6 resultados para Classical Greece

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The present thesis is divided into two main research areas: Classical Cosmology and (Loop) Quantum Gravity. The first part concerns cosmological models with one phantom and one scalar field, that provide the `super-accelerated' scenario not excluded by observations, thus exploring alternatives to the standard LambdaCDM scenario. The second part concerns the spinfoam approach to (Loop) Quantum Gravity, which is an attempt to provide a `sum-over-histories' formulation of gravitational quantum transition amplitudes. The research here presented focuses on the face amplitude of a generic spinfoam model for Quantum Gravity.


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The Neolithic is characterized by the transition from a subsistence economy, based on hunting and gathering, to one based on food producing. This important change was paralleled by one of the most significant demographic increase in the recent history of European populations. The earliest Neolithic sites in Europe are located in Greece. However, the debate regarding the colonization route followed by the Middle-eastern farmers is still open. Based on archaeological, archaeobotanical, craniometric and genetic data, two main hypotheses have been proposed. The first implies the maritime colonization of North-eastern Peloponnesus from Crete, whereas the second points to an island hopping route that finally brought migrants to Central Greece. To test these hypotheses using a genetic approach, 206 samples were collected from the two Greek regions proposed as the arrival point of the two routes (Korinthian district and Euboea). Expectations for each hypothesis were compared with empirical observations based on the analysis of 60 SNPs and 26 microsatellite loci of Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region I. The analysis of Y-chromosome haplogroups revealed a strong genetic affinity of Euboea with Anatolian and Middle-eastern populations. The inferences of the time since population expansion suggests an earlier usage of agriculture in Euboea. Moreover, the haplogroup J2a-M410, supposed to be associated with the Neolithic transition, was observed at higher frequency and variance in Euboea showing, for both these parameters, a decreasing gradient moving from this area. The time since expansion estimates for J2a-M410 was found to be compatible with the Neolithic and slightly older in Euboea. The analysis of mtDNA resulted less informative. However, a higher genetic affinity of Euboea with Anatolian and Middle-eastern populations was confirmed. These results taken as a whole suggests that the most probable route followed by Neolithic farmers during the colonization of Greece was the island hopping route.


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Since the development of quantum mechanics it has been natural to analyze the connection between classical and quantum mechanical descriptions of physical systems. In particular one should expect that in some sense when quantum mechanical effects becomes negligible the system will behave like it is dictated by classical mechanics. One famous relation between classical and quantum theory is due to Ehrenfest. This result was later developed and put on firm mathematical foundations by Hepp. He proved that matrix elements of bounded functions of quantum observables between suitable coherents states (that depend on Planck's constant h) converge to classical values evolving according to the expected classical equations when h goes to zero. His results were later generalized by Ginibre and Velo to bosonic systems with infinite degrees of freedom and scattering theory. In this thesis we study the classical limit of Nelson model, that describes non relativistic particles, whose evolution is dictated by Schrödinger equation, interacting with a scalar relativistic field, whose evolution is dictated by Klein-Gordon equation, by means of a Yukawa-type potential. The classical limit is a mean field and weak coupling limit. We proved that the transition amplitude of a creation or annihilation operator, between suitable coherent states, converges in the classical limit to the solution of the system of differential equations that describes the classical evolution of the theory. The quantum evolution operator converges to the evolution operator of fluctuations around the classical solution. Transition amplitudes of normal ordered products of creation and annihilation operators between coherent states converge to suitable products of the classical solutions. Transition amplitudes of normal ordered products of creation and annihilation operators between fixed particle states converge to an average of products of classical solutions, corresponding to different initial conditions.


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Il ritrovamento della Casa dei due peristili a Phoinike ha aperto la strada a un’intensa opera di revisione di tutti i dati relativi all’edilizia domestica nella regione, con studi comparativi verso nord (Illiria meridionale) e verso sud (il resto dell’Epiro, ovvero Tesprozia e Molossia). Tutta quest’area della Grecia nord-occidentale è stata caratterizzata nell’antichità da un’urbanizzazione scarsa numericamente e tardiva cronologicamente (non prima del IV sec. a.C.), a parte ovviamente le colonie corinzio-corciresi di area Adriatico- Ionica d’età arcaica (come Ambracia, Apollonia, Epidamnos). A un’urbanistica di tipo razionale e programmato (ad es. Cassope, Orraon, Gitani in Tesprozia, Antigonea in Caonia) si associano numerosi casi di abitati cresciuti soprattutto in rapporto alla natura del suolo, spesso diseguale e montagnoso (ad es. Dymokastro/Elina in Tesprozia, Çuka e Aitoit nella Kestrine), talora semplici villaggi fortificati, privi di una vera fisionomia urbana. D’altro canto il concetto classico di polis così come lo impieghiamo normalmente per la Grecia centro-meridionale non ha valore qui, in uno stato di tipo federale e dominato dall’economia del pascolo e della selva. In questo contesto l’edilizia domestica assume caratteri differenti fra IV e I sec. a.C.: da un lato le città ortogonali ripetono schemi egualitari con poche eccezioni, soprattutto alle origini (IV sec. a.C., come a Cassope e forse a Gitani), dall’altro si delinea una spiccata differenziazione a partire dal III sec., quando si adottano modelli architettonici differenti, come i peristili, indizio di una più forte differenziazione sociale (esemplari i casi di Antigonea e anche di Byllis in Illiria meridionale). I centri minori e fortificati d’altura impiegano formule abitative più semplici, che sfruttano l’articolazione del terreno roccioso per realizzare abitazioni a quote differenti, utilizzando la roccia naturale anche come pareti o pavimenti dei vani.