10 resultados para Collects.

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This Ph.D. candidate thesis collects the research work I conducted under the supervision of Prof.Bruno Samor´ı in 2005,2006 and 2007. Some parts of this work included in the Part III have been begun by myself during my undergraduate thesis in the same laboratory and then completed during the initial part of my Ph.D. thesis: the whole results have been included for the sake of understanding and completeness. During my graduate studies I worked on two very different protein systems. The theorical trait d’union between these studies, at the biological level, is the acknowledgement that protein biophysical and structural studies must, in many cases, take into account the dynamical states of protein conformational equilibria and of local physico-chemical conditions where the system studied actually performs its function. This is introducted in the introductory part in Chapter 2. Two different examples of this are presented: the structural significance deriving from the action of mechanical forces in vivo (Chapter 3) and the complexity of conformational equilibria in intrinsically unstructured proteins and amyloid formation (Chapter 4). My experimental work investigated both these examples by using in both cases the single molecule force spectroscopy technique (described in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6). The work conducted on angiostatin focused on the characterization of the relationships between the mechanochemical properties and the mechanism of action of the angiostatin protein, and most importantly their intertwining with the further layer of complexity due to disulfide redox equilibria (Part III). These studies were accompanied concurrently by the elaboration of a theorical model for a novel signalling pathway that may be relevant in the extracellular space, detailed in Chapter 7.2. The work conducted on -synuclein (Part IV) instead brought a whole new twist to the single molecule force spectroscopy methodology, applying it as a structural technique to elucidate the conformational equilibria present in intrinsically unstructured proteins. These equilibria are of utmost interest from a biophysical point of view, but most importantly because of their direct relationship with amyloid aggregation and, consequently, the aetiology of relevant pathologies like Parkinson’s disease. The work characterized, for the first time, conformational equilibria in an intrinsically unstructured protein at the single molecule level and, again for the first time, identified a monomeric folded conformation that is correlated with conditions leading to -synuclein and, ultimately, Parkinson’s disease. Also, during the research work, I found myself in the need of a generalpurpose data analysis application for single molecule force spectroscopy data analysis that could solve some common logistic and data analysis problems that are common in this technique. I developed an application that addresses some of these problems, herein presented (Part V), and that aims to be publicly released soon.


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With their accession to the European Union, twelve new countries - Romania among them - (re)entered the international community of international donors. In the history of development aid this can be seen as a unique event: it is for the first time in history that such a large number of countries become international donors, with such short notice and in such a particular context that sees some scholars announcing the ‘death’ of development. But in spite of what might be claimed regarding the ‘end’ of the development era, development discourse seems to be rather vigorous and in good health: it is able to extert an undeniable force of attraction over the twelve countries that, in a matter of years, have already convinced themselves of its validity and adhered to its main tenets. This thesis collects evidence for improving our understanding of this process that sees the co-optation of twelve new countries to the dominant theory and practice of development cooperation. The evidence collected seems to show that one of the tools employed by the promoters of this co-optation process is that of constructing the ‘new’ Member States as ‘new’, inexpert donors that need to learn from the ‘old’ ones. By taking a case-study approach, this thesis gathers data that suggests that conceiving of the ‘twelve’ as ‘new’ donors is both historically inaccurate and value-ladden. On one hand, Romania’s case-study illustrates how in the (socialist) past at least one in the group of the twelve was particularly conversant in the discourse of international development. On the other hand, the process of co-optation, while being presented as a knowledgeproducing process, can also be seen as an ignorance-producing procedure: Romania, along with its fellow new Member States, takes the opportunity of ‘building its capacity’ and ‘raising its awareness’ of development cooperation along the line drawn by the European Union, but at the same time it seems to un-learn and ‘lower’ its awareness of development experience in the (socialist) past. This is one possible reading of this thesis. At a different level, this thesis can also be seen as an attempt to account of almost five decades of international development discourse in one specific country – Romania – in three different socio-political contexts: the socialist years (up to the year 1989), the ‘transition years’ (from 1989 to the pre-accession years) and the membership to the European Union. In this second reading, the thesis seeks to illustrate how – contrary to widespread beliefs – before 1989 Romania’s international development discourse was particularly vivid: in the most varied national and international settings President Ceausescu unfolded an extensive discursive activity on issues pertaining to international development; generous media coverage of affairs concerning the developing countries and their fight for development was the rule rather than the exception; the political leadership wanted the Romanians not only to be familiarized with (or ‘aware of’ to use current terminology) matters of underdevelopment, but also to prove a sense of solidarity with these countries, as well as a sense of pride for the relations of ‘mutual help’ that were being built with them; finally, international development was object of academic attention and the Romanian scholars were able not only to reflect on major developments, but could also formulate critical positions towards the practices of development aid. Very little remains of all this during the transition years, while in the present those who are engaged in matters pertaining to international development do so with a view of building Romania as an EU-compliant donor.


