em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The continuous increase of genome sequencing projects produced a huge amount of data in the last 10 years: currently more than 600 prokaryotic and 80 eukaryotic genomes are fully sequenced and publically available. However the sole sequencing process of a genome is able to determine just raw nucleotide sequences. This is only the first step of the genome annotation process that will deal with the issue of assigning biological information to each sequence. The annotation process is done at each different level of the biological information processing mechanism, from DNA to protein, and cannot be accomplished only by in vitro analysis procedures resulting extremely expensive and time consuming when applied at a this large scale level. Thus, in silico methods need to be used to accomplish the task. The aim of this work was the implementation of predictive computational methods to allow a fast, reliable, and automated annotation of genomes and proteins starting from aminoacidic sequences. The first part of the work was focused on the implementation of a new machine learning based method for the prediction of the subcellular localization of soluble eukaryotic proteins. The method is called BaCelLo, and was developed in 2006. The main peculiarity of the method is to be independent from biases present in the training dataset, which causes the over‐prediction of the most represented examples in all the other available predictors developed so far. This important result was achieved by a modification, made by myself, to the standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm with the creation of the so called Balanced SVM. BaCelLo is able to predict the most important subcellular localizations in eukaryotic cells and three, kingdom‐specific, predictors were implemented. In two extensive comparisons, carried out in 2006 and 2008, BaCelLo reported to outperform all the currently available state‐of‐the‐art methods for this prediction task. BaCelLo was subsequently used to completely annotate 5 eukaryotic genomes, by integrating it in a pipeline of predictors developed at the Bologna Biocomputing group by Dr. Pier Luigi Martelli and Dr. Piero Fariselli. An online database, called eSLDB, was developed by integrating, for each aminoacidic sequence extracted from the genome, the predicted subcellular localization merged with experimental and similarity‐based annotations. In the second part of the work a new, machine learning based, method was implemented for the prediction of GPI‐anchored proteins. Basically the method is able to efficiently predict from the raw aminoacidic sequence both the presence of the GPI‐anchor (by means of an SVM), and the position in the sequence of the post‐translational modification event, the so called ω‐site (by means of an Hidden Markov Model (HMM)). The method is called GPIPE and reported to greatly enhance the prediction performances of GPI‐anchored proteins over all the previously developed methods. GPIPE was able to predict up to 88% of the experimentally annotated GPI‐anchored proteins by maintaining a rate of false positive prediction as low as 0.1%. GPIPE was used to completely annotate 81 eukaryotic genomes, and more than 15000 putative GPI‐anchored proteins were predicted, 561 of which are found in H. sapiens. In average 1% of a proteome is predicted as GPI‐anchored. A statistical analysis was performed onto the composition of the regions surrounding the ω‐site that allowed the definition of specific aminoacidic abundances in the different considered regions. Furthermore the hypothesis that compositional biases are present among the four major eukaryotic kingdoms, proposed in literature, was tested and rejected. All the developed predictors and databases are freely available at: BaCelLo http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/bacello eSLDB http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/esldb GPIPE http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/gpipe
Bioinformatics is a recent and emerging discipline which aims at studying biological problems through computational approaches. Most branches of bioinformatics such as Genomics, Proteomics and Molecular Dynamics are particularly computationally intensive, requiring huge amount of computational resources for running algorithms of everincreasing complexity over data of everincreasing size. In the search for computational power, the EGEE Grid platform, world's largest community of interconnected clusters load balanced as a whole, seems particularly promising and is considered the new hope for satisfying the everincreasing computational requirements of bioinformatics, as well as physics and other computational sciences. The EGEE platform, however, is rather new and not yet free of problems. In addition, specific requirements of bioinformatics need to be addressed in order to use this new platform effectively for bioinformatics tasks. In my three years' Ph.D. work I addressed numerous aspects of this Grid platform, with particular attention to those needed by the bioinformatics domain. I hence created three major frameworks, Vnas, GridDBManager and SETest, plus an additional smaller standalone solution, to enhance the support for bioinformatics applications in the Grid environment and to reduce the effort needed to create new applications, additionally addressing numerous existing Grid issues and performing a series of optimizations. The Vnas framework is an advanced system for the submission and monitoring of Grid jobs that provides an abstraction with reliability over the Grid platform. In addition, Vnas greatly simplifies the development of new Grid applications by providing a callback system to simplify the creation of arbitrarily complex multistage computational pipelines and provides an abstracted virtual sandbox which bypasses Grid limitations. Vnas also reduces the usage of Grid bandwidth and storage resources by transparently detecting equality of virtual sandbox files based on content, across different submissions, even when performed by different users. BGBlast, evolution of the earlier project GridBlast, now provides a Grid Database Manager (GridDBManager) component for managing and automatically updating biological flatfile databases in the Grid environment. GridDBManager sports very novel features such as an adaptive replication algorithm that constantly optimizes the number of