12 resultados para Computations Driven Systems

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Today, third generation networks are consolidated realities, and user expectations on new applications and services are becoming higher and higher. Therefore, new systems and technologies are necessary to move towards the market needs and the user requirements. This has driven the development of fourth generation networks. ”Wireless network for the fourth generation” is the expression used to describe the next step in wireless communications. There is no formal definition for what these fourth generation networks are; however, we can say that the next generation networks will be based on the coexistence of heterogeneous networks, on the integration with the existing radio access network (e.g. GPRS, UMTS, WIFI, ...) and, in particular, on new emerging architectures that are obtaining more and more relevance, as Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN). Thanks to their characteristics, fourth generation wireless systems will be able to offer custom-made solutions and applications personalized according to the user requirements; they will offer all types of services at an affordable cost, and solutions characterized by flexibility, scalability and reconfigurability. This PhD’s work has been focused on WASNs, autoconfiguring networks which are not based on a fixed infrastructure, but are characterized by being infrastructure less, where devices have to automatically generate the network in the initial phase, and maintain it through reconfiguration procedures (if nodes’ mobility, or energy drain, etc..., cause disconnections). The main part of the PhD activity has been focused on an analytical study on connectivity models for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, nevertheless a small part of my work was experimental. Anyway, both the theoretical and experimental activities have had a common aim, related to the performance evaluation of WASNs. Concerning the theoretical analysis, the objective of the connectivity studies has been the evaluation of models for the interference estimation. This is due to the fact that interference is the most important performance degradation cause in WASNs. As a consequence, is very important to find an accurate model that allows its investigation, and I’ve tried to obtain a model the most realistic and general as possible, in particular for the evaluation of the interference coming from bounded interfering areas (i.e. a WiFi hot spot, a wireless covered research laboratory, ...). On the other hand, the experimental activity has led to Throughput and Packet Error Rare measurements on a real IEEE802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network.


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This thesis deals with distributed control strategies for cooperative control of multi-robot systems. Specifically, distributed coordination strategies are presented for groups of mobile robots. The formation control problem is initially solved exploiting artificial potential fields. The purpose of the presented formation control algorithm is to drive a group of mobile robots to create a completely arbitrarily shaped formation. Robots are initially controlled to create a regular polygon formation. A bijective coordinate transformation is then exploited to extend the scope of this strategy, to obtain arbitrarily shaped formations. For this purpose, artificial potential fields are specifically designed, and robots are driven to follow their negative gradient. Artificial potential fields are then subsequently exploited to solve the coordinated path tracking problem, thus making the robots autonomously spread along predefined paths, and move along them in a coordinated way. Formation control problem is then solved exploiting a consensus based approach. Specifically, weighted graphs are used both to define the desired formation, and to implement collision avoidance. As expected for consensus based algorithms, this control strategy is experimentally shown to be robust to the presence of communication delays. The global connectivity maintenance issue is then considered. Specifically, an estimation procedure is introduced to allow each agent to compute its own estimate of the algebraic connectivity of the communication graph, in a distributed manner. This estimate is then exploited to develop a gradient based control strategy that ensures that the communication graph remains connected, as the system evolves. The proposed control strategy is developed initially for single-integrator kinematic agents, and is then extended to Lagrangian dynamical systems.


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Cost, performance and availability considerations are forcing even the most conservative high-integrity embedded real-time systems industry to migrate from simple hardware processors to ones equipped with caches and other acceleration features. This migration disrupts the practices and solutions that industry had developed and consolidated over the years to perform timing analysis. Industry that are confident with the efficiency/effectiveness of their verification and validation processes for old-generation processors, do not have sufficient insight on the effects of the migration to cache-equipped processors. Caches are perceived as an additional source of complexity, which has potential for shattering the guarantees of cost- and schedule-constrained qualification of their systems. The current industrial approach to timing analysis is ill-equipped to cope with the variability incurred by caches. Conversely, the application of advanced WCET analysis techniques on real-world industrial software, developed without analysability in mind, is hardly feasible. We propose a development approach aimed at minimising the cache jitters, as well as at enabling the application of advanced WCET analysis techniques to industrial systems. Our approach builds on:(i) identification of those software constructs that may impede or complicate timing analysis in industrial-scale systems; (ii) elaboration of practical means, under the model-driven engineering (MDE) paradigm, to enforce the automated generation of software that is analyzable by construction; (iii) implementation of a layout optimisation method to remove cache jitters stemming from the software layout in memory, with the intent of facilitating incremental software development, which is of high strategic interest to industry. The integration of those constituents in a structured approach to timing analysis achieves two interesting properties: the resulting software is analysable from the earliest releases onwards - as opposed to becoming so only when the system is final - and more easily amenable to advanced timing analysis by construction, regardless of the system scale and complexity.


