6 resultados para Bosnia
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The globalization process of the last twenty years has changed the world through international flows of people, policies and practices. International cooperation to development is a part of that process and brought International Organizations (IOs) and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from the West to the rest of the world. In my thesis I analyze the Italian NGOs that worked in Bosnia Herzegovina (BH) to understand which development projects they realized and how they faced the ethnic issue that characterized BH. I consider the relation shaped between Italian NGOs and Bosnian civil society as an object of ethnic interests. In BH, once part of former Yugoslavia, the transition from the communist regime to a democratic country has not been completed. BHs social conditions are characterized by strong ethnic divisions. The legacy of the early 1990s crisis was a phenomenon of ethnic identities created before the war and that still endure today. The Dayton Peace Agreement signed in 1995 granted the peace and reinforced the inter-ethnic hate between the newly recognized three principal ethnicities: Serbs, Croats and Bosniak. Through the new constitution, the institutions were characterized by division at every level, from the top to the bottom of society. Besides it was the first constitution ever written and signed outside the own country; that was the root of the state of exception that characterized BH. Thus ethnic identities culture survived through the international political involvement. At the same time ethnic groups that dominated the political debate clashed with the international organizations democratic purpose to build a multicultural and democratic state. Ethnic and also religious differences were the instruments for a national statement that might cause the transition and development projects failure. Fifteen years later social fragmentation was still present and it established an atmosphere of daily cultural violence. Civil society suffered this condition and attended to recreate the ethnic fragmentation in every day life. Some cities became physically divided and other cities dont tolerated the minority presence. In rural areas, the division was more explicit, from village to village, without integration. In my speech, the anthropology for development the derivative study from applied anthropology constitutes the point of view that I used to understand how ethnic identities still influenced the development process in BH. I done ethnographic research about the Italian cooperation for development projects that were working there in 2007. The target of research were the Italian NGOs that created a relation with Bosnian civil society; they were almost twenty divided in four main field of competences: institutional building, education, agriculture and democratization. I assumed that NGOs work needed a deep study because the bottom of society is the place where people could really change their representation and behavior. Italian NGOs operated in BH with the aim of creating sustainable development. They found cultural barricade that both institutions and civil society erected when development projects have been applied. Ethnic and religious differences were stressed to maintain boundaries and fragmented power. Thus NGOs tried to negotiate development projects by social integration. I found that NGOs worked among ethnic groups by pursuing a new integration. They often gained success among people; civil society was ready to accept development projects and overcome differences. On the other hand NGOs have been limited by political level that sustained the ethnic talk and by their representation of Bosnian issue. Thus development policies have been impeded by ethnic issue and by cooperation practices established on a top down perspective. Paradoxically, since international community has approved the political ethnic division within DPA, then the willing of development followed by funding NGOs cooperation projects was not completely successful.
Agriculture is still important for socio-economic development in rural areas of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia (BMS). However, for sustainable rural development rural economies should be diversified so attention should be paid also to off-farm and non-farm income-generating activities. Agricultural and rural development (ARD) processes and farm activity diversification initiatives should be well governed. The ultimate objective of this work is to explore linkages between ARD governance and rural livelihoods diversification in BMS. The thesis is based on an extended secondary data analysis and surveys. Questionnaires for ARD governance and coordination were sent via email to public, civil society and international organizations. Concerning rural livelihood diversification, the field questionnaire surveys were carried out in three rural regions of BMS. Results show that local rural livelihoods are increasingly diversified but a significant share of households are still engaged in agriculture. Diversification strategies have a chance to succeed taking into consideration the three rural regions assets. However, rural households have to tackle many problems for developing new income-generating activities such as the lack of financial resources. Weak business skills are also a limiting factor. Fully exploiting rural economy diversification potential in BMS requires many interventions including improving rural governance, enhancing service delivery in rural areas, upgrading rural peoples human capital, strengthening rural social capital and improving physical capital, access of the rural population to finance as well as creating a favourable and enabling legal and legislative environment fostering diversification. Governance and coordination of ARD policy design, implementation and evaluation is still challenging in the three Balkan countries and this has repercussions also on the pace of rural livelihoods diversification. Therefore, there is a strong and urgent need for mobilization of all rural stakeholders and actors through appropriate governance arrangements in order to foster rural livelihoods diversification and quality of life improvement.
