12 resultados para C-terminal Fragment
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In Group B Streptococcus (GBS) three structurally distinct types of pili have been discovered as potential virulence factors and vaccine candidates. The pilus-forming proteins are assembled into high-molecular weight polymers via a transpeptidation mechanism mediated by specific class C sortases. Using a multidisciplinary approach including bioinformatics, structural and biochemical studies and in vivo mutagenesis we performed a broad characterization of GBS sortase C. The high resolution X-ray structure of the enzymes revealed that the active site, located into the β-barrel core of the enzyme, is made of the catalytic triad His157-Cys219-Arg228 and covered by a loop, known as the “lid”. We show that the catalytic triad and the predicted N- and C-terminal trans-membrane regions are required for the enzyme activity. Interestingly, by in vivo complementation mutagenesis studies we found that the deletion of the entire lid loop or mutations in specific lid key residues had no effect on catalytic activity of the enzyme. In addition, kinetic characterizations of recombinant enzymes indicate that the lid mutants can still recognize and cleave the substrate-mimicking peptide at least as well as the wild type protein.
CD33 is a myeloid cell surface marker absent on normal hematopoietic stem cells and normal tissues but present on leukemic blasts in 90% of adult and paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cases. By virtue of its expression pattern and its ability to be rapidly internalized after antibody binding, CD33 has become an attractive target for new immunotherapeutic approaches to treat AML. In this study two immunoconjugates were constructed to contain a humanised single-chain fragment variable antibody (scFv) against CD33 in order to create new antibody-derived therapeutics for AML. The first immunoconjugate was developed to provide targeted delivery of siRNAs as death effectors into leukemic cells. To this purpose, a CD33-specific scFv, modified to include a Cys residue at its C-terminal end (scFvCD33-Cys), was coupled through a disulphide bridge to a nona-d-arginine (9R) peptide carrying a free Cys to the N-terminal. The scFvCD33-9R was able to completely bind siRNAs at a protein to nucleic acid ratio of about 10:1, as confirmed by electrophoretic gel mobility-shift assay. The conjugate was unable to efficiently transduce cytotoxic siRNA (siTox) into the human myeloid cell line U937. We observed slight reductions in cell viability, with a reduction of 25% in comparison to the control group only at high concentration of siTox (300 nM). The second immunoconjugate was constructed by coupling the scFvCD33-Cys to the type 1 ribosome inactivating protein Dianthin 30 (DIA30) through a chemical linking The resulting immunotoxin scFvCD33-DIA30 caused the rapid arrest of protein synthesis, inducing apoptosis and leading ultimately to cell death. In vitro dose-dependent cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that scFvCD33-DIA30 was specifically toxic to CD33-positive cell U937. The concentration needed to reach 50 % of maximum killing efficiency (EC50) was approximately 0.3 nM. The pronounced antigen-restricted cytotoxicity of this novel agent makes it a candidate for further evaluation of its therapeutic potential.
Faithful replication of DNA from one generation to the next is crucial for long-term species survival. Genomic integrity in prokaryotes, archaea and eukaryotes is dependent on efficient and accurate catalysis by multiple DNA polymerases. Escherichia coli possesses five known DNA polymerases (Pol). DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is the major replicative polymerase of the Escherichia coli chromosome (Kornberg, 1982). This enzyme contains two Pol III cores that are held together by a t dimer (Studwell-Vaughan and O’Donnell, 1991). The core is composed of three different proteins named α-, ε- and θ-subunit. The α-subunit, encoded by dnaE, contains the catalytic site for DNA polymerisation (Maki and Kornberg, 1985), the ε-subunit, encoded by dnaQ, contains the 3′→5′ proofreading exonuclease (Scheuermann, et al., 1983) and the θ-subunit, encoded by hole, that has no catalytic activity (Studwell-Vaughan, and O'Donnell, 1983). The three-subunit α–ε–θ DNA pol III complex is the minimal active polymerase form purified from the DNA pol III holoenzyme complex; these three polypeptides are tightly associated in the core (McHenry and Crow, 1979) Despite a wealth of data concerning the properties of DNA polymerase III in vitro, little information is available on the assembly in vivo of this complex enzyme. In this study it is shown that the C-terminal region of the proofreading subunit is labile and that the ClpP protease and the molecular chaperones GroL and DnaK control the overall concentration in vivo of ε. Two α-helices (comprising the residues E311-M335 and G339-D353, respectively) of the N-terminal region of the polymerase subunit were shown to be essential for the binding to ε. These informations could be utilized to produce a conditional mutator strain in which proofreading activity would be titrated by a a variant that can only bind e and that is polymerase-deficient. In this way the replication of DNA made by DNA Pol-III holoenzyme would accordingly become error-prone.
Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (EDA), is the most frequent form among Ectodermal Dysplasias, hereditary genetic disorders causing ectodermal appendages defective development. Indeed, EDA is characterized by defective formation of hair follicles, sweat glands and teeth both in human patients and animals. EDA, the gene mutated in Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, encodes Ectodysplasin, a TNF family member that activates NF-kB mediated transcription. This disease can occur with mutations in other EDA-NF-kB pathway members, as EDA receptor, EDAR and its adapter, EDARADD. Moreover, mutations in TRAF6, NEMO, IKB and NF-kBs genes are responsible for Immunodeficiency associated EDA (EDA-ID). Several molecules, as SHH, WNT/DKK, BMP and LTβ, have already been reported to be EDA pathway regulators or effectors although the knowledge of the full spectrum of EDA targets remains incomplete. During the first part of the research project a gene expression analysis was performed in primary keratinocytes from Wild-type and Tabby (EDA model mouse) mice to identify novel EDA target genes. Earlier expression profiling at various developmental time points in Tabby and Wild-type mouse skin reported genes differentially expressed in the two samples and, to increase the resolution to find genes whose expression may be restricted to epidermal cells, the study was extended to primary keratinocyte cultures established from E19 Wild-type and Tabby skin. Using microarrays bearing 44,000 gene probes, we found 385 “preliminary candidate” genes whose expression was significantly affected by Eda defect. By comparing expression profiles to those from Eda-A1 (where Eda-A1 is highly expressed) transgenic skin, we restricted the list to 38 “candidate EDA targets”, 14 of which were already known to be expressed in hair follicles or epidermis. This work confirmed expression changes for 3 selected genes, Tbx1, Bmp7, and Jag1, both in primary keratinocytes and in Wild-type and Tabby whole skin, by Q-PCR and Western blotting analyses. Thus, this study detected novel candidate pathways downstream of EDA. In the second part of the research project, plasmid constructs were produced and analyzed to create a transgenic mouse model for Immunodeficiency associated EDA disease (XL-EDA-ID). In particular, plasmids containing mouse Wild-type and mutated Nemo cDNA under K-17 epidermis-specific promoter control and a Flag tag, were prepared, on the way to confine transgene expression to mice epidermis and to determine EDA phenotype without immunodeficiency for a comparison to Tabby model phenotype. EDA-ID mutations reported in patients and selected for this study are: C417R (C409R in mouse), causing Zinc Finger protein domain destabilization and A288G (A282G in mouse) affecting oligomerization of the protein. Moreover, the ex-novo mutation, ZnF, C-terminal Zinc Finger domain deletion, was tested. Thus, the constructs were analyzed by transient transfection, Western blotting and luciferase assays techniques, detecting Nemo Wild-type and mutant protein products and residue NF-kB activity in presence of mutants, after TNF stimulation. In particular, MEF_Nemo-/- cell line was used to monitor NF-kB activity without endogenous Nemo gene. Results show reduced NF-kB activity in presence of mutated Nemo forms compared to Wild-type: 81% for A282G (A288G in human); 24% for C409R (C417R in human); 15% for ZnF. C409R mutation (C417R in human), reported in 6 EDA-ID human patients, was selected to prepare transgenic model mouse. Mice (white, FVP) born following K17-promoter-Flag-Nemo_C409R plasmid region pronuclear injection, were analyzed for the transgene presence in the genotype and a preliminar examination of their phenotype was performed. In particular, one mouse showed considerable coat defects if compared to Wild-type mice. This preliminar analysis suggests a possible influence of Nemo mutant over-expression in epidermis without immunodeficiency. Still, more microscopic studies to analyze hair subtypes, Guard, Awl and Zigzag (usually alterated inTabby mouse model), Immunohistochemistry experiments to detect epidermis restricted Nemo expression and sweat glands analysis, will follow. This and other transgene positive mice will be crossed with black mice C57BL6 to obtain at least two indipendent agouti lines to analyze. Theses mice will be used in EDA target genes detection through microarrays. Following, plasmid constructs containing other Nemo mutant forms (A282G and ZnF) might be studied by the same experimental approaches to prepare more transgenic model mice to compare to Nemo_C409R and Tabby mouse models.