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Synthetic biology is a young field of applicative research aiming to design and build up artificial biological devices, useful for human applications. How synthetic biology emerged in past years and how the development of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts aimed to introduce one practical starting solution to apply the basics of engineering to molecular biology is presented in chapter 1 in the thesis The same chapter recalls how biological parts can make up a genetic program, the molecular cloning tecnique useful for this purpose, and an overview of the mathematical modeling adopted to describe gene circuit behavior. Although the design of gene circuits has become feasible the increasing complexity of gene networks asks for a rational approach to design gene circuits. A bottom-up approach was proposed, suggesting that the behavior of a complicated system can be predicted from the features of its parts. The option to use modular parts in large-scale networks will be facilitated by a detailed and shared characterization of their functional properties. Such a prediction, requires well-characterized mathematical models of the parts and of how they behave when assembled together. In chapter 2, the feasibility of the bottom-up approach in the design of a synthetic program in Escherichia coli bacterial cells is described. The rational design of gene networks is however far from being established. The synthetic biology approach can used the mathematical formalism to identify biological information not assessable with experimental measurements. In this context, chapter 3 describes the design of a synthetic sensor for identifying molecules of interest inside eukaryotic cells. The Registry of Standard parts collects standard and modular biological parts. To spread the use of BioBricks the iGEM competition was started. The ICM Laboratory, where Francesca Ceroni completed her Ph.D, partecipated with teams of students and Chapter 4 summarizes the projects developed.


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Nell’ambito della presente tesi verrà descritto un approccio generalizzato per il controllo delle macchine elettriche trifasi; la prima parte è incentrata nello sviluppo di una metodologia di modellizzazione generale, ossia in grado di descrivere, da un punto di vista matematico, il comportamento di una generica macchina elettrica, che possa quindi includere in sé stessa tutte le caratteristiche salienti che possano caratterizzare ogni specifica tipologia di macchina elettrica. Il passo successivo è quello di realizzare un algoritmo di controllo per macchine elettriche che si poggi sulla teoria generalizzata e che utilizzi per il proprio funzionamento quelle grandezze offerte dal modello unico delle macchine elettriche. La tipologia di controllo che è stata utilizzata è quella che comunemente viene definita come controllo ad orientamento di campo (FOC), per la quale sono stati individuati degli accorgimenti atti a migliorarne le prestazioni dinamiche e di controllo della coppia erogata. Per concludere verrà presentata una serie di prove sperimentali con lo scopo di mettere in risalto alcuni aspetti cruciali nel controllo delle macchine elettriche mediante un algoritmo ad orientamento di campo e soprattutto di verificare l’attendibilità dell’approccio generalizzato alle macchine elettriche trifasi. I risultati sperimentali confermano quindi l’applicabilità del metodo a diverse tipologie di macchine (asincrone e sincrone) e sono stati verificate nelle condizioni operative più critiche: bassa velocità, alta velocità bassi carichi, dinamica lenta e dinamica veloce.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are getting wide-spread attention since they became easily accessible with their low costs. One of the key elements of WSNs is distributed sensing. When the precise location of a signal of interest is unknown across the monitored region, distributing many sensors randomly/uniformly may yield with a better representation of the monitored random process than a traditional sensor deployment. In a typical WSN application the data sensed by nodes is usually sent to one (or more) central device, denoted as sink, which collects the information and can either act as a gateway towards other networks (e.g. Internet), where data can be stored, or be processed in order to command the actuators to perform special tasks. In such a scenario, a dense sensor deployment may create bottlenecks when many nodes competing to access the channel. Even though there are mitigation methods on the channel access, concurrent (parallel) transmissions may occur. In this study, always on the scope of monitoring applications, the involved development progress of two industrial projects with dense sensor deployments (eDIANA Project funded by European Commission and Centrale Adritica Project funded by Coop Italy) and the measurement results coming from several different test-beds evoked the necessity of a mathematical analysis on concurrent transmissions. To the best of our knowledge, in the literature there is no mathematical analysis of concurrent transmission in 2.4 GHz PHY of IEEE 802.15.4. In the thesis, experience stories of eDIANA and Centrale Adriatica Projects and a mathematical analysis of concurrent transmissions starting from O-QPSK chip demodulation to the packet reception rate with several different types of theoretical demodulators, are presented. There is a very good agreement between the measurements so far in the literature and the mathematical analysis.


