54 resultados para Castello del Buonconsiglio (Trento, Italy)

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Throughout the alpine domain, shallow landslides represent a serious geologic hazard, often causing severe damages to infrastructures, private properties, natural resources and in the most catastrophic events, threatening human lives. Landslides are a major factor of landscape evolution in mountainous and hilly regions and represent a critical issue for mountainous land management, since they cause loss of pastoral lands. In several alpine contexts, shallow landsliding distribution is strictly connected to the presence and condition of vegetation on the slopes. With the aid of high-resolution satellite images, it's possible to divide automatically the mountainous territory in land cover classes, which contribute with different magnitude to the stability of the slopes. The aim of this research is to combine EO (Earth Observation) land cover maps with ground-based measurements of the land cover properties. In order to achieve this goal, a new procedure has been developed to automatically detect grass mantle degradation patterns from satellite images. Moreover, innovative surveying techniques and instruments are tested to measure in situ the shear strength of grass mantle and the geomechanical and geotechnical properties of these alpine soils. Shallow landsliding distribution is assessed with the aid of physically based models, which use the EO-based map to distribute the resistance parameters across the landscape.


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It is well known that the deposition of gaseous pollutants and aerosols plays a major role in causing the deterioration of monuments and built cultural heritage in European cities. Despite of many studies dedicated to the environmental damage of cultural heritage, in case of cement mortars, commonly used in the 20th century architecture, the deterioration due to air multipollutants impact, especially the formation of black crusts, is still not well explored making this issue a challenging area of research. This work centers on cement mortars – environment interactions, focusing on the diagnosis of the damage on the modern built heritage due to air multi-pollutants. For this purpose three sites, exposed to different urban areas in Europe, were selected for sampling and subsequent laboratory analyses: Centennial Hall, Wroclaw (Poland), Chiesa dell'Autostrada del Sole, Florence (Italy), Casa Galleria Vichi, Florence (Italy). The sampling sessions were performed taking into account the height from the ground level and protection from rain run off (sheltered, partly sheltered and exposed areas). The complete characterization of collected damage layer and underlying materials was performed using a range of analytical techniques: optical and scanning electron microscopy, X ray diffractometry, differential and gravimetric thermal analysis, ion chromatography, flash combustion/gas chromatographic analysis, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The data were elaborated using statistical methods (i.e. principal components analyses) and enrichment factor for cement mortars was calculated for the first time. The results obtained from the experimental activity performed on the damage layers indicate that gypsum, due to the deposition of atmospheric sulphur compounds, is the main damage product at surfaces sheltered from rain run-off at Centennial Hall and Casa Galleria Vichi. By contrast, gypsum has not been identified in the samples collected at Chiesa dell'Autostrada del Sole. This is connected to the restoration works, particularly surface cleaning, regularly performed for the maintenance of the building. Moreover, the results obtained demonstrated the correlation between the location of the building and the composition of the damage layer: Centennial Hall is mainly undergoing to the impact of pollutants emitted from the close coal power stations, whilst Casa Galleria Vichi is principally affected by pollutants from vehicular exhaust in front of the building.


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Lo scavo della chiesa di Santa MAria Maggiore ha permesso di acquisire nuove importanti informazioni sulla storia della città di Trento, sulla città tardo antica e sul processo di cristianizzazione. Il primo impianto ecclesiastico, datato a dopo la metà del V d. C. secolo, sorge su un precedente impianto termale realizzato intorno al II secolo d. C. ed appare caratterizzato da un forte carattere monumentale. La chiesa, a tre navate, presentava un presbiterio rialzato decorato in una prima fase da un opus sectile poi sostituito nel VI secolo da un mosaico policromo. Sono state rinvenute inoltre, parti consistenti della decorazione architettonica di fine VIII secolo pertinente questo stesso impianto che non subirà importanti modifiche fino alla realizzazione del successivo edificio di culto medievale, meno esteso e dai caratteri decisamente meno monumentali, caratterizzato dalla presenza di un esteso campo cimiteriale rinvenuto a nord della chiesa. A questo impianto ne succede un terzo, probabilmente a due navate, e dalla ricca decorazione pittorica demolito in età tardo rinascimentale per la realizzazione della chiesa attuale.


