10 resultados para Conflict of qualification
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
I rifiuti come oggetti impegnano tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione del posto che occupano e quindi del valore che assumono. In tale dinamica la gestione dei rifiuti diventa un fatto sociale totale che coinvolge tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione territorializzata. La storia del movimento ambientalista ci mostra come partendo dal disagio nei confronti dell’oggetto si è passati ad un disagio nei confronti delle idee che lo generano. Modernizzazione ecologica e modernizzazione democratica sembrano andare per un certo periodo d’accordo. Nei casi di conflittualità recente, e nello studio di caso approfondito di un piano provinciale della gestione rifiuti, il carattere anticipatore dell’attivismo ambientalista, sta rendendo sempre più costosi e incerti, investimenti e risultati strategici . Anche i principi delle politiche sono messi in discussione. La sostenibilità è da ricercare in una relativizzazione dei principi di policy e degli strumenti tecnici di valutazione (e.g. LCA) verso una maggiore partecipazione di tutti gli attori. Si propone un modello di governance che parta da un coordinamento amministrativo territoriale sulle reti logistiche, quindi un adeguamento geografico degli ATO, e un loro maggior ruolo nella gestione del processo di coordinamento e pianificazione. Azioni queste che devono a loro volta aprirsi ai flussi (ecologici ed economici) e ai loro attori di riferimento: dalle aziende multiutility agli ambientalisti. Infine è necessario un momento di controllo democratico che può avere una funzione arbitrale nei conflitti tra gli attori o di verifica. La ricerca si muove tra la storia e la filosofia, la ricerca empirica e la riflessione teorica. Sono state utilizzate anche tecniche di indagine attiva, come il focus group e l’intervista.
This dissertation uses the concept of “precariousness” to analyze women’s labour conditions in Italian industry over the Fifties and Sixties, when the agricultural basis of the Italian economy was replaced by an industrial one. The present research studies the way in which female work has been employed on different and nearly always inferior terms to male work, whether quantitatively or qualitatively. In most cases wages have been lower, periods of qualification and dequalification more unfavourable, and contract terms generally less secure than for male workers. The combination of these aspects of women work conditions has resulted in what will be called job precariousness. Job precariousness is adopted as a paradigm for an in-depth analysis of women’s working conditions. Women (like immigrants) have always experienced considerably worse working conditions than men throughout the capitalist industrial age. Even in the “Golden Age” of the 20th century (1945-1975), considered by most sociologists and economists “the era of job stability”, women’s working conditions were worse than men’s and can be defined precarious. Women in Bolognese industry are not an exception. The dissertation will show how many women’s jobs in industry were the opposite of stable and therefore can be called precarious in the period of 1950s and 1960s, when the Italian economy experienced the most intense economic and industrial growth of the 20th century. The comparison between female and male work conditions will address several aspects related to job precariousness: duration and continuity of work, salary variability, forms of discrimination and the relation between contract and social rights. In addition, attention will be paid to the forms of contract, gender-specific forms of discrimination and material working conditions of women.
La libertad de establecimiento y la movilidad de las empresas juegan un papel fundamental en el proceso comunitario de integración. Las empresas buscan nuevas formas de cooperación e integración que les permitan ocupar cuotas de mercado cada vez más importantes. De entre las modalidades de integración y cooperación que tienen a su disposición, la fusión transfronteriza de sociedades es, sin duda, una de las más relevantes. Es evidente que las fusiones de sociedades pertenecientes a Estados miembros distintos podrían tener una enorme importancia en el proceso de integración del mercado único. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de llevar a cabo con éxito una fusión transfronteriza en el ámbito comunitario era improbable hasta época reciente. Dos tipos de impedimentos la dificultaban: por una parte, obstáculos a la libertad de establecimiento por parte de los ordenamientos jurídicos de los Estados miembros; por otro, obstáculos de Derecho internacional privado. En cambio, hoy la mayor parte de estos impedimentos han sido superados gracias, en primer lugar, al progresivo reconocimiento del derecho de establecimiento de las sociedades por el Tribunal de Justicia, y en segundo, a la importante Directiva 2005/56/CE relativa a las fusiones transfronterizas de sociedades de capital. Esta Directiva impone a los Estados miembros una serie de normas de mínimos de derecho material a fin de armonizar la tutela de los intereses de los sujetos implicados más débiles (sobre todo, los trabajadores y los socios). De igual manera, establece una serie de normas de conflicto para resolver la cuestión de la ley aplicable a las fusiones transfronterizas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal valorar la relevancia de los pronunciamientos del Tribunal de Justicia y de las actuaciones del legislador europeo orientados a impedir las restricciones a las fusiones transfronterizas de sociedades en el territorio comunitario.
