11 resultados para Blue Stragglers Stars, BSS, Ammassi Globulari, NGC1754, NGC2257

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are brighter and bluer (hotter) than the main-sequence (MS) turnoff and they are known to be more massive than MS stars.Two main scenarios for their formation have been proposed:collision-induced stellar mergers (COL-BSSs),or mass-transfer in binary systems (MT-BSSs).Depleted surface abundances of C and O are expected for MT-BSSs,whereas no chemical anomalies are predicted for COL-BSSs.Both MT- and COL-BSSs should rotate fast, but braking mechanisms may intervene with efficiencies and time-scales not well known yet,thus preventing a clear prediction of the expected rotational velocities.Within this context,an extensive survey is ongoing by using the multi-object spectrograph FLAMES@VLT,with the aim to obtain abundance patterns and rotational velocities for representative samples of BSSs in several Galactic GCs.A sub-population of CO-depleted BSSs has been identified in 47 Tuc,with only one fast rotating star detected.For this PhD Thesis work I analyzed FLAMES spectra of more than 130 BSSs in four GCs:M4,NGC 6397,M30 and ω Centauri.This is the largest sample of BSSs spectroscopically investigated so far.Hints of CO depletion have been observed in only 4-5 cases (in M30 and ω Centauri),suggesting either that the majority of BSSs have a collisional origin,or that the CO-depletion is a transient phenomenon.Unfortunately,no conclusions in terms of formation mechanism could be drawn in a large number of cases,because of the effects of radiative levitation. Remarkably,however,this is the first time that evidence of radiative levitation is found in BSSs hotter than 8200 K.Finally, we also discovered the largest fractions of fast rotating BSSs ever observed in any GCs:40% in M4 and 30% in ω Centauri.While not solving the problem of BSS formation,these results provide invaluable information about the BSS physical properties,which is crucial to build realistic models of their evolution.


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This Thesis is devoted to the study of the optical companions of Millisecond Pulsars in Galactic Globular Clusters (GCs) as a part of a large project started at the Department of Astronomy of the Bologna University, in collaboration with other institutions (Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari and Bologna, University of Virginia), specifically dedicated to the study of the environmental effects on passive stellar evolution in galactic GCs. Globular Clusters are very efficient “Kilns” for generating exotic object, such as Millisecond Pulsars (MSP), low mass X-ray binaries(LMXB) or Blue Straggler Stars (BSS). In particular MSPs are formed in binary systems containing a Neutron Star which is spun up through mass accretion from the evolving companion (e.g. Bhattacharia & van den Heuvel 1991). The final stage of this recycling process is either the core of a peeled star (generally an Helium white dwarf) or a very light almos exhausted star, orbiting a very fast rotating Neutron Star (a MSP). Despite the large difference in total mass between the disk of the Galaxy and the Galactic GC system (up a factor 103), the percentage of fast rotating pulsar in binary systems found in the latter is very higher. MSPs in GCs show spin periods in the range 1.3 ÷ 30ms, slowdown rates ˙P 1019 s/s and a lower magnetic field, respect to ”normal” radio pulsars, B 108 gauss . The high probability of disruption of a binary systems after a supernova explosion, explain why we expect only a low percentage of recycled millisecond pulsars respect to the whole pulsar population. In fact only the 10% of the known 1800 radio pulsars are radio MSPs. Is not surprising, that MSP are overabundant in GCs respect to Galactic field, since in the Galactic Disk, MSPs can only form through the evolution of primordial binaries, and only if the binary survives to the supernova explosion which lead to the neutron star formation. On the other hand, the extremely high stellar density in the core of GCs, relative to most of the rest of the Galaxy, favors the formation of several different binary systems, suitable for the recycling of NSs (Davies at al. 1998). In this thesis we will present the properties two millisecond pulsars companions discovered in two globular clusters, the Helium white dwarf orbiting the MSP PSR 1911-5958A in NGC 6752 and the second case of a tidally deformed star orbiting an eclipsing millisecond pulsar, PSR J1701-3006B in NGC6266


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The aim of this Thesis is to investigate (i) how common the bimodal Blue Straggler Stars (BSS) radial distribution is in stellar clusters and (ii) which are the physical processes that can produce this bimodality. We discuss possible relations between the properties of the BSS radial distribution and the dynamical state of the hosting clusters by making use of dynamical models and simulations. When relevant, we also discuss the possible links with some cluster "anomalies" and the effects of a massive object (like Imtermediate Mass Black Hole) in the cluster center. To this purpose we present the observational multiwavelength studies of the BSS populations and their radial distributions in 5 GGCs: M5, M55, M2, NGC 2419 and NGC 6388.


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The research focuses on the implementation and validation of advanced direct and indirect methods of investigation for the structural and mechanical characterisation of bimrocks. In particular, a non conventional in situ shear test has been develop in order to evaluate the strength parameters of bimrocks by properly taking into account the influence of blocks. Also, a geostatistical approach has been introduced for the investigation of block morphological and spatial properties from digital images, by means of a variographic analysis of the block Indicator Variable.


