10 resultados para Autogenous And Semi-autogenous Milling

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The diagnosis, grading and classification of tumours has benefited considerably from the development of DCE-MRI which is now essential to the adequate clinical management of many tumour types due to its capability in detecting active angiogenesis. Several strategies have been proposed for DCE-MRI evaluation. Visual inspection of contrast agent concentration curves vs time is a very simple yet operator dependent procedure, therefore more objective approaches have been developed in order to facilitate comparison between studies. In so called model free approaches, descriptive or heuristic information extracted from time series raw data have been used for tissue classification. The main issue concerning these schemes is that they have not a direct interpretation in terms of physiological properties of the tissues. On the other hand, model based investigations typically involve compartmental tracer kinetic modelling and pixel-by-pixel estimation of kinetic parameters via non-linear regression applied on region of interests opportunely selected by the physician. This approach has the advantage to provide parameters directly related to the pathophysiological properties of the tissue such as vessel permeability, local regional blood flow, extraction fraction, concentration gradient between plasma and extravascular-extracellular space. Anyway, nonlinear modelling is computational demanding and the accuracy of the estimates can be affected by the signal-to-noise ratio and by the initial solutions. The principal aim of this thesis is investigate the use of semi-quantitative and quantitative parameters for segmentation and classification of breast lesion. The objectives can be subdivided as follow: describe the principal techniques to evaluate time intensity curve in DCE-MRI with focus on kinetic model proposed in literature; to evaluate the influence in parametrization choice for a classic bi-compartmental kinetic models; to evaluate the performance of a method for simultaneous tracer kinetic modelling and pixel classification; to evaluate performance of machine learning techniques training for segmentation and classification of breast lesion.


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The consumer demand for natural, minimally processed, fresh like and functional food has lead to an increasing interest in emerging technologies. The aim of this PhD project was to study three innovative food processing technologies currently used in the food sector. Ultrasound-assisted freezing, vacuum impregnation and pulsed electric field have been investigated through laboratory scale systems and semi-industrial pilot plants. Furthermore, analytical and sensory techniques have been developed to evaluate the quality of food and vegetable matrix obtained by traditional and emerging processes. Ultrasound was found to be a valuable technique to improve the freezing process of potatoes, anticipating the beginning of the nucleation process, mainly when applied during the supercooling phase. A study of the effects of pulsed electric fields on phenol and enzymatic profile of melon juice has been realized and the statistical treatment of data was carried out through a response surface method. Next, flavour enrichment of apple sticks has been realized applying different techniques, as atmospheric, vacuum, ultrasound technologies and their combinations. The second section of the thesis deals with the development of analytical methods for the discrimination and quantification of phenol compounds in vegetable matrix, as chestnut bark extracts and olive mill waste water. The management of waste disposal in mill sector has been approached with the aim of reducing the amount of waste, and at the same time recovering valuable by-products, to be used in different industrial sectors. Finally, the sensory analysis of boiled potatoes has been carried out through the development of a quantitative descriptive procedure for the study of Italian and Mexican potato varieties. An update on flavour development in fresh and cooked potatoes has been realized and a sensory glossary, including general and specific definitions related to organic products, used in the European project Ecropolis, has been drafted.


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Microalgae are sun - light cell factories that convert carbon dioxide to biofuels, foods, feeds, and other bioproducts. The concept of microalgae cultivation as an integrated system in wastewater treatment has optimized the potential of the microalgae - based biofuel production. These microorganisms contains lipids, polysaccharides, proteins, pigments and other cell compounds, and their biomass can provide different kinds of biofuels such as biodiesel, biomethane and ethanol. The algal biomass application strongly depends on the cell composition and the production of biofuels appears to be economically convenient only in conjunction with wastewater treatment. The aim of this research thesis was to investigate a biological wastewater system on a laboratory scale growing a newly isolated freshwater microalgae, Desmodesmus communis, in effluents generated by a local wastewater reclamation facility in Cesena (Emilia Romagna, Italy) in batch and semi - continuous cultures. This work showed the potential utilization of this microorganism in an algae - based wastewater treatment; Desmodesmus communis had a great capacity to grow in the wastewater, competing with other microorganisms naturally present and adapting to various environmental conditions such as different irradiance levels and nutrient concentrations. The nutrient removal efficiency was characterized at different hydraulic retention times as well as the algal growth rate and biomass composition in terms of proteins, polysaccharides, total lipids and total fatty acids (TFAs) which are considered the substrate for biodiesel production. The biochemical analyses were coupled with the biomass elemental analysis which specified the amount of carbon and nitrogen in the algal biomass. Furthermore photosynthetic investigations were carried out to better correlate the environmental conditions with the physiology responses of the cells and consequently get more information to optimize the growth rate and the increase of TFAs and C/N ratio, cellular compounds and biomass parameter which are fundamental in the biomass energy recovery.


