7 resultados para Australian Group for Antimicrobial Resistance (AGAR)

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Prokaryotic organisms are one of the most successful forms of life, they are present in all known ecosystems. The deluge diversity of bacteria reflects their ability to colonise every environment. Also, human beings host trillions of microorganisms in their body districts, including skin, mucosae, and gut. This symbiosis is active for all other terrestrial and marine animals, as well as plants. With the term holobiont we refer, with a single word, to the systems including both the host and its symbiotic microbial species. The coevolution of bacteria within their ecological niches reflects the adaptation of both host and guest species, and it is shaped by complex interactions that are pivotal for determining the host state. Nowadays, thanks to the current sequencing technologies, Next Generation Sequencing, we have unprecedented tools for investigating the bacterial life by studying the prokaryotic genome sequences. NGS revolution has been sustained by the advancements in computational performance, in terms of speed, storage capacity, algorithm development and hardware costs decreasing following the Moore’s Law. Bioinformaticians and computational biologists design and implement ad hoc tools able to analyse high-throughput data and extract valuable biological information. Metagenomics requires the integration of life and computational sciences and it is uncovering the deluge diversity of the bacterial world. The present thesis work focuses mainly on the analysis of prokaryotic genomes under different aspects. Being supervised by two groups at the University of Bologna, the Biocomputing group and the group of Microbial Ecology of Health, I investigated three different topics: i) antimicrobial resistance, particularly with respect to missense point mutations involved in the resistant phenotype, ii) bacterial mechanisms involved in xenobiotic degradation via the computational analysis of metagenomic samples, and iii) the variation of the human gut microbiota through ageing, in elderly and longevous individuals.


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This thesis presents AMR phenotypic evaluation and whole genome sequencing analysis of 288 Escherichia coli strains isolated from different sources (livestock, companion animal, wildlife, food and human) in Italy. Our data reflects general resistance trends in Europe, reporting tetracycline, ampicillin, sulfisoxazole and aminoglycosides resistance as the most common phenotypic AMR profile among livestock, pets, wildlife and humans. Identification of human and animal (livestock and companion animal) AMR profiles in niches with a rare (fishery, mollusc) or absent (vegetable, wild animal, wild boar) direct exposure to antimicrobials, suggests widespread environmental pollution with ARGs conferring resistance to these antimicrobials. Phenotypic resistance to highest priority critically important antimicrobials was mainly observed in food-producing animals and related food such as rabbit, poultry, beef and swine. Discrepancies between AMR phenotypic pattern and genetic profile were observed. In particular, phenotypic aminoglycoside, cephalosporin, meropenem, colistin resistance and ESBL profile did not have a genetic explanation in different cases. This data could suggest the diffusion of new genetic variants of ARGs, associated to these antimicrobial classes. Generally, our collection shows a virulence profile typical of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) pathotype. Different pandemic and emerging ExPEC lineages were identified, in particular in poultry meat (ST10; ST23; ST69, ST117; ST131). Rabbit was suggested as a source of ST20-ST40 potential hybrid pathogens. Wildlife carried a high average number (10) of VAGs (mostly associated to ExPEC pathotype) and different predominant ExPEC lineages (ST23, ST117, ST648), suggesting its possible involvement in maintenance and diffusion of virulence determinants. In conclusion, our study provides important knowledge related to the phenotypic/genetic AMR and virulence profiles circulating in E. coli in Italy. The role of different niches in AMR dynamics has been discussed. In particular, food-producing animals are worthy of continued investigation as a source of potential zoonotic pathogens, meanwhile wildlife might contribute to VAGs spread.


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This PhD thesis sets its goal in the application of crystal engineering strategies to the design, formulation, synthesis, and characterization of innovative materials obtained by combining well established biologically active molecules and/or GRAS (generally recognized as safe) compounds with co-formers able to modulate specific properties of the molecule of interest. The solid-state association, via non-covalent interactions, of an active ingredient with another molecular component, a metal salt or a complex, may alter in a useful way the physicochemical properties of the active ingredient and/or may allow to explore new ways to enhance, in a synergistic way, the overall biological performance. More specifically this thesis will address the threat posed by the increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) developed by microorganisms, which call for novel therapeutic strategies. Crystal engineering provides new tools to approach this crisis in a greener and cost-effective way. This PhD work has been developed along two main research lines aiming to contribute to the search for innovative solutions to the AMR problem. Design, preparation and characterization of novel metal-based antimicrobials, whereby organic molecules with known antimicrobial properties are combined with metal atoms also known to exert antimicrobial action. Design, preparation and characterization of co-crystals obtained by combining antibacterial APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) with natural antimicrobials.