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La presente ricerca di dottorato consiste in un’analisi di carattere politico ed istituzionale dei poteri signorili e territoriali, collegati a distretti castrensi, documentati nella Romagna nord-occidentale durante il pieno medioevo. L’indagine mira a ricostruire, principalmente attraverso fonti documentarie, alcune delle quali inedite, la geografia dei poteri in un’area sub-regionale, con particolare attenzione al fenomeno della signoria rurale, dei poteri comitali e dell’incastellamento. Partendo dallo studio di una realtà locale, la ricerca arriva a sviluppare argomentazioni di carattere generale, ricollegandosi al dibattito storiografico sui poteri signorili e l’incastellamento. La ricerca risulta incentrata sui soggetti politici, laici ed ecclesiastici, detentori dei castelli e dei poteri pubblici nella Bassa Romagna, in primo luogo gli arcivescovi di Ravenna, i vescovi e i conti di Imola, le famiglie comitali di Cunio, Bagnacavallo e Donigallia nei secoli XI-XIII. L'attenzione si concentra, in particolare, sulla fase del cosiddetto “secondo incastellamento” e sui decenni a cavaliere tra XII e XIII secolo, con il tentativo di espansione dei comuni nel contado e la formalizzazione dei poteri dei signori rurali da parte dei sovrani svevi. Proprio alla complessa interazione con il mondo cittadino e allo stretto rapporto dei Cunio e dei Malvicini con la corte di Federico II viene dato ampio spazio nei capitoli conclusivi del presente lavoro.


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The recent reform in European antitrust enforcement is embodied in Regolation n. 1/2003/ Ce and related Communications. Since 2004 when it came into force, some crytical assessments can already be made. The work starts from some technical analysis of the reform, under a procedural perspective, to assess the proceedings’ real impact on parties’ rights and to criticize its limits. Decentralisation has brought about more complicacies, since community procedural systems are not harmonized, neither in their administrative rules, nor in their civil proceedings, which are all involved in the European antitrust network. Therefore, antitrust proceedings end un as being more jurisdictional in their effects than in their guarentees, which is a flaw to be mended by legislators. National laws shoud be harmonized, community law should be clarified and the system should turn more honestly towards a rationalized jurisdiction-cented mechanism. Otherwise, parties defense rights and the overall efficiency are put into doubt. Italy is a good exemple of how many colmlicacies can outburst from national procedures and national decentralised application. An uncertain pattern of judicial control, together with unclear relationships among the institutions to cooperate in the antitrust network can produce more problems than they aim to solve. As to the private enforcement, Regulation n.1 does not even attempt to give precise regulation to this underdeveloped sector. A continual comparison with U.S. system has brought the Commission to become aware both of the risks and of the advanteges of an increased civil antitrust litigation in fronto of national judges. In order to substain a larger development of this parallel and, presently, difficult way of judicial compensation, it is presently ongoing a consultation among states to find suitable incentives to make private enforcement more appealing and effective. The solution to this lack of private litigation is not to be sought in Regulation n. 1 which calls into action national legislators and proceedures to implement further improvements. As a conclusion, Regulation n. 1 is the outpost of an ambitious community design to create an efficient control mechanism over antitrust violations. It focuses on Commission proceedings, powers and sanctions in order to establish deterrence, then it highlights civil litigation perspectives and it involves directly states into antitrust application. It seems that more could be done to technically shape administrative proceedings in a more jurisdictionally oriented form, then to clarify respective roles and coordination mecanisms in order to prevent difficulties easy to forsee. Some of jurisprudential suggestions have been accepted, but much more is left to be done in the future to improve european antitrust enforcement system.


