10 resultados para Archaeological museums and collections

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The proximal femur is a high-diversity region of the human skeleton, especially at the anterior junction between head and neck, where various bony morphologies have been recognized since mid nineteenth century. Classical literature on this topic is chaotic and contradictory, making almost impossible the comparison of data from different researches. Starting from an extensive bibliographic review, the first standardized method to score these traits has been created. This method allows representing both the anatomical diversity of the region already described in literature and a part of variability not considered before, giving few and univocal definitions and allowing to collect comparable data. The method has been applied to three identified and five archaeological European skeletal collections, with the aim of investigating the distribution of these features by sex, age and side, in different places and time periods. It has also been applied to 3D digital reconstructions of femurs from CT scan files of coxo-femoral joints from fresh cadavers. In addition to the osseous traits described in the standardized method, the presence and frequency of some features known as herniation pits have been scored both on bones and on CT scans. The various osseous traits of the proximal femur are present at similar frequencies in skeletal samples from different countries and different historical periods, even if with clear local differentiation. Some of the features examined show significant trends related to their distribution by gender and age. Some hypotheses are proposed about the etiology of these morphologies and their possible implication with the acquisition of bipedalism in Humans. It is therefore highlighted the possible relation of some of these traits with the development of disorders of the hip joint. Moreover, it is not recommended the use of any of these features as a specific activity-related marker.


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This experimental thesis concerns the study of the long-term behaviour of ancient bronzes recently excavated from burial conditions. The scientific interest is to clarify the effect of soil parameters on the degradation mechanisms of ancient bronze alloy. The work took into consideration bronzes recovered from the archaeological sites in the region of Dobrudja, Romania. The first part of research work was dedicated to the characterization of bronze artefacts using non destructive (micro-FTIR, reflectance mode) and micro-destructive (based on sampling and analysis of a stratigraphical section by OM and SEM-EDX) methods. Burial soils were geologically classified and analyzed by chemical methods (pH, conductivity, anions content). Most of objects analyzed showed a coarse and inhomogeneous corroded structure, often made up of several corrosion layers. This has been explained by the silt nature of soils, which contain low amount of clay and are, therefore, quite accessible to water and air. The main cause of a high dissolution rate of bronze alloys is the alternate water saturation and instauration of the soil, for example on a seasonal scale. Moreover, due to the vicinity of the Black Sea, the detrimental effect of chlorine has been evidenced for few objects, which were affected by the bronze disease. A general classification of corrosion layers was achieved by comparing values of the ratio Cu/Sn in the alloy and in the patina. Decuprification is a general trend, and enrichment of copper within the corrosion layers, due to the formation of thick layers of cuprite (Cu2O), is pointed out as well. Uncommon corrosion products and degradation patterns were presented as well, and they are probably due to peculiar local conditions taking place during the burial time, such as anaerobic conditions or fluctuating environmental conditions. In order to acquire a better insight into the corrosion mechanisms, the second part of the thesis has regarded simulation experiments, which were conducted on commercial Cu-Sn alloys, whose composition resembles those of ancient artefacts one. Electrochemical measurements were conducted in natural electrolytes, such as solutions extracted from natural soil (sampled at the archaeological sites) and seawater. Cyclic potentiodynamic experiments allowed appreciating the mechanism of corrosion in both cases. Soil extract’s electrolyte has been evaluated being a non aggressive medium, while artificial solution prepared by increasing the concentration of anions caused the pitting corrosion of the alloy, which is demonstrated by optical observations. In particular, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy allows assessing qualitatively the nature of corroded structures formed in soil and seawater. A double-structured layer is proposed, which differ, in the two cases, for the nature of the internal passive layer, which result defectiveness and porous in case of seawater.