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The ideal approach for the long term treatment of intestinal disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is represented by a safe and well tolerated therapy able to reduce mucosal inflammation and maintain homeostasis of the intestinal microbiota. A combined therapy with antimicrobial agents, to reduce antigenic load, and immunomodulators, to ameliorate the dysregulated responses, followed by probiotic supplementation has been proposed. Because of the complementary mechanisms of action of antibiotics and probiotics, a combined therapeutic approach would give advantages in terms of enlargement of the antimicrobial spectrum, due to the barrier effect of probiotic bacteria, and limitation of some side effects of traditional chemiotherapy (i.e. indiscriminate decrease of aggressive and protective intestinal bacteria, altered absorption of nutrient elements, allergic and inflammatory reactions). Rifaximin (4-deoxy-4’-methylpyrido[1’,2’-1,2]imidazo[5,4-c]rifamycin SV) is a product of synthesis experiments designed to modify the parent compound, rifamycin, in order to achieve low gastrointestinal absorption while retaining good antibacterial activity. Both experimental and clinical pharmacology clearly show that this compound is a non systemic antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antibacterial action, covering Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, both aerobes and anaerobes. Being virtually non absorbed, its bioavailability within the gastrointestinal tract is rather high with intraluminal and faecal drug concentrations that largely exceed the MIC values observed in vitro against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. The gastrointestinal tract represents therefore the primary therapeutic target and gastrointestinal infections the main indication. The little value of rifaximin outside the enteric area minimizes both antimicrobial resistance and systemic adverse events. Fermented dairy products enriched with probiotic bacteria have developed into one of the most successful categories of functional foods. Probiotics are defined as “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” (FAO/WHO, 2002), and mainly include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. Probiotic bacteria exert a direct effect on the intestinal microbiota of the host and contribute to organoleptic, rheological and nutritional properties of food. Administration of pharmaceutical probiotic formula has been associated with therapeutic effects in treatment of diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, enteropathogens colonization, gastroenteritis, hypercholesterolemia, IBD, such as ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn’s disease, pouchitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Prerequisites for probiotics are to be effective and safe. The characteristics of an effective probiotic for gastrointestinal tract disorders are tolerance to upper gastrointestinal environment (resistance to digestion by enteric or pancreatic enzymes, gastric acid and bile), adhesion on intestinal surface to lengthen the retention time, ability to prevent the adherence, establishment and/or replication of pathogens, production of antimicrobial substances, degradation of toxic catabolites by bacterial detoxifying enzymatic activities, and modulation of the host immune responses. This study was carried out using a validated three-stage fermentative continuous system and it is aimed to investigate the effect of rifaximin on the colonic microbial flora of a healthy individual, in terms of bacterial composition and production of fermentative metabolic end products. Moreover, this is the first study that investigates in vitro the impact of the simultaneous administration of the antibiotic rifaximin and the probiotic B. lactis BI07 on the intestinal microbiota. Bacterial groups of interest were evaluated using culture-based methods and molecular culture-independent techniques (FISH, PCR-DGGE). Metabolic outputs in terms of SCFA profiles were determined by HPLC analysis. Collected data demonstrated that rifaximin as well as antibiotic and probiotic treatment did not change drastically the intestinal microflora, whereas bacteria belonging to Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus significantly increase over the course of the treatment, suggesting a spontaneous upsurge of rifaximin resistance. These results are in agreement with a previous study, in which it has been demonstrated that rifaximin administration in patients with UC, affects the host with minor variations of the intestinal microflora, and that the microbiota is restored over a wash-out period. In particular, several Bifidobacterium rifaximin resistant mutants could be isolated