replicas of the managed databases in the Grid environment, balancing between response times (performances) and storage costs according to a programmed cost formula. GridDBManager also provides a very optimized automated management for older versions of the databases based on reverse delta files, which reduces the storage costs required to keep such older versions available in the Grid environment by two orders of magnitude. The SETest framework provides a way to the user to test and regressiontest Python applications completely scattered with side effects (this is a common case with Grid computational pipelines), which could not easily be tested using the more standard methods of unit testing or test cases. The technique is based on a new concept of datasets containing invocations and results of filtered calls. The framework hence significantly accelerates the development of new applications and computational pipelines for the Grid environment, and the efforts required for maintenance. An analysis of the impact of these solutions will be provided in this thesis. This Ph.D. work originated various publications in journals and conference proceedings as reported in the Appendix. Also, I orally presented my work at numerous international conferences related to Grid and bioinformatics.
Biological data are inherently interconnected: protein sequences are connected to their annotations, the annotations are structured into ontologies, and so on. While protein-protein interactions are already represented by graphs, in this work I am presenting how a graph structure can be used to enrich the annotation of protein sequences thanks to algorithms that analyze the graph topology. We also describe a novel solution to restrict the data generation needed for building such a graph, thanks to constraints on the data and dynamic programming. The proposed algorithm ideally improves the generation time by a factor of 5. The graph representation is then exploited to build a comprehensive database, thanks to the rising technology of graph databases. While graph databases are widely used for other kind of data, from Twitter tweets to recommendation systems, their application to bioinformatics is new. A graph database is proposed, with a structure that can be easily expanded and queried.
Many new Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins have recently been identified by proteomics techniques. However, poorly expressed proteins and proteins expressed only under certain conditions may escape detection when wild-type cells are grown under standard conditions. Here, we have taken a complementary approach where candidate outer membrane proteins have been identified by bioinformatics prediction, cloned and overexpressed, and finally localized by cell fractionation experiments. Out of eight predicted outer membrane proteins, we have confirmed the outer membrane localization for five—YftM, YaiO, YfaZ, CsgF, and YliI—and also provide preliminary data indicating that a sixth—YfaL—may be an outer membrane autotransporter.
In the post genomic era with the massive production of biological data the understanding of factors affecting protein stability is one of the most important and challenging tasks for highlighting the role of mutations in relation to human maladies. The problem is at the basis of what is referred to as molecular medicine with the underlying idea that pathologies can be detailed at a molecular level. To this purpose scientific efforts focus on characterising mutations that hamper protein functions and by these affect biological processes at the basis of cell physiology. New techniques have been developed with the aim of detailing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at large in all the human chromosomes and by this information in specific databases are exponentially increasing. Eventually mutations that can be found at the DNA level, when occurring in transcribed regions may then lead to mutated proteins and this can be a serious medical problem, largely affecting the phenotype. Bioinformatics tools are urgently needed to cope with the flood of genomic data stored in database and in order to analyse the role of SNPs at the protein level. In principle several experimental and theoretical observations are suggesting that protein stability in the solvent-protein space is responsible of the correct protein functioning. Then mutations that are found disease related during DNA analysis are often assumed to perturb protein stability as well. However so far no extensive analysis at the proteome level has investigated whether this is the case. Also computationally methods have been developed to infer whether a mutation is disease related and independently whether it affects protein stability. Therefore whether the perturbation of protein stability is related to what it is routinely referred to as a disease is still a big question mark. In this work we have tried for the first time to explore the relation among mutations at the protein level and their relevance to diseases with a large-scale computational study of the data from different databases. To this aim in the first part of the thesis for each mutation type we have derived two probabilistic indices (for 141 out of 150 possible SNPs): the perturbing index (Pp), which indicates the probability that a given mutation effects protein stability considering all the “in vitro” thermodynamic data available and the disease index (Pd), which indicates the probability of a mutation to be disease related, given all the mutations that have been clinically associated so far. We find with a robust statistics that the two indexes correlate with the exception of all the mutations that are somatic cancer related. By this each mutation of the 150 can be coded by two values that allow a direct comparison with data base information. Furthermore we also implement computational methods that starting from the protein structure is suited to predict the effect of a mutation on protein stability and find that overpasses a set of other predictors performing the same task. The predictor is based on support vector machines and takes as input protein tertiary structures. We show that the predicted data well correlate with the data from the databases. All our efforts therefore add to the SNP annotation process and more importantly found the relationship among protein stability perturbation and the human variome leading to the diseasome.
