13 resultados para Age-related Diseases

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The aging process is characterized by the progressive fitness decline experienced at all the levels of physiological organization, from single molecules up to the whole organism. Studies confirmed inflammaging, a chronic low-level inflammation, as a deeply intertwined partner of the aging process, which may provide the “common soil” upon which age-related diseases develop and flourish. Thus, albeit inflammation per se represents a physiological process, it can rapidly become detrimental if it goes out of control causing an excess of local and systemic inflammatory response, a striking risk factor for the elderly population. Developing interventions to counteract the establishment of this state is thus a top priority. Diet, among other factors, represents a good candidate to regulate inflammation. Building on top of this consideration, the EU project NU-AGE is now trying to assess if a Mediterranean diet, fortified for the elderly population needs, may help in modulating inflammaging. To do so, NU-AGE enrolled a total of 1250 subjects, half of which followed a 1-year long diet, and characterized them by mean of the most advanced –omics and non –omics analyses. The aim of this thesis was the development of a solid data management pipeline able to efficiently cope with the results of these assays, which are now flowing inside a centralized database, ready to be used to test the most disparate scientific hypotheses. At the same time, the work hereby described encompasses the data analysis of the GEHA project, which was focused on identifying the genetic determinants of longevity, with a particular focus on developing and applying a method for detecting epistatic interactions in human mtDNA. Eventually, in an effort to propel the adoption of NGS technologies in everyday pipeline, we developed a NGS variant calling pipeline devoted to solve all the sequencing-related issues of the mtDNA.


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Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a major concern regarding blindness in the world. In western countries, where visual alterations due to minor pathologies as cataract and uncorrected refractive errors are easily resolved, AMD represent the main cause of blindness. Of the two existing forms of the disease, while the neovascular is more aggressive and progress quickly, geographic atrophy is the one still lacking an appropriate therapy. My PhD program was focused on investigating AMD features, trying to understand if some approaches I tested could be able to provide some suggestion about potential future therapies on “dry” AMD. In my research I developed three main projects. The most important part of the work regards the study of integrins and their fundamental role in cell adhesion in a context of interaction between retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) and immune cells. I investigated how co-culture of these different cell lines can lead to simulate an inflammatory state inducing cell signaling, cytokine production and cell death. The use of integrin antagonists developed in our laboratory, showed how these effects can be reverted. A secondary approach regards the use of antioxidants and their role in epigenetic modifications in ARPE-19 cells to investigate how these compounds might exert their well-known protective role on AMD. Commonly used antioxidants as Lutein and Quercetin do not induce clear epigenetic modifications through histone H3 acetylation indicating only a limited involvement.


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Cereals, and in particular wheat, have always been recognized as a fundamental food worldwide. In particular, the success of wheat is linked with unique properties of the gluten protein fraction used in bread making process to obtain products that are widely used in traditional and modern diets. The rapid increase in the world population let to a parallel increases in food production, particularly of wheat. Increasing yield potential and selection of cultivars much more resistant to plant disease and to environmental factors could have negatively affected the quality of the grain. Moreover, the “green revolution” was characterized by a widespread use of agricultural chemicals and by industrialization of food production that led to a huge rise in the consumption of refined products. Modern baking practices have shortened bread leavening, increased the use of chemical/yeast leavening agents and there is well-documented scientific evidence of the negative effects of ultra-processed food in human healthy. All this changes profoundly modified the human diet and, as a result, may have affected Gluten-related disease (GRDs) that has arisen in the whole word populations. Gluten-related diseases (GRDs) are multifactorial pathologies in which environmental factors and genetic background contribute to a low-grade chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Here, I investigated the potential pro-inflammatory effect of different wheat varieties and whether bread making processing are involved in the onset or worsening of gut inflammation. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies conducted throughout my Phd period have shown a pro-inflammatory effect of wheat especially marked in modern varieties and a higher inflammatory response linked to the use of common raising agent as Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and to the addiction of chemical bakery improver substances.


