11 resultados para Codigo genetico
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
La dissertazione, partendo dall’analisi dei dati particolari, dei quali approfondisce il concetto e le norme previste per la disciplina del trattamento, arriva ad una completa ed approfondita analisi dei dati genetici, partendo dal loro inquadramento storico e giungendo sino ad evidenziare la simmetria intercorrente tra gli stessi e il tessuto umano (il campione biologico) che, sotto un profilo squisitamente giuridico, è stato sottoposto al medesimo regime di tutela previsto per il dato genetico. La finalità della definizione dei dati genetici è quella di individuare la loro regolamentazione nell’ambito dell’ordinamento interno nonché ad evidenziare la genesi di tale normazione e, soprattutto, la tecnica utilizzata dall’autorità preposta, che ha inteso recepire (anche se il termine, per taluni atti, è improprio) nell’ambito dell’ordinamento italiano una moltitudine di atti normativi di rango internazione e sovranazionale, succedutisi sin dagli anni immediatamente successivi la fine del secondo conflitto mondiale. Mentre la prima parte della dissertazione commenta la normativa in materia di dati particolari, la seconda parte costituisce un corpo unico finalizzato a rappresentare la doppia faccia dei dati genetici, costituita, da un lato, dalla pericolosità -per i diritti della persona- del loro trattamento e, dall’altro, dalla indispensabilità del trattamento stesso per la tutela della salute dell’uomo, come singolo e come soggetto collettivo. Il lavoro pertanto si inserisce in un contesto in cui la regolamentazione nazionale dei dati genetici pare prima di tutto finalizzata anche alla codificazione di alcune libertà fondamentali fino al 2006 di creazione squisitamente e quasi esclusivamente dottrinale, al più con qualche accenno giurisprudenziale (v. sul punto il diritto di non sapere o, anche se si ritiene che lo stesso sia di fatto stato regolamentato dal Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali, il diritto all’autodeterminazione informativa) dei quali la tesi in commento individua la chiave regolatrice nell’ambito delle norme contenute nell’Autorizzazione del Garante. L’esame della normativa nazionale, costituita appunto dall’Autorizzazione emanata dal Garante ai sensi dell’art. 90 del Codice è pertanto svolto mediante un commento e, in alcuni punti, una critica costruttiva finalizzata ad evidenziare l’estrema difficoltà nella normazione di un trattamento che, da un lato, rischia di aggredire irrimediabilmente i diritti della persona e dall’altro è indispensabile per la tutela degli stessi.
Molecular profiling of Peripheral T-cell lymphomas not otherwise specified Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are a heterogeneous group of tumors that the WHO classification basically subdivides into specified and not otherwise specified (NOS). In Western countries, they represent around 12% of all non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In particular, PTCL/NOS is the commonest subtype, corresponding to about 60-70% of all T-cell lymphomas. However, it remains a complex entity showing great variety regarding either morphology, immunophenotype or clinical behavior. Specially, the molecular pathology of these tumors is still poorly known. In fact, many alteration were found, but no single genes were demonstrated to have a pathogenetic role. Recently, gene expression profiling (GEP) allowed the identification of PTCL/NOS-associated molecular signatures, leading to better understanding of their histogenesis, pathogenesis and prognostication. Interestingly, proliferation pathways are commonly altered in PTCLs, being highly proliferative cases characterized by poorer prognosis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possible role in PTCL/NOS pathogenesis of selected molecules, known to be relevant for proliferation control. In particular, we analyzed the cell cycle regulators PTEN and CDKN1B/p27, the NF-kB pathway, and the tyrosin kinase PDGFR. First, we found that PTEN and p27 seem to be regulated in PTCL/NOS as in normal T-lymphocytes, as to what expression and cellular localization are concerned, and do not present structural abnormalities in the vast majority of PTCL/NOS. Secondly, NF-kB pathway appeared to be variably activated in PTCL/NOS. In particular, according to NF-kB gene expression levels, the tumors could be divided into two clusters (C1 and C2). Specially, C1 corresponded to cases presenting with a global down-regulation of the entire pathway, while C2 showed over-expression of genes involved in TNF signaling. Notably, by immunohistochemistry, we showed that either the canonical or the alternative NK-kB pathway were activated in around 40% of cases. Finally, we found PGDFRA to be consistently over-expressed (at mRNA and protein level) and activated in almost all PTCLs/NOS. Noteworthy, when investigating possible causes for PDGFRA deregulation, we had evidences that PDGFR over-expression is due to the absence of miR-152, which appeared to be responsible for PDGFRA silencing in normal T-cells. Furthermore, we could demonstrate that its aberrant activation is sustained by an autocrine loop. Importantly, this is the first case, to the best of our knowledge, of hematological tumor in which tyrosin kinase aberrant activity is determined by deregulated miRNA expression and autocrine loop activation. Taken together, our results provide novel insight in PTCL/NOS pathogenesis by opening new intriguing scenarios for innovative therapeutic interventions.