The world of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics presently integrates many different expertise, including computer science and electronic engineering. A major aim in Data Science is the development and tuning of specific computational approaches to interpret the complexity of Biology. Molecular biologists and medical doctors heavily rely on an interdisciplinary expert capable of understanding the biological background to apply algorithms for finding optimal solutions to their problems. With this problem-solving orientation, I was involved in two basic research fields: Cancer Genomics and Enzyme Proteomics. For this reason, what I developed and implemented can be considered a general effort to help data analysis both in Cancer Genomics and in Enzyme Proteomics, focusing on enzymes which catalyse all the biochemical reactions in cells. Specifically, as to Cancer Genomics I contributed to the characterization of intratumoral immune microenvironment in gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) correlating immune cell population levels with tumour subtypes. I was involved in the setup of strategies for the evaluation and standardization of different approaches for fusion transcript detection in sarcomas that can be applied in routine diagnostic. This was part of a coordinated effort of the Sarcoma working group of "Alleanza Contro il Cancro". As to Enzyme Proteomics, I generated a derived database collecting all the human proteins and enzymes which are known to be associated to genetic disease. I curated the data search in freely available databases such as PDB, UniProt, Humsavar, Clinvar and I was responsible of searching, updating, and handling the information content, and computing statistics. I also developed a web server, BENZ, which allows researchers to annotate an enzyme sequence with the corresponding Enzyme Commission number, the important feature fully describing the catalysed reaction. More to this, I greatly contributed to the characterization of the enzyme-genetic disease association, for a better classification of the metabolic genetic diseases.
In the brain, mutations in SLC25A12 gene encoding AGC1 cause an ultra-rare genetic disease reported as a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy associated with global cerebral hypomyelination. Symptoms of the disease include diffused hypomyelination, arrested psychomotor development, severe hypotonia, seizures and are common to other neurological and developmental disorders. Amongst the biological components believed to be most affected by AGC1 deficiency are oligodendrocytes, glial cells responsible for myelination. Recent studies (Poeta et al, 2022) have also shown how altered levels of transcription factors and epigenetic modifications greatly affect proliferation and differentiation in oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). In this study we explore the transcriptomic landscape of Agc1 in two different system models: OPCs silenced for Agc1 and iPSCs from human patients differentiated to neural progenitors. Analyses range from differential expression analysis, alternative splicing, master regulator analysis. ATAC-seq results on OPCs were integrated with results from RNA-Seq to assess the activity of a TF based on the accessibility data from its putative targets, which allows to integrate RNA-Seq data to infer their role as either activators or repressors. All the findings for this model were also integrated with early data from iPSCs RNA-seq results, looking for possible commonalities between the two different system models, among which we find a downregulation in genes encoding for SREBP, a transcription factor regulating fatty acids biosynthesis, a key process for myelination which could explain the hypomyelinated state of patients. We also find that in both systems cells tend to form more neurites, likely losing their ability to differentiate, considering their progenitor state. We also report several alterations in the chromatin state of cells lacking Agc1, which confirms the hypothesis for which Agc1 is not a disease restricted only to metabolic alterations in the cells, but there is a profound shift of the regulatory state of these cells.