5 resultados para Andes

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Curved mountain belts have always fascinated geologists and geophysicists because of their peculiar structural setting and geodynamic mechanisms of formation. The need of studying orogenic bends arises from the numerous questions to which geologists and geophysicists have tried to answer to during the last two decades, such as: what are the mechanisms governing orogenic bends formation? Why do they form? Do they develop in particular geological conditions? And if so, what are the most favorable conditions? What are their relationships with the deformational history of the belt? Why is the shape of arcuate orogens in many parts of the Earth so different? What are the factors controlling the shape of orogenic bends? Paleomagnetism demonstrated to be one of the most effective techniques in order to document the deformation of a curved belt through the determination of vertical axis rotations. In fact, the pattern of rotations within a curved belt can reveal the occurrence of a bending, and its timing. Nevertheless, paleomagnetic data alone are not sufficient to constrain the tectonic evolution of a curved belt. Usually, structural analysis integrates paleomagnetic data, in defining the kinematics of a belt through kinematic indicators on brittle fault planes (i.e., slickensides, mineral fibers growth, SC-structures). My research program has been focused on the study of curved mountain belts through paleomagnetism, in order to define their kinematics, timing, and mechanisms of formation. Structural analysis, performed only in some regions, supported and integrated paleomagnetic data. In particular, three arcuate orogenic systems have been investigated: the Western Alpine Arc (NW Italy), the Bolivian Orocline (Central Andes, NW Argentina), and the Patagonian Orocline (Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina). The bending of the Western Alpine Arc has been investigated so far using different approaches, though few based on reliable paleomagnetic data. Results from our paleomagnetic study carried out in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, located on top of Alpine nappes, indicate that the Western Alpine Arc is a primary bend that has been subsequently tightened by further ~50° during Aquitanian-Serravallian times (23-12 Ma). This mid-Miocene oroclinal bending, superimposing onto a pre-existing Eocene nonrotational arc, is the result of a composite geodynamic mechanism, where slab rollback, mantle flows, and rotating thrust emplacement are intimately linked. Relying on our paleomagnetic and structural evidence, the Bolivian Orocline can be considered as a progressive bend, whose formation has been driven by the along-strike gradient of crustal shortening. The documented clockwise rotations up to 45° are compatible with a secondary-bending type mechanism occurring after Eocene-Oligocene times (30-40 Ma), and their nature is probably related to the widespread shearing taking place between zones of differential shortening. Since ~15 Ma ago, the activity of N-S left-lateral strike-slip faults in the Eastern Cordillera at the border with the Altiplano-Puna plateau induced up to ~40° counterclockwise rotations along the fault zone, locally annulling the regional clockwise rotation. We proposed that mid-Miocene strike-slip activity developed in response of a compressive stress (related to body forces) at the plateau margins, caused by the progressive lateral (southward) growth of the Altiplano-Puna plateau, laterally spreading from the overthickened crustal region of the salient apex. The growth of plateaux by lateral spreading seems to be a mechanism common to other major plateaux in the Earth (i.e., Tibetan plateau). Results from the Patagonian Orocline represent the first reliable constraint to the timing of bending in the southern tip of South America. They indicate that the Patagonian Orocline did not undergo any significant rotation since early Eocene times (~50 Ma), implying that it may be considered either a primary bend, or an orocline formed during the late Cretaceous-early Eocene deformation phase. This result has important implications on the opening of the Drake Passage at ~32 Ma, since it is definitely not related to the formation of the Patagonian orocline, but the sole consequence of the Scotia plate spreading. Finally, relying on the results and implications from the study of the Western Alpine Arc, the Bolivian Orocline, and the Patagonian Orocline, general conclusions on curved mountain belt formation have been inferred.


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L’uso frequente dei modelli predittivi per l’analisi di sistemi complessi, naturali o artificiali, sta cambiando il tradizionale approccio alle problematiche ambientali e di rischio. Il continuo miglioramento delle capacità di elaborazione dei computer facilita l’utilizzo e la risoluzione di metodi numerici basati su una discretizzazione spazio-temporale che permette una modellizzazione predittiva di sistemi reali complessi, riproducendo l’evoluzione dei loro patterns spaziali ed calcolando il grado di precisione della simulazione. In questa tesi presentiamo una applicazione di differenti metodi predittivi (Geomatico, Reti Neurali, Land Cover Modeler e Dinamica EGO) in un’area test del Petén, Guatemala. Durante gli ultimi decenni questa regione, inclusa nella Riserva di Biosfera Maya, ha conosciuto una rapida crescita demografica ed un’incontrollata pressione sulle sue risorse naturali. L’area test puó essere suddivisa in sotto-regioni caratterizzate da differenti dinamiche di uso del suolo. Comprendere e quantificare queste differenze permette una migliore approssimazione del sistema reale; é inoltre necessario integrare tutti i parametri fisici e socio-economici, per una rappresentazione più completa della complessità dell’impatto antropico. Data l’assenza di informazioni dettagliate sull’area di studio, quasi tutti i dati sono stati ricavati dall’elaborazione di 11 immagini ETM+, TM e SPOT; abbiamo poi realizzato un’analisi multitemporale dei cambi uso del suolo passati e costruito l’input per alimentare i modelli predittivi. I dati del 1998 e 2000 sono stati usati per la fase di calibrazione per simulare i cambiamenti nella copertura terrestre del 2003, scelta come data di riferimento per la validazione dei risultati. Quest’ultima permette di evidenziare le qualità ed i limiti per ogni modello nelle differenti sub-regioni.