The objective was to analyse population structure and to determine genetic diversity of Erysiphe necator (syn. Uncinula necator) populations obtained from some vineyards located in the South-East Po valley (Italy). Powdery mildew is one of the most important fungal diseases of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) throughout the world. The causal agent is the haploid, heterothallic ascomycete E. necator. It is an obligate biotrophic fungus and it can be found only on green organs of plants belonging to the family Vitaceae. For this pathogen, two sympatric populations (groups A and B) have been described in Europe and Australia. The two genetic groups differ at multiple genetic loci and previous studies reported a lack of interfertility among isolates of the two groups. There are now several well documented examples of plant pathogen species, such as Leptosphaeria maculans, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe syringae, which are indeed composed of genetically differentiated clades, that have led to the description of new groups or even new species. Several studies have suggested that genetic E. necator group A and B correlated with ecological features of the pathogen; some researchers proposed that group A isolates over-winter as resting mycelium within dormant buds, and in spring originate infected shoots, known as Flag shoots, while group B isolates would survive as ascospores in overwintering cleistothecia. However, the association between genetic groups and mode of over-wintering has been challenged by recent studies reporting that flag-shoot may be originated indifferently by group A or group B isolate. Previous studies observed a strong association between the levels of disease severity at the end of the growing season and the initial compositions of E. necator populations in commercial vineyards. The frequencies of E. necator genetic groups vary considerably among vineyards, and the two groups may coexist in the same vineyard. This finding suggests that we need more information on the genetics and epidemiology of E. necator for optimize the crop management In this study we monitored E. necator populations in different vineyards in Emilia – Romagna region (Italy), where the pathogen overwinters both as flagshoots and as cleistothecia. During the grape growing season, symptomatic leaves were sampled early in the growing season and both leaves and berries later during the epidemic growth of the disease. From each sample, single-conidial isolate was obtained. Each isolates was grown on V. vinifera leaf cv. Primitivo and after harvesting the mycelium, the DNA was purified and used as template for PCR amplification with SCAR primers (Sequences Characterised Amplified Region ), -tubulin, IGS sequences and Microsatellite markers (SSR). Amplified DNA from b-tubulin and IGS loci was digested with AciI and XhoI restriction enzymes, respectively, to show single-nucleotide polymorphisms specific for the two genetic groups. The results obtained indicated that SCAR primers are not useful to study the epidemiology. of E. necator conversely the b-tubulin IGS sequences and SSR. Summarize the results obtained with b-tubulin, IGS sequences, in treated vineyards we have found individuals of group B along all grape growing season, whereas in the untreated vineyard individuals of the two genetic groups A and B coexisted throughout the season, with no significant change of their frequency. DNA amplified from ascospores of single cleistothecia showed the presence of markers diagnostic for either groups A and B and were seldom observed also the coexistence of both groups within a claistothecium. These results indicate that individuals of the two groups mated in nature and were able to produced ascospores. With SSR we showed the possibility of recombination between A and B groups in field isolates. During winter, cleistothecia were collected repeatedly in the same vineyards sampling leaves fallen on ground, exfoliating bark from trunks, and from soil. From each substrate, was assess the percentage of cleistothecia containing viable ascospores. Our results confirmed that cleisthotecia contained viable ascospores, therefore they have the potential to be an additional and important source of primary inoculum in Emilia-Romagna vineyards.