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This manuscript reports the overall development of a Ph.D. research project during the “Mechanics and advanced engineering sciences” course at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna. The project is focused on the development of a combustion control system for an innovative Spark Ignited engine layout. In details, the controller is oriented to manage a prototypal engine equipped with a Port Water Injection system. The water injection technology allows an increment of combustion efficiency due to the knock mitigation effect that permits to keep the combustion phasing closer to the optimal position with respect to the traditional layout. At the beginning of the project, the effects and the possible benefits achievable by water injection have been investigated by a focused experimental campaign. Then the data obtained by combustion analysis have been processed to design a control-oriented combustion model. The model identifies the correlation between Spark Advance, combustion phasing and injected water mass, and two different strategies are presented, both based on an analytic and semi-empirical approach and therefore compatible with a real-time application. The model has been implemented in a combustion controller that manages water injection to reach the best achievable combustion efficiency while keeping knock levels under a pre-established threshold. Three different versions of the algorithm are described in detail. This controller has been designed and pre-calibrated in a software-in-the-loop environment and later an experimental validation has been performed with a rapid control prototyping approach to highlight the performance of the system on real set-up. To further make the strategy implementable on an onboard application, an estimation algorithm of combustion phasing, necessary for the controller, has been developed during the last phase of the PhD Course, based on accelerometric signals.


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Induced mutagenesis has been exploited for crop improvement and for investigating gene function and regulation. To unravel molecular mechanisms of stress resilience, we applied state-of-the-art genomics-based gene cloning methods to barley mutant lines showing altered root and shoot architecture and disease lesion mimic phenotypes. With a novel method that we named complementation by sequencing, we cloned NEC3, the causal gene for an orange-spotted disease lesion mimic phenotype. NEC3 belongs to the CYP71P1 gene family and it is involved in serotonin biosynthesis. By comparative phylogenetic analysis we showed that CYP71P1 emerged early in angiosperm evolution but was lost in some lineages including Arabidopsis thaliana. By BSA-Seq, we cloned the gene whose mutation increased leaf width, and we showed that the gene corresponded to the previously cloned BROADLEAF1. By BSA coupled to WGS sequencing, we cloned EGT1 and EGT2, two genes that regulate root gravitropic set point angle. EGT1 encodes a Tubby-like F-box protein and EGT2 encodes a Sterile Alpha Motive protein; EGT2 is phylogenetically related to AtSAM5 in Arabidopsis and to WEEP in peach where it regulates branch angle. Both EGT1 and EGT2 are conserved in wheat. We hypothesized that both participate to an anti-gravitropic offset mechanism since their disruption causes mutant roots to grow along the gravity vector. By the MutMap+ method, we cloned the causal gene of a short and semi-rigid root mutant and found that it encodes for an endoglucanase and is the ortholog of OsGLU3 in rice whose mutant has the same phenotype, suggesting that the gene is conserved in barley and rice. The mutants and the corresponding genes which were cloned in this work are involved in the response to stress and can potentially contribute to crop adaptation.