Herpes simplex virus entry into cells requires a multipartite fusion apparatus made of gD, gB and heterodimer gH/gL. gD serves as receptor-binding glycoprotein and trigger of fusion; its ectodomain is organized in a N-terminal domain carrying the receptor-binding sites, and a C-terminal domain carrying the profusion domain, required for fusion but not receptor-binding. gB and gH/gL execute fusion. To understand how the four glycoproteins cross-talk to each other we searched for biochemical defined complexes in infected and transfected cells, and in virions. We report that gD formed complexes with gB in absence of gH/gL, and with gH/gL in absence of gB. Complexes with similar composition were formed in infected and transfected cells. They were also present in virions prior to entry, and did not increase at virus fusion with cell. A panel of gD mutants enabled the preliminary location of part of the binding site in gD to gB to the aa 240-260 portion and downstream, with T306P307 as critical residues, and of the binding site to gH/gL at aa 260-310 portion, with P291P292 as critical residues. The results indicate that gD carries composite independent binding sites for gB and gH/gL, both of which partly located in the profusion domain. The second part of the project dealt with rational design of peptides inhibiting virus entry has been performed. Considering gB and gD, the crystal structure is known, so we designed peptides that dock in the structure or prevent the adoption of the final conformation of target molecule. Considering the other glycoproteins, of which the structure is not known, peptide libraries were analyzed. Among several peptides, some were identified as active, designed on glycoprotein B. Two of them were further analyzed. We identified peptide residues fundamental for the inhibiting activity, suggesting a possible mechanism of action. Furthermore, changing the flexibility of peptides, an increased activity was observed,with an EC50 under 10μM. New approaches will try to demonstrate the direct interaction between these peptides and the target glycoprotein B.
Intrinsic uncoupling in the ATP synthase of Escherichia coli. Studies on WT and ε-truncated mutants
The H+/ATP ratio in the catalysis of ATP synthase has generally been considered a fixed parameter. However, Melandri and coworkers have recently shown that, in the ATP synthase of the photosynthetic bacterium Rb.capsulatus, this ratio can significantly decrease during ATP hydrolysis when the concentration of either ADP or Pi is maintained at a low level (Turina et al., 2004). The present work has dealt with the ATP synthase of E.coli, looking for evidence of this phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling in this organism as well. First of all, we have shown that the DCCD-sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity of E.coli internal membranes was strongly inhibited by ADP and Pi, with a half-maximal effect in the submicromolar range for ADP and at 140 µM for Pi. In contrast to this monotonic inhibition, however, the proton pumping activity of the enzyme, as estimated under the same conditions by the fluorescence quenching of the ÎpH-sensitive probe ACMA, showed a clearly biphasic progression, both for Pi, increasing from 0 up to approximately 200 µM, and for ADP, increasing from 0 up to a few µM. We have interpreted these results as indicating that the occupancy of ADP and Pi binding sites shifts the enzyme from a partially uncoupled state to a fully coupled state, and we expect that the ADP- and Pi-modulated intrinsic uncoupling is likely to be a general feature of prokaryotic ATP synthases. Moreover, the biphasicity of the proton pumping data suggested that two Pi binding sites are involved. In order to verify whether the same behaviour could be observed in the isolated enzyme, we have purified the ATP synthase of E.coli and reconstituted it into liposomes. Similarly as observed in the internal membrane preparation, in the isolated and reconstituted enzyme it was possible to observe inhibition of the hydrolytic activity by ADP and Pi (with half-maximal effects at few µM for ADP and at 400 µM for Pi) with a concomitant stimulation of proton pumping. Both the inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and the stimulation of proton pumping as a function of Pi were lost upon ADP removal by an ADP trap. These data have made it possible to conclude that the results obtained in E.coli internal membranes are not due to the artefactual interference of enzymatic activities other than the ones of the ATP synthase. In