Pharmacogenetic testing provides an outstanding opportunity to improve prescribing safety and efficacy. In Public health policy pharmacogenetics is relevant for personalized therapy and to maximize therapeutic benefit minimizing adverse events. CYP2D6 is known to be a key enzyme responsible for the biotransformation of about 25-30% of extensively used drugs and genetic variations in genes coding for drug-metabolizing enzymes might lead to adverse drug reactions, toxicity or therapeutic failure of pharmacotherapy. Significant interethnic differences in CYP2D6 allele distribution are well established, but immigration is reshaping the genetic background due to interethnic admixture which introduces variations in individual ancestry resulting in distinct level of population structure. The present thesis deals with the genetic determination of the CYP2D6 alleles actually present in the Emilia-Romagna resident population providing insights into the admixture process. A random sample of 122 natives and 175 immigrants from Africa, Asia and South America where characterized considering the present scenario of migration and back migration events. The results are consistent with the known interethnic genetic variation, but introduction of ethnic specific variants by immigrants predicts a heterogeneous admixed population scenario requiring, for drugs prescription and pharmacogenetics studies, an interdisciplinary approach applied in a properly biogeographical and anthropological frame. To translate pharmacogenetics knowledge into clinical practice requires appropriated public health policies, possibly guiding clinicians to evaluate prospectively which patients have the greatest probability of expressing a variant genotype.
Esta Tesis Doctoral analiza en profundidad el artículo 112 CP y propone una interpretación acorde con su naturaleza privada
Il Complesso I (CI) mitocondriale è uno dei target metabolici più promettenti nelle terapie anti- cancro. In particolare, la metformina è un inibitore noto del CI, capace di inibire la crescita delle cellule tumorali, ma non di eradicare la patologia. Recentemente, l’associazione metformina ed ipoglicemia si è rivelata letale per i tumori, sebbene l’efficacia terapeutica del trattamento sinergico possa essere influenzata dall’accumulo di alterazioni genetiche nei più noti drivers della tumorigenesi. Abbiamo così investigato l’effetto dello stress metabolico indotto dalla restrizione di glucosio in un pannello di linee cellulari tumorali con un severo deficit sul CI e con un diverso stato genetico di TP53. Il deficit del CI associato alla carenza di glucosio inducono un abbattimento dei livelli di espressione della proteina p53 mutata, ma non della controparte wild-type. Il fenomeno biologico osservato non dipende né da un blocco trascrizionale, né dall’innesco di vie di degradazione intracellulare, come proteasoma ed autofagia. La scomparsa di p53 mutata, invece, sembra dipendere da un blocco generale della sintesi proteica, verosimilmente indotto dallo stress energetico e nutrizionale. Nella controparte p53 wild-type, invece, si osserva solo una parziale riduzione della sintesi proteica, suggerendo l’innesco di possibili vie di adattamento per compensare il danno sul CI. La carenza di amminoacidi è una caratteristica dei tumori solidi che potrebbe essere esacerbata in condizioni di deficit generali della catena respiratoria mitocondriale. In particolare, l’inibizione del CI causa auxotrofia da aspartato, metabolita limitante per la proliferazione, condizione che potrebbe generare il blocco della sintesi proteica osservato. L’incremento di espressione dei livelli del trasportatore aspartato/glutatammato mediata da p53 mutata compensa l’auxotrofia da aspartato, identificando un meccanismo di adattamento al deficit del CI. Dunque, i risultati ottenuti sottolineano l’importanza di implementare la terapia anti-complesso I nel cancro, poiché il diverso stato di p53 può alterare l’efficacia del trattamento.