4 resultados para Burns and scalds -- Patients -- Rehabilitation. Burns and scalds in children.

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The first part of my thesis presents an overview of the different approaches used in the past two decades in the attempt to forecast epileptic seizure on the basis of intracranial and scalp EEG. Past research could reveal some value of linear and nonlinear algorithms to detect EEG features changing over different phases of the epileptic cycle. However, their exact value for seizure prediction, in terms of sensitivity and specificity, is still discussed and has to be evaluated. In particular, the monitored EEG features may fluctuate with the vigilance state and lead to false alarms. Recently, such a dependency on vigilance states has been reported for some seizure prediction methods, suggesting a reduced reliability. An additional factor limiting application and validation of most seizure-prediction techniques is their computational load. For the first time, the reliability of permutation entropy [PE] was verified in seizure prediction on scalp EEG data, contemporarily controlling for its dependency on different vigilance states. PE was recently introduced as an extremely fast and robust complexity measure for chaotic time series and thus suitable for online application even in portable systems. The capability of PE to distinguish between preictal and interictal state has been demonstrated using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis. Correlation analysis was used to assess dependency of PE on vigilance states. Scalp EEG-Data from two right temporal epileptic lobe (RTLE) patients and from one patient with right frontal lobe epilepsy were analysed. The last patient was included only in the correlation analysis, since no datasets including seizures have been available for him. The ROC analysis showed a good separability of interictal and preictal phases for both RTLE patients, suggesting that PE could be sensitive to EEG modifications, not visible on visual inspection, that might occur well in advance respect to the EEG and clinical onset of seizures. However, the simultaneous assessment of the changes in vigilance showed that: a) all seizures occurred in association with the transition of vigilance states; b) PE was sensitive in detecting different vigilance states, independently of seizure occurrences. Due to the limitations of the datasets, these results cannot rule out the capability of PE to detect preictal states. However, the good separability between pre- and interictal phases might depend exclusively on the coincidence of epileptic seizure onset with a transition from a state of low vigilance to a state of increased vigilance. The finding of a dependency of PE on vigilance state is an original finding, not reported in literature, and suggesting the possibility to classify vigilance states by means of PE in an authomatic and objectic way. The second part of my thesis provides the description of a novel behavioral task based on motor imagery skills, firstly introduced (Bruzzo et al. 2007), in order to study mental simulation of biological and non-biological movement in paranoid schizophrenics (PS). Immediately after the presentation of a real movement, participants had to imagine or re-enact the very same movement. By key release and key press respectively, participants had to indicate when they started and ended the mental simulation or the re-enactment, making it feasible to measure the duration of the simulated or re-enacted movements. The proportional error between duration of the re-enacted/simulated movement and the template movement were compared between different conditions, as well as between PS and healthy subjects. Results revealed a double dissociation between the mechanisms of mental simulation involved in biological and non-biologial movement simulation. While for PS were found large errors for simulation of biological movements, while being more acurate than healthy subjects during simulation of non-biological movements. Healthy subjects showed the opposite relationship, making errors during simulation of non-biological movements, but being most accurate during simulation of non-biological movements. However, the good timing precision during re-enactment of the movements in all conditions and in both groups of participants suggests that perception, memory and attention, as well as motor control processes were not affected. Based upon a long history of literature reporting the existence of psychotic episodes in epileptic patients, a longitudinal study, using a slightly modified behavioral paradigm, was carried out with two RTLE patients, one patient with idiopathic generalized epilepsy and one patient with extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Results provide strong evidence for a possibility to predict upcoming seizures in RTLE patients behaviorally. In the last part of the thesis it has been validated a behavioural strategy based on neurobiofeedback training, to voluntarily control seizures and to reduce there frequency. Three epileptic patients were included in this study. The biofeedback was based on monitoring of slow cortical potentials (SCPs) extracted online from scalp EEG. Patients were trained to produce positive shifts of SCPs. After a training phase patients were monitored for 6 months in order to validate the ability of the learned strategy to reduce seizure frequency. Two of the three refractory epileptic patients recruited for this study showed improvements in self-management and reduction of ictal episodes, even six months after the last training session.