addition, data obtained with liposomes have allowed a calibration of the ACMA signal by ÎpH transitions of known extent, leading to a quantitative evaluation of the proton pumping data. Finally, we have focused our efforts on searching for a possible structural candidate involved in the phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling. The ε-subunit of the ATP-synthase is known as an endogenous inhibitor of the hydrolysis activity of the complex and appears to undergo drastic conformational changes between a non-inhibitory form (down-state) and an inhibitory form (up-state)(Rodgers & Wilce, 2000; Gibbons et al., 2000). In addition, the results of Cipriano & Dunn (2006) indicated that the C-terminal domain of this subunit played an important role in the coupling mechanism of the pump, and those of Capaldi et al. (2001), Suzuki et al. (2003) were consistent with the down-state showing a higher hydrolysis-to-synthesis ratio than the up-state. Therefore, we decided to search for modulation of pumping efficiency in a C-terminally truncated ε mutant. A low copy number expression vector has been built, carrying an extra copy of uncC, with the aim of generating an ε-overexpressing E.coli strain in which normal levels of assembly of the mutated ATP-synthase complex would be promoted. We have then compared the ATP hydrolysis and the proton pumping activity in membranes prepared from these ε-overexpressing E.coli strains, which carried either the WT ε subunit or the ε88-stop truncated form. Both strains yielded well energized membranes. Noticeably, they showed a marked difference in the inhibition of hydrolysis by Pi, this effect being largely lost in the truncated mutant. However, pre-incubation of the mutated enzyme with ADP at low nanomolar concentrations (apparent Kd = 0.7nM) restored the hydrolysis inhibition, together with the modulation of intrinsic uncoupling by Pi, indicating that, contrary to wild-type, during membrane preparation the truncated mutant had lost the ADP bound at this high-affinity site, evidently due to a lower affinity (and/or higher release) for ADP of the mutant relative to wild type. Therefore, one of the effects of the C-terminal domain of ε appears to be to modulate the affinity of at least one of the binding sites for ADP. The lack of this domain does not appear so much to influence the modulability of coupling efficiency, but instead the extent of this modulation. At higher preincubated ADP concentrations (apparent Kd = 117nM), the only observed effects were inhibition of both hydrolysis and synthesis, providing a direct proof that two ADP-binding sites on the enzyme are involved in the inhibition of hydrolysis, of which only the one at higher affinity also modulates the coupling efficiency.
Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the leading infectious agent that affects sugar beet, is included within viruses transmitted through the soil from plasmodiophorid as Polymyxa betae. BNYVV is the causal agent of Rhizomania, which induces abnormal rootlet proliferation and is widespread in the sugar beet growing areas in Europe, Asia and America; for review see (Peltier et al., 2008). In this latter continent, Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) has been identified (Lee et al., 2001) and belongs to the benyvirus genus together with BNYVV, both vectored by P. betae. BSBMV is widely distributed only in the United States and it has not been reported yet in others countries. It was first identified in Texas as a sugar beet virus morphologically similar but serologically distinct to BNYVV. Subsequent sequence analysis of BSBMV RNAs evidenced similar genomic organization to that of BNYVV but sufficient molecular differences to distinct BSBMV and BNYVV in two different species (Rush et al., 2003). Benyviruses field isolates usually consist of four RNA species but some BNYVV isolates contain a fifth RNA. RNAs -1 contains a single long ORF encoding polypeptide that shares amino acid homology with known viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) and helicases. RNAs -2 contains six ORFs: capsid protein (CP), one readthrough protein, triple gene block proteins (TGB) that are required for cell-to-cell virus movement and the sixth 14 kDa ORF is a post-translation gene silencing suppressor. RNAs -3 is involved on disease symptoms and is essential for virus systemic movement. BSBMV RNA-3 can be trans-replicated, trans-encapsidated by the BNYVV helper strain (RNA-1 and -2) (Ratti et al., 2009). BNYVV RNA-4 encoded one 31 kDa protein and is essential for