5 resultados para Applications for european funds

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The research presented in my PhD thesis is part of a wider European project, FishPopTrace, focused on traceability of fish populations and products. My work was aimed at developing and analyzing novel genetic tools for a widely distributed marine fish species, the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), in order to investigate population genetic structure and explore potential applications to traceability scenarios. A total of 395 SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) were discovered from a massive collection of Expressed Sequence Tags, obtained by high-throughput sequencing, and validated on 19 geographic samples from Atlantic and Mediterranean. Genome-scan approaches were applied to identify polymorphisms on genes potentially under divergent selection (outlier SNPs), showing higher genetic differentiation among populations respect to the average observed across loci. Comparative analysis on population structure were carried out on putative neutral and outlier loci at wide (Atlantic and Mediterranean samples) and regional (samples within each basin) spatial scales, to disentangle the effects of demographic and adaptive evolutionary forces on European hake populations genetic structure. Results demonstrated the potential of outlier loci to unveil fine scale genetic structure, possibly identifying locally adapted populations, despite the weak signal showed from putative neutral SNPs. The application of outlier SNPs within the framework of fishery resources management was also explored. A minimum panel of SNP markers showing maximum discriminatory power was selected and applied to a traceability scenario aiming at identifying the basin (and hence the stock) of origin, Atlantic or Mediterranean, of individual fish. This case study illustrates how molecular analytical technologies have operational potential in real-world contexts, and more specifically, potential to support fisheries control and enforcement and fish and fish product traceability.


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A recent initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA) aims at the definition and adoption of a software reference architecture for use in on-board software of future space missions. Our PhD project placed in the context of that effort. At the outset of our work we gathered all the industrial needs relevant to ESA and all the main European space stakeholders and we were able to consolidate a set of technical high-level requirements for the fulfillment of them. The conclusion we reached from that phase confirmed that the adoption of a software reference architecture was indeed the best solution for the fulfillment of the high-level requirements. The software reference architecture we set on building rests on four constituents: (i) a component model, to design the software as a composition of individually verifiable and reusable software units; (ii) a computational model, to ensure that the architectural description of the software is statically analyzable; (iii) a programming model, to ensure that the implementation of the design entities conforms with the semantics, the assumptions and the constraints of the computational model; (iv) a conforming execution platform, to actively preserve at run time the properties asserted by static analysis. The nature, feasibility and fitness of constituents (ii), (iii) and (iv), were already proved by the author in an international project that preceded the commencement of the PhD work. The core of the PhD project was therefore centered on the design and prototype implementation of constituent (i), a component model. Our proposed component model is centered on: (i) rigorous separation of concerns, achieved with the support for design views and by careful allocation of concerns to the dedicated software entities; (ii) the support for specification and model-based analysis of extra-functional properties; (iii) the inclusion space-specific concerns.


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The PhD activity described in the document is part of the Microsatellite and Microsystem Laboratory of the II Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna. The main objective is the design and development of a GNSS receiver for the orbit determination of microsatellites in low earth orbit. The development starts from the electronic design and goes up to the implementation of the navigation algorithms, covering all the aspects that are involved in this type of applications. The use of GPS receivers for orbit determination is a consolidated application used in many space missions, but the development of the new GNSS system within few years, such as the European Galileo, the Chinese COMPASS and the Russian modernized GLONASS, proposes new challenges and offers new opportunities to increase the orbit determination performances. The evaluation of improvements coming from the new systems together with the implementation of a receiver that is compatible with at least one of the new systems, are the main activities of the PhD. The activities can be divided in three section: receiver requirements definition and prototype implementation, design and analysis of the GNSS signal tracking algorithms, and design and analysis of the navigation algorithms. The receiver prototype is based on a Virtex FPGA by Xilinx, and includes a PowerPC processor. The architecture follows the software defined radio paradigm, so most of signal processing is performed in software while only what is strictly necessary is done in hardware. The tracking algorithms are implemented as a combination of Phase Locked Loop and Frequency Locked Loop for the carrier, and Delay Locked Loop with variable bandwidth for the code. The navigation algorithm is based on the extended Kalman filter and includes an accurate LEO orbit model.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are getting wide-spread attention since they became easily accessible with their low costs. One of the key elements of WSNs is distributed sensing. When the precise location of a signal of interest is unknown across the monitored region, distributing many sensors randomly/uniformly may yield with a better representation of the monitored random process than a traditional sensor deployment. In a typical WSN application the data sensed by nodes is usually sent to one (or more) central device, denoted as sink, which collects the information and can either act as a gateway towards other networks (e.g. Internet), where data can be stored, or be processed in order to command the actuators to perform special tasks. In such a scenario, a dense sensor deployment may create bottlenecks when many nodes competing to access the channel. Even though there are mitigation methods on the channel access, concurrent (parallel) transmissions may occur. In this study, always on the scope of monitoring applications, the involved development progress of two industrial projects with dense sensor deployments (eDIANA Project funded by European Commission and Centrale Adritica Project funded by Coop Italy) and the measurement results coming from several different test-beds evoked the necessity of a mathematical analysis on concurrent transmissions. To the best of our knowledge, in the literature there is no mathematical analysis of concurrent transmission in 2.4 GHz PHY of IEEE 802.15.4. In the thesis, experience stories of eDIANA and Centrale Adriatica Projects and a mathematical analysis of concurrent transmissions starting from O-QPSK chip demodulation to the packet reception rate with several different types of theoretical demodulators, are presented. There is a very good agreement between the measurements so far in the literature and the mathematical analysis.


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The thesis work concerns X-ray spectrometry for both medical and space applications and is divided into two sections. The first section addresses an X-ray spectrometric system designed to study radiological beams and is devoted to the optimization of diagnostic procedures in medicine. A parametric semi-empirical model capable of efficiently reconstructing diagnostic X-ray spectra in 'middle power' computers was developed and tested. In addition, different silicon diode detectors were tested as real-time detectors in order to provide a real-time evaluation of the spectrum during diagnostic procedures. This project contributes to the field by presenting an improved simulation of a realistic X-ray beam emerging from a common X-ray tube with a complete and detailed spectrum that lends itself to further studies of added filtration, thus providing an optimized beam for different diagnostic applications in medicine. The second section describes the preliminary tests that have been carried out on the first version of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), integrated with large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) to be used on board future space missions. This technology has been developed for the ESA project: LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing), a new medium-class space mission that the European Space Agency has been assessing since February of 2011. The LOFT project was proposed as part of the Cosmic Vision Program (2015-2025).