during the antibiotic treatment, but they disappeared after the antibiotic suspension. Furthermore, bacteria belonging to Atopobium spp. and E. rectale/Clostridium cluster XIVa increased significantly after rifaximin and probiotic treatment. Atopobium genus and E. rectale/Clostridium cluster XIVa are saccharolytic, butyrate-producing bacteria, and for these characteristics they are widely considered health-promoting microorganisms. The absence of major variations in the intestinal microflora of a healthy individual and the significant increase in probiotic and health-promoting bacteria concentrations support the rationale of the administration of rifaximin as efficacious and non-dysbiosis promoting therapy and suggest the efficacy of an antibiotic/probiotic combined treatment in several gut pathologies, such as IBD. To assess the use of an antibiotic/probiotic combination for clinical management of intestinal disorders, genetic, proteomic and physiologic approaches were employed to elucidate molecular mechanisms determining rifaximin resistance in Bifidobacterium, and the expected interactions occurring in the gut between these bacteria and the drug. The ability of an antimicrobial agent to select resistance is a relevant factor that affects its usefulness and may diminish its useful life. Rifaximin resistance phenotype was easily acquired by all bifidobacteria analyzed [type strains of the most representative intestinal bifidobacterial species (B. infantis, B. breve, B. longum, B. adolescentis and B. bifidum) and three bifidobacteria included in a pharmaceutical probiotic preparation (B. lactis BI07, B. breve BBSF and B. longum BL04)] and persisted for more than 400 bacterial generations in the absence of selective pressure. Exclusion of any reversion phenomenon suggested two hypotheses: (i) stable and immobile genetic elements encode resistance; (ii) the drug moiety does not act as an inducer of the resistance phenotype, but enables selection of resistant mutants. Since point mutations in rpoB have been indicated as representing the principal factor determining rifampicin resistance in E. coli and M. tuberculosis, whether a similar mechanism also occurs in Bifidobacterium was verified. The analysis of a 129 bp rpoB core region of several wild-type and resistant bifidobacteria revealed five different types of miss-sense mutations in codons 513, 516, 522 and 529. Position 529 was a novel mutation site, not previously described, and position 522 appeared interesting for both the double point substitutions and the heterogeneous profile of nucleotide changes. The sequence heterogeneity of codon 522 in Bifidobacterium leads to hypothesize an indirect role of its encoded amino acid in the binding with the rifaximin moiety. These results demonstrated the chromosomal nature of rifaximin resistance in Bifidobacterium, minimizing risk factors for horizontal transmission of resistance elements between intestinal microbial species. Further proteomic and physiologic investigations were carried out using B. lactis BI07, component of a pharmaceutical probiotic preparation, as a model strain. The choice of this strain was determined based on the following elements: (i) B. lactis BI07 is able to survive and persist in the gut; (ii) a proteomic overview of this strain has been recently reported. The involvement of metabolic changes associated with rifaximin resistance was investigated by proteomic analysis performed with two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Comparative proteomic mapping of BI07-wt and BI07-res revealed that most differences in protein expression patterns were genetically encoded rather than induced by antibiotic exposure. In particular, rifaximin resistance phenotype was characterized by increased expression levels of stress proteins. Overexpression of stress proteins was expected, as they represent a common non specific response by bacteria when stimulated by different shock conditions, including exposure to toxic agents like heavy metals, oxidants, acids, bile salts and antibiotics. Also, positive transcription regulators were found to be overexpressed in BI07-res, suggesting that bacteria could activate compensatory mechanisms to assist the transcription process in the presence of RNA polymerase inhibitors. Other differences in expression profiles were related to proteins involved in central metabolism; these modifications suggest metabolic disadvantages of resistant mutants in comparison with sensitive bifidobacteria in the gut environment, without selective pressure, explaining their disappearance from faeces of patients with UC after interruption of antibiotic treatment. The differences observed between BI07-wt e BI07-res proteomic patterns, as well as the high frequency of silent mutations reported for resistant mutants of