vector interactions and virus transmission by P. betae (Rahim et al., 2007). BNYVV RNA-5 encoded 26 kDa protein that improve virus infections and accumulation in the hosts. We are interest on BSBMV effect on Rhizomania studies using powerful tools as full-length infectious cDNA clones. B-type full-length infectious cDNA clones are available (Quillet et al., 1989) as well as A/P-type RNA-3, -4 and -5 from BNYVV (unpublished). A-type BNYVV full-length clones are also available, but RNA-1 cDNA clone still need to be modified. During the PhD program, we start production of BSBMV full-length cDNA clones and we investigate molecular interactions between plant and Benyviruses exploiting biological, epidemiological and molecular similarities/divergences between BSBMV and BNYVV. During my PhD researchrs we obtained full length infectious cDNA clones of BSBMV RNA-1 and -2 and we demonstrate that they transcripts are replicated and packaged in planta and able to substitute BNYVV RNA-1 or RNA-2 in a chimeric viral progeny (BSBMV RNA-1 + BNYVV RNA-2 or BNYVV RNA-1 + BSBMV RNA-2). During BSBMV full-length cDNA clones production, unexpected 1,730 nts long form of BSBMV RNA-4 has been detected from sugar beet roots grown on BSBMV infected soil. Sequence analysis of the new BSBMV RNA-4 form revealed high identity (~100%) with published version of BSBMV RNA-4 sequence (NC_003508) between nucleotides 1-608 and 1,138-1,730, however the new form shows 528 additionally nucleotides between positions 608-1,138 (FJ424610). Two putative ORFs has been identified, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 1,234), encode a protein with predicted mass of 32 kDa (p32) and the second one (nucleotides 885 to 1,244) express an expected product of 13 kDa (p13). As for BSBMV RNA-3 (Ratti et al., 2009), full-length BSBMV RNA-4 cDNA clone permitted to obtain infectious transcripts that BNYVV viral machinery (Stras12) is able to replicate and to encapsidate in planta. Moreover, we demonstrated that BSBMV RNA-4 can substitute BNYVV RNA-4 for an efficient transmission through the vector P. betae in Beta vulgaris plants, demonstrating a very high correlation between BNYVV and BSBMV. At the same time, using BNYVV helper strain, we studied BSBMV RNA-4’s protein expression in planta. We associated a local necrotic lesions phenotype to the p32 protein expression onto mechanically inoculated C. quinoa. Flag or GFP-tagged sequences of p32 and p13 have been expressed in viral context, using Rep3 replicons, based on BNYVV RNA-3. Western blot analyses of local lesions contents, using FLAG-specific antibody, revealed a high molecular weight protein, which suggest either a strong interaction of BSBMV RNA4’s protein with host protein(s) or post translational modifications. GFP-fusion sequences permitted the subcellular localization of BSBMV RNA4’s proteins. Moreover we demonstrated the absence of self-activation domains on p32 by yeast two hybrid system approaches. We also confirmed that p32 protein is essential for virus transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3 and we investigated its role by the use of different deleted forms of p32 protein. Serial mechanical inoculation of wild-type BSBMV on C. quinoa plants were performed every 7 days. Deleted form of BSBMV RNA-4 (1298 bp) appeared after 14 passages and its sequence analysis shows deletion of 433 nucleotides between positions 611 and 1044 of RNA-4 new form. We demonstrated that this deleted form can’t support transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3, moreover we confirmed our hypothesis that BSBMV RNA-4 described by Lee et al. (2001) is a deleted form. Interesting after 21 passages we identifed one chimeric form of BSBMV RNA-4 and BSBMV RNA-3 (1146 bp). Two putative ORFs has been identified on its sequence, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 562), encode a protein with predicted mass of 7 kDa (p7), corresponding to the N-terminal of p32 protein encoded by BSBMV RNA-4; the second one (nucleotides 562 to 789) express an expected product of 9 kDa (p9) corresponding to the C-terminal of p29 encoded by BSBMV RNA-3. Results obtained by our research in this topic opened new research lines that our laboratories will develop in a closely future. In particular BSBMV p32 and its mutated forms will be used to identify factors, as host or vector protein(s), involved in the virus transmission through P. betae. The new results could allow selection or production of sugar beet plants able to prevent virus transmission then able to reduce viral inoculum in the soil.