Salt deposits characterize the subsurface of Tuzla (BiH) and made it famous since the ancient times. Archeological discoveries demonstrate the presence of a Neolithic pile-dwelling settlement related to the existence of saltwater springs that contributed to make the most of the area a swampy ground. Since the Roman times, the town is reported as the City of Salt deposits and Springs; "tuz" is the Turkish word for salt, as the Ottomans renamed the settlement in the 15th century following their conquest of the medieval Bosnia (Donia and Fine, 1994). Natural brine springs were located everywhere and salt has been evaporated by means of hot charcoals since pre-Roman times. The ancient use of salt was just a small exploitation compared to the massive salt production carried out during the 20th century by means of classical mine methodologies and especially wild brine pumping. In the past salt extraction was practised tapping natural brine springs, while the modern technique consists in about 100 boreholes with pumps tapped to the natural underground brine runs, at an average depth of 400-500 m. The mining operation changed the hydrogeological conditions enabling the downward flow of fresh water causing additional salt dissolution. This process induced severe ground subsidence during the last 60 years reaching up to 10 meters of sinking in the most affected area. Stress and strain of the overlying rocks induced the formation of numerous fractures over a conspicuous area (3 Km2). Consequently serious damages occurred to buildings and infrastructures such as water supply system, sewage networks and power lines. Downtown urban life was compromised by the destruction of more than 2000 buildings that collapsed or needed to be demolished causing the resettlement of about 15000 inhabitants (Tati, 1979). Recently salt extraction activities have been strongly reduced, but the underground water system is returning to his natural conditions, threatening the flooding of the most collapsed area. During the last 60 years local government developed a monitoring system of the phenomenon, collecting several data about geodetic measurements, amount of brine pumped, piezometry, lithostratigraphy, extension of the salt body and geotechnical parameters. A database was created within a scientific cooperation between the municipality of Tuzla and the city of Rotterdam (D.O.O. Mining Institute Tuzla, 2000). The scientific investigation presented in this dissertation has been financially supported by a cooperation project between the Municipality of Tuzla, The University of Bologna (CIRSA) and the Province of Ravenna. The University of Tuzla (RGGF) gave an important scientific support in particular about the geological and hydrogeological features. Subsidence damage resulting from evaporite dissolution generates substantial losses throughout the world, but the causes are only well understood in a few areas (Gutierrez et al., 2008). The subject of this study is the collapsing phenomenon occurring in Tuzla area with the aim to identify and quantify the several factors involved in the system and their correlations. Tuzla subsidence phenomenon can be defined as geohazard, which represents the consequence of an adverse combination of geological processes and ground conditions precipitated by human activity with the potential to cause harm (Rosenbaum and Culshaw, 2003). Where an hazard induces a risk to a vulnerable element, a risk management process is required. The single factors involved in the subsidence of Tuzla can be considered as hazards. The final objective of this dissertation represents a preliminary risk assessment procedure and guidelines, developed in order to quantify the buildings vulnerability in relation to the overall geohazard that affect the town. The historical available database, never fully processed, have been analyzed by means of geographic information systems and mathematical interpolators (PART I). Modern geomatic applications have been implemented to deeply investigate the most relevant hazards (PART II). In order to monitor and quantify the actual subsidence rates, geodetic GPS technologies have been implemented and 4 survey campaigns have been carried out once a year. Subsidence related fractures system has been identified by means of field surveys and mathematical interpretations of the sinking surface, called curvature analysis. The comparison of mapped and predicted fractures leaded to a better comprehension of the problem. Results confirmed the reliability of fractures identification using curvature analysis applied to sinking data instead of topographic or seismic data. Urban changes evolution has been reconstructed analyzing topographic maps and satellite imageries, identifying the most damaged areas. This part of the investigation was very important for the quantification of buildings vulnerability.