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The evolution of the electronics embedded applications forces electronics systems designers to match their ever increasing requirements. This evolution pushes the computational power of digital signal processing systems, as well as the energy required to accomplish the computations, due to the increasing mobility of such applications. Current approaches used to match these requirements relies on the adoption of application specific signal processors. Such kind of devices exploits powerful accelerators, which are able to match both performance and energy requirements. On the other hand, the too high specificity of such accelerators often results in a lack of flexibility which affects non-recurrent engineering costs, time to market, and market volumes too. The state of the art mainly proposes two solutions to overcome these issues with the ambition of delivering reasonable performance and energy efficiency: reconfigurable computing and multi-processors computing. All of these solutions benefits from the post-fabrication programmability, that definitively results in an increased flexibility. Nevertheless, the gap between these approaches and dedicated hardware is still too high for many application domains, especially when targeting the mobile world. In this scenario, flexible and energy efficient acceleration can be achieved by merging these two computational paradigms, in order to address all the above introduced constraints. This thesis focuses on the exploration of the design and application spectrum of reconfigurable computing, exploited as application specific accelerators for multi-processors systems on chip. More specifically, it introduces a reconfigurable digital signal processor featuring a heterogeneous set of reconfigurable engines, and a homogeneous multi-core system, exploiting three different flavours of reconfigurable and mask-programmable technologies as implementation platform for applications specific accelerators. In this work, the various trade-offs concerning the utilization multi-core platforms and the different configuration technologies are explored, characterizing the design space of the proposed approach in terms of programmability, performance, energy efficiency and manufacturing costs.


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In the race to obtain protons with higher energies, using more compact systems at the same time, laser-driven plasma accelerators are becoming an interesting possibility. But for now, only beams with extremely broad energy spectra and high divergence have been produced. The driving line of this PhD thesis was the study and design of a compact system to extract a high quality beam out of the initial bunch of protons produced by the interaction of a laser pulse with a thin solid target, using experimentally reliable technologies in order to be able to test such a system as soon as possible. In this thesis, different transport lines are analyzed. The first is based on a high field pulsed solenoid, some collimators and, for perfect filtering and post-acceleration, a high field high frequency compact linear accelerator, originally designed to accelerate a 30 MeV beam extracted from a cyclotron. The second one is based on a quadruplet of permanent magnetic quadrupoles: thanks to its greater simplicity and reliability, it has great interest for experiments, but the effectiveness is lower than the one based on the solenoid; in fact, the final beam intensity drops by an order of magnitude. An additional sensible decrease in intensity is verified in the third case, where the energy selection is achieved using a chicane, because of its very low efficiency for off-axis protons. The proposed schemes have all been analyzed with 3D simulations and all the significant results are presented. Future experimental work based on the outcome of this thesis can be planned and is being discussed now.


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Molecular recognition and self-assembly represent fundamental issues for the construction of supramolecular systems, structures in which the components are held together through non-covalent interactions. The study of host-guest complexes and mechanical interlocked molecules, important examples in this field, is necessary in order to characterize self-assembly processes, achieve more control over the molecular organization and develop sophisticated structures by using properly designed building blocks. The introduction of paramagnetic species, or spin labelling, represents an attractive opportunity that allows their detection and characterization by the Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy, a valuable technique that provides additional information to those obtained by traditional methods. In this Thesis, recent progresses in the design and the synthesis of new paramagnetic host-guest complexes and rotaxanes characterized by the presence of nitroxide radicals and their investigation by ESR spectroscopy are reported. In Chapter 1 a brief overview of the principal concepts of supramolecular chemistry, the spin labelling approach and the development of ESR methods applied to paramagnetic systems are described. Chapter 2 and 3 are focused on the introduction of radicals in macrocycles as Cucurbiturils and Pillar[n]arenes, due to the interesting binding properties and the potential employment in rotaxanes, in order to investigate their structures and recognition properties. Chapter 4 deals with one of the most studied mechanical interlocked molecules, the bistable [2]rotaxane reported by Stoddart and Heath based on the ciclobis (paraquat-p-phenylene) CBPQT4+, that represents a well known example of molecular switch driven by external stimuli. The spin labelling of analogous architectures allows the monitoring by ESR spectroscopy of the switch mechanism involving the ring compound by tuning the spin exchange interaction. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the experimental procedures used for the synthesis of some of the compounds described in Chapter 2-4.