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The present study is part of the EU Integrated Project “GEHA – Genetics of Healthy Aging” (Franceschi C et al., Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1100: 21-45, 2007), whose aim is to identify genes involved in healthy aging and longevity, which allow individuals to survive to advanced age in good cognitive and physical function and in the absence of major age-related diseases. Aims The major aims of this thesis were the following: 1. to outline the recruitment procedure of 90+ Italian siblings performed by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The procedures related to the following items necessary to perform the study were described and commented: identification of the eligible area for recruitment, demographic aspects related to the need of getting census lists of 90+siblings, mail and phone contact with 90+ subjects and their families, bioethics aspects of the whole procedure, standardization of the recruitment methodology and set-up of a detailed flow chart to be followed by the European recruitment centres (obtainment of the informed consent form, anonimization of data by using a special code, how to perform the interview, how to collect the blood, how to enter data in the GEHA Phenotypic Data Base hosted at Odense). 2. to provide an overview of the phenotypic characteristics of 90+ Italian siblings recruited by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The following items were addressed: socio-demographic characteristics, health status, cognitive assessment, physical conditions (handgrip strength test, chair-stand test, physical ability including ADL, vision and hearing ability, movement ability and doing light housework), life-style information (smoking and drinking habits) and subjective well-being (attitude towards life). Moreover, haematological parameters collected in the 90+ sibpairs as optional parameters by the Bologna and Rome recruiting units were used for a more comprehensive evaluation of the results obtained using the above mentioned phenotypic characteristics reported in the GEHA questionnaire. 3. to assess 90+ Italian siblings as far as their health/functional status is concerned on the basis of three classification methods proposed in previous studies on centenarians, which are based on: • actual functional capabilities (ADL, SMMSE, visual and hearing abilities) (Gondo et al., J Gerontol. 61A (3): 305-310, 2006); • actual functional capabilities and morbidity (ADL, ability to walk, SMMSE, presence of cancer, ictus, renal failure, anaemia, and liver diseases) (Franceschi et al., Aging Clin Exp Res, 12:77-84, 2000); • retrospectively collected data about past history of morbidity and age of disease onset (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, osteopororis, neurological diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ocular diseases) (Evert et al., J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 58A (3): 232-237, 2003). Firstly these available models to define the health status of long-living subjects were applied to the sample and, since the classifications by Gondo and Franceschi are both based on the present functional status, they were compared in order to better recognize the healthy aging phenotype and to identify the best group of 90+ subjects out of the entire studied population. 4. to investigate the concordance of health and functional status among 90+ siblings in order to divide sibpairs in three categories: the best (both sibs are in good shape), the worst (both sibs are in bad shape) and an intermediate group (one sib is in good shape and the other is in bad shape). Moreover, the evaluation wanted to discover which variables are concordant among siblings; thus, concordant variables could be considered as familiar variables (determined by the environment or by genetics). 5. to perform a survival analysis by using mortality data at 1st January 2009 from the follow-up as the main outcome and selected functional and clinical parameters as explanatory variables. Methods A total of 765 90+ Italian subjects recruited by UNIBO (549 90+ siblings, belonging to 258 families) and ISS (216 90+ siblings, belonging to 106 families) recruiting units are included in the analysis. Each subject was interviewed according to a standardized questionnaire, comprising extensively utilized questions that have been validated in previous European studies on elderly subjects and covering demographic information, life style, living conditions, cognitive status (SMMSE), mood, health status and anthropometric measurements. Moreover, subjects were asked to perform some physical tests (Hand Grip Strength test and Chair Standing test) and a sample of about 24 mL of blood was collected and then processed according to a common protocol for the preparation and storage of DNA aliquots. Results From the analysis the main findings are the following: - a standardized protocol to assess cognitive status, physical performances and health status of European nonagenarian subjects was set up, in respect to ethical requirements, and it is available as a reference for other studies in this field; - GEHA families are enriched in long-living members and extreme survival, and represent an appropriate model for the identification of genes involved in healthy aging and longevity; - two simplified sets of criteria to classify 90+ sibling according to their health status were proposed, as operational tools for distinguishing healthy from non healthy subjects; - cognitive and functional parameters have a major role in categorizing 90+ siblings for the health status; - parameters such as education and good