Many physiological and pathological processes are mediated by the activity of proteins assembled in homo and/or hetero-oligomers. The correct recognition and association of these proteins into a functional complex is a key step determining the fate of the whole pathway. This has led to an increasing interest in selecting molecules able to modulate/inhibit these protein-protein interactions. In particular, our research was focused on Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90), responsible for the activation and maturation and disposition of many client proteins [1], [2] [3]. Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE) were used to characterize the Hsp90 target and, furthermore, its inhibition process via C-terminal domain driven by the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Circular Dichroism was used as powerful technique to characterize Hsp90 and its co-chaperone Hop in solution for secondary structure content, stability to different pHs, temperatures and solvents. Furthermore, CD was used to characterize ATP but, unfortunately, we were not able to monitor an interaction between ATP and Hsp90. The utility of SPR technology, on the other hand, arises from the possibility of immobilizing the protein on a chip through its N-terminal domain to later study the interaction with small molecules able to disrupt the Hsp90 dimerization on the C-terminal domain. The protein was attached on SPR chip using the “amine coupling” chemistry so that the C-terminal domain was free to interact with Coumermycin A1. The goal of the experiment was achieved by testing a range of concentrations of the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Despite to the large difference in the molecular weight of the protein (90KDa) and the drug (1110.08 Da), we were able to calculate the affinity constant of the interaction that was found to be 11.2 µm. In order to confirm the binding constant calculated for the Hsp90 on the chip, we decided to use Capillary Electrophoresis to test the Coumermycin binding to Hsp90. First, this technique was conveniently used to characterize the Hsp90 sample in terms of composition and purity. The experimental conditions were settled on two different systems, the bared fused silica and the PVA-coated capillary. We were able to characterize the Hsp90 sample in both systems. Furthermore, we employed an application of capillary electrophoresis, the Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE), to measure and confirm the binding constant calculated for Coumermycin on Optical Biosensor. We found a KD = 19.45 µM. This result compares favorably with the KD previously obtained on biosensor. This is a promising result for the use of our novel approach to screen new potential inhibitors of Hsp90 C-terminal domain.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) are neurodegenerative diseases caused by the conversion of the host-encoded cellular protein (PrPC) to a disease-associated isoform (PrPSc). The agent responsible for prion diseases may exist as different strains with specific biological and biochemical properties. According to the protein-only hypothesis, prion strain diversity is enciphered in PrPSc conformation. Molecular strain typing methods are based on the electrophoretic mobility of protease resistant core of PrPSc, on the susceptibility to protease digestion, on the glycosylation profile of PrPres and on the conformational stability of PrPSc. In this study a new conformational stability assay was developed based on the differential solubility of PrPC and PrPSc: CSSA (conformational stability and solubility assay). The conformational stability assay was performed by measuring PrPSc solubility in homogenates treated with increasing concentrations of GdnHCl, in the absence of proteinase K. Indeed, dose-response curves allowed estimation of the concentration of GdnHCl able to solubilise 50% of PrPSc. The results showed that this method is valuable for the biochemical typing of strains in bank voles and it is also a promising tool for molecular analysis of natural prion isolates. CSSA also revealed strain-specific PrPSc conformational stabilities of ovine natural isolates so that this feature, combined with the N-terminal PrPSc cleavage, allowed differentiation of classical scrapie, including CH1641-like, from natural goat BSE and experimental sheep BSE. In view of the implications concerning strain similarity between animal and human TSEs, the physico-chemical properties of the Nor98 with two human prion diseases (VPSPr and GSS) were compared in order to investigate the extent of the similarity between animal and human prion strains. The results showed an unexpected heterogeneity of the molecular features among human and sheep TSEs associated with internal PrPres fragments with the possible exception of Nor98 and a case of GSS P102L. These similarities and differences need further investigation by N- and C-terminal sequencing and biological characterization.