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In this PhD thesis 3 projects were addressed focusing on the melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) system and its relevance for circadian rhythms and sleep in neurodegeneration. The first project was aimed at completing the characterization of mRGCs system in hereditary optic neuropathies (LHON and DOA). We confirmed that mRGCs are relatively spared also in post-mortem retinal specimens of a DOA case and pupillometric evaluation of LHON patients showed preservation of the pupillary light reflex, with attenuated responses compared to controls. Cell studies failed to indicate a protective role exerted by melanopsin itself. The second project was aimed at characterizing the possible occurrence of optic neuropathy and rest-activity circadian rhythm dysfunction in Alzheimer (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD), as well as, at histological level, the possible involvement of mRGCs in AD. OCT studies demonstrated a subclinical optic neuropathy in both AD and PD patients, with a different pattern involving the superior and nasal quadrants in AD and the temporal quadrant in PD. Actigraphic studies demonstrated a tendency towards an increased intradaily variability (IV) and reduced relative amplitude (RA) of rest-activity circadian rhythm in AD and a significant increased IV a reduced RA in PD. Immunohistochemical analysis of post-mortem retinal specimens and optic nerve cross-sections of neuropathologically confirmed AD cases demonstrated a significant loss of mRGCs and a nearly significant loss of axons in AD compared to controls. The mRGCs were affected in AD independently from age and magnitude of axonal loss. Overall these results suggest a role of the mRGCs system in the pathogenesis of circadian dysfunction in AD. The third project was aimed at evaluating the possible association between a single nucleotide polymorphism of the OPN4 gene and chronotype or SAD, failing to find any significant association with chronotype, but showing a non-significant increment of TT genotype in SAD.


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IL-33/ST2 axis is known to promote Th2 immune responses and has been linked to several autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and recent evidences show that it can regulate eosinophils (EOS) infiltration and function. Based also on the well documented relationship between EOS and IBD, we assessed the role of IL-33-mediated eosinophilia and ileal inflammation in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) murine model of Th1/Th2 chronic enteritis, and we found that IL-33 is related to inflammation progression and EOS infiltration as well as IL-5 and eotaxins increase. Administering IL-33 to SAMP and AKR mice augmented eosinophilia, eotaxins mRNA expression and Th2 molecules production, whereas blockade of ST2 and/or typical EOS molecules, such as IL-5 and CCR3, resulted in a marked decrease of inflammation, EOS infiltration, IL-5 and eotaxins mRNA expression and Th2 cytokines production. Human data supported mice’s showing an increased colocalization of IL-33 and EOS in the colon mucosa of UC patients, as well as an augmented IL-5 and eotaxins mRNA expression, when compared to non-UC. Lastly we analyzed SAMP raised in germ free (GF) condition to see the microbiota effect on IL-33 expression and Th2 responses leading to chronic intestinal inflammation. We found a remarkable decrease in ileal IL-33 and Th2 cytokines mRNA expression as well as EOS infiltration in GF versus normal SAMP with comparable inflammatory scores. Moreover, EOS depletion in normal SAMP didn’t affect IL-33 mRNA expression. These data demonstrate a pathogenic role of IL-33-mediated eosinophilia in chronic intestinal inflammation, and that blockade of IL-33 and/or downstream EOS activation may represent a novel therapeutic modality to treat patients with IBD. Also they highlight the gut microbiota role in IL-33 production, and the following EOS infiltration in the intestinal mucosa, confirming that the microbiota is essential in mounting potent Th2 response leading to chronic ileitis in SAMP.


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The aim of the dissertation was to test the feasibility of a new psychotherapeutic protocol for treating children and adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders: Child-Well-Being Therapy (CWBT). It originates from adult Well-Being Therapy protocol (WBT) and represents a conceptual innovation for treating affective disorders. WBT is based on the multidimensional model of well-being postulated by Ryff (eudaimonic perspective), in sequential combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Results showed that eudaimonic well-being was impaired in children with affective disorders in comparison with matched healthy students. A first open investigation aimed at exploring the feasibility of a 8-session CWBT protocol in a group of children with emotional and behavioural disorders has been implemented. Data showed how CWBT resulted associated to symptoms reduction, together with the decrease of externalizing problems, maintained at 1-year follow-up. CWBT triggered also an improvement in psychological well-being as well as an increasing flourishing trajectory over time. Subsequently, a modified and extended version of CWBT (12-sessions) has been developed and then tested in a controlled study with 34 patients (8 to 16 years) affected by mood and anxiety disorders. They were consecutively randomized into 3 different groups: CWBT, CBT, 6-month waiting list (WL). Both treatments resulted effective in decreasing distress and in improving well-being. Moreover, CWBT was associated with higher improvement in anxiety and showed a greater recovery rate (83%) than CBT (54%). Both groups maintained beneficial effects and CWBT group displayed a lower level of distress as well as a higher positive trend in well-being scores over time. Findings need to be interpret with caution, because of study limitations, however important clinical implications emerged. Further investigations should determine whether the sequential integration of well-being and symptom-oriented strategies could play an important role in children and adolescents’ psychotherapeutic options, fostering a successful adaptation to adversities during the growth process.