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The contemporary media landscape is characterized by the emergence of hybrid forms of digital communication that contribute to the ongoing redefinition of our societies cultural context. An incontrovertible consequence of this phenomenon is the new public dimension that characterizes the transmission of historical knowledge in the twenty-first century. Awareness of this new epistemic scenario has led us to reflect on the following methodological questions: what strategies should be created to establish a communication system, based on new technology, that is scientifically rigorous, but at the same time engaging for the visitors of museums and Internet users? How does a comparative analysis of ancient documentary sources form a solid base of information for the virtual reconstruction of thirteenth century Bologna in the Metaverse? What benefits can the phenomenon of cross-mediality give to the virtual heritage? The implementation of a new version of the Nu.M.E. project allowed for answering many of these instances. The investigation carried out between 2008 and 2010 has shown that, indeed, real-time 3D graphics and collaborative virtual environments can be feasible tools for representing philologically the urban medieval landscape and for communicating properly validated historical data to the general public. This research is focused on the study and implementation of a pipeline that permits mass communication of historical information about an area of vital importance in late medieval Bologna: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. The originality of the developed project is not limited solely to the methodological dimension of historical research. Adopted technological perspective is an excellent example of innovation that digital technologies can bring to the cultural heritage. The main result of this research is the creation of Nu.ME 2010, a cross-media system of 3D real-time visualization based on some of the most advanced free software and open source technologies available today free of charge.


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The present study, being part of a wide research program carried by the University of Bologna (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geo-Ambientali and Dipartimento di Archeologia) together with the Soprintendenze of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto, is aimed at examining the manufacturing and circulation of Greek Italic amphorae in the Adriatic area. This represents an essential step for the historical and archaeological reconstructions and in particular for: - the identification of local manufacturing though the archaeometric comparisons between ceramic samples and raw materials - the reconstruction of the ancient routes connecting different areas of the Roman world The examined archaeologic sites are representative of the main manufacturing areas in the Adriatic region both along the Italian and Albanian coasts: Adria, Cattolica, Rimini, Spina , Suasa and Phoinike. Notably, the Adriatic region not only represents the manufacturing area, but also coincides with the source area where the raw materials were collected. Archaeometric analyses of representative samples from the different areas of interests, were performed adapting the analytical tecniques used in mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry, to the study of ancient archaeological finds. These data were combined with the ones obtained from the analysis of clays, aimed at characterizing the nature of the raw materials. As a whole, an integration of these data with the available archaeologic observations led to significant advances in the scientific knowledge about of the main types of amphoric manufacturing and distribution in the Adriatic region. In particular, a local manufacturing is suggested for all the archaeological finds from Cattolica and for the main part of the archaeological finds from Suasa. Moreover, the occurrence of commercial routes between the sites of Rimini and Suasa and between Adria, Spina and Suasa is evidenced. On the contrary, for the amphorae from Phoinike a provenance from the examined sites is very unlikely.


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La Piana di foce del Garigliano (al confine tra Lazio e Campania) è caratterizzata, fino ad epoche recenti, dalla presenza di aree palustri e umide. Lo studio in corso cerca di ricostruire l’evoluzione dell’ambiente costiero mettendolo in relazione alla presenza dell’uomo, alla gestione del territorio, alle vicende storiche e alle variazioni climatiche utilizzando molteplici metodologie tipiche della geoarcheologia. Si tratta di un approccio multidisciplinare che cerca di mettere insieme analisi tipiche dell’archeologia, della topografia antica, della geomorfologia, della geologia e della paleobotanica. Fino all’età del Ferro l’unica traccia di popolamento viene da Monte d’Argento, uno sperone roccioso isolato lungo la costa, posto al limite occidentale di un ambiente sottostante che sembra una palude chiusa e isolata da apporti sedimentari esterni. Con il passaggio all’età del ferro si verifica un mutamento ambientale con la fine della grande palude e la formazione di una piccola laguna parzialmente comunicante con il mare. L’arrivo dei romani alla fine del III secolo a.C. segna la scomparsa dei grandi centri degli Aurunci e la deduzione di tre colonie (Sessa Aurunca, Sinuessa, Minturno). Le attività di sistemazione territoriale non riguardarono però le aree umide costiere, che non vennero bonificate o utilizzate per scopi agricoli, ma mantennero la loro natura di piccoli laghi costieri. Quest’epoca è dunque caratterizzata da una diffusione capillare di insediamenti, basati su piccole fattorie o installazioni legate allo sfruttamento agricolo. Poche sono le aree archeologiche che hanno restituito materiali successivi al II-III secolo d.C. La città resta comunque abitata fino al VI-VII secolo, quando l’instabilità politica e l’impaludamento dovettero rendere la zona non troppo sicura favorendo uno spostamento verso le zone collinari. Un insediamento medievale è attestato solo a Monte d’Argento e una frequentazione saracena dell’inizio del IX secolo è riportata dalle fonti letterarie, ma non vi è ancora nessuna documentazione archeologica.


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The European Committee for Standardization is working on a standard for the application of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in museums and cultural heritage facilities. Since one of the aims of this research was to verify the approach against pests adopted in Italian conservation facilities, a survey was conducted. The results show that for the Italian museums, archives, libraries and historical houses pests are a problem, but IPM is unknown and prevention programmes to avoid damages caused by them, are not applied. In the most of cases pests problems are solved only when the risk is high and damages are visible. Also entomological monitoring, which represents a crucial part of IPM and could be very useful, is not included among the ordinary prevention activities. In addition, at present, the scientific researches on entomological traps, whether light or pheromones, for “cultural heritage pests” is extremely poor and only recently the behaviour and/or the physiology of the insects “of museums” have been investigated. For these reasons, tests to increase the traps using are performed. In particular, S. paniceum behaviour towards different attraction systems was investigated and the results indicate that the light traps efficiency could be improved using specific wavelengths and light sources.


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The aim of this project was to achieve a deep understanding of the mechanisms by which Baltic amber degrades, in order to develop techniques for preventive conservation of archaeological amber objects belonging to the National Museum of Denmark’s collections. To examine deterioration of Baltic amber, a starting point was to identify and monitor surface and bulk properties which are affected during degradation. The way to operate consisted of the use of accelerated ageing to initiate degradation of raw Baltic amber samples in different conditions of relative humidity, oxygen exposure or pH and, successively, of the use of non/micro-destructive techniques to identify and quantify changes in visual, chemical and structural properties. A large piece of raw Baltic amber was used to prepare several test samples for two different kinds of accelerated ageing: thermal-ageing and photo-ageing. During the ageing, amber samples were regularly examined through several analytical techniques related to different information: appearance/colour change by visual examination, photography and colorimetry; chemical change by infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and elemental analysis; rate of oxidation by oxygen measurement; qualitative analysis of released volatiles by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. The obtained results were analysed through both critical evaluation and statistical study. After the interpretation of the achieved data, the main relations between amber and environmental factors during the degradation process became clearer and it was possible to identify the major pathways by which amber degrades, such as hydrolysis of esters into alcohols and carboxylic acids, thermal-oxidation and photo-oxidation of terpenoid components, depolymerisation and decomposition of the chemical structure. At the end it was possible to suggest a preventive conservation strategy based on the control of climatic, atmospheric and lighting parameters in the environment where Baltic amber objects are stored and displayed.


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Ancient pavements are composed of a variety of preparatory or foundation layers constituting the substrate, and of a layer of tesserae, pebbles or marble slabs forming the surface of the floor. In other cases, the surface consists of a mortar layer beaten and polished. The term mosaic is associated with the presence of tesserae or pebbles, while the more general term pavement is used in all the cases. As past and modern excavations of ancient pavements demonstrated, all pavements do not necessarily display the stratigraphy of the substrate described in the ancient literary sources. In fact, the number and thickness of the preparatory layers, as well as the nature and the properties of their constituent materials, are often varying in pavements which are placed either in different sites or in different buildings within a same site or even in a same building. For such a reason, an investigation that takes account of the whole structure of the pavement is important when studying the archaeological context of the site where it is placed, when designing materials to be used for its maintenance and restoration, when documenting it and when presenting it to public. Five case studies represented by archaeological sites containing floor mosaics and other kind of pavements, dated to the Hellenistic and the Roman period, have been investigated by means of in situ and laboratory analyses. The results indicated that the characteristics of the studied pavements, namely the number and the thickness of the preparatory layers, and the properties of the mortars constituting them, vary according to the ancient use of the room where the pavements are placed and to the type of surface upon which they were built. The study contributed to the understanding of the function and the technology of the pavements’ substrate and to the characterization of its constituent materials. Furthermore, the research underlined the importance of the investigation of the whole structure of the pavement, included the foundation surface, in the interpretation of the archaeological context where it is located. A series of practical applications of the results of the research, in the designing of repair mortars for pavements, in the documentation of ancient pavements in the conservation practice, and in the presentation to public in situ and in museums of ancient pavements, have been suggested.