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Cleaning is one of the most important and delicate procedures that are part of the restoration process. When developing new systems, it is fundamental to consider its selectivity towards the layer to-be-removed, non-invasiveness towards the one to-be-preserved, its sustainability and non-toxicity. Besides assessing its efficacy, it is important to understand its mechanism by analytical protocols that strike a balance between cost, practicality, and reliable interpretation of results. In this thesis, the development of cleaning systems based on the coupling of electrospun fabrics (ES) and greener organic solvents is proposed. Electrospinning is a versatile technique that allows the production of micro/nanostructured non-woven mats, which have already been used as absorbents in various scientific fields, but to date, not in the restoration field. The systems produced proved to be effective for the removal of dammar varnish from paintings, where the ES not only act as solvent-binding agents but also as adsorbents towards the partially solubilised varnish due to capillary rise, thus enabling a one-step procedure. They have also been successfully applied for the removal of spray varnish from marble substrates and wall paintings. Due to the materials' complexity, the procedure had to be adapted case-by-case and mechanical action was still necessary. According to the spinning solution, three types of ES mats have been produced: polyamide 6,6, pullulan and pullulan with melanin nanoparticles. The latter, under irradiation, allows for a localised temperature increase accelerating and facilitating the removal of less soluble layers (e.g. reticulated alkyd-based paints). All the systems produced, and the mock-ups used were extensively characterised using multi-analytical protocols. Finally, a monitoring protocol and image treatment based on photoluminescence macro-imaging is proposed. This set-up allowed the study of the removal mechanism of dammar varnish and semi-quantify its residues. These initial results form the basis for optimising the acquisition set-up and data processing.


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The thesis aims at inquiring into the issue of innovation and organizational and institutional change in the public administration with regard to the increasingly massive adoption of participatory devices and practices in various arenas of public policies. The field of reference regards transformations of the types of public actions and regulation systems, concerning governance. Together with the crisis of the public function and of the role played by the insitutions what is emerging are different levels of governement, both towards an over national and a local direction, and a plurality of social interlocutors, followed by a post-bureaucratic pattern of the public administration that is opening itself in the direction of environment and citizens. The public adminstration is no longer considered an inert object within the bureaucratic paradigm but as a series of communicative processes, choices, cultures and practices that actively builds itself and the environment it interacts with. Therefore, the output of the public administration isn’t the simple service being supplied but the relationship enacted with the citizen, relationship that becomes the constituent basis of adminstrative processes. The intention of thesis is to take into consideration the relation between innovation of the public administration and participatory experimentations and implementations regarded as exchanges in which citizens and the public administration hold talks and debates. The issue of the organizational change of the public administration as output and effect of inclusive deliberative practices has been analysed starting from an institutionalist approach, in other words examining the constituent features of institutions, “rediscovering” them with regard to their public nature, their ability to elaborate collective values and meanings, the social definition of problems and solutions. The participatory device employed by the Forlì city council that involved enterprises and cultural associations of the area in order to build a participatory Table, has been studied through a qualitative methodology (participant observation and semi-strutctured interviews). The analysis inquired into the public nature both of the participatory device and the administrative action itself as well as into elements pertaining the deliberative setting, the regulative reference framework and the actors which took part in the process.


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La cippatura è un processo produttivo fondamentale nella trasformazione della materia prima forestale in biomassa combustibile che coinvolgerà un numero sempre più crescente di operatori. Scopo dello studio è stato quantificare la produttività e il consumo di combustibile in 16 cantieri di cippatura e determinare i livelli di esposizione alla polvere di legno degli addetti alla cippatura, in funzione di condizioni operative differenti. Sono state identificate due tipologie di cantiere: uno industriale, con cippatrici di grossa taglia (300-400kW) dotate di cabina, e uno semi-industriale con cippatrici di piccola-media taglia (100-150kW) prive di cabina. In tutti i cantieri sono stati misurati i tempi di lavoro, i consumi di combustibile, l’esposizione alla polvere di legno e sono stati raccolti dei campioni di cippato per l’analisi qualitativa. Il cantiere industriale ha raggiunto una produttività media oraria di 25 Mg tal quali, ed è risultato 5 volte più produttivo di quello semi-industriale, che ha raggiunto una produttività media oraria di 5 Mg. Ipotizzando un utilizzo massimo annuo di 1500 ore, il cantiere semi-industriale raggiunge una produzione annua di 7.410 Mg, mentre quello industriale di 37.605 Mg. Il consumo specifico di gasolio (L per Mg di cippato) è risultato molto minore per il cantiere industriale, che consuma in media quasi la metà di quello semi-industriale. Riguardo all’esposizione degli operatori alla polvere di legno, tutti i campioni hanno riportato valori di esposizione inferiori a 5 mg/m3 (limite di legge previsto dal D.Lgs. 81/08). Nei cantieri semi-industriali il valore medio di esposizione è risultato di 1,35 mg/m3, con un valore massimo di 3,66 mg/m3. Nei cantieri industriali si è riscontrato che la cabina riduce drasticamente l’esposizione alle polveri di legno. I valori medi misurati all’esterno della cabina sono stati di 0,90 mg/m3 mentre quelli all’interno della cabina sono risultati pari a 0,20 mg/m3.