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Il modello afflussi-deflussi e di erosione Kineros2, fisicamente basato, distribuito e a scala di evento, è stato applicato a due bacini idrografici montani della provincia di Bologna (Italia) al fine di testare e valutare il suo funzionamento in ambiente appenninico. Dopo la parametrizzazione dei due bacini, Kineros2 è stato calibrato e validato utilizzando dati sperimentali di portata e di concentrazione dei solidi sospesi, collezionati alla chiusura dei bacini grazie alla presenza di due stazioni di monitoraggio idrotorbidimetrico. La modellazione ha consentito di valutare la capacità del modello di riprodurre correttamente le dinamiche idrologiche osservate, nonchè di trarre conclusioni sulle sue potenzialità e limitazioni.


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This doctoral dissertation faces the debated topic of the traditions of Republicanism in the Modern Age assuming, as a point of view, the problem of the "mixed" government. The research therefore dwells upon the use of this model in Sixteenth-Century Italy, also in connection with the historical events of two standard Republics such as Florence and Venice. The work focuses on Donato Giannotti (1492-1573), Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542) and Paolo Paruta (1540-1598), as the main figures in order to reconstruct the debate on "mixed" constitution: in them, decisive in the attention paid to the peculiar structure of the Venetian Republic, the only of a certain dimension and power to survive after 1530. The research takes into account also the writings of Traiano Boccalini (1556-1613): he himself, though being involved in the same topics of debate, sets for some aspects his considerations in the framework of a new theme, that of Reason of State.


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Sociology of work in Italy revived at the end of WWII, after thirty years of forced oblivion. This thesis examines the history of discipline by considering three paths that it followed from its revival up to its institutionalization: the influence of the productivity drive, the role of trade unions and the activity of early young researchers. European Productivity Agency's Italian office Comitato Nazionale per la Produttività propagandised studies on management and on the effects of the industrialization on work and society. Academicians, technicians, psychologists who worked for CNP started rethinking sociology of work, but the managerial use of sociology was unacceptable for both trade unions and young researchers. So “free union” CISL created a School in Florence with an eager attention to social sciences as a medium to become a new model union, while Marxist CGIL, despite its ideological aversion to sociology, finally accepted the social sciences lexicon in order to explain the work changes and to resist against the employers' association offensive. On the other hand, political and social engagement led a first generation of sociologists to study social phenomenon in the recently industrialized Italy by using the sociological analysis. Finally, the thesis investigate the cultural transfers from France, whose industrial sociology (sociologie du travail) was considered as a reference in continental Europe. Nearby the wide importance of French sociologie, financially aided by planning institutions in order to employ it in the industrial reconstruction, other minor experiences such as the social surveys accomplished by worker-priests in the suburbs of industrial cities and the heterodox Marxism of the review “Socialisme ou Barbarie” influenced Italian sociology of work.


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(U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses of apatite along deep-seated tunnels crossing high-relief mountain ranges offer the opportunity to investigate climate and tectonic forcing on the topographic evolution. In this study, the thermochronologic analysis of a large set of samples collected in the Simplon railway tunnel (western-central Alps; Italy and Switzerland) and along its surface trace, coupled with kinematic and structural analysis of major fault zones intersecting the tunnel, constrains the phenomena controlling the topographic and structural evolution, during the latest stage of exhumation of the Simplon Massif, and the timing in which they operated. The study area is located at the western margin of the Lepontine metamorphic dome where a complex nappe-stack pertaining to the Penninic and Ultrahelvetic domains experienced a fast exhumation from the latest Oligocene onward. The exhumation was mainly accommodated by a west-dipping low-angle detachment (the Simplon Fault Zone) which is located just 8 km to the west of the tunnel. However, along the section itself several faults related to two principal phases both with important dip-slip kinematics have been detected. Cooling rates derived from our thermocronological data vary from about 10 °C/Ma at about 10 Ma to about 35 °C/Ma in the last 5 Ma. Such increase in the cooling rate corresponds to the most important climatic change recorded in the northern hemisphere in the last 10 Ma, i.e. the shift to wetter conditions at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis and the inception of glacial cycles in the northern hemisphere. In addition, (U-Th)/He and fission-track age patterns lack of important correlation with the topography suggesting that the present-day relief morphology is the result of recent erosional dynamics. More in details, the (U-Th)/He tunnel ages show an impressive uniformity at 2 Ma, whereas cooling rates calculated at 1 Ma increase towards the two major valleys. This indicates a focusing of erosive processes in the valleys which led to the shaping of present-day topography. Structural analysis documents the presence of two phases of brittle deformation postdating the metamorphic phases in the area. The first one is directly related to the last phase of activity along the Simplon Fault Zone and is characterized by extension towards SO and vertical shortening. The young one is characterized by extension towards NO and horizontal shortening in a along the NE-SO direction. Structures related to the first phase of brittle deformation generate important variations in the older ages' dataset, until 3 Ma, suggesting that tectonics controlled rocks exhumation up to that age. Structures related to the second phase generate some variations also in the younger age dataset, highlighting the activity of faults bordering the massif and suggesting a continuous activity also after 2 Ma. However, most of (U-Th)/He tunnel ages, varying slightly around 2 Ma, document that the Simplon area has experienced primarily erosional exhumation in this time span. In conclusion, all our data suggest that in the central Italian Alps the climatic signal gradually overrode the tectonic effects after about 5 Ma, as a consequence of the climatic instability started at end of Messinian salinity crisis and improved by the onset of glaciations in the northern hemisphere.