I viaggi e gli studi compiuti in Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia Erzegovina in occasione della Tesi di Laurea hanno costituito loccasione per comprendere quanto sia consistente il retaggio di Roma antica sulla sponda orientale dellAdriatico. Nello stesso tempo si potuto constatare che, per diversi motivi, dal punto di vista prettamente scientifico, la ricchezza di questo patrimonio archeologico aveva sino allora trovato soltanto poche occasioni di studio. Da qui la necessit di provvedere a un quadro completo e generale relativo alla presenza romana in un territorio come quello della provincia romana di Dalmatia che, pur considerando la sua molteplicit geografica, etnica, economica, culturale, sociale e politica, ha trovato, grazie allintervento di Roma, una sua dimensione unitaria, un comune denominatore, tanto da farne una provincia che ebbe un ruolo fondamentale nella storia dellImpero. Il lavoro prende le mosse da una considerazione preliminare e generale, che ne costituisce quasi lo spunto metodologico pi determinante: la trasmissione della cultura e dei modelli di vita da parte di Roma alle altre popolazioni ha creato un modello in virt del quale limperialismo romano si in certo modo adattato alle diverse culture incontrate ed assimilate, dando vita ad una rete di culture unite da elementi comuni, ma anche profondamente diversificate per sintesi originali. Quella che pare essere la chiave di lettura impiegata la struttura di un impero a forma di rete con forti elementi di coesione, ma allo stesso tempo dotato di ampi margini di autonomia. E questo a cominciare dallanalisi dei fattori che aprirono il cammino dellafflusso romano in Dalmatia e nello stesso tempo permisero i contatti con il territorio italico. La ricerca ne analizza quindi i fattori:il diretto controllo militare, la costruzione di una rete viaria, lestensione della cittadinanza romana, lo sviluppo della vita locale attraverso la formazione di una rete di municipi, i contatti economici e limmigrazione di genti romanizzate. Lanalisi ha posto in evidenza una provincia caratterizzata da notevoli contraddizioni, che ne condizionarono presso entrambi i versanti del Velebit e delle Alpi Dinariche lo sviluppo economico, sociale, culturale e urbanistico. Le profonde differenze strutturali tra questi due territori rimasero sempre presenti: la zona costiera divenne, sotto tutti i punti di vista, una sorta di continuazione dellItalia, mntre quella continentale non progred di pari passo. Eppure linfluenza romana si diffuse anche in questa, cos che essa si pote conformare, in una certa misura, alla zona litoranea. Come si pu dedurre dal fatto che il severo controllo militare divenne superfluo e che anche questa regione fu dotata progressivamente di centri amministrati da un gruppo dirigente compiutamente integrato nella cultura romana. Oltre allanalisi di tutto ci che rientra nel processo di acculturazione dei nuovi territori, lobiettivo principale del lavoro lanalisi di uno degli elementi pi importanti che la dominazione romana apport nei territori conquistati, ovvero la creazione di citt. In questo ambito relativamente periferico dellImpero, qual il territorio della provincia romana della Dalmatia, stato dunque possibile analizzare le modalit di creazione di nuovi centri e di adattamento, da parte di Roma, ai caratteri locali dellinsediamento, nonch ai condizionamenti ambientali, evidenziando analogie e differenze tra le citt fondate. Prima dellavvento di Roma, nessuna delle regioni entrate a far parte dei territori della Dalmatia romana, con la sola eccezione della Liburnia, diede origine a centri di vero e proprio potere politico-economico, come ad esempio le citt greche del Mediterraneo orientale, tali da continuare un loro sviluppo allinterno della provincia romana. In altri termini: non si hanno testimonianze di insediamenti autoctoni importanti che si siano trasformati in citt sul modello dei centri provinciali romani, senza aver subito cambiamenti radicali quali una nuova pianificazione urbana o una riorganizzazione del modello di vita locale. Questo non significa che la struttura politico-sociale delle diverse trib sia stata cambiata in modo drastico: almeno nelle modeste citt autoctone, nelle quali le famiglie appaiono con la cittadinanza romana, assieme agli ordinamenti del diritto municipale, esse semplicemente continuarono ad avere il ruolo che i loro antenati mantennero per generazioni allinterno della propria comunit, prima della conquista romana. Il lavoro mette compiutamente in luce come lo sviluppo delle citt nella provincia abbia risentito fortemente dello scarso progresso politico, sociale ed economico che conobbero le trib e le popolazioni durante la fase pre-romana. La colonizzazione greca, troppo modesta, non riusc a far compiere quel salto qualitativo ai centri autoctoni, che rimasero sostanzialmente privi di concetti basilari di urbanistica, anche se possibile notare, almeno