physical abilities (500 metres walking ability, going up and down the stairs ability, high scores at hand grip and chair stand tests) are associated with a good health status (defined as “cognitive unimpairment and absence of disability”); - male nonagenarians show a more homogeneous phenotype than females, and, though far fewer in number, tend to be healthier than females; - in males the good health status is not protective for survival, confirming the male-female health survival paradox; - survival after age 90 was dependent mainly on intact cognitive status and absence of functional disabilities; - haemoglobin and creatinine levels are both associated with longevity; - the most concordant items among 90+ siblings are related to the functional status, indicating that they contain a familiar component. It is still to be investigated at what level this familiar component is determined by genetics or by environment or by the interaction between genetics, environment and chance (and at what level). Conclusions In conclusion, we could state that this study, in accordance with the main objectives of the whole GEHA project, represents one of the first attempt to identify the biological and non biological determinants of successful/unsuccessful aging and longevity. Here, the analysis was performed on 90+ siblings recruited in Northern and Central Italy and it could be used as a reference for others studies in this field on Italian population. Moreover, it contributed to the definition of “successful” and “unsuccessful” aging and categorising a very large cohort of our most elderly subjects into “successful” and “unsuccessful” groups provided an unrivalled opportunity to detect some of the basic genetic/molecular mechanisms which underpin good health as opposed to chronic disability. Discoveries in the topic of the biological determinants of healthy aging represent a real possibility to identify new markers to be utilized for the identification of subgroups of old European citizens having a higher risk to develop age-related diseases and disabilities and to direct major preventive medicine strategies for the new epidemic of chronic disease in the 21st century.


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Background: Delirium is defined as an acute disorder of attention and cognition. Delirium is common in hospitalized elderly patient and is associated with increased morbidity, length of stay and patient care costs. Although Delirium can develop at any time during hospitalization, it typically presents early in the post-operative period (Post-Operative Delirium, POD) in the surgery context. The molecular mechanism and possible genetics basis of POD onset are not known, as well as all the risk factors are not completely defined. Our hypothesis is that genetic risk factor involving the inflammatory response could have possible effects on the immunoneuroendocrine system. Moreover, our previous data (inflamm-aging) suggest that aging is associated with an increase of inflammatory status, favouring age-related diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases, frailty, depression among other. Some pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines, seem to play a crucial role in increasing the inflammatory status and in the communication and regulation of immunoneuroendocrine system. Objective: this study evaluated the incidence of POD in elderly patients undergoing general surgery, clinical/physical and psychological risk factors of POD insurgency and investigated inflammatory and genetic risk factors. Moreover, this study evaluated the consequence of POD in terms of institutionalization, development of permanent cognitive dysfunction or dementia and mortality Methods: patients aged over 65 admitted for surgery at the Urgency Unit of S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital were eligible for this case–control study. Risk factors significantly associated with POD in univariate analysis were entered into multivariate analysis to establish those independently associated with POD. Preoperative plasma level of 9 inflammatory markers were measured in 42 control subjects and 43 subjects who developed POD. Functional polymorphisms of IL-1 α , IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-alpha cytokine genes were determined in 176 control subjects and 27 POD subjects. Results: A total of 351 patients were enrolled in the study. The incidence of POD was 13•2 %. Independent variables associated with POD were: age, co-morbidity, preoperative cognitive impairment, glucose abnormalities. Median length of hospital stay was 21 days for patients with POD versus 8 days for control patients (P < 0•001). The hospital mortality rate was 19 and 8•4 % respectively (P = 0•021) and mortality rate after 1 year was also higher in POD (P= 0.0001). The baseline of IL-6 concentration was higher in POD patients than patients without POD, whereas IL-2 was lower in POD patients compared to patients without POD. In a multivariate analysis only IL-6 remained associated with POD. Moreover IL-6, IL-8 and IL-2 are associated with co-morbidity, intra-hospital mortality, compromised functional status and emergency admission. No significant differences in genotype distribution were found between POD subjects and controls for any SNP analyzed in this study. Conclusion: In this study we found older age, comorbidity, cognitive impairment, glucose abnormalities and baseline of IL-6 as independent risk factors for the development of POD. IL-6 could be proposed as marker of a trait that is associated with an increased risk of delirium; i.e. raised premorbid IL-6 level predict for the development of delirium.