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Angela da Foligno’s Liber is a fundamental text for the scholar of Women Mystics between the XIIIth and the XIVth century in Italy and all over Europe, and it has been chosen in my research because of its originality, with refer of its feminine and franciscan essence. Angela teaches to the italian hagiographic tradition the internal point of view of the holy woman, who becomes the teller of her both ordinary and extraordinary experiences. After giving references about the religious and social historical universe in evolution during the XIIth century, my research proceeds with a linguistic and rhetorical analysis based upon the Liber. I have been searching in Angela’s text and in contemporary italian feminine hagiography the sensory metaphor of “tasting”. That kind of metaphor has an ancient memory and, thanks to the Origene’s studies - the Christian Father of the IIIrd century - we can easily recognize it already in the Bible; Origene identifies the sensory metaphor as a rhetoric system, able to exemplify the God learning process of soul. Theory of “spiritual senses”, theory of vision and rhetoric, evolving from the IIIrd to the XIIIth century, are the theological and linguistic heritage of our feminine and franciscan literature. Inside of that, the metaphor of “tasting” moves and changes, therefore becoming the favourite way of mystics to represent the contact of their souls with God.


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After having covered the international regulation in the labour market and in the control mechanisms fighting the irregular and the concealed labour, the Author concentrates on the Italian system’s answers to the requests coming from the European Union. Starting from the White Book on the labour market in Italy, the problems originated by the Legislative Decree 124/2004 and, moreover, those which have affected the fight against the concealed labour are dealt with. The aim study is to verify that the juridical regulation adopted by the national lawmaker has contributed to solve the problems connected to the labour flexibility and the consequent temporary employment. The analysis of the problems has led to the conclusion that, regardless the lawmaker’s good intentions, the basic principles of the national juridical system do not allow the achievement of a full realization of the objectives. This is mainly because the lack of effective systems to protect the flexible employees often treated as temporary employees, and because of the difficulties to introduce the legal culture on which the whole system should stand.


