9 resultados para Atherosclerotic Plaques

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Introduction The “eversion” technique for carotid endarterectomy (e-CEA), that involves the transection of the internal carotid artery at the carotid bulb and its eversion over the atherosclerotic plaque, has been associated with an increased risk of postoperative hypertension possibly due to a direct iatrogenic damage to the carotid sinus fibers. The aim of this study is to assess the long-term effect of the e-CEA on arterial baroreflex and peripheral chemoreflex function in humans. Methods A retrospective review was conducted on a prospectively compiled computerized database of 3128 CEAs performed on 2617 patients at our Center between January 2001 and March 2006. During this period, a total of 292 patients who had bilateral carotid stenosis ≥70% at the time of the first admission underwent staged bilateral CEAs. Of these, 93 patients had staged bilateral e-CEAs, 126 staged bilateral s- CEAs and 73 had different procedures on each carotid. CEAs were performed with either the eversion or the standard technique with routine Dacron patching in all cases. The study inclusion criteria were bilateral CEA with the same technique on both sides and an uneventful postoperative course after both procedures. We decided to enroll patients submitted to bilateral e-CEA to eliminate the background noise from contralateral carotid sinus fibers. Exclusion criteria were: age >70 years, diabetes mellitus, chronic pulmonary disease, symptomatic ischemic cardiac disease or medical therapy with b-blockers, cardiac arrhythmia, permanent neurologic deficits or an abnormal preoperative cerebral CT scan, carotid restenosis and previous neck or chest surgery or irradiation. Young and aged-matched healthy subjects were also recruited as controls. Patients were assessed by the 4 standard cardiovascular reflex tests, including Lying-to-standing, Orthostatic hypotension, Deep breathing, and Valsalva Maneuver. Indirect autonomic parameters were assessed with a non-invasive approach based on spectral analysis of EKG RR interval, systolic arterial pressure, and respiration variability, performed with an ad hoc software. From the analysis of these parameters the software provides the estimates of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). The ventilatory response to hypoxia was assessed in patients and controls by means of classic rebreathing tests. Results A total of 29 patients (16 males, age 62.4±8.0 years) were enrolled. Overall, 13 patients had undergone bilateral e-CEA (44.8%) and 16 bilateral s-CEA (55.2%) with a mean interval between the procedures of 62±56 days. No patient showed signs or symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, including labile hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, headache, inappropriate diaphoresis, pallor or flushing. The results of standard cardiovascular autonomic tests showed no evidence of autonomic dysfunction in any of the enrolled patients. At spectral analysis, a residual baroreflex performance was shown in both patient groups, though reduced, as expected, compared to young controls. Notably, baroreflex function was better maintained in e-CEA, compared to standard CEA. (BRS at rest: young controls 19.93 ± 2.45 msec/mmHg; age-matched controls 7.75 ± 1.24; e-CEA 13.85 ± 5.14; s-CEA 4.93 ± 1.15; ANOVA P=0.001; BRS at stand: young controls 7.83 ± 0.66; age-matched controls 3.71 ± 0.35; e-CEA 7.04 ± 1.99; s-CEA 3.57 ± 1.20; ANOVA P=0.001). In all subjects ventilation (VÝ E) and oximetry data fitted a linear regression model with r values > 0.8. Oneway analysis of variance showed a significantly higher slope both for ΔVE/ΔSaO2 in controls compared with both patient groups which were not different from each other (-1.37 ± 0.33 compared with -0.33±0.08 and -0.29 ±0.13 l/min/%SaO2, p<0.05, Fig.). Similar results were observed for and ΔVE/ΔPetO2 (-0.20 ± 0.1 versus -0.01 ± 0.0 and -0.07 ± 0.02 l/min/mmHg, p<0.05). A regression model using treatment, age, baseline FiCO2 and minimum SaO2 achieved showed only treatment as a significant factor in explaining the variance in minute ventilation (R2= 25%). Conclusions Overall, we demonstrated that bilateral e-CEA does not imply a carotid sinus denervation. As a result of some expected degree of iatrogenic damage, such performance was lower than that of controls. Interestingly though, baroreflex performance appeared better maintained in e-CEA than in s-CEA. This may be related to the changes in the elastic properties of the carotid sinus vascular wall, as the patch is more rigid than the endarterectomized carotid wall that remains in the e-CEA. These data confirmed the safety of CEA irrespective of the surgical technique and have relevant clinical implication in the assessment of the frequent hemodynamic disturbances associated with carotid angioplasty stenting.