Bifidobacterium could be the consequences of an increased mutation rate, mechanism which may lead to persistence of resistant bacteria in the population. However, the in vivo disappearance of resistant mutants in absence of selective pressure, allows excluding the upsurge of compensatory mutations without loss of resistance. Furthermore, the proteomic characterization of the resistant phenotype suggests that rifaximin resistance is associated with a reduced bacterial fitness in B. lactis BI07-res, supporting the hypothesis of a biological cost of antibiotic resistance in Bifidobacterium. The hypothesis of rifaximin inactivation by bacterial enzymatic activities was verified by using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Neither chemical modifications nor degradation derivatives of the rifaximin moiety were detected. The exclusion of a biodegradation pattern for the drug was further supported by the quantitative recovery in BI07-res culture fractions of the total rifaximin amount (100 μg/ml) added to the culture medium. To confirm the main role of the mutation on the β chain of RNA polymerase in rifaximin resistance acquisition, transcription activity of crude enzymatic extracts of BI07-res cells was evaluated. Although the inhibition effects of rifaximin on in vitro transcription were definitely higher for BI07-wt than for BI07-res, a partial resistance of the mutated RNA polymerase at rifaximin concentrations > 10 μg/ml was supposed, on the basis of the calculated differences in inhibition percentages between BI07-wt and BI07-res. By considering the resistance of entire BI07-res cells to rifaximin concentrations > 100 μg/ml, supplementary resistance mechanisms may take place in vivo. A barrier for the rifaximin uptake in BI07-res cells was suggested in this study, on the basis of the major portion of the antibiotic found to be bound to the cellular pellet respect to the portion recovered in the cellular lysate. Related to this finding, a resistance mechanism involving changes of membrane permeability was supposed. A previous study supports this hypothesis, demonstrating the involvement of surface properties and permeability in natural resistance to rifampicin in mycobacteria, isolated from cases of human infection, which possessed a rifampicin-susceptible RNA polymerase. To understand the mechanism of membrane barrier, variations in percentage of saturated and unsaturated FAs and their methylation products in BI07-wt and BI07-res membranes were investigated. While saturated FAs confer rigidity to membrane and resistance to stress agents, such as antibiotics, a high level of lipid unsaturation is associated with high fluidity and susceptibility to stresses. Thus, the higher percentage of saturated FAs during the stationary phase of BI07-res could represent a defence mechanism of mutant cells to prevent the antibiotic uptake. Furthermore, the increase of CFAs such as dihydrosterculic acid during the stationary phase of BI07-res suggests that this CFA could be more suitable than its isomer lactobacillic acid to interact with and prevent the penetration of exogenous molecules including rifaximin. Finally, the impact of rifaximin on immune regulatory functions of the gut was evaluated. It has been suggested a potential anti-inflammatory effect of rifaximin, with reduced secretion of IFN-γ in a rodent model of colitis. Analogously, it has been reported a significant decrease in IL-8, MCP-1, MCP-3 e IL-10 levels in patients affected by pouchitis, treated with a combined therapy of rifaximin and ciprofloxacin. Since rifaximin enables in vivo and in vitro selection of Bifidobacterium resistant mutants with high frequency, the immunomodulation activities of rifaximin associated with a B. lactis resistant mutant were also taken into account. Data obtained from PBMC stimulation experiments suggest the following conclusions: (i) rifaximin does not exert any effect on production of IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10, whereas it weakly stimulates production of TNF-α; (ii) B. lactis appears as a good inducer of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α; (iii) combination of BI07-res and rifaximin exhibits a lower stimulation effect than BI07-res alone, especially for IL-6. These results confirm the potential anti-inflammatory effect of rifaximin, and are in agreement with several studies that report a transient pro-inflammatory response associated with probiotic administration. The understanding of the molecular factors determining rifaximin resistance in the genus Bifidobacterium assumes an applicative significance at pharmaceutical and medical level, as it represents the scientific basis to justify the simultaneous use of the antibiotic rifaximin and probiotic bifidobacteria in the clinical treatment of intestinal disorders.


