3 resultados para Biological Apatite
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The purpose of this thesis is the atomic-scale simulation of the crystal-chemical and physical (phonon, energetic) properties of some strategically important minerals for structural ceramics, biomedical and petrological applications. These properties affect the thermodynamic stability and rule the mineral-environment interface phenomena, with important economical, (bio)technological, petrological and environmental implications. The minerals of interest belong to the family of phyllosilicates (talc, pyrophyllite and muscovite) and apatite (OHAp), chosen for their importance in industrial and biomedical applications (structural ceramics) and petrophysics. In this thesis work we have applicated quantum mechanics methods, formulas and knowledge to the resolution of mineralogical problems ("Quantum Mineralogy”). The chosen theoretical approach is the Density Functional Theory (DFT), along with periodic boundary conditions to limit the portion of the mineral in analysis to the crystallographic cell and the hybrid functional B3LYP. The crystalline orbitals were simulated by linear combination of Gaussian functions (GTO). The dispersive forces, which are important for the structural determination of phyllosilicates and not properly con-sidered in pure DFT method, have been included by means of a semi-empirical correction. The phonon and the mechanical properties were also calculated. The equation of state, both in athermal conditions and in a wide temperature range, has been obtained by means of variations in the volume of the cell and quasi-harmonic approximation. Some thermo-chemical properties of the minerals (isochoric and isobaric thermal capacity) were calculated, because of their considerable applicative importance. For the first time three-dimensional charts related to these properties at different pressures and temperatures were provided. The hydroxylapatite has been studied from the standpoint of structural and phonon properties for its biotechnological role. In fact, biological apatite represents the inorganic phase of vertebrate hard tissues. Numerous carbonated (hydroxyl)apatite structures were modelled by QM to cover the broadest spectrum of possible biological structural variations to fulfil bioceramics applications.
The stable increase in average life expectancy and the consecutive increase in the number of cases of bone related diseases has led to a growing interest in the development of materials that can promote bone repair and/or replacement. Among the best candidates are those materials that have a high similarity to bones, in terms of composition, structure, morphology and functionality. Biomineralized tissue, and thus also bones, have three main components: water, an organic matrix and an inorganic deposit. In vertebrates, the inorganic deposit consists of what is called biological apatite, which slightly differ from stoichiometric hydroxyapatite (HA) both in crystallographic terms and in the presence of foreign atoms and species. This justifies the great attention towards calcium phosphates, which show excellent biocompatibility and bioactivity. The performances of the material and the response of the biological tissue can be further improved through their functionalization with ions, biologically active molecules and nanostructures. This thesis focuses on several possible functionalizations of calcium phosphates, and their effects on chemical properties and biological performances. In particular, the functionalizing agents include several biologically relevant ions, such as Cobalt (Co), Manganese (Mn), Strontium (Sr) and Zinc (Zn); two organic molecules, a flavonoid (Quercetin) and a polyphenol (Curcumin); and nanoparticles, namely tungsten oxide (WO3) NPs. Functionalization was carried out on various calcium phosphates: dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD), dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA) and hydroxyapatite (HA). Two different strategies of functionalization were applied: direct synthesis and adsorption from solution. Finally, a chapter is devoted to a preliminary study on the development of cements based on some of the functionalized phosphates obtained.
In the field of bone substitutes is highly researched an innovative material able to fill gaps with high mechanical performances and able to stimulate cell response, permitting the complete restoration of the bone portion. In this respect, the synthesis of new bioactive materials able to mimic the compositional, morphological and mechanical features of bone is considered as the elective approach for effective tissue regeneration. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the main component of the inorganic part of bone. Additionally ionic substitution can be performed in the apatite lattice producing different effects, depending from the selected ions. Magnesium, in substitution of calcium, and carbonate, in substitution of phosphate, extensively present in the biological bones, are able to improve properties naturally present in the apatitic phase, (i.e. biomimicry, solubility e osteoinductive properties). Other ions can be used to give new useful properties, like antiresorptive or antimicrobial properties, to the apatitic phase. This thesis focused on the development of hydroxyapatite nanophases with multiple ionic substitutions including gallium, or zinc ions, in association with magnesium and carbonate, with the purpose to provide double synergistic functionality as osteogenic and antibacterial biomaterial. Were developed bioactive materials based on Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite in the form of sintered targets. The obtained targets were treated with Pulsed Plasma Deposition (PED) resulting in the deposition of thin film coatings able to improve the roughness and wettability of PEEK, enhancing its osteointegrability. Were investigated heterogeneous gas-solid reactions, addressed to the biomorphic transformations of natural 3D porous structures into bone scaffolds with biomimetic composition and hierarchical organization, for application in load-bearing sites. The kinetics of the different reactions of the process were optimized to achieve complete and controlled phase transformation, maintaining the original 3-D morphology. Massive porous scaffolds made of ion-substituted hydroxyapatite and bone-mimicking structure were developed and tested in 3-D cell culture models.