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The study of protein fold is a central problem in life science, leading in the last years to several attempts for improving our knowledge of the protein structures. In this thesis this challenging problem is tackled by means of molecular dynamics, chirality and NMR studies. In the last decades, many algorithms were designed for the protein secondary structure assignment, which reveals the local protein shape adopted by segments of amino acids. In this regard, the use of local chirality for the protein secondary structure assignment was demonstreted, trying to correlate as well the propensity of a given amino acid for a particular secondary structure. The protein fold can be studied also by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) investigations, finding the average structure adopted from a protein. In this context, the effect of Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs) in the structure refinement was shown, revealing a strong improvement of structure resolution. A wide extent of this thesis is devoted to the study of avian prion protein. Prion protein is the main responsible of a vast class of neurodegenerative diseases, known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), present in mammals, but not in avian species and it is caused from the conversion of cellular prion protein to the pathogenic misfolded isoform, accumulating in the brain in form of amiloyd plaques. In particular, the N-terminal region, namely the initial part of the protein, is quite different between mammal and avian species but both of them contain multimeric sequences called Repeats, octameric in mammals and hexameric in avians. However, such repeat regions show differences in the contained amino acids, in particular only avian hexarepeats contain tyrosine residues. The chirality analysis of avian prion protein configurations obtained from molecular dynamics reveals a high stiffness of the avian protein, which tends to preserve its regular secondary structure. This is due to the presence of prolines, histidines and especially tyrosines, which form a hydrogen bond network in the hexarepeat region, only possible in the avian protein, and thus probably hampering the aggregation.


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The β-Amyloid (βA) peptide is the major component of senile plaques that are one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). It is well recognized that Aβ exists in multiple assembly states, such as soluble oligomers or insoluble fibrils, which affect neuronal viability and may contribute to disease progression. In particular, common βA-neurotoxic mechanisms are Ca2+ dyshomeostasis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, altered signaling, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal death such as necrosis and apoptosis. Recent study shows that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway play a crucial role in the degradation of short-lived and regulatory proteins that are important in a variety of basic and pathological cellular processes including apoptosis. Guanosine (Guo) is a purine nucleoside present extracellularly in brain that shows a spectrum of biological activities, both under physiological and pathological conditions. Recently it has become recognized that both neurons and glia also release guanine-based purines. However, the role of Guo in AD is still not well established. In this study, we investigated the machanism basis of neuroprotective effects of GUO against Aβ peptide-induced toxicity in neuronal (SH-SY5Y), in terms of mitochondrial dysfunction and translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS), a marker of apoptosis, using MTT and Annexin-V assay, respectively. In particular, treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with GUO (12,5-75 μM) in presence of monomeric βA25-35 (neurotoxic core of Aβ), oligomeric and fibrillar βA1-42 peptides showed a strong dose-dependent inhibitory effects on βA-induced toxic events. The maximum inhibition of mitochondrial function loss and PS translocation was observed with 75 μM of Guo. Subsequently, to investigate whether neuroprotection of Guo can be ascribed to its ability to modulate proteasome activity levels, we used lactacystin, a specific inhibitor of proteasome. We found that the antiapoptotic effects of Guo were completely abolished by lactacystin. To rule out the possibility that this effects resulted from an increase in proteasome activity by Guo, the chymotrypsin-like activity was assessed employing the fluorogenic substrate Z-LLL-AMC. The treatment of SH-SY5Y with Guo (75 μM for 0-6 h) induced a strong increase, in a time-dependent manner, of proteasome activity. In parallel, no increase of ubiquitinated protein levels was observed at similar experimental conditions adopted. We then evaluated an involvement of anti and pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2, Bad and Bax by western blot analysis. Interestingly, Bax levels decreased after 2 h treatment of SH-SY5Y with Guo. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Guo neuroprotective effects against βA-induced apoptosis are mediated, at least partly, via proteasome activation. In particular, these findings suggest a novel neuroprotective pathway mediated by Guo, which involves a rapid degradation of pro-apoptotic proteins by the proteasome. In conclusion, the present data, raise the possibility that Guo could be used as an agent for the treatment of AD.


