7 resultados para Classificació AMS::51 Geometry
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Commento testuale e contestuale di circa duecento fonti inedite e sconosciute alla storiografia sul ruolo di vicesegretario politico della DC di Giuseppe Dossetti, in particolare con riferimento allo scioglimento dei CLN, del referendum istituzionale, della organizzazione del partito e infine, della sua rottura politica con De Gasperi.
The present thesis is divided into two main research areas: Classical Cosmology and (Loop) Quantum Gravity. The first part concerns cosmological models with one phantom and one scalar field, that provide the `super-accelerated' scenario not excluded by observations, thus exploring alternatives to the standard LambdaCDM scenario. The second part concerns the spinfoam approach to (Loop) Quantum Gravity, which is an attempt to provide a `sum-over-histories' formulation of gravitational quantum transition amplitudes. The research here presented focuses on the face amplitude of a generic spinfoam model for Quantum Gravity.
In this study new tomographic models of Colombia were calculated. I used the seismicity recorded by the Colombian seismic network during the period 2006-2009. In this time period, the improvement of the seismic network yields more stable hypocentral results with respect to older data set and allows to compute new 3D Vp and Vp/Vs models. The final dataset consists of 10813 P- and 8614 S-arrival times associated to 1405 earthquakes. Tests with synthetic data and resolution analysis indicate that velocity models are well constrained in central, western and southwestern Colombia to a depth of 160 km; the resolution is poor in the northern Colombia and close to Venezuela due to a lack of seismic stations and seismicity. The tomographic models and the relocated seismicity indicate the existence of E-SE subducting Nazca lithosphere beneath central and southern Colombia. The North-South changes in Wadati-Benioff zone, Vp & Vp/Vs pattern and volcanism, show that the downgoing plate is segmented by slab tears E-W directed, suggesting the presence of three sectors. Earthquakes in the northernmost sector represent most of the Colombian seimicity and concentrated on 100-170 km depth interval, beneath the Eastern Cordillera. Here a massive dehydration is inferred, resulting from a delay in the eclogitization of a thickened oceanic crust in a flat-subduction geometry. In this sector a cluster of intermediate-depth seismicity (Bucaramanga Nest) is present beneath the elbow of the Eastern Cordillera, interpreted as the result of massive and highly localized dehydration phenomenon caused by a hyper-hydrous oceanic crust. The central and southern sectors, although different in Vp pattern show, conversely, a continuous, steep and more homogeneous Wadati-Benioff zone with overlying volcanic areas. Here a "normalthickened" oceanic crust is inferred, allowing for a gradual and continuous metamorphic reactions to take place with depth, enabling the fluid migration towards the mantle wedge.
AMS-02 is running after great scientific goals since one year and a half: a final setting up for dark matter searches has been achieved, allowing to study the so important antiparticle to particle ratios, which will probably be the first dark matter signals ever corroborated. Even if primary cosmic rays fluxes are subjected to a lot of uncertainties sources, some statements can be done and have been written down about dark matter properties: DM should be a heavy Majorana fermion or Spin 0 or 1 boson, with a mass from about 1 TeV to 10 TeV - unveiling a new TeV-ish search age - which could be able to originate antiparticle fluxes enhancements at high energies, both for positrons and antiprotons. All the observations, direct and indirect, point to these new paradigms or can be traced back to them quite easily. These enhancements perfectly fall into the research window of AMS-02, allowing the experiment to attack each today credible theory. Also an investigation of the Sommerfeld effect-associated dark boson will be possible, in terms of antiparticle to particle ratios substructures. The first great AMS-02 measurement is the positron fraction: an official paper is going to be submitted in few months, where the correct behavior of the apparatus will be reviewed and the full positron fraction rate will be analyzed up to 200 GeV. In this concern, one of the objectives of this work is to test the AMS-02 capability and versatility in doing these dark matter researches, thanks to an orbital temporal (and geomagnetic) stability. The goal has been accomplished: the experiment is very stable in time, so that the temporal error associated to the positron fraction measurement is compatible with zero, offering a beyond belief opportunity to measure CR antiparticle to particle ratios.