Il lavoro propone un’analisi critica delle disciplina italiana ed europea della consulenza in materia di investimenti. Si considerano innanzitutto le problematiche generali del rapporto tra cliente e intermediario nella prestazione della consulenza, con particolare riferimento ad asimmetrie informative e conflitti di interesse. Si discute, in particolare, il tradizionale paradigma regolamentare fondato sulla trasparenza: le indicazioni della finanza comportamentale suggeriscono, infatti, un intervento normativo più deciso, volto a caratterizzare in maniera fiduciaria la relazione tra cliente e intermediario. Dopo aver analizzato, alla stregua dei modelli teorici illustrati in precedenza, l’evoluzione storica della disciplina della consulenza nell’ordinamento italiano, si sottolinea il ruolo svolto dall’autorità di vigilanza nella sistematizzazione dell’istituto, nel contempo rilevando, tuttavia, la complessiva insufficienza delle norme vigenti al fine di un’adeguata tutela dell’investitore. Si esamina poi la disciplina introdotta dalla MiFID, con specifica attenzione alle implicazioni sistematiche dell’estensione della nozione di consulenza operata dalle autorità di vigilanza: la nuova configurazione del servizio ha determinato un’intensificazione dei doveri fiduciari imposti agli intermediari, testimoniando un superamento del paradigma di trasparenza e un percorso indirizzato verso un approccio maggiormente interventista sul lato dell’offerta. Le conclusioni sono, peraltro, nel senso di uno sviluppo solo parziale di tale processo, risultando dubbio il valore per il cliente di una consulenza non indipendente e potenzialmente esposta, soprattutto negli intermediari polifunzionali, al conflitto di interessi. Particolare enfasi viene posta sulla necessità di introdurre un’effettiva consulenza indipendente, pur nelle difficoltà che la relativa disciplina incontra, anche in ragione delle caratteristiche specifiche del mercato, nell’ordinamento italiano.
What do international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) do before and during the escalation of conflicts? The academic literature primarily focuses on these organisations' behaviour during an evident crisis rather than on how they anticipate the escalation of conflicts, assess the situation in which they find themselves, and decide on strategies to cope with the possibility of upcoming violence. Such lopsided focus persists despite calls for INGOs to become more proactive in managing their programmes and their staff members' safety. Mindful of this imbalance, the present study provides a causal explanation of how decision-makers in INGOs anticipate and react to the risk of low-level violence escalating into full-blown conflicts. This thesis aims to explain these actors' behaviour by presenting it as a two�step process involving how INGOs conduct risk assessments and how they turn these assessments into decisions. The study performs a structured, focused comparison of seven INGOs operating in South Sudan before the so-called Juba Clashes of 7 July 2016. Based on an analytical framework of INGO decision�making stemming from political risk analysis, organisational decision-making theory and conflict studies literature, the study reconstructs decision-making via process-tracing combined with mixed methods of data collection.