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The MTDL (multi-target-directed ligand) design strategy is used to develop single chemical entities that are able to simultaneously modulate multiple targets. The development of such compounds might disclose new avenues for the treatment of a variety of pathologies (e.g. cancer, AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases), for which an effective cure is urgently needed. This strategy has been successfully applied to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) due to its multifactorial nature, involving cholinergic dysfunction, amyloid aggregation, and oxidative stress. Despite many biological entities have been recognized as possible AD-relevant, only four achetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) and one NMDA receptor antagonist are used in therapy. Unfortunately, such compounds are not disease-modifying agents behaving only as cognition enhancers. Therefore, MTDL strategy is emerging as a powerful drug design paradigm: pharmacophores of different drugs are combined in the same structure to afford hybrid molecules. In principle, each pharmacophore of these new drugs should retain the ability to interact with its specific site(s) on the target and, consequently, to produce specific pharmacological responses that, taken together, should slow or block the neurodegenerative process. To this end, the design and synthesis of several examples of MTDLs for combating neurodegenerative diseases have been published. This seems to be the more appropriate approach for addressing the complexity of AD and may provide new drugs for tackling the multifactorial nature of AD, and hopefully stopping its progression. According to this emerging strategy, in this work thesis different classes of new molecular structures, based on the MTDL approach, have been developed. Moreover, curcumin and its constrained analogs have currently received remarkable interest as they have a unique conjugated structure which shows a pleiotropic profile that we considered a suitable framework in developing MTDLs. In fact, beside the well-known direct antioxidant activity, curcumin displays a wide range of biological properties including anti-inflammatory and anti-amyloidogenic activities and an indirect antioxidant action through activation of the cytoprotective enzyme heme oxygenase (HO-1). Thus, since many lines of evidence suggest that oxidative stess and mitochondria impairment have a cental role in age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as AD, we designed mitochondria-targeted antioxidants by connecting curcumin analogs to different polyamine chains that, with the aid of electrostatic force, might drive the selected antioxidant moiety into mitochondria.


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Down syndrome (DS) or Trisomy 21, occurring in 1/700 and 1/1000 livebirths, is the most common genetic disorder, characterized by a third copy of the human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). DS is associated with various defects, including congenital heart diseases, craniofacial abnormalities, immune system dysfunction, mental retardation (MR), learning and memory deficiency. The phenotypic features in DS are a direct consequence of overexpression of genes located within the triplicated region on Hsa21. In addition to developmental brain abnormalities and disabilities, people with DS by the age of 30-40 have a greatly increased risk of early-onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and an apparent tendency toward premature aging. Many of the immunological anomalies in DS can be enclosed in the spectrum of multiple signs of early senescence. People with DS have an increased vulnerability to oxidative damage and many factors, including amyloid beta protein (Abeta), genotype ApoE4, oxidative stress, mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), impairment of antioxidant enzymes, accelerated neuronal cell apoptosis, are related to neuronal degeneration and early aging in DS. SUBJECTS and METHODS: Since 2007 a population of 50 adolescents and adults with DS, 26 males and 24 females (sex-ratio: M/F = 1.08), has been evaluated for the presence of neurological features, biomarkers and genetic factors correlated with neuronal degeneration and premature aging. The control group was determined by the mother and the siblings of the patients. A neuropsychiatric evaluation was obtained from all patients. The levels of thyroid antibodies (antiTg and antiTPO) and of some biochemical markers of oxidative stress, including homocysteine (tHcy), uric acid, cobalamin, folate were measured. All patients, the mother and the siblings were genotyped for ApoE gene. RESULTS: 40% of patients, with a mild prevalence of females aged between 19 and 30 years, showed increased levels of antiTg and antiTPO. The levels of tHcy were normal in 52% patients and mildly increased in 40%; hyperomocysteinemia was associated with normal levels of thyroid antibodies in 75% of patients (p<0.005). The levels of uric acid were elevated in 26%. Our study showed a prevalence of severe MR in patients aged between 1-18 years and over 30 years. Only 3 patients, 2 females and one male, over 30 years of age, showed dementia. According to the literature, the rate of Down left-handers was high (25%) compared to the rest of population and the laterality was associated with increased levels of thyroid antibodies (70%). 21.5% of patients were ApoE4 positive (ApoE4+) with a mean/severe MR. CONCLUSIONS: Until now no biochemical evidence of oxidative damage and no deficiency or alteration of antioxidant function in our patients with DS were found. mtDNA sequencing could show some mutations age-related and associated with oxidative damage and neurocognitive decline in the early aging of DS. The final aim is found predictive markers of early-onset dementia and a target strategy for the prevention and the treatment of diseases caused by oxidative stress. REFERENCES: 1) Rachidi M, Lopes C: “Mental retardation and associated neurological dysfunctions in Down syndrome: a consequence of dysregulation in critical chromosome 21 genes and associated molecular pathways.” - Eur J Paediatr Neurol. May;12(3):168-82 (2008). 2) Lott IT, Head E: “Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease: a link between development and aging.” - Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev, 7(3):172-8 (2001). 3) Lee HC, Wei YH: “Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, and Apoptosis in Aging.” - Exp Biol Med (Maywood), May;232(5):592-606 (2007).