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The present dissertation collects the results of three different research trials which have the common aim to understand the effects of swine welfare (both at farm level and during transport) on the main fresh and dry-cured meat characteristics. The first trial was carried out in order to compare the effects of illumination regimes differing in light duration or light intensity on meat and ham quality of Italian heavy pigs. The results of this trial support the conclusion that, within a moderate range of light intensity and given an appropriate dark period for animal rest, an increase of light duration or intensity above the minimum mandatory levels has no negative impact on carcass composition, meat or long-cured hams quality. The second trial was designed with the aim to investigate the effects of water restriction on growth traits, animal welfare and meat and ham quality of liquid-fed heavy pigs. Overall, the parameters analyzed as concerns growth rate, behavioural traits, blood, as well as carcass, fresh meat and cured hams quality were not affected by the absence of fresh drinking water. However, since liquid feeding did not suppress drinker use or drinker manipulation in the experimental groups, water restriction does not appear to be an applicable method to obtain a reduction of water waste. The third trial, which was carried out in Canada, tested the effectiveness of water sprinkling market-weight pigs (115±10Kg BW) before and after transport in reducing the heat stress experienced under commercial transport conditions. Our results show that the water sprinkling protocol proposed may reduce heat stress during transport and improve pork quality, particularly in specific trailer compartments. This body of research supports the general conclusion that swine welfare could be improved in different scenarios through simple and cost-effective means, without negatively affecting the quality of the main animal-derived products.


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This thesis collects the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in Telecommunications engineering and it is focused on enabling techniques for Spread Spectrum (SS) navigation and communication satellite systems. It provides innovations for both interference management and code synchronization techniques. These two aspects are critical for modern navigation and communication systems and constitute the common denominator of the work. The thesis is organized in two parts: the former deals with interference management. We have proposed a novel technique for the enhancement of the sensitivity level of an advanced interference detection and localization system operating in the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) bands, which allows the identification of interfering signals received with power even lower than the GNSS signals. Moreover, we have introduced an effective cancellation technique for signals transmitted by jammers, exploiting their repetitive characteristics, which strongly reduces the interference level at the receiver. The second part, deals with code synchronization. More in detail, we have designed the code synchronization circuit for a Telemetry, Tracking and Control system operating during the Launch and Early Orbit Phase; the proposed solution allows to cope with the very large frequency uncertainty and dynamics characterizing this scenario, and performs the estimation of the code epoch, of the carrier frequency and of the carrier frequency variation rate. Furthermore, considering a generic pair of circuits performing code acquisition, we have proposed a comprehensive framework for the design and the analysis of the optimal cooperation procedure, which minimizes the time required to accomplish synchronization. The study results particularly interesting since it enables the reduction of the code acquisition time without increasing the computational complexity. Finally, considering a network of collaborating navigation receivers, we have proposed an innovative cooperative code acquisition scheme, which allows exploit the shared code epoch information between neighbor nodes, according to the Peer-to-Peer paradigm.