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AD is the most common age related neurodegenerative disease in the industrialized world. Clinically AD is defined as a progressing decline of cognitive functions. Neuropathologically, AD is characterized by the aggregation of b-amyloid (Ab) peptide in the form of extracellular senile plaques, and hyperphosphorlylated tau protein in the form of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. These neuropathological hallmarks are often accompanied by abundant microvascular damage and pronounced inflammation of the affected brain regions. In this thesis we investigated several aspects of AD focusing on the genetic aspect. We confirmed that Alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (ACT), an acute phase protein, was associated to AD subjects, being plasma levels higher in AD cases than controls. In addition, in a GWA study we demonstrated that two different gene, Clusterin and CR1 were strongly associated to AD. A single gene association not explain such a complex disease like AD. The goal should be to created a network of genetic, phenotypic and clinical data associated to AD. We used a new algorithm, the ANNs, aimed to map variables and search for connectivity among variables. We found specific variables associated to AD like cholesterol levels, the presence of variation in HMGCR enzyme and the age. Other factors such as the BMI, the amount of HDL and blood folate levels were also associated with AD. Pathogen infections, above all viral infections, have been previously associated to AD. The hypothesis suggests that virus and in particular herpes virus could enter the brain when an individual becomes older, perhaps because of a decline in the immune system. Our new hypothesis is that the presence of SNPs in our GWA gene study results in a genetic signature that might affect individual brain susceptibility to infection by herpes virus family during aging.


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Introduction. Microembolization during the carotid artery revascularization procedure may cause cerebral lesions. Elevated C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP), Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and serum amyloid A protein (SAA) exert inflammatory activities thus promoting carotid plaque instability. Neuron specific enolase (NSE) is considered a marker of cerebral injury. Neoangiogenesis represents a crucial step in atherosclerosis, since neovessels density correlates with plaque destabilization. However their clinical significance on the outcome of revascularization is unknown. This study aims to establish the correlation between palque vulnerabilty, embolization and histological or serological markers of inflammation and neoangiogenesis. Methods. Serum hsCRP, SAA, VEGF, NSE mRNA, PAPP-A mRNA levels were evaluated in patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis who underwent filter-protected CAS or CEA procedure. Cerebral embolization, presence of neurologicals symptoms, plaque neovascularization were evaluated testing imaging, serological and histological methods. Results were compared by Fisher’s, Student T test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results. Patients with hsCRP<5 mg/l, SAA<10mg/L and VEGF<500pg/ml had a mean PO of 21.5% versus 35.3% (p<0.05). In either group, embolic material captured by the filter was identified as atherosclerotic plaque fragments. Cerebral lesions increased significantly in all patients with hsCRP>5mg/l and SAA>10mg/l (16.5 vs 2.8 mean number, 3564.6 vs 417.6 mm3 mean volume). Discussion. High hsCRP, SAA and VEGF levels are associated with significantly greater embolization during CAS and to the vulnerabiliy of the plaque. This data suggest CAS might not be indicated as a method of revascularization in this specific group of patients.


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases including neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, ischemia, etc. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is histopathologically characterized by the presence of extracellular senile plaque (SP), predominantly consisting of fibrillar amyloid-peptide (Aβ), intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, and cell loss in the selected regions of the brain. However, the pathogenesis of AD remains largely unknown, but a number of hypothesis were proposed for AD mechanisms, which include: the amyloid cascade, excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation hypothesis, and all of them are based, to some extent on the role of A. Accumulated evidence indicates that the increased levels of ROS may act as important mediators of synaptic loss and eventually promote formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Therefore a vicious circle between ROS and Aaccumulation may accelerate progression of AD. For these reasons, growing attention has focused on oxidative mechanism of Atoxicity as well as the search for novel neuroprotective agents. A strategy to prevent the oxidative stress in neurons may be the use of chemopreventive agents as inducers of antioxidant and phase 2 enzymes. Sulforaphane (SF), derived from corresponding glucoraphanin, glucosinolate found in abundance in cruciferous vegetables, has recently gained attention as a potential neuroprotective compound inducer of antioxidant phase 2 enzymes. Consistent with this evidence, the study is aimed at identifying the SF ability to prevent and counteract the oxidative damage inducted by oligomers of Aβ (1-42) in terms of impairment in the intracellular redox state and cellular death in differentiated human neuroblastoma and microglia primary cultures. In addition we will evaluated the mechanism underlying the SF neuroprotection activity.