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Nell’ambito della patologia gastroenterica del suino sono comprese alcune malattie sostenute da batteri spirillari gram negativi, di cui sono disponibili numerose trattazioni riguardanti, soprattutto, l'aspetto epidemiologico e patogenetico. Per alcuni di questi agenti microbici, e per le relative manifestazioni patologiche, poco si conosce nel cinghiale selvatico, animale correlato filogeneticamente al suino domestico, ma compreso in un’ecologia completamente differente. Da queste premesse è nato un approccio di ricerca e studio del comportamento di questi microrganismi in una metapopolazione di cinghiali, abbattuti durante il piano di controllo della popolazione densità-dipendente nel Parco dei Gessi e Calanchi dell’Abbadessa (BO), cercando di rapportare le conoscenze riportate in letteratura sul suino domestico con quanto è scaturito dalle indagini condotte sul cinghiale selvatico. In particolare è stata indagata con metodica immunoistochimica la presenza di Lawsonia intracellularis, patogeno del suino responsabile di Enterite Proliferativa (EP), in secondo luogo sono state condotte indagini batteriologiche e istologiche da stomaco e intestino, finalizzate all’isolamento di microrganismi spirillari dei generi Campylobacter e Helicobacter, da correlare all’eventuale presenza di lesioni infiammatorie e ulcerative gastriche o enteriche valutate secondo sistemi a punteggio ottenuti dalla bibliografia o realizzati in base alla tipologia di infiltrato cellulare e alla sua localizzazione. In ultimo, a fini comparativi con uno studio condotto nel 2002-2004 nello steso Parco Regionale, sono stati monitorati i livelli di antibioticoresistenza di indicatori fecali usando metodiche internazionali standardizzate (Escherichia coli e Enterococcus faecium.) nonché su un numero significativo di isolati di Campylobacter lanienae, per ottenere indicazioni preliminari sull’andamento nei 10 anni trascorsi dello stato di inquinamento da farmaco del Parco stesso. I risultati ottenuti permettono di ampliare le conoscenze sulla flora enterica del cinghiale selvatico e pongono questioni di sicurezza pubblica sulla gestione dei mammiferi selvatici.


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To ensure food safety and to prevent food-borne illnesses, rapid and accurate detection of pathogenic agents is essential. It has already been demonstrated that shotgun metagenomic sequencing can be used to detect pathogens and their antibiotic resistance genes in food. In the studies presented in this thesis, the application shotgun metagenomic sequencing has been applied to investigate both the microbiome and resistome of foods of animal origin in order to assess advantages and disadvantages of shotgun metagenomic sequencing in comparison to the cultural methods. In the first study, it has been shown that shotgun metagenomics can be applied to detect microorganisms experimentally spiked in cold-smoked salmon. Nevertheless, a direct correlation between cell concentration of each spiked microorganism and number of corresponding reads cannot be established yet. In the second and third studies, the microbiomes and resistomes characterizing caeca and the corresponding carcasses of the birds reared in the conventional and antibiotic free farms were compared. The results highlighted the need to reduce sources of microbial contamination and antimicrobial resistance not only at the farm level but also at the post-harvest one. In the fourth study, it has been demonstrated that testing a single aliquot of a food homogenate is representative of the whole homogenate because biological replicates displayed overlapping taxonomic and functional composition. All in all, the results obtained confirmed that the application of shotgun metagenomic sequencing represents a powerful tool that can be used in the identification of both spoilage and pathogenic microorganism, and their resistome in foods of animal origin. However, a robust relationship between sequence read abundance and concentration of colony-forming unit must be still established.


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Antimicrobial stewardship programs are gaining more and more relevance in optimizing anti-infective treatment and in preventing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Personalization of antimicrobial treatment based on real-time therapeutic drug morning (TDM) and dosing adaptation may represent an important tool in antimicrobial stewardship programs. In this Ph.D project, we aim to focus on differences in pharmacokinetics (PK) for meropenem and piperacillin/tazobactam and host response biomarkers (e.g., C-reactive protein) in severe Gram‐negative related infections occurring in oncohematologic patients. We are interested in identifying optimized model‐based individualized dosing strategies for these antibiotics focusing on biomarkers-guided prediction of PK and pharmacodynamic (PD) parameters using population PK/PD modelling. We expect to identify optimal model‐based dosing targets for these antibiotics for special populations for implementation in TDM routines, and mathematical models characterizing the relationship between biomarkers and outcomes in these populations.