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With the goal of studying ML along the RGB, mid-IR observations of a carefully selected sample of 17 Galactic globular clusters (GGCs) with different metallicity and horizontal branch (HB) morphology have been secured with IRAC on board Spitzer: a global sample counting about 8000 giant has been obtained. Suitable complementary photometry in the optical and near-IR has been also secured in order to properly characterize the stellar counterparts to the Spitzer sources and their photospheric parameters. Stars with color (i.e. dust) excess have been identified, their likely circumstellar emission quantified and modelled, and empirical estimates of mass loss rates and timescales obtained. We find that mass loss rates increases with increasing stellar luminosity and decreasing metallicity. For a given luminosity, we find that ML rates are systematically higher than the prediction by extrapolating the Reimers law. CMDs constructed from ground based near-IR and IRAC bands show that at a given luminosity some stars have dusty envelopes and others do not. From this, we deduce that the mass loss is episodic and is ``on'' for some fraction of the time. The total mass lost on the RGB can be easily computed by multiplying ML rates by the ML timescales and integrating over the evolutionary timescale. The average total mass lost moderately increases with increasing metallicity, and for a given metallicity is systematically higher in clusters with extended blue HB.


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This PhD Thesis is part of a long-term wide research project, carried out by the "Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna (INAF-OABO)", that has as primary goal the comprehension and reconstruction of formation mechanism of galaxies and their evolution history. There is now substantial evidence, both from theoretical and observational point of view, in favor of the hypothesis that the halo of our Galaxy has been at least partially, built up by the progressive accretion of small fragments, similar in nature to the present day dwarf galaxies of the Local Group. In this context, the photometric and spectroscopic study of systems which populate the halo of our Galaxy (i.e. dwarf spheroidal galaxy, tidal streams, massive globular cluster, etc) permits to discover, not only the origin and behaviour of these systems, but also the structure of our Galactic halo, combined with its formation history. In fact, the study of the population of these objects and also of their chemical compositions, age, metallicities and velocity dispersion, permit us not only an improvement in the understanding of the mechanisms that govern the Galactic formation, but also a valid indirect test for cosmological model itself. Specifically, in this Thesis we provided a complete characterization of the tidal Stream of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy, that is the most striking example of the process of tidal disruption and accretion of a dwarf satellite in to our Galaxy. Using Red Clump stars, extracted from the catalogue of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) we obtained an estimate of the distance, the depth along the line of sight and of the number density for each detected portion of the Stream (and more in general for each detected structure along our line of sight). Moreover comparing the relative number (i.e. the ratio) of Blue Horizontal Branch stars and Red Clump stars (the two features are tracers of different age/different metallicity populations) in the main body of the galaxy and in the Stream, in order to verify the presence of an age-metallicity gradient along the Stream. We also report the detection of a population of Red Clump stars probably associated with the recently discovered Bootes III stellar system. Finally, we also present the results of a survey of radial velocities over a wide region, extending from r ~ 10' out to r ~ 80' within the massive star cluster Omega Centauri. The survey was performed with FLAMES@VLT, to study the velocity dispersion profile in the outer regions of this stellar system. All the results presented in this Thesis, have already been published in refeered journals.


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The Adaptive Optics is the measurement and correction in real time of the wavefront aberration of the star light caused by the atmospheric turbulence, that limits the angular resolution of ground based telescopes and thus their capabilities to deep explore faint and crowded astronomical objects. The lack of natural stars enough bright to be used as reference sources for the Adaptive Optics, over a relevant fraction of the sky, led to the introduction of artificial reference stars. The so-called Laser Guide Stars are produced by exciting the Sodium atoms in a layer laying at 90km of altitude, by a powerful laser beam projected toward the sky. The possibility to turn on a reference star close to the scientific targets of interest has the drawback in an increased difficulty in the wavefront measuring, mainly due to the time instability of the Sodium layer density. These issues are increased with the telescope diameter. In view of the construction of the 42m diameter European Extremely Large Telescope a detailed investigation of the achievable performances of Adaptive Optics becomes mandatory to exploit its unique angular resolution . The goal of this Thesis was to present a complete description of a laboratory Prototype development simulating a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor using Laser Guide Stars as references, in the expected conditions for a 42m telescope. From the conceptual design, through the opto-mechanical design, to the Assembly, Integration and Test, all the phases of the Prototype construction are explained. The tests carried out shown the reliability of the images produced by the Prototype that agreed with the numerical simulations. For this reason some possible upgrades regarding the opto-mechanical design are presented, to extend the system functionalities and let the Prototype become a more complete test bench to simulate the performances and drive the future Adaptive Optics modules design.


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My PhD project has been focused on the study of the pulsating variable stars in two ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Milky Way, namely, Leo IV and Hercules; and in two fields of the Large Magellanic Cloud (namely, the Gaia South Ecliptic Pole calibration field, and the 30 Doradus region) that were repeatedly observed in the KS band by the VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC, PI M.R. Cioni) survey of the Magellanic System.


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We have used high-resolution spectra, acquired with UVES@ESO-VLT, to determine the chemical abundances of different samples of AGB and RGB stars in 4 Galactic globular clusters, namely 47Tuc, NGC3201, M22 and M62. For almost all the analyzed AGB stars we found a clear discrepancy between the iron abundance measured from neutral lines and that obtained from single ionized lines, while this discrepancy is not obtained for the RGB samples observed in the same clusters and analyzed with the same procedure. Such a behavior exactly corresponds to what expected in the case of Non-Local Thermodynamical Equilibrium (NLTE) in the star atmosphere. These results have a huge impact on the proper determination of GC chemistry. In fact, one of the most intriguing consequences is that, at odds with previous claims, no iron spread is found in NGC3201 and M22 if the iron abundance is obtained from ionized lines only.