The research activity carried out in the Brasimone Research Center of ENEA concerns the development and mechanical characterization of steels conceived as structural materials for future fission reactors (Heavy Liquid Metal IV Generation reactors: MYRRHA and ALFRED) and for the future fusion reactor DEMO. Within this framework, two parallel lines of research have been carried out: (i) characterization in liquid lead of steels and weldings for the components of the IV Generation fission reactors (GIV) by means of creep and SSRT (Slow Strain Rate Tensile) tests; (ii) development and screening on mechanical properties of RAFM (Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic) steels to be employed as structural materials of the future DEMO fusion reactor. The doctoral work represents therefore a comprehensive report of the research carried out on nuclear materials both from the point of view of the qualification of existing (commercial) materials for their application in the typical environmental conditions of 4th generation fission reactors operating with lead as coolant, and from the point of view of the metallurgical study (with annexed microstructural and mechanical characterization of the selected compositions / Thermo Mechanical Treatment (TMT) options) of new compositional variants to be proposed for the “Breeding Blanket” of the future DEMO Fusion Reactor.
In recent years, composite materials have revolutionized the design of many structures. Their superior mechanical properties and light weight make composites convenient over traditional metal structures for many applications. However, composite materials are susceptible to complex and challenging to predict damage behaviors due to their anisotropy nature. Therefore, structural Health Monitoring (SHM) can be a valuable tool to assess the damage and understand the physics underneath. Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors (DOFS) can be used to monitor several types of damage in composites. However, their implementation outside academia is still unsatisfactory. One of the hindrances is the lack of a rigorous methodology for uncertainty quantification, which is essential for the performance assessment of the monitoring system. The concept of Probability of Detection (POD) must function as the guiding light in this process. However, precautions must be taken since this tool was established for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) rather than Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). In addition, although DOFS have been the object of numerous studies, a well-established POD methodology for their performance assessment is still missing. This thesis aims to develop a methodology to produce POD curves for DOFS in composite materials. The problem is analyzed considering several critical points, such as the strain transfer characterizing the DOFS and the development of an experimental and model-assisted methodology to understand the parameters that affect the DOFS performance.
The ambitious goals of increasing the efficiency, performance and power densities of transportation drives cannot be met with compromises in the motor reliability. For the insulation specialists the challenge will be critical as the use of wide-bandgap converters (WBG, based on SiC and GaN switches) and the higher operating voltages expected for the next generation drives will enhance the electrical stresses to unprecedented levels. It is expected for the DC bus in aircrafts to reach 800 V (split +/-400 V) and beyond, driven by the urban air mobility sector and the need for electrification of electro-mechanical/electro-hydraulic actuators (an essential part of the "More Electric Aircraft" concept). Simultaneously the DC bus in electric vehicles (EV) traction motors is anticipated to increase up to 1200 V very soon. The electrical insulation system is one of the most delicate part of the machine in terms of failure probability. In particular, the appearance of partial discharges (PD) is disruptive on the reliability of the drive, especially under fast repetitive transients. Extensive experimental activity has been performed to extend the body of knowledge on PD inception, endurance under PD activity, and explore and identify new phenomena undermining the reliability. The focus has been concentrated on the impact of the WGB-converter produced waveforms and the environmental conditions typical of the aeronautical sector on insulation models. Particular effort was put in the analysis at the reduced pressures typical of aircraft cruise altitude operation. The results obtained, after a critical discussion, have been used to suggest a coordination between the insulation PD inception voltage with the converter stresses and to propose an improved qualification procedure based on the existing IEC 60034-18-41 standard.
This dissertation investigates the role, training and practice of the interpreters that worked during the wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia in the 1990s, both at a high political level and on the ground for peackeeping troops. Adopting a historical method that uses interviews, newspaper articles, videos, archival documents and pictures the author tries to retrace how those interpreters were hired, employed and what challenges they faced in their daily work. The aim is to give voice to a category that has long been forgotten, to investigate how mediated interaction is shaped by violent conflict and to offer hindsight to improve the recruitment and management of local interpreters by armed forces.