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Theory of aging postulates that aging is a remodeling process where the body of survivors progressively adapts to internal and external damaging agents they are exposed to during several decades. Thus , stress response and adaptation mechanisms play a fundamental role in the aging process where the capability of adaptating effects, certainly, also is related the lifespan of each individual. A key gene linking aging to stress response is indeed p21, an induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor which triggers cell growth arrest associated with senescence and damage response and notably is involved in the up-regulation of multiple genes that have been associated with senescence or implicated in age-related . This PhD thesis project that has been performed in collaboration with the Roninson Lab at Ordway Research Institute in Albany, NY had two main aims: -the testing the hypothesis that p21 polymorphisms are involved in longevity -Evaluating age-associated differences in gene expression and transcriptional response to p21 and DNA damage In the first project, trough PCR-sequencing and Sequenom strategies, we we found out that there are about 30 polymorphic variants in the p21 gene. In addition, we found an haplotpype located in -5kb region of the p21 promoter whose frequency is ~ 2 fold higher in centenarians than in the general population (Large-scale analysis of haplotype frequencies is currently in progress). Functional studies I carried out on the promoter highilighted that the ―centenarian‖ haplotype doesn’t affect the basal p21 promoter activity or its response to p53. However, there are many other possible physiological conditions in which the centenarian allele of the p21 promoter may potentially show a different response (IL6, IFN,progesterone, vitamin E, Vitamin D etc). In the second part, project #2, trough Microarrays we seeked to evaluate the differences in gene expression between centenarians, elderly, young in dermal fibroblast cultures and their response to p21 and DNA damage. Microarray analysis of gene expression in dermal fibroblast cultures of individuals of different ages yielded a tentative "centenarian signature". A subset of genes that were up- or downregulated in centenarians showed the same response to ectopic expression of p21, yielding a putative "p21-centenarian" signature. Trough RQ-PCR (as well Microarrays studies whose analysis is in progress) we tested the DNA damage response of the p21-centenarian signature genes showing a correlation stress/aging in additional sets of young and old samples treated with p21-inducing drug doxorubicin thus finding for a subset of of them , a response to stress age-related.


