in 42 casi (11%): 21 anomalie del sistema nervoso centrale, 2 difetti dell’area viso collo, 7 malformazioni toraciche, 6 anomalie del tratto gastrointestinale, 5 dell’apparato genitourinario e 1 caso di sospetta emivertebra lombare. L’ecografia è stata più accurata della risonanza in 15 casi (3,9%). In 37 casi (9,7%) entrambe le tecniche hanno dato esito diverso rispetto agli accertamenti postnatali. Conclusioni: l’ecografia prenatale rimane a tutt’oggi la principale metodica di imaging fetale. In alcuni casi complessi e/o dubbi sia del sistema nervoso centrale sia degli altri distretti anatomici la risonanza può aggiungere informazioni rilevanti.
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) causes congenital neurological lifelong disabilities. The study analyzed 10 HCMV-infected human fetuses at 21 weeks of gestation to evaluate the characteristics and pathogenesis of brain injury related to congenital human CMV (cCMV) infection. Specifically, tissues from cortical and white matter areas, subventricular zone, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, basal ganglia and cerebellum were analysed by: i) immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect HCMV-infected cell distribution, ii) hematoxylin-eosin staining to evaluate histological damage and iii) real-time PCR to quantify tissue viral load (HCMV-DNA). Viral tropism was assessed by double IHC to detect HCMV-antigens and neural/neuronal markers: nestin (expressed in early differentiation stage), doublecortin (DCX, identifying neuronal precursor cells) and neuronal nuclei (NeuN, identifying mature neurons). HCMV-positive cells and viral DNA were found in the brain of 8/10 (80%) fetuses. For these cases, brain damage was classified in mild (n=4, 50%), moderate (n=3, 37.5%) and severe (n=1, 12.5%) based on presence of i) diffuse astrocytosis, microglial activation and vascular changes; ii) occasional (in mild) or multiple (in moderate/severe) microglial nodules and iii) necrosis (in severe). The highest median HCMV-DNA level was found in the hippocampus (212 copies/5ng of humanDNA [hDNA], range: 10-7,505) as well as the highest mean HCMV-infected cell value (2.9 cells, range: 0-23), followed by that detected in subventricular zone (1.8 cells, range: 0-19). This suggests a preferential HCMV tropism for immature neuronal cells, residing in these regions, confirmed by the detection of DCX and nestin in 94% and 63.3% of HCMV-positive cells, respectively. NeuN was not found among HCMV-positive cells and was nearly absent in the brain with severe damage, suggesting HCMV does not infect mature neurons and immature HCMV-infected neuronal cells do not differentiate into neurons. HCMV preferential tropism in immature neural/neuronal cells delays/inhibits their differentiation interfering with brain development processes that lead to structural and functional brain defects.