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In this Thesis a series of numerical models for the evaluation of the seasonal performance of reversible air-to-water heat pump systems coupled to residential and non-residential buildings are presented. The exploitation of the energy saving potential linked to the adoption of heat pumps is a hard task for designers due to the influence on their energy performance of several factors, like the external climate variability, the heat pump modulation capacity, the system control strategy and the hydronic loop configuration. The aim of this work is to study in detail all these aspects. In the first part of this Thesis a series of models which use a temperature class approach for the prediction of the seasonal performance of reversible air source heat pumps are shown. An innovative methodology for the calculation of the seasonal performance of an air-to-water heat pump has been proposed as an extension of the procedure reported by the European standard EN 14825. This methodology can be applied not only to air-to-water single-stage heat pumps (On-off HPs) but also to multi-stage (MSHPs) and inverter-driven units (IDHPs). In the second part, dynamic simulation has been used with the aim to optimize the control systems of the heat pump and of the HVAC plant. A series of dynamic models, developed by means of TRNSYS, are presented to study the behavior of On-off HPs, MSHPs and IDHPs. The main goal of these dynamic simulations is to show the influence of the heat pump control strategies and of the lay-out of the hydronic loop used to couple the heat pump to the emitters on the seasonal performance of the system. A particular focus is given to the modeling of the energy losses linked to on-off cycling.


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The present work aims to provide a deeper understanding of thermally driven turbulence and to address some modelling aspects related to the physics of the flow. For this purpose, two idealized systems are investigated by Direct Numerical Simulation: the rotating and non-rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The preliminary study of the flow topologies shows how the coherent structures organise into different patterns depending on the rotation rate. From a statistical perspective, the analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance budgets allows to identify the flow regions where the production, the transport, and the dissipation of turbulent fluctuations occur. To provide a multi-scale description of the flows, a theoretical framework based on the Kolmogorov and Yaglom equations is applied for the first time to the Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The analysis shows how the spatial inhomogeneity modulates the dynamics at different scales and wall-distances. Inside the core of the flow, the space of scales can be divided into an inhomogeneity-dominated range at large scales, an inertial-like range at intermediate scales and a dissipative range at small scales. This classic scenario breaks close to the walls, where the inhomogeneous mechanisms and the viscous/diffusive processes are important at every scale and entail more complex dynamics. The same theoretical framework is extended to the filtered velocity and temperature fields of non-rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The analysis of the filtered Kolmogorov and Yaglom equations reveals the influence of the residual scales on the filtered dynamics both in physical and scale space, highlighting the effect of the relative position between the filter length and the crossover that separates the inhomogeneity-dominated range from the quasi-homogeneous range. The assessment of the filtered and residual physics results to be instrumental for the correct use of the existing Large-Eddy Simulation models and for the development of new ones.


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Modern scientific discoveries are driven by an unsatisfiable demand for computational resources. High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems are an aggregation of computing power to deliver considerably higher performance than one typical desktop computer can provide, to solve large problems in science, engineering, or business. An HPC room in the datacenter is a complex controlled environment that hosts thousands of computing nodes that consume electrical power in the range of megawatts, which gets completely transformed into heat. Although a datacenter contains sophisticated cooling systems, our studies indicate quantitative evidence of thermal bottlenecks in real-life production workload, showing the presence of significant spatial and temporal thermal and power heterogeneity. Therefore minor thermal issues/anomalies can potentially start a chain of events that leads to an unbalance between the amount of heat generated by the computing nodes and the heat removed by the cooling system originating thermal hazards. Although thermal anomalies are rare events, anomaly detection/prediction in time is vital to avoid IT and facility equipment damage and outage of the datacenter, with severe societal and business losses. For this reason, automated approaches to detect thermal anomalies in datacenters have considerable potential. This thesis analyzed and characterized the power and thermal characteristics of a Tier0 datacenter (CINECA) during production and under abnormal thermal conditions. Then, a Deep Learning (DL)-powered thermal hazard prediction framework is proposed. The proposed models are validated against real thermal hazard events reported for the studied HPC cluster while in production. This thesis is the first empirical study of thermal anomaly detection and prediction techniques of a real large-scale HPC system to the best of my knowledge. For this thesis, I used a large-scale dataset, monitoring data of tens of thousands of sensors for around 24 months with a data collection rate of around 20 seconds.


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Intelligent systems are currently inherent to the society, supporting a synergistic human-machine collaboration. Beyond economical and climate factors, energy consumption is strongly affected by the performance of computing systems. The quality of software functioning may invalidate any improvement attempt. In addition, data-driven machine learning algorithms are the basis for human-centered applications, being their interpretability one of the most important features of computational systems. Software maintenance is a critical discipline to support automatic and life-long system operation. As most software registers its inner events by means of logs, log analysis is an approach to keep system operation. Logs are characterized as Big data assembled in large-flow streams, being unstructured, heterogeneous, imprecise, and uncertain. This thesis addresses fuzzy and neuro-granular methods to provide maintenance solutions applied to anomaly detection (AD) and log parsing (LP), dealing with data uncertainty, identifying ideal time periods for detailed software analyses. LP provides deeper semantics interpretation of the anomalous occurrences. The solutions evolve over time and are general-purpose, being highly applicable, scalable, and maintainable. Granular classification models, namely, Fuzzy set-Based evolving Model (FBeM), evolving Granular Neural Network (eGNN), and evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classifier (eGFC), are compared considering the AD problem. The evolving Log Parsing (eLP) method is proposed to approach the automatic parsing applied to system logs. All the methods perform recursive mechanisms to create, update, merge, and delete information granules according with the data behavior. For the first time in the evolving intelligent systems literature, the proposed method, eLP, is able to process streams of words and sentences. Essentially, regarding to AD accuracy, FBeM achieved (85.64+-3.69)%; eGNN reached (96.17+-0.78)%; eGFC obtained (92.48+-1.21)%; and eLP reached (96.05+-1.04)%. Besides being competitive, eLP particularly generates a log grammar, and presents a higher level of model interpretability.


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Combined Cooling Heat and Power Generation (CCHP) or trigeneration has been considered worldwide as a suitable alternative to traditional energy systems in terms of significant energy saving and environmental conservation. The development and evaluation of a solar driven micro-CCHP system based on a ORC cogenerator and an Adsorption Chiller (AC) experimental prototypes has been the focus of this PhD research. The specific objectives of the overall project are: • To design, construct and evaluate an innovative Adsorption Chiller in order to improve the performances of the AC technology. • To thermodynamically model the proposed micro-scale solar driven CHP system and to prove that the concept of trigeneration through solar energy combined with an organic Rankine turbine cycle (ORC) and an adsorption chiller (AC) is suitable for residential applications.


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Protected crop production is a modern and innovative approach to cultivating plants in a controlled environment to optimize growth, yield, and quality. This method involves using structures such as greenhouses or tunnels to create a sheltered environment. These productive solutions are characterized by a careful regulation of variables like temperature, humidity, light, and ventilation, which collectively contribute to creating an optimal microclimate for plant growth. Heating, cooling, and ventilation systems are used to maintain optimal conditions for plant growth, regardless of external weather fluctuations. Protected crop production plays a crucial role in addressing challenges posed by climate variability, population growth, and food security. Similarly, animal husbandry involves providing adequate nutrition, housing, medical care and environmental conditions to ensure animal welfare. Then, sustainability is a critical consideration in all forms of agriculture, including protected crop and animal production. Sustainability in animal production refers to the practice of producing animal products in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, promotes animal welfare, and ensures the long-term viability of the industry. Then, the research activities performed during the PhD can be inserted exactly in the field of Precision Agriculture and Livestock farming. Here the focus is on the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approach and environmental assessment applied to improve yield, resource efficiency, environmental sustainability, and cost savings. It represents a significant shift from traditional farming methods to a more technology-driven, data-driven, and environmentally conscious approach to crop and animal production. On one side, CFD is powerful and precise techniques of computer modeling and simulation of airflows and thermo-hygrometric parameters, that has been applied to optimize the growth environment of crops and the efficiency of ventilation in pig barns. On the other side, the sustainability aspect has been investigated and researched in terms of Life Cycle Assessment analyses.