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Oggetto della ricerca è l’esame del ruolo attuale della partecipazione pubblica locale in società per l’erogazione di servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, nel nuovo contesto normativo caratterizzato dalla residualità dell’autoproduzione, dalla liberalizzazione, dall’organizzazione del servizio in ambiti territoriali, e dalle esigenze di contenimento della spesa locale, acuite dalla crisi economica-finanziaria. Si sono distinte quattro tipologie di società: nel caso di servizi gestiti in regime di esclusiva, le società a capitale pubblico-privato con socio privato operativo scelto mediante gara, le società in house affidatarie dirette, e le società affidatarie in quanto selezionate in procedure ad evidenza pubblica; nel caso di servizi sottratti al regime di esclusiva, le società che eroghino il servizio liberalizzato. L’indagine si è focalizzata sulle condizioni di costituzione e di mantenimento di tali società, e si è approfondito quel particolare aspetto del loro regime giuridico costituito dai limiti operativi. L’analisi è stata condotta esaminando le nuove disposizioni, le posizioni giurisprudenziali e le letture della dottrina relative alle società disciplinate come forme di gestione di servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, relative alla funzionalizzazione dell’attività degli enti territoriali e delle società da questi partecipate, e relative alla tutela della concorrenza.


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Gonocerus acuteangulatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) è considerato uno dei principali fitofagi del nocciolo, in grado di causare con l’attività trofica pesanti perdite quali-quantitative di produzione. Nel triennio sono state quindi condotte indagini sulla bioetologia di G. acuteangulatus volte a: I) studiare comportamento alimentare ed effetti sulla produzione corilicola, II) identificare i feromoni e valutarne l’attività mediante biosaggi fisiologici e comportamentali in laboratorio, semi-campo e campo, III) rilevare le piante ospiti alternative al nocciolo. Mediante isolamento di adulti del coreide su rami di nocciolo con frutti è stata confermata l’assenza di correlazione fra entità del danno e numerosità degli individui presenti in corileto. Dalle analisi sensoriali su nocciole sane e danneggiate è emerso che le alterazioni causate delle punture di nutrizione sono rese più evidenti da conservazione e tostatura. Variazioni di tempi e temperature di tostatura potrebbero mitigare gli effetti del cimiciato. Nello studio dei feromoni, G. acuteangulatus, molto mobile nell’ambiente, è risultato poco adatto ai biosaggi in condizioni artificiali, come quelle in olfattometro e semi-campo. Le femmine sono tuttavia apparse attrattive per adulti di entrambi i sessi, mentre la miscela feromonale sintetizzata ha mostrato un’azione attrattiva, seppure non costante. Pertanto, ulteriori ripetizioni sono necessarie per convalidare questi risultati preliminari, modificando le condizioni di saggio in relazione alle caratteristiche della specie. Infine è stata accertata la preferenza del fitofago per alcune specie vegetali rispetto al nocciolo. Nel corso del triennio, popolazioni molto consistenti di G. acuteangulatus sono state rilevate su bosso, ciliegio di Santa Lucia, rosa selvatica, sanguinello, spino cervino, in corrispondenza del periodo di comparsa e maturazione dei frutti. Nell’impostazione di una strategia di difesa a basso impatto ambientale, l’attrattività di queste piante, in sinergia con eventuali feromoni di aggregazione, potrebbe essere utilmente sfruttata, per mantenere il coreide lontano dalla coltura.