Il core catalitico della DNA polimerasi III, composto dalle tre subunità α, ε e θ, è il complesso minimo responsabile della replicazione del DNA cromosomiale in Escherichia coli. Nell'oloenzima, α ed ε possiedono rispettivamente un'attività 5'-3' polimerasica ed un'attività 3'-5' esonucleasica, mentre θ non ha funzioni enzimatiche. Il presente studio si è concentrato sulle regioni del core che interagiscono direttamente con ε, ovvero θ (interagente all'estremità N-terminale di ε) e il dominio PHP di α (interagente all'estremità C-terminale di ε), delle quali non è stato sinora identificato il ruolo. Al fine di assegnare loro una funzione sono state seguite tre linee di ricerca parallele. Innanzitutto il ruolo di θ è stato studiato utilizzando approcci ex-vivo ed in vivo. I risultati presentati in questo studio mostrano che θ incrementa significativamente la stabilità della subunità ε, intrinsecamente labile. Durante gli esperimenti condotti è stata anche identificata una nuova forma dimerica di ε. Per quanto la funzione del dimero non sia definita, si è dimostrato che esso è attivamente dissociato da θ, che potrebbe quindi fungere da suo regolatore. Inoltre, è stato ritrovato e caratterizzato il primo fenotipo di θ associato alla crescita. Per quanto concerne il dominio PHP, si è dimostrato che esso possiede un'attività pirofosfatasica utilizzando un nuovo saggio, progettato per seguire le cinetiche di reazione catalizzate da enzimi rilascianti fosfato o pirofosfato. L'idrolisi del pirofosfato catalizzata dal PHP è stata dimostrata in grado di sostenere l'attività polimerasica di α in vitro, il che suggerisce il suo possibile ruolo in vivo durante la replicazione del DNA. Infine, è stata messa a punto una nuova procedura per la coespressione e purificazione del complesso α-ε-θ
The Reverse Vaccinology (RV) approach allows using genomic information for the delineation of new protein-based vaccines starting from an in silico analysis. The first powerful example of the application of the RV approach is given by the development of a protein-based vaccine against serogroup B Meningococcus. A similar approach was also used to identify new Staphylococcus aureus vaccine candidates, including the ferric hydroxamate-binding lipoprotein FhuD2. S. aureus is a widespread human pathogen, which employs various different strategies for iron uptake, including: (i) siderophore-mediated iron acquisition using the endogenous siderophores staphyloferrin A and B, (ii) siderophore-mediated iron acquisition using xeno-siderophores (the pathway exploited by FhuD2) and (iii) heme-mediated iron acquisition. In this work the high resolution crystal structure of FhuD2 in the iron (III)-siderophore-bound form was determined. FhuD2 belongs to the Periplasmic Binding Protein family (PBP ) class III, and is principally formed by two globular domains, at the N- and C-termini of the protein, that make up a cleft where ferrichrome-iron (III) is bound. The N- and C-terminal domains, connected by a single long α-helix, present Rossmann-like folds, showing a β-stranded core and an α-helical periphery, which do not undergo extensive structural rearrangement when they interact with the ligand, typical of class III PBP members. The structure shows that ferrichrome-bound iron does not come directly into contact with the protein; rather, the metal ion is fully coordinated by six oxygen donors of the hydroxamate groups of three ornithine residues, which, with the three glycine residues, make up the peptide backbone of ferrichrome. Furthermore, it was found that iron-free ferrichrome is able to subtract iron from transferrin. This study shows for the first time the structure of FhuD2, which was found to bind to siderophores ,and that the protein plays an important role in S. aureus colonization and infection phases.
Urease is a nickel-dependent enzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis of urea in the last step of organic nitrogen mineralization. Its active site contains a dinuclear center for Ni(II) ions that must be inserted into the apo-enzyme through the action of four accessory proteins (UreD, UreE, UreF, UreG) leading to activation of urease. UreE, acting as a metallo-chaperone, delivers Ni(II) to the preformed complex of apo-urease-UreDFG and has the capability to enhance the GTPase activity of UreG. This study, focused on characterization of UreE from Sporosarcina pasteurii (SpUreE), represents a piece of information on the structure/mobility-function relationships that control nickel binding by SpUreE and its interaction with SpUreG. A calorimetric analysis revealed the occurrence of a binding event between these proteins with positive cooperativity and a stoichiometry consistent with the formation of the (UreE)2-(UreG)2 hetero-oligomer complex. Chemical Shift Perturbations induced by the protein-protein interaction were analyzed using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, which allowed to characterize the molecular details of the protein surface of SpUreE involved in the complex formation with SpUreG. Moreover, backbone dynamic properties of SpUreE, determined using 15N relaxation analysis, revealed a general mobility in the nanoseconds time-scale, with the fastest motions observed at the C-termini. The latter analysis made it possible for the first time to characterize of the C-terminal portions, known to contain key residues for metal ion binding, that were not observed in the crystal structure of UreE because of disorder. The residues belonging to this portion of SpUreE feature large CSPs upon addition of SpUreG, showing that their chemical environment is directly affected by protein-protein interaction. Metal ion selectivity and affinity of SpUreE for cognate Ni(II) and non cognate Zn(II) metal ions were determined, and the ability of the protein to select Ni(II) over Zn(II), in consistency with the proposed role in Ni(II) cations transport, was established.