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Aging is a physiological process characterized by a progressive decline of the “cellular homeostatic reserve”, refereed as the capability to respond suitably to exogenous and endogenous stressful stimuli. Due to their high energetic requests and post-mitotic nature, neurons are peculiarly susceptible to this phenomenon. However, the aged brain maintains a certain level of adaptive capacities and if properly stimulated may warrant a considerable functional recovery. Aim of the present research was to verify the plastic potentialities of the aging brain of rats subjected to two kind of exogenous stimuli: A) the replacement of the standard diet with a ketogenic regimen (the change forces the brain to use ketone bodies (KB) in alternative to glucose to satisfy the energetic needs) and B) a behavioural task able to induce the formation of inhibitory avoidance memory. A) Fifteen male Wistar rats of 19 months of age were divided into three groups (average body weight pair-matched), and fed for 8 weeks with different dietary regimens: i) diet containing 10% medium chain triglycerides (MCT); ii) diet containing 20% MCT; iii) standard commercial chow. Five young (5 months of age) and five old (26-27 months of age) animals fed with the standard diet were used as further controls. The following morphological parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity were evaluated in the stratum moleculare of the hippocampal CA1 region (SM CA1), in the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (OML DG), and in the granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex (GCL-CCx): average area (S), numeric density (Nvs), and surface density (Sv) of synapses, and average volume (V), numeric density (Nvm), and volume density (Vv) of synaptic mitochondria. Moreover, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity was cytochemically determined in Purkinje cells (PC) and V, Nvm, Vv, and cytochemical precipitate area/mitochondrial area (R) of SDH-positive mitochondria were evaluated. In SM CA1, MCT-KDs induced the early appearance of the morphological patterns typical of old animals: higher S and V, and lower Nvs and Nvm. On the contrary, in OML DG, Sv and Vv of MCT-KDs-fed rats were higher (as a result of higher Nvs and Nvm) vs. controls; these modifications are known to improve synaptic function and metabolic supply. The opposite effects of MCT-KDs might reflect the different susceptibility of these brain regions to the aging processes: OML DG is less vulnerable than SM CA1, and the reactivation of ketone bodies uptake and catabolism might occur more efficiently in this region, allowing the exploitation of their peculiar metabolic properties. In GCL-CCx, the results described a new scenario in comparison to that found in the hippocampal formation: 10%MCT-KD induced the early appearance of senescent patterns (decreased Nvs and Nvm; increased V), whereas 20%MCT-KD caused no changes. Since GCL-CCx is more vulnerable to age than DG, and less than CA1, these data further support the hypothesis that MCT-KDs effects in the aging brain critically depend on neuronal vulnerability to age, besides MCT percentage. Regarding PC, it was decided to evaluate only the metabolic effect of the dietetic regimen (20%MCT-KD) characterized by less side effects. KD counteracted age-related decrease in numeric density of SDH-positive mitochondria, and enhanced their energetic efficiency (R was significantly higher in MCT-KD-fed rats vs. all the controls). Since it is well known that Purkinje and dentate gyrus cells are less vulnerable to aging than CA1 neurons, these results corroborate our previous hypothesis. In conclusion, the A) experimental line provides the first evidence that morphological and functional parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity and mitochondrial metabolic competence may be modulated by MCT-KDs in the pre-senescent central nervous system, and that the effects may be heterogeneous in different brain regions. MCT-KDs seem to supply high energy metabolic intermediates and to be beneficial (“anti-aging”) for those neurons that maintain the capability to exploit them. This implies risks but also promising potentialities for the therapeutic use of these diets during aging B) Morphological parameters of synapses and synaptic mitochondria in SM CA1 were investigated in old (26-27 month-old) female Wistar rats following a single trial inhibitory avoidance task. In this memory protocol animals learn to avoid a dark compartment in which they received a mild, inescapable foot-shock. Rats were tested 3 and 6 or 9 hours after the training, divided into good and bad responders according to their performance (retention times above or below 100 s, respectively) and immediately sacrificed. Nvs, S, Sv, Nvm, V, and Vv were evaluated. In the good responder group, the numeric density of synapses and mitochondria was significantly higher and the average mitochondrial volume was significantly smaller 9 hours vs. 6 hours after the training. No significant differences were observed among bad responders. Thus, better performances in passive avoidance memory task are correlated with more efficient plastic remodeling of synaptic contacts and mitochondria in hippocampal CA1. These findings indicate that maintenance of synaptic plastic reactivity during aging is a critical requirement for preserving long-term memory consolidation.


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MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION IN HEREDITARY OPTIC NEUROPATHIES Mitochondrial pathologies are a heterogeneous group of clinical manifestations characterized by oxidative phosphorylation impairment. At the beginning of their recognition mitochondrial pathologies were regarded as rare disorders but indeed they are more frequent than originally thought. Due to the unique mitochondria peculiarities mitochondrial pathologies can be caused by mutations in both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The poor knowledge of pathologic mechanism of these disorders has not allowed a real development of the “mitochondrial medicine”, that is currently limited to symptoms mitigation. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was the first pathology to be linked to a point mutation in the mtDNA. The mechanism by which point mutations in mitochondrial gene encoding Complex I subunits leads to optic nerve degeneration is still unknown, although is well accepted that other genetic or environmental factors are involved in the modulation of pathology, where a pivotal role is certainly played by oxidative stress. We studied the relationship between the Ala16Val dimorphism in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of nuclear gene SOD2 and the 3460/ND1 LHON mutation. Our results show that, in control population, the heterozygous SOD2 genotype is associated to a higher activity and quantity of MnSOD, particularly with respect to Val homozygotes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that LHON patients harboring at least one Ala allele are characterized by an increased MnSOD activity with respect to relative control population. Since the ATP synthesis rate – severely reduced in LHON patients lymphocytes - is not affected by the SOD2 genotype, we concluded that SOD2 gene could modulate the pathogenicity of LHON mutations through a mechanism associated to an increase of reactive oxygen species production. Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) is a pathology linked to mutations in nuclear gene encoding Opa1, a dynamin-related protein localized in the mitochondrial matrix. Although the clinical course is slightly different, the endpoint of ADOA is exactly the same of LHON: optic nerve degeneration with specific involvement of retinal ganglion cells. Opa1 is a relatively new protein, whose major role is the regulation of mitochondrial fusion. Mitochondrial morphology is the results of the equilibrium between two opposite force: fusion and fission, two processes that have to be finely regulated in order to preserve mitochondrial and cellular physiology. We studied fibroblasts deriving from ADOA patients characterized by a new deletion in the GTPase domain of the OPA1 gene. The biochemical characterization of ADOA and control fibroblasts has concerned the evaluation of ATP synthesis rate, mitochondrial membrane potential in different metabolic conditions and the morphological status of mitochondria. Regarding ATP synthesis rate we did not find significant differences between ADOA and control fibroblasts even though a trend toward increased reduction in ADOA samples is observed when fibroblasts are grown in absence of glucose or in the medium containing gramicidin. Furthermore, we found that also in ADOA fibroblasts membrane potential is actively maintained by proton pumping of fully functional respiratory chain complexes. Our results indicate that the mutation found in the pedigree analyzed acts primary impairing the mitochondrial fusion without affecting the energy production, supporting the notion that cell function is tightly linked to mitochondrial morphology. Mitochondrial dysfunctions are acquiring great attention because of their recognized relevance not only in aging but also in age-related pathologies including cancer, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. The involvement of mitochondria in such detrimental pathologies that, currently, have become so common enhances the necessity of standardization of therapeutic strategies capable of rescuing the normal mitochondrial function. In order to propose an alternative treatment for energy deficiency-disorders we tested the effect of substrates capable to stimulate the substrate-level phosphorylation on viability and energy availability in different experimental models grown under different metabolic conditions. In fibroblasts, the energy defect was achieved by culturing cells in presence of oligomycin, an inhibitor of ATP synthase complex. NARP cybrids have been used as model of mitochondrial pathology. Cell viability and ATP content have been considered as parameters to assay the capability of exogenous substrate to rescue energy failure. Our results suggest that patients suffering for some forms of ATP synthase deficiency, or characterized by a deficiency in energy production, might benefit from dietary or pharmacological treatment based on supplementation of α-ketoglutarate and aspartate.


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Age-related physiological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as modification in lifestyle, nutritional behaviour, and functionality of the host immune system, inevitably affect the gut microbiota. The study presented here is focused on the application and comparison of two different microarray approaches for the characterization of the human gut microbiota, the HITChip and the HTF-Microb.Array, with particular attention to the effects of the aging process on the composition of this ecosystem. By using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip (HITChip), recently developed at the Wageningen University, The Netherland, we explored the age-related changes of gut microbiota during the whole adult lifespan, from young adults, through elderly to centenarians. We observed that the microbial composition and diversity of the gut ecosystem of young adults and seventy-years old people is highly similar but differs significantly from that of the centenarians. After 100 years of symbiotic association with the human host, the microbiota is characterized by a rearrangement in the Firmicutes population and an enrichment of facultative anaerobes. The presence of such a compromised microbiota in the centenarians is associated with an increased inflammation status, also known as inflamm-aging, as determined by a range of peripheral blood inflammatory markers. In parallel, we overtook the development of our own phylogenetic microarray with a lower number of targets, aiming the description of the human gut microbiota structure at high taxonomic level. The resulting chip was called High Taxonomic level Fingerprinting Microbiota Array (HTF-Microb.Array), and was based on the Ligase Detection Reaction (LDR) technology, which allowed us to develop a fast and sensitive tool for the fingerprint of the human gut microbiota in terms of presence/absence of the principal groups. The validation on artificial DNA mixes, as well as the pilot study involving eight healthy young adults, demonstrated that the HTF-Microb.Array can be used to successfully characterize the human gut microbiota, allowing us to obtain results which are in approximate accordance with the most recent characterizations. Conversely, the evaluation of the relative abundance of the target groups on the bases of the relative fluorescence intensity probes response still has some hindrances, as demonstrated by comparing the HTF.Microb.Array and HITChip high taxonomic level fingerprints of the same centenarians.


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In this PhD-thesis, two methodologies for enantioselective intramolecular ring closing reaction on indole cores are presented. The first methodology represents a highly stereoselective alkylation of the indole N1-nitrogen, leading to 3,4-dihydro-pyrazinoindol-1-ones – a structural class which is known for its activity on the CNS and therefore of high pharmacological interest concerning related diseases. In this approach, N-benzyl cinchona-alkaloids were used for the efficient catalysis of intramolecular aza-Michael reactions. Furthermore, computational studies in collaboration with the research group Prof. Andrea Bottoni (Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, Bologna) were accomplished in order to get insight into the key interactions between catalyst and substrate, leading to enantiomeric excesses up to 91%. The results of the calculations on a model system are in accordance with the experimental results and demonstrate the high sensibility of the system towards structural modifications. The second project deals with a metal catalyzed, intramolecular Friedel-Crafts (FC)-reaction on indolyl substrates, carrying a side chain which on its behalf is furnished with an allylic alcohol unit. Allylic alcohols are part of the structural class of “π-activated alcohols” – alcohols, which are more easily activated due to the proximity to a π-unit (allyl-, propargyl-, benzyl-). The enantioselective intramolecular cyclization event is catalyzed efficiently by employment of a chiral Au(I)-catalyst, leading to 1-vinyl- or 4-vinyl-tetrahydrocarbazoles (THCs) under the formation of water as byproduct. This striking and novel process concerning the direct activation of alcohols in catalytic FC-reactions was subsequently extended to similar precursors, leading to functionalized tetrahydro-β-carbolines. These two methodologies represent highly efficient approaches towards the synthesis of scaffolds, which are of enormous pharmaceutical interest and amplify the spectra of enantioselective catalytic functionalisations of indoles.


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AD is the most common age related neurodegenerative disease in the industrialized world. Clinically AD is defined as a progressing decline of cognitive functions. Neuropathologically, AD is characterized by the aggregation of b-amyloid (Ab) peptide in the form of extracellular senile plaques, and hyperphosphorlylated tau protein in the form of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. These neuropathological hallmarks are often accompanied by abundant microvascular damage and pronounced inflammation of the affected brain regions. In this thesis we investigated several aspects of AD focusing on the genetic aspect. We confirmed that Alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (ACT), an acute phase protein, was associated to AD subjects, being plasma levels higher in AD cases than controls. In addition, in a GWA study we demonstrated that two different gene, Clusterin and CR1 were strongly associated to AD. A single gene association not explain such a complex disease like AD. The goal should be to created a network of genetic, phenotypic and clinical data associated to AD. We used a new algorithm, the ANNs, aimed to map variables and search for connectivity among variables. We found specific variables associated to AD like cholesterol levels, the presence of variation in HMGCR enzyme and the age. Other factors such as the BMI, the amount of HDL and blood folate levels were also associated with AD. Pathogen infections, above all viral infections, have been previously associated to AD. The hypothesis suggests that virus and in particular herpes virus could enter the brain when an individual becomes older, perhaps because of a decline in the immune system. Our new hypothesis is that the presence of SNPs in our GWA gene study results in a genetic signature that might affect individual brain susceptibility to infection by herpes virus family during aging.