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La tesis "CAMINOS ANTIGUOS DEL NUEVO MUNDO Bolivia - Sudamerica, Siglos XV - XVII, através de fuentes arqueológicas y etnohistóricas", expone una compleja red vial en el territorio hoy conocido como Bolivia: corazón de Sudamérica (llamado así por su posición central en el subcontinente. Es el primer estudio arqueológico-histórico sobre el transporte en Bolivia, un vasto territorio, conocido por los Inkas (Siglo XIII) como Antisuyu y Collasuyu, una tierra desconocida, inexplorada, montañosa y selvática, poblada por diversas culturas, que habían desarrollado un sistema de tráfico fluvio-terrestre, que les permitiera recorrer tan extenso y contrastado territorio entre Andes y Amazonía. Los españoles le llamaban Alto Perú hacia el 1538, creando en 1559 la Real Audiencia de Charcas principal institución del Alto Perú, que pertenecía al Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776, año en el que se crea el Virreinato del Río de La Plata y el Alto Perú pasa a ser parte de este último. El Alto Perú se independiza de la Corona española en 1826, creándose la República de Bolivia. Sobre la base del primer mapa de Bolivia de 1859, en el que se hace un primer levantamiento de las redes camineras y la complementación con mapas más antiguos del Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, se desarrolla el presente estudio, complementado con trabajos arqueológicos en la región e investigaciones en los Archivos Históricos de La Paz, Tarija, Santa Cruz y Buenos Aires que contienen manuscritos coloniales inéditos anexados en la presente tesis . El estudio es un aporte importante en el estableciemiento del Qapacñan o Caminos reales y sagrados de los Inkas, por cuanto Bolivia siendo un territorio central en Sudamérica fue un enclave cultural no solo en el periodo inka sino también pre inka. El estudio apunta a conocer la real dimensión del periodo prehistórico inka y pre inka en la región, en cuanto la mayoría de las vías actuales o  modernas, se encuentran sobre un trazado antiguo cuyos restos conservan aún la construcción formal de la ingenieria inka o pre inka. Las fuentes etnohistóricas que complementan la investigación corresponden principalmente a los siglos XV a XVII e información arqueológica concerniente al Periodo Inka (siglos XIV – XV aprox.).


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The aim of this work is to provide a precise and accurate measurement of the 238U(n,gamma) reaction cross-section. This reaction is of fundamental importance for the design calculations of nuclear reactors, governing the behaviour of the reactor core. In particular, fast neutron reactors, which are experiencing a growing interest for their ability to burn radioactive waste, operate in the high energy region of the neutron spectrum. In this energy region inconsistencies between the existing measurements are present up to 15%, and the most recent evaluations disagree each other. In addition, the assessment of nuclear data uncertainty performed for innovative reactor systems shows that the uncertainty in the radiative capture cross-section of 238U should be further reduced to 1-3% in the energy region from 20 eV to 25 keV. To this purpose, addressed by the Nuclear Energy Agency as a priority nuclear data need, complementary experiments, one at the GELINA and two at the n_TOF facility, were scheduled within the ANDES project within the 7th Framework Project of the European Commission. The results of one of the 238U(n,gamma) measurement performed at the n_TOF CERN facility are presented in this work, carried out with a detection system constituted of two liquid scintillators. The very accurate cross section from this work is compared with the results obtained from the other measurement performed at the n_TOF facility, which exploit a different and complementary detection technique. The excellent agreement between the two data-sets points out that they can contribute to the reduction of the cross section uncertainty down to the required 1-3%.


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This thesis is focused on the paleomagnetic rotation pattern inside the deforming zone of strike-slip faults, and the kinematics and geodynamics describing it. The paleomagnetic investigation carried out along both the LOFZ and the fore-arc sliver (38º-42ºS, southern Chile) revealed an asymmetric rotation pattern. East of the LOFZ and adjacent to it, rotations are up to 170° clockwise (CW) and fade out ~10 km east of fault. West of the LOFZ at 42ºS (Chiloé Island) and around 39°S (Villarrica domain) systematic CCW rotations have been observed, while at 40°-41°S (Ranco-Osorno domain) and adjacent to the LOFZ CW rotations reach up to 136° before evolving to CCW rotations at ~30 km from the fault. These data suggest a directed relation with subduction interface plate coupling. Zones of high coupling yield to a wide deforming zone (~30 km) west of the LOFZ characterized by CW rotations. Low coupling implies a weak LOFZ and a fore-arc dominated by CCW rotations related to NW-sinistral fault kinematics. The rotation pattern is consistent with a quasi-continuous crust kinematics. However, it seems unlikely that the lower crust flux can control block rotation in the upper crust, considering the cold and thick fore-arc crust. I suggest that rotations are consequence of forces applied directly on both the block edges and along the main fault, within the upper crust. Farther south, at the Austral Andes (54°S) I measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 22 Upper Cretaceous to Upper Eocene sites from the Magallanes fold-thrust belt internal domains. The data document continuous compression from the Early Cretaceous until the Late Oligocene. AMS data also show that the tectonic inversion of Jurassic extensional faults during the Late Cretaceous compressive phase may have controlled the Cenozoic kinematic evolution of the Magallanes fold-thrust belt, yielding slip partitioning.