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La tesi è incentrata sui recenti sviluppi della narrativa testimoniale dell’America Latina. Verranno presi in considerazione gli ultimi contributi critici dedicati al rapporto tra finzione e realtà in letteratura, e sarà dato spazio alla costruzione narrativa della realtà e alla nascita del testimonio, come genere a sé, che raccoglie alcune delle principali opere latinoamericane degli ultimi quaranta anni. Nello specifico, l’indagine riguarderà la rappresentazione letteraria della violenza nella narrativa di denuncia di tre autori ispoanoamericani: la novela negra di Enrique Serna, il poliziesco testimoniale di Rodolfo Walsh e la scrittura estrema di Roberto Bolaño. Obiettivo della ricerca è capire in che modo i tre scrittori hanno raccontato le loro verità alternative, provando a salvaguardare la memoria, e quali effetti hanno ottenuto. Verranno analizzate non solo le tematiche affrontate, facendo riferimento quindi al contesto storico, politico e sociale al quale si rifanno, ma saranno illustrate anche le differenti tecniche di costruzione del romanzo, dell’intreccio e della trama, e verrà isolato il ruolo del testimone (diretto o indiretto) e delle fonti, per cogliere le differenze ma anche le similitudini stilistiche e narrative di ognuna delle opere. Più in generale, dimostreremo come e quanto i testi di questi autori costituiscano in realtà una forte critica al sistema imperante e diano voce alle categorie sociali altrimenti emarginate.


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This thesis presents a new Artificial Neural Network (ANN) able to predict at once the main parameters representative of the wave-structure interaction processes, i.e. the wave overtopping discharge, the wave transmission coefficient and the wave reflection coefficient. The new ANN has been specifically developed in order to provide managers and scientists with a tool that can be efficiently used for design purposes. The development of this ANN started with the preparation of a new extended and homogeneous database that collects all the available tests reporting at least one of the three parameters, for a total amount of 16’165 data. The variety of structure types and wave attack conditions in the database includes smooth, rock and armour unit slopes, berm breakwaters, vertical walls, low crested structures, oblique wave attacks. Some of the existing ANNs were compared and improved, leading to the selection of a final ANN, whose architecture was optimized through an in-depth sensitivity analysis to the training parameters of the ANN. Each of the selected 15 input parameters represents a physical aspect of the wave-structure interaction process, describing the wave attack (wave steepness and obliquity, breaking and shoaling factors), the structure geometry (submergence, straight or non-straight slope, with or without berm or toe, presence or not of a crown wall), or the structure type (smooth or covered by an armour layer, with permeable or impermeable core). The advanced ANN here proposed provides accurate predictions for all the three parameters, and demonstrates to overcome the limits imposed by the traditional formulae and approach adopted so far by some of the existing ANNs. The possibility to adopt just one model to obtain a handy and accurate evaluation of the overall performance of a coastal or harbor structure represents the most important and exportable result of the work.


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This thesis collects the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in Telecommunications Engineering and it is focused on the study and design of possible techniques able to counteract interference signal in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) systems. The subject is the jamming threat in navigation systems, that has become a very increasingly important topic in recent years, due to the wide diffusion of GNSS-based civil applications. Detection and mitigation techniques are developed in order to fight out jamming signals, tested in different scenarios and including sophisticated signals. The thesis is organized in two main parts, which deal with management of GNSS intentional counterfeit signals. The first part deals with the interference management, focusing on the intentional interfering signal. In particular, a technique for the detection and localization of the interfering signal level in the GNSS bands in frequency domain has been proposed. In addition, an effective mitigation technique which exploits the periodic characteristics of the common jamming signals reducing interfering effects at the receiver side has been introduced. Moreover, this technique has been also tested in a different and more complicated scenario resulting still effective in mitigation and cancellation of the interfering signal, without high complexity. The second part still deals with the problem of interference management, but regarding with more sophisticated signal. The attention is focused on the detection of spoofing signal, which is the most complex among the jamming signal types. Due to this highly difficulty in detect and mitigate this kind of signal, spoofing threat is considered the most dangerous. In this work, a possible techniques able to detect this sophisticated signal has been proposed, observing and exploiting jointly the outputs of several operational block measurements of the GNSS receiver operating chain.