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Introduzione La diagnosi di HCC con le tecniche di immagine ed in particolare con CEUS su fegato cirrotico secondo le ultime linee guida prevede un comportamento contrastografico di ipervascolarizzazione nella fase arteriosa e wash-out nella fase tardiva. CEUS è ormai una metodica accettata per la diagnosi ma il wash out nella fase tardiva presenta notevoli difficoltà nel determinare il comportamento contrastografico in quanto valutato soggettivamente su display, infatti il giudizio di tale fase dipende molto dall’operatore e non è rarissimo che nascono discordanza tra operatori anche per piccole differenze. Recentemente è stato proposto un nuovo software(SonoLiver, Bracco, Italy) in grado di quantificare la perfusione delle lesione durante CEUS. Pertanto lo scopo di questo studio pilota è quello di valutare l’impatto di SonoLiver nel rilevare caratteristiche contrastografiche tipiche dell’HCC e valutare la riproducibilità tra due operatori. Pazienti e metodi: Sono stati presi in considerazione 20 noduli (di dimensioni tra 12-95 mm) con diagnosi di HCC in 20 pazienti con cirrosi . La CEUS è stata valutata dapprima ad occhio nudo su display e successivamente con le curve ottenute con DVP da parte di due operatori diversi in cieco, dopo un periodo di formazione adeguata. Sono state quindi analizzate le performance di ciascuna metodica sia in termini di variabilità tra i due operatori che la variabilità tra CEUS ad occhio nudo e CEUS con SonoLiver dello stesso operatore. Risultati:Operatore 1 ha rilevato ipervascolarizzazione in fase arteriosa in 17 su 20 pazienti con valutazione ad occhio nudo su schermo e su 19/20 con le curve ottenute con DVP (+10% sensibilità) mentre operatore 2 ha rilevato ipervascolarizzazione in fase arteriosa19/20 pazienti sia con valutazione ad occhio nudo che con le curve DVP. Nella fase tardiva il wash-out è stato rilevato in 7/20 ad occhio nudo e 10/20 pazienti con le curve DVP (sensibilità aumenta da 35% a 50%) mentre operatore 2 ha rilevato rispettivamente 8/20 e 11/20 (sensibilità aumenta da 40% a 55%). La riproducibilità tra i due operatori rimane invariata con la valutazione di Sonoliver sia nella fase arteriosa che nella fase tardiva. Conclusione:La quantificazione perfusionale con SonoLiver sembra essere uno strumento promettente nella diagnosi di HCC su fegato cirrotico, aumentando aspetti tipici contrastografici.


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Il lavoro ripercorre le tracce che gli ebrei portoghesi, esuli dopo il biennio 1496-97, lasciarono nel loro cammino attraverso l'Europa. In particolare, l'interesse si concentra sulla breve parentesi italiana, che grazie all'apertura e alla disponibilità  di alcuni Signori, come i Gonzaga di Mantova, i Medici, i Dogi della Serenissima e gli Este, risulta ricchissima di avvenimenti e personaggi, decisivi anche per la storia culturale del Portogallo. L'analisi parte evidenziando l'importanza che ebbe la tipografia ebraica in Portogallo all'epoca della sua introduzione nel Paese; in secondo luogo ripercorre la strada che, dal biennio del primo decreto di espulsione e del conseguente battesimo di massa, porta alla nascita dell'€™Inquisizione in Portogallo. Il secondo capitolo tenta di fare una ricostruzione, il più possibile completa e coerente, dei movimenti degli esuli, bollati come marrani e legati alle due maggiori famiglie, i Mendes e i Bemveniste, delineando poi il primo nucleo di quella che diventerà  nel Seicento la comunità  sefardita portoghese di Amsterdam, dove nasceranno le personalità  dissidenti di Uriel da Costa e del suo allievo Spinoza. Il terzo capitolo introduce il tema delle opere letterarie, effettuando una rassegna dei maggiori volumi editi dalle officine tipografiche ebraiche stanziatesi in Italia fra il 1551 e il 1558, in modo particolare concentrando l'attenzione sull'€™attività  della tipografia Usque, da cui usciranno numerosi testi di precettistica in lingua ebraica, ma soprattutto opere cruciali come la famosa «Bibbia Ferrarese» in castigliano, la «Consolação às Tribulações de Israel», di Samuel Usque e la raccolta composta dal romanzo cavalleresco «Menina e Moça» di Bernardim Ribeiro e dall'ecloga «Crisfal», di un autore ancora non accertato. L'ultimo capitolo, infine, si propone di operare una disamina di queste ultime tre opere, ritenute fondamentali per ricostruire il contesto letterario e culturale in cui la comunità  giudaica in esilio agiva e proiettava le proprie speranze di futuro. Per quanto le opere appartengano a generi diversi e mostrino diverso carattere, l'€™ipotesi è che siano parte di un unicum filosofico e spirituale, che intendeva sostanzialmente indicare ai confratelli sparsi per l'Europa la direzione da prendere, fornendo un sostegno teoretico, psicologico ed emotivo nelle difficili condizioni di sopravvivenza, soprattutto dell'integrità religiosa, di ciascun membro della comunità.