nei centri costieri, ladozione di tecniche evolute, ad esempio nella costruzione delle mura. In conclusione questo lavoro chiarisce analiticamente, con la raccolta di uninfinit di dati (archeologici e topografici, materiali ed epigrafici, e desunti dalle fonti storiche), come la formazione della citt e lurbanizzazione della sponda orientale delladriatico sia un fenomeno prettamente romano, pur differenziato, nelle sue dinamiche storiche, quasi caso per caso. I dati offerti dalla topografia delle citt della Dalmatia, malgrado la scarsit di esempi ben documentati, sembrano confermare il principio della regolarit degli impianti urbani. Una griglia ortogonale severamente applicata la si individua innanzi tutto nelle citt pianificate di Iader, Aequum e, probabilmente, anche a Salona. In primis nelle colonie, quindi, ma non esclusivamente. Anche numerosi municipi sviluppatisi da insediamenti di origine autoctona hanno espresso molto presto la tendenza allo sviluppo di un sistema ortogonale regolare, se non in tutta larea urbana, almeno nei settori di pi possibile applicazione. Ne sono un esempio Aenona, Arba, Argiruntum, Doclea, Narona ed altri. La mancanza di unorganizzazione spaziale regolare non ha tuttavia compromesso lomogeneit di unattrezzatura urbana tesa alla normalizzazione, in cui i componenti pi importanti, forum e suoi annessi, complessi termali, templi dinastici e capitolia, si avviano a diventare canonici. Le differenze pi sensibili, che pure non mancano, sembrano dipendere dalle abitudini delle diverse etnie, dai condizionamenti topografici e dalla disponibilit finanziaria dei notabili. Una citt romana non pu prendere corpo in tutta la sua pienezza solo per la volont del potere centrale. Un progetto urbanistico resta un fatto teorico finch non si realizzano le condizioni per cui si fondano due fenomeni importantissimi: uno socio-culturale, che consiste nellemergenza di una classe di notabili fortunati desiderosi di dare a Roma dimostrazioni di lealt, pronti a rispondere a qualsiasi sollecitazione da parte del potere centrale e addirittura ad anticiparlo; laltro politico-amministrativo, che riguarda il sistema instaurato da Roma, grazie al quale i suddetti notabili possono godere di un certo potere e muoversi in vista della promozione personale nellambito della propria citt. Aiuti provenienti dagli imperatori o da governatori provinciali, per quanto consistenti, rimangono un fatto non sistematico se non imprevedibile, e rappresentano comunque un episodio circoscritto. Anche se qualche citt risulta in grado di costruire pecunia publica alcuni importanti edifici del quadro monumentale, il ruolo del finanziamento pubblico resta relativamente modesto. Quando la documentazione epigrafica esiste, si rivela che sono i notabili locali i maggiori responsabili della costruzione delle opere pubbliche. Sebbene le testimonianze epigrafiche siano scarse e, per la Dalmatia non sia possibile formulare un quadro completo delle committenze che favorirono materialmente lo sviluppo architettonico ed artistico di molti complessi monumentali, tuttavia possibile osservare e riconoscere alcuni aspetti significativi e peculiari della provincia.
In Bosnia Herzegovina the development of clear policy objectives and endorsement of a long-term, coherent and mutual agricultural and rural development policy have also been affected by structural problems: a lack of reliable information on population and other relevant issues, the absence of an adequate land registry system and cadastre. Moreover in BiH the agricultural and rural sectors are characterized by many factors that have typically affected transition countries such as land fragmentation, lack of agricultural mechanization and outdated production technologies, and rural aging, high unemployment and out-migration. In such a framework the condition and role of women in rural areas suffered for the lack of gender disaggregated data and a consequent poor information that lead to the exclusion of gender related questions in the agenda of public institutions and to the absence of targeted policy interventions. The aim of the research is to investigate the role and condition of women in the rural development process of Republic of Srpska and to analyze the capacity of extension services to stimulate their empowerment. Specific research questions include the status of women in the rural areas of Republic of Srpska, the role of government in fostering the empowerment of rural women, and the role of the extension service in supporting rural women. The methodology - inspired by the case study method developed by R. Yin - is designed along the three specific research questions that are used as building blocks. Each of the three research questions is investigated with a combination of methodological tools - including surveys, experts interviews and focus groups - aimed to overcome the lack of data and knowledge that characterize the research objectives.