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Background. Neoangiogenesis is crucial in plaque progression and instability. Previous data from our group demonstrated that intra-plaque neovessels show both a Nestin+/WT+ and a Nestin+/WT1- phenotype, the latter being correlated with complications and plaque instability. Aims. The aims of the present thesis are: (i) to confirm our previous results on Nestin/WT1 phenotype in a larger series of carotid atheromatous plaques, (ii) to evaluate the relationship between the Nestin+/WT1- neoangiogenesis phenotype and plaque morphology, (iii) to evaluate the relationship between the immunohistochemical and histopathological characteristics and the clinical instability of the plaques. Materials and Methods. Seventy-three patients (53 males, 20 females, mean age 71 years) were consecutively enrolled. Symptoms, brain CT scan, 14 histological variables, including intraplaque hemorrhage and diffuse calcifications, were collected. Immunohistochemistry for CD34, Nestin and WT1 was performed. RT-PCR was performed to evaluate Nestin and WT1 mRNA (including 5 healthy arteries as controls). Results. Diffusely calcified plaques (13 out of 73) were found predominantly in females (P=0.017), with a significantly lower incidence of symptoms (TIA/stroke) and brain focal lesions (P=0.019 and P=0.013 respectively) than not-calcified plaques, but with the same incidence of intraplaque complications (P=0.156). Accordingly, both calcified and not calcified plaques showed similar mean densities of positivity for CD34, Nestin and WT1. The density of Nestin and WT1 correlated with the occurrence of intra-plaque hemorrhage in all cases, while the density of CD34 correlated only in not-calcified plaques. Conclusions. We confirmed that the Nestin+/WT1- phenotype characterizes the neovessels of instable plaques, regardless the real amount of CD34-positive neoangiogenesis. The calcified plaques show the same incidence of histological complications, albeit they do not influence symptomatology and plaque vulnerability. Female patients show a much higher incidence of not-complicated or calcified plaques, receiving de facto a sort of protection compared to male patients.


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Introduzione: L’indicazione alla rivascolarizzazione carotidea è comunemente posta in base alla percentuale di stenosi, alla presenza di sintomi neurologici ed alle condizioni cliniche del paziente. Una placca ad elevato potenziale embolico viene definita “vulnerabile”; la sua caratterizzazione, tuttavia, non è universalmente accettata ai fini della rivascolarizzazione. Lo scopo dello studio è indagare il ruolo del mezzo di contrasto ecografico (CEUS) nell’identificazione della placca carotidea vulnerabile. Materiali e Metodi: I pazienti sottoposti a endoarterectomia carotidea, sono stati valutati mediante TC cerebrale preoperatoria e CEUS. Le microbolle di contrasto rilevate nella placca, indicative di neovascolarizzazione, sono state quantificate in dB-E ed istologicamente valutate per cinque caratteristiche: (densità dei microvasi, spessore del cappuccio fibroso, estensione delle calcificazioni, infiltrato infiammatorio e core lipidico) il valore da 1 a 5, ottenuto in cieco, indica in grado di vulnerabilità della placca. L'ANOVA test, il test di Fisher e t Student sono stati usati per correlare le caratteristiche dei pazienti ed istologiche col valore di dB-E. Risultati: Di 22 pazienti (range 2-7.8, media 4.85 ±1.9 SD) vi era un numero più alto di sintomatici (7.40 ± 0.5) rispetto agli asintomatici (3.5 ± 1.4) (p = 0.002). Un più alto valore di dB-E si associava con la presenza di un sottile cappuccino fibroso (<200 µm, 5.96±1.5 vs. 3 ± 1,p = 0.01) ed un maggiore infiltrato infiammatorio (3.2 ± 0.9 vs. 6.4 ± 1.2, p = 0.03). Placche con vulnerabilità 5 si associavano ad un valore più alto di dB-E rispetto alle placche con vulnerabilità 1 (7.6 ± 0.2 vs. 2.5 ± 0.6, rispettivamente, p=0.001). Preoperatoriamente, le lesioni emboliche ipsilaterali alla TC, correlavano con un più alto valore di dB-E (5.96±1.5 vs. 3.0±1.0, p=0.01). Conclusioni: Il valore di dB-E alla CEUS indica l’estensione della neovascolarizzazione della placca carotidea e può essere utilizzato come marker di vulnerabilità della placca.


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The present work reports the outcome of the GIMEMA CML WP study CML0811, an independent trial investigating nilotinib as front-line treatment in chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Moreover, the results of the proteomic analysis of the CD34+ cells collected at CML diagnosis, compared to the counterpart from healthy donors, are reported. Our study confirmed that nilotinib is highly effective in the prevention of the progression to accelerated/blast phase, a condition that today is still associated with high mortality rates. Despite the relatively short follow-up, cardiovascular issues, particularly atherosclerotic adverse events (AE), have emerged, and the frequency of these AEs may counterbalance the anti-leukemic efficacy. The deep molecular response rates in our study compare favorably to those obtained with imatinib, in historic cohorts, and confirm the findings of the Company-sponsored ENESTnd study. Considering the increasing rates of deep MR over time we observed, a significant proportion of patients will be candidate to treatment discontinuation in the next years, with higher probability of remaining disease-free in the long term. The presence of the additional and complex changes we found at the proteomic level in CML CD34+ cells should be taken into account for the investigation on